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Delayed and failed deliveries during the early hours...

Sybil Hallison

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As a customer and as a merchant I have noticed a problem with deliveries around 1am-5am (SL time).

Since I m on an entirely different timezone I make most of my purchases during that time and also I can watch the activity of my deliveries live. So I noticed that during prime time (around 6-10pm SL time) while my orders go up, as expected, the deliveries are instant. But after midnight, till morning and while the order count goes down, the average delivery time gets to 1-2 hours! And during that period I have multiple failed deliveries.

Recently I have placed a second magic box in case it was a region / lag problem, but nothing changed.

Anyone else has this problem? I m thinking that maybe its not just me and it has to do with some maintenance or some internal problem during these hours. Any ideas?


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I'm noticing lots of marketplace oddness lately... besides being a customer with constant failed deliveries and orders that don't go through, or not for a very long time... I've had some issues with my own merchant site today, to the point where I'm now at a standstill until LL checks my ticket... 


I hope they figure it out soon - the marketplace is turning into an unreliable mess!

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I've noticed that, too. It'll take up to 2-3 hours until one item is delivered. If any at all. This is why I switched to inworld shopping during those hours, unless of course, the shop on the MP does not have anything inworld.

I always thought it was due to high-traffic at those hours. Or LL turns off the delivery option.

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Same here, since weeks deliveries around 1am-6am SLT can go as long as waiting 2-3 hours(!) to be done, if not getting failed after so long. It seems to me that friday and saturday night, respectively saturday and sunday morning here, it works better.

First i thought it's because of the "too many objects in cart" issue, so i started buying one by one, but it didn't change at all. Sometimes it works, and suddendly one delivery is stuck, and that one blocks any later orders until delivered or canceled by the MP.

Would love to have a cancel button myself :matte-motes-big-grin: to recall the order blocking the queue, or maybe.... even better if the MP would just jump over stuck deliveries. Of course i started to buy inworld more often, but some stuff can only be found in the MP :/

...Or maybe just set the delivery fail switch to an half hour? :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

Looks to me they are doing backups or some other kind of service at that time, or maybe some resources are capped during that period for whatever reason ($?). LOL


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I tend to do a lot of my computer-ing time at those same hours (1am-5am SLT) and have also seen the same behavior .. slow response to orders. The Marketplace site itself isn't lagged, only its response to orders. I have seen 2-4 hour delays sometimes. So yes Sybil, at least one other has seen the same thing you have.

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Josh Susanto wrote:

Linden janitor porn sucks up a lot of bandwidth, huh.


As good an explanation as any, lol.

It's strange though, isn't it. You'd think that would be a quiet time of day, on the assumption that US users are mostly snoozing - a busier time for europe/Asia /Austr but I don't think the numbers would justify a big upswing in purchases. I certainly don't make the bulk of my sales then - US daytime to early evening is my busiest.

I was wondering if some database backup or other maintenance might be running that's slowing things down... (which is kinda where Josh was going.....)

Is there a Jira yet?

Addit: Is it every night? or just certain days at that time? (I've noticed it too, but I don't shop often enough to know how regular it is)

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So far it's been forever like that since the MP started up (at least it was for me). It's pretty annoying, really. I guess an explaination wouldn't harm. That way it won't make anyone do shopping during those hours and waste time/money when they could go inworld. Alas...

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So far it's been forever like that since the MP started up (at least it was for me). It's pretty annoying, really. I guess an explaination wouldn't harm. That way it won't make anyone do shopping during those hours and waste time/money when they could go inworld. Alas...

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We are experiencing non-payment issues at the moment. Customer receives product money taken from their account - No money is received this being going on for days now.  magic box says delievred, customer confirms rcvd.. we get no money and report says delivered failed

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Callum Rau wrote:

We are experiencing non-payment issues at the moment. Customer receives product money taken from their account - No money is received this being going on for days now.  magic box says delievred, customer confirms rcvd.. we get no money and report says delivered failed

Please contact Support through the Support Portal with the applicable order numbers and a member of Support will be able to research this issue and assist you.


Ensure that you select Marketplace as the type and then General Marketplace Issues so that your case is routed correctly.

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Between 1am- to 5 am you have literally no chance to get a product or to sell one.
More than 60% fail eventually. This is going on for months and since everything is fine after 5 am you might have a valid point to ask why they can't handle these early hours? It is completely beyond me. If that would happen once or twice, oh hey that can happen, fact is it happens everyday and nothing is improving even remotely.

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Sybil Hallison wrote:

As a customer and as a merchant I have noticed a problem with deliveries around 1am-5am (SL time).

Since I m on an entirely different timezone I make most of my purchases during that time and also I can watch the activity of my deliveries live. So I noticed that during prime time (around 6-10pm SL time) while my orders go up, as expected, the deliveries are instant. But after midnight, till morning and while the order count goes down, the average delivery time gets to 1-2 hours! And during that period I have multiple failed deliveries.

Recently I have placed a second magic box in case it was a region / lag problem, but nothing changed.

Anyone else has this problem? I m thinking that maybe its not just me and it has to do with some maintenance or some internal problem during these hours. Any ideas?


I would suspect its not a central SLM DB Maintenance related issue or one that might involve a degrade of performance within the LL SLM server environment.  If that were the case all Merchants would be seeing this consistent cycle of failed deliveries each day at that time window. 

I rarely get any failed deliveries regardless of time.  In any given month I might get 1 or 2 failed deliveries, unless its a month when LL is playing with production code without tellinig us and I will see a few days of spiked delivery failures.  This has not happened since August for me.

To add to your confusion, my ONE magicbox is located in my store on what is commonly known to be a laggy mainland sim parcel of land.  Yet my deliveries are nearly 100%.

The consistent timing might be more related to activities happening on the sim/parcel of land where you locate the magicbox.  What you might think is unrelated events may actually not be.

Example:  Are your magicboxes on a mainland sim where another land renter / parcel owner is a major rock club that has major nightly events every night at this time?   Is there a timed script or some other activities on your land or the sim that is lagging out the sim at only this time?  Are both your magicboxes on the same parcel of land?

Another factor to look at which has been well known to cause delivery failures and delays is Shopping Cart purchases where your product is being bought with other merchant products.  The problem with this theory is that this root cause would not be timeboxed to a certain part of every day only.  So I would dismiss this theory.

Try moving your magicbox to a completely different sim.  Do you have a friend with a quiet private sim that you could land your box on for a month to see how it behaves?

Again, if it was a LL central maintenance related issue then we all would have noticed this heavy delay/failure rate in this specific window.  I know I havent.

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I can promise you .. it's not a Sim-related slowdown. I'm frequently able to observe the lag between order placed and "deliver product" command being sent to the Magic Box. SLM will say "Being Delivered" for up to an hour and then timeout. Yet it never actually sends the command. I've even gone in-world just to check and see and .. sure enough, my Magic Box and the Sim were running spot on without the slightest sign of lag.

I'm not sure what is going on during those hours, but it's clear there is a massive lag spike in outgoing Magic Box commands during that time. Even so, I seriously doubt it's a case of saturation in the SLM to Magic Box pipe, I more suspect it has to do with the outdated communication protocol that Magic Boxes use. During those hours, I bet some other activity going on in SL is consuming a lot of that comms resource for some reason.

Does anyone know what other systems in SL might be using the XML-RPC protocol?

Oh, and this NOTE on the LSL wiki might be indicative too.

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hmm then I guess I am just always very lucky.

Unfortunately when problem solving - I dont believe in conicidence or luck.

So the question then is, what is different for merchants like me that experience near-zero delivery delays and many of you that are noticing tons of daily cyclical failures - specially between 1am and 5am?

So Darrius, do you see a major spike of SLM delivery failures between 1am and 5am?  If your theory is correct and its not the magicbox / sim related lag at this time each day but rather something moreso related to how the "outdated communications protocol" is being lagged into the LL systems, then You and Me should be seeing this same issue.  I dont.  Do you?

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Give this test a try sometime soon: Wait until around 2am SLT (or 5AM Eastern) then buy one of your own freebies or low-priced items from SLM. Time how long before you see your Order History show that it has been delivered.

Next repeat the test at 2pm SLT and time again.

I'm betting the 2am time is at least 5 times longer (if not more) than the 2pm time.

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