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Hello all. I am a young widower with grown up kids and I have come to Second Life at the suggestion of one of them because I behaved like my name and was stupid enough to slip on some spilled beer in our kitchen on New Year's Eve and break my ankle so I am stuck at home for at least two months. I wasn't even drunk.

My younger son is a psychology student and has used Second Life in his studies and suggested that I might find it a way of passing time while I was immobile. It's either that or write the book I have always threatened. Or both.

He got me going this morning but he says he is too busy to help me get going and all I have done is complete the official beginners orientation so I know how to fly and stuff. I am using the Pheonix browser because he said if my PC was a horse it would have been shot and it can not run the more modern browsers.

He said that I should come to these help forums and ask about a few things, like improving my avatar and getting some new clothes although I don't see why that is important.

So with daytime TV showing a succession of movies about talking animals and  repeats of gameshows with celebrities getting gunged what do I need to do to stop mysel being bored out of my mind for the next couple of months?


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Welcome to SL Stew. Sorry to hear about your ankle. Like any "world" SL is a big place catering to an abundance of interests. What interests you? There are a variety of resources available. Your Search function on your own interface is a great starting point. There is also the Destinations function on the SL homepage.  

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I guess I am most interested in talking with people. Although I work for the government and can't be more specific just in case I am being monitored (Hi Jack! That's an inside joke.) communication is what I do for a living, and it would be nice to actually interact with people as usually I am just interpreting text with no immediate feedback from them. Although I do not speak any foreign languages it would be useful to compare cultural notes with other English speakers. When I say cultural I do not necessarily mean naked poetry slams but more the way they think about the modern world and the way their society works especially the way it has been affected by the global information network.

WIth that in mind what do you think I should use as search terms? Interaction? Crosscultural? Conversation?

Do you think it would be useful for me to get a microphone?


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A number of the newbie regions have folks hanging around that will chat with you and/or answer questions.  I've been to 3 or 4 and found the folks nice enough.  I intially stumbled into Kuula and have met some nice folks there.  The destinations tab will bring up several choices for you--go with whatever seems most interesting to you. 

I've only had minor problems with creepers hitting on me or trying to recruit me so I feel pretty good about wandering around in new places just to see what is there.  

In your profile put a 1-2 sentence summary of what you are looking for in life/conversation/whatever then go searching for places that sound interesting.  I went looking for NPR Science Friday in SL (gone, but there is still an interest group with a designated spot) and found a nice person who wanted to know more about what I was up to.  She is now one of my friends.

Be willing to say "hi" to someone if their profile statement sounds interesting. 

Don't be put off by conversations that are not all about you.  Many folks will carry on 3-6 conversations at a time.  (3 is my absolute upper limit and feels a bit crazy)  These conversations are often pretty laggy.

I've found it fairly common that folks won't notice a "hi there" opening IM for several minutes.  Once it took someone over an hour to notice that I had spoken to them because they were involved in building something.

Personalizing your avatar by, well, personalizing it with new cloths or a modified look gives you a sense of ownership.  It also gives you something to do while you are waiting to meet people.  I am not really a shopper, but for some reason I really enjoy hitting the freebie stores and loading up with stuff--especially clothing which I walk right past in RL.  Right now I have enough stuff to keep me busy for a couple of hours just organizing my inventory and 3-4 hours worth of clothing to try on. 

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VRProfessor, a lot of what you say strikes a chord. I think I want to personalise my avatar but I don't want to spend money on it as I don't think it matters that much to me. The one that I am using now which is supposed to be a vampire but looks like my son's Classics tutor would do, if I could make him look a bit more mature. I wouldn't want to trick people into thinking I was Generation Y or whatever the 20 somethings call themselves now. Shorter, more distinguished hair would be a start, and swapping the shoulder and waist measurements might be nearer the truth! You mention free stuff and that seems sensible since I am not sure whether I am here for the long run. Can I get golf clothes because I have noticed that there seem to be a couple of golf courses here and it is something I am not going to be able to do in real life for a while!

You have reminded me that my son said I should complete my profile as soon as possible if only to tell people that I only speak English. That can be my task for tomorrow since my supper is being delivered in ten minutes and then it's Endeavour on the tele.

Thank you, and the others who have helped so far.


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Like I said, I have enough freebie clothing that it will take me a few hours to rez and try everything on.  Freebies are no problem.  If you find me online I'll take you on a quick tour of some freebie shops.  You can landmark the spots and go back later for serious shopping.

(Edit...found this link to several freebie areas in another thread:  http://www.sl2go.com/Freebies.htm  That should get you started on your shopping spree.  I see that there is a menu with interest headings on the left side of the page.  Guessing you can find interesting places to go by looking there.)

Don't worry too much about misrepresenting yourself.  I much prefer a young, good looking, avatar to something more realistic.  I have had conversations with women who I am fairly sure are not young, but their avatars are young and attractive.  I also met one very pretty young woman who's profile indicated that she was actually a man. 

Be who you want to be.  And if you really want to look more like yourself you can edit your avatar's shape.

I use primarily text chat myself, but if you are having a conversation with one person voice is (to me) much nicer so I would vote "yes" on getting a microphone.  Just remember some people dislike voice as much as some people like it.

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Already loving your newest incarnation, P..., I mean Stew.  If LL bring back last names, I think they should consider Modd, as that would give plenty of room for creativity with a first name. Like Spamfriendly Modd, Cantseewhatsundermynose Modd, Dozy Modd (which rhymes so nicely with sod).

Is Endeavour any good, by the way.  I wasn't up for that, so being a woman of a certain age I watched Wonders of the Universe (on On Demand) with the gorgeous Professor Brian Cox. 

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VRprofessor wrote:

Like I said, I have enough freebie clothing that it will take me a few hours to rez and try everything on.  Freebies are no problem.  If you find me online I'll take you on a quick tour of some freebie shops.  You can landmark the spots and go back later for serious shopping.

(Edit...found this link to several freebie areas in another thread: 
  That should get you started on your shopping spree.  I see that there is a menu with interest headings on the left side of the page.  Guessing you can find interesting places to go by looking there.)

Don't worry too much about misrepresenting yourself.  I much prefer a young, good looking, avatar to something more realistic.  I have had conversations with women who I am fairly sure are not young, but their avatars are young and attractive.  I also met one very pretty young woman who's profile indicated that she was actually a man. 

Be who you want to be.  And if you really want to look more like yourself you can edit your avatar's shape.

I use primarily text chat myself, but if you are having a conversation with one person voice is (to me) much nicer so I would vote "yes" on getting a microphone.  Just remember some people dislike voice as much as some people like it.

My avatar is quite young and ok looking (if you like red-haired gals, which aren't everyone's cup of tea apparently), although I am a woman of a certain age in real life.  My first alt, however, is a man in real life, but roleplays as a blonde leggy woman in SL. We are all just Wonders of this Universe called SL.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

Is Endeavour any good, by the way.

I'm not entirely sure what you are talking about, unless you are referring to that awful person Aristophanese that started stalking me until i sent the boys around, but Endeavour was marvellous! The ad breaks were even long enough for me to be wheeled to the loo and back.

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StewPidmodd wrote:

Hello all. I am a young widower with grown up kids and I have come to Second Life at the suggestion of one of them because I behaved like my name and was stupid enough to slip on some spilled beer in our kitchen on New Year's Eve and break my ankle so I am stuck at home for at least two months. I wasn't even drunk.

My younger son is a psychology student and has used Second Life in his studies and suggested that I might find it a way of passing time while I was immobile. It's either that or write the book I have always threatened. Or both.

He got me going this morning but he says he is too busy to help me get going and all I have done is complete the official beginners orientation so I know how to fly and stuff. I am using the Pheonix browser because he said if my PC was a horse it would have been shot and it can not run the more modern browsers.

He said that I should come to these help forums and ask about a few things, like improving my avatar and getting some new clothes although I don't see why that is important.

So with daytime TV showing a succession of movies about talking animals and  repeats of gameshows with celebrities getting gunged what do I need to do to stop mysel being bored out of my mind for the next couple of months?


I came to SL under similar circumstances - stuck in bed, bored out of my mind.  I clicked a random ad somewhere and arrived here.  It takes a while to get the hang of things, but if chatting and meeting people is your cup of tea, then your current old horse of a computer should be fine.

Filling out your profile is a good idea, but it is not mandatory.  People put all kinds of interesting things there - quotes, poetry, a bit about themselves or the character they are playing.  You can always sit inworld and read people's profiles to get an idea of how varied they are.

I don't personally care about in-world fashion, but a simple make-over with freebies and a simple AO (animation over-rider) is really all you need.  If you plan on dancing with that 'someone special', you may want to have a few extra outfits.  I was advised to have a summer and a winter outfit, a casual and a formal outfit and an AO as the minimum to get by.  In my nearly 2 years, I have never worn the gown...

There are many places to check out, too.  You can probably even find that lady to go get you virtual beers and snacks.  You haven't told us what your interests are, but if you type one into search you may be lucky enough to get something good back.  Join a few groups and check out some of their activities.


Good luck,



PS  Isn't it just like a kid to hand over a new toy and refuse to give you the instruction manual...

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Welcome to SL Stew!  You are in for a real adventure.  You may even find yourself continuing to come here after your recovery.  I came in out of curiosity at a time I had time on my hands myself.  I expected to spend a few days or weeks here to satisfy it and kill some time.  Here it is five and half years later and I'm still here and enjoying myself.

You'll meet people from all over the world here and a lot of them speak English.  There are also translators you can get that you can use to talk to people that don't.  Most of them will translate all the languages spoken here except a few obscure ones.  I have one that automatically picks up the language and translates it even if I don't recognize what the language is myself.  So if your really interested in international view points you may want to consider buying one.

Your avatar appearance may not mean much to you, but just like RL appearance does count.  If you look too much like a newb or sport an outdated looking avi, then some folks may not be interested in talking to you.  Its not so much snobbery as it is people thinking that if you don't care enough to fix up your avatar, you are just a transient or an an expendable alt.  As a brand newb, you do have some time though to improve your avatar before that happens and you may even find people that will go out of their way to help you get set up.

Pay attention to the quality of  what you see experienced avatars wearing and pass up freebies that are free because they are old and outdated. You don't have to look like a model or spend a fortune.  Seek out quality freebies which are in abundance. The best quality ones are generally in stores that sell items and offer free gifts that are just as high quality as what they sell.  Some are available to everyone, some only to those people that are 30 days or less old and some you need to join a group to get.

There are people of all ages in SL and  you'd be surprised how many older folks with grown kids and grandchildren are here.  It is rare that someone's avatar looks their RL age.  And  some 'old people' are actually young.  So don't let looks fool you.  Keep an open mind too.  Because everyone can look like they want, you'll find that age as a number means very little.  You may find someone that you form a great friendship with that turns out to be much older or younger than you.  It has more to do with common interests and levels of maturity. Don't go around asking people their ages either.  If they want you to know, it will be in their profile or they will tell you.  You are not obligated to give any RL information out about yourself either, even if asked.

You may find yourself feeling like a spring chicken and enjoying things that the "kids" like or that you'd never even consider in RL. Be adventurous.  You can't get hurt.  Try skydiving, surfing,  or other sports you'd never do in RL. Ride a motorcycle, a race car or sail the seas.  Take a spaceship ride.   If you can do it in RL or in a fantasy , chances are you can do it in here.  It will surprise you how 'real' and exciting it can feel.

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Welcome Stew and it looks like your son has taught you well.  The journey you are about to embark on may change your life or at the least, will have a lifetime impact on you.  It has for many of here and in many good ways.  What you have just done is while sitting behind your PC immobile, you have opened your door to the entire world. 

When I first logged in it was after picking up a New Economist magazine at the airport.  I read it on my flight home and could not wait to log in and see what SL was all about.  That was on a Friday and after nearly 3 days of no sleep, I was here for good.

What you will find is as much like real life as anything could be except unlike real life (referred to by residents as RL) you can change at a moments notice.  The way you act, dress, carry yourself and what you contribute to the community is how you are perceived. 

For most, it is an extension of who they are as for many, it just augments themselves where others try to be something completely different.  But as your son can tell you, whatever or whoever you are, will also show behind your keyboard.

In the end, my advice is to be what you are in RL to some degree.  Do you feel it's important to dress nice and present yourself well? Do you think your grooming and hair are important in RL and if so why?  These all carry over and much as it works in the real world, SL has the same dynamics to relationships though greatly accelerated.

We are here in the boards and are usually very friendly in world.  One thing you will find about SL is that most of us are very helpful and glad to lend a hand where needed.  We look at this place as our world and pretty much every resident takes pride in that.

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Ian Undercroft wrote:


Having read this thread, why is it that the phrase - "Smile, you're on Candid Camera" - comes into  my mind?

I've been thinking a similar thing  for several days but have refrained from saying it.

I am guessing that we have both noticed the same thing.

Oh, how I hate to spoil the fun though.

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Sure Stew, I don't normally say this but, IM me and I will spend a little time taking you around if you wish. Or at the very least, IM or note card my profile with some questions, or types of places you want to visit and I can send you some landmarks.

What sorts of things interest you? Have you heard much about Second Life?

You can do sports, hang glide, drive a go kart, drive the SL highways, sail on a boat (reminds me - I have to get my boats fixed - they borked again. Sigh) ride a horse, skateboard, ride a motorcycle, shop for your avatar to make it look spiffy, visit art installations, visit recreations of real life places, play games, roleplay (be a dragon, a knight, a zombie, etc.) just about anything you can imagine someone has created a place to do it here. Lol (including places your sons might not admit to knowing about Lol)

You're welcome to visit any of the places in my Picks. It's mostly my land, along with a shop I admire, skip the meeroo stuff if you are not into those which being new and male you probably are not Lol, but you might find the beach fun. Next to teh beach you can find the Forum Cartel hangout in Allana, and that is a nice place as well. You can set home in it if you join their group, which is full of chatty friendly people.

Picks Surfing is a good random way to explore the grid (Second Life.) Just click on any avatar you see, in the forums or in SL, and visit all the places in their Picks page (unless it says "this is my home." Lol)

Most of all have fun! When your ankle heals you just might decide to stick around.

A caveat: Some people become sucked in emotionally when they did not even realize they had a void in their life. Beware of that. I recommend having light friendships and not relationships but others will disagree.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

Ian Undercroft wrote:


Having read this thread, why is it that the phrase - "Smile, you're on Candid Camera" - comes into  my mind?

I've been thinking a similar thing  for several days but have refrained from saying it.

I am guessing that we have both noticed the same thing.

Oh, how I hate to spoil the fun though.

It is fun to play along...  Don't you guys have some advice for Stew?

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Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Ian Undercroft wrote:


Having read this thread, why is it that the phrase - "Smile, you're on Candid Camera" - comes into  my mind?

I've been thinking a similar thing  for several days but have refrained from saying it.

I am guessing that we have both noticed the same thing.

Oh, how I hate to spoil the fun though.

It is fun to play along...  Don't you guys have some advice for Stew?

Make sure the meet is nice and tender and the vegetables are fresh.

Unless of course you are making vegetable stew.  Then you can leave out the meat!

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Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

I find having a really good broth is the best way to start.  The broth you choose for the Stew should compliment the rest of the ingredients.  Perhaps this Stew needs a vegetable broth, but I think something meatier would work better.


Perhaps a fine Elephant Stew would be the best for him:


  • 1 Elephant
  • 2 Rabbits
  • salt and pepper to taste


Cut elephant into small, bite-size pieces. This should take about 2 months. Add enough brown gravy to cover, cook over kerosene fire for about four weeks at 465 degrees F. This will serve 3800 people. If more are expected, two rabbits may be added but do this only if necessary as most people do not want to find hare in their stew.

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hi do stew! YOU need to hang out with ME! first GOOGLE me (Jumpman Lane) and see all the fun and excitment I been havin in Second Life hehehehe. SECOND, wait until sometime Friday the 13th (tom) whne i should be back in Second Life having gotten PLASTERED the WEEK of Newe Years and in a drunken stupor/rage cancelled my account! (im gettin it back tom :) 

i'll show ya how to do thangs in my lil virtual werld! square biness!


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