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Where all the African Americans?? lol

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Conifer Dada wrote:

On a slight tangent, but maybe relevant.....

One thing I have noticed is quite often people who are RL Japanese, going by their profile, have very European looking avatars, often with blonde or ginger hair.  Nothing wrong with that, it's just an observation.


Possibly because those things are very rare among Japanese people, and therefore seen as exotic and attractive in much the same way that some Anglo-Euro people see Japanese features. 

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Treasure Ballinger wrote:

I KNOW Stormie. I wish I could explain in a way to help u understand the phenomenon on a visceral level, as I do. But I don't know how.

I understand perfectly. Shared experience of any kind just makes social interaction easier -- you don't have to explain very much. It is also fun to socialize with people who are very different, but is not as easy -- you have to spend more time understanding the experience of the other (and never quite can).


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CaramelBombshell wrote:

I just want to make a point (again) that this is
a race thing, so
take it there. This is a general question.
If it make makes you uncomfortable, stay OUT the conversation and go about your business.

The moderators, not you, get to determine if posts remain in a thread. Bold caps and underlines not withstanding.

Whether you like it or not, LoL's or not, your post was about race. ::: points to the title and content of your OP:::

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You all make some really good points. Second Life theme is about being something that your not. And why many African Americans would go white in there Second Life when there really black in real life I will never understand. Maybe it is to fit in with the rest of the crowd here, because that's mostly what you see around, but to think that there's a black person behide half of them is just odd. People should have the courage like I did to speak and ask, HEY WHERE ARE ALL THE BLACK PEOPLE LOL Not being racist, no that's old news and I rather not invite something in my life that's already in it enough. But I have the right to ask what I please and that I did. Hanging with different race is awesome, I love it! I do it in school all the time [international Academy of Design and Technology, Ima Fashion Design major] I run into different race everyday, and I interact perfectly with them. But that does not mean from time to time I wont wonder where another African American is.


On the other hand this this Second Life. And if your going to spend your time and your money here, why not be who you really want to be. As said before that's Second Life's whole theme, to live a another Life. So its understandable and my search for black people kind of ended when I thought of that and read you alls response lol But its still something to think about.

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CaramelBombshell wrote:

Yea I know they have the say so, I just thought I'd make that statement for the reader to read. I dont want people thinking Im a damn racist or something lol I love everybody.

Caramel, I didn't sense any discomfort in this thread, nor did I think your OP was racist. You aren't the only one curious about these things.

Welcome to the forum ;-)

EDT: Although Ellyn did mention "discomfort" with her understanding of your OP, she found the resulting conversation interesting, as do I.

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CaramelBombshell wrote:

Yea I know they have the say so, I just thought I'd make that statement for the reader to read. I dont want people thinking Im a damn racist or something lol I love everybody.

for the record i didn't see your post as racist..i just know the better ways to find those places ..which is usually under interracial hehehe

that and also you will find a bit wider selection under groups..

i always search them and spent a lot of time hanging in them also..mostly looking for and hoping for some places that are more modern native american. i've yet to find a club called the Apache or the Crazyhorse or Geronimo's or the Mayan Ect on the grid heheheh

you would think there would be one out there someplace but there isn't that i have seen yet anyways  =(

having a thread that mentions race and being racist are two different things..

your title is not racist..and asking where are all the black people hanging at these days is not racist either..

you won't ever get a thread that mentions a race and ever just get your question answered..not unless there was a special section for it..people are too gun shy when it comes to race..

what the forums really need would maybe be an ethnic section for things like this so questions like these can be asked without people feeling like eggshells have been thrown on the floor..

it would be interesting to see how popular an ethnic general section would do on the forums..it would be neat if something like that took off and filled up..=)






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Well, admittedly that part was odd, the reference to child avatars.  I just ignored it and responded to the part I had an affinity for.  I didn't see her post as racist because I can feel where she's coming from IN A WAY.  She's young, mentioned being in school, etc, and I have a different perspective on it while looking at the same thing she's looking at.  When my kid was young, I used to say, we lived in parallel universes.  We could look at the same huge mess in his room, I'd be on the rant, he'd look at it and say 'WHAT?'.  He just didn't see it the same as I did.  This is kinda like that.  I realize, that, when I think of African American, in SL, I am not thinking of clubs, hip hop or hangout places. 

 I am thinking of the wondrous content creators, the skin makers that make us so gloriously beautiful, the hair that is realistic, thick, ethnically beautiful.    I'm thinking of the African American Museum (see it in my Picks, inworld, to visit).  I'm thinking of the ethnic clothing makers that make our dashikis and headgear, I'm thinking of the Africa sim, of the Detroit, and Harlem lands in SL.  ...there's lots to the African American experience besides clubbing and hip hop. 

So, I look on this young sister of mine, kindly, and will hope that her experience grows out of places to party, and expands to embrace everything that encompasses 'being black in America'. 



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Treasure Ballinger wrote:

 I am thinking of the wondrous content creators, the skin makers that make us so gloriously beautiful, the hair that is realistic, thick, ethnically beautiful.    I'm thinking of the African American Museum (see it in my Picks, inworld, to visit).  I'm thinking of the ethnic clothing makers that make our dashikis and headgear, I'm thinking of the Africa sim, of the Detroit, and Harlem lands in SL.  ...there's lots to the African American experience besides clubbing and hip hop. 

So, I look on this young sister of mine, kindly, and will hope that her experience grows out of places to party, and expands to embrace everything that encompasses 'being black in America'. 


First, Treasure, I LoL'd literally when you mentioned that it would be difficult for you to step into "my" skin (white female). I hadn't thought of that (again, why???? sheez!).  And as to your earlier comment, nah, I don't lose sleep over my inability to be able to pretend convincingly for long that I am not male or a different race or ethnicity in SL. But I do think it is interesting to ponder these ideas.

There are several wonderful things about SL and one of them is the ability to meet all sorts of people from all over the world all in "one" place. I love that. Another thing is that it is one way to try to slip into a new persona for a while, try on a different life. Both of these benefits of SL are part of this discussion in this thread, imo.

The things you mentioned in your post (above), I want to experience! Like I said I'd love to create a beautiful black female avatar and go explore some of the sims you mentioned and try to immerse in the experience. I'm afraid that while I could mosey around, it would be like a little girl in dress up, and I wouldn't really be trying on a different experience. I think I'm a little worried about inadvertently being offensive to people by "playing" a black woman. Perhaps that is silly of me, as it IS Second Life after all, where folks can pretend to be :::eh hem::: vampires and such. 

Like you, I hope people aren't choosing to have white avatars because of some sense that it is "better." That would be incredibly sad and a few other things. Literally trying on different skins to have an experience is something else. This whole conversation has me reconsidering my gorgeous black avi again! (Which might prompt a post in the "avatar" forum about black skins because some skin designers--even good ones--mistakenly just darken a white skin to get the darker shades and that doesn't work...so I'd be curious as to who does great black skins, I've seen some stunners.)

I tried to convince a male friend of mine to haul me around SL when I was in a male avatar appearance so that I could experience SL as a guy. I thought it would be great to go to a club and hang out and stuff. (NOT the same thing as creating relationships under false pretenses, which I abhor!) He thought that was weird and it never happened. Pity.

As to the OP and my discomfort, as Storm and a few others mentioned, the strange inclusion of child avis and porn and all that other stuff just made the whole thing track weird. Also to some other comments, mentioning that the title and OP was about race is not the same thing as saying it is racist.


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

i took it as she was looking for places to party and hang out..she'll find those other places as well while searching for the others..thats when we find the really good interesting places..when we are not looking for them hehehehe *winks*

From the thread, I think what I am trying to read between the lines here is that the OP is looking to meet single black males. 

If that is what you are looking for, put that in your profile.  Just say "single black female looking to meet some black males who might turn out to be my rl love" (and give an age range you are looking for).... or something like that. 

As far as there being far fewer black or asian avis in a human colored skin, I find that is true for some reason of which I don't know why.  Could be they want to be something else in SL.  But, putting what you are looking for in your profile could help, plus join groups and go to some of the hangouts suggested in this thread.

And no, I'm not a single, black male in rl.  I'm a pasty white female in rl who doesn't tan well and who loves girlie girl things.  I could never be a guy in SL.  I'd miss all my pretty girlie girl stuff, so to do something different, I love RP Fae (Fairies), though the sims are shrinking so much, not much room for wings anymore, sadly.  I bought these little tiny, tiny wings and those will have to do for now. 

People morph into all kinds of avi's.  I've seen people with 50 or more avi's, always morphing. 

Just be who you want to be and write in your profile what you are seeking and/or not seeking. 

Yes, the child avi things is weird, but lately it's been some new craze around SL.  When I first joined, almost no child avi's ever; now I see at least one or two a day starting about a month ago. 

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Treasure Ballinger wrote:

Well, admittedly that part was odd, the reference to child avatars.  I just ignored it and responded to the part I had an affinity for.  I didn't see her post as racist because I can feel where she's coming from IN A WAY. 
She's young
, mentioned being in school, etc, and I have a different perspective on it while looking at the same thing she's looking at.



HEY HEY HEY Im not THAT young Im in college lol

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Am I suppose to say the same thing: "I did not find your post racist?"  You are the only one that mentioned racism, pornography, and simulated/RP pedophilia.

I found your OP 'odd' and for the reasons I stated.  

I just put that in case someone thought it. No one here mentioned it and I tried very carefully to word my topic so that people knew that its just a question nothing more nothing less.

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Mayalily wrote:

From the thread, I think what I am trying to read between the lines here is that the OP is looking to meet single black males. 


Ya know, that's exactly what I thought and sensed.  I don't even think OP is a black female - by her words.  

I mean no disrespect to Treasure who has offered a large part of herself to this thread.  I trust (adore) Treasure; and I also trust my instincts.  

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

CaramelBombshell wrote:

Yea I know they have the say so, I just thought I'd make that statement for the reader to read. I dont want people thinking Im a damn racist or something lol I love everybody.

your title is not racist..and asking where are all the black people hanging at these days is not racist either..

you won't ever get a thread that mentions a race and ever just get your question answered..not unless there was a special section for it..
people are too gun shy when it comes to race..

yes yes i couldnt agree with you more! People are very shy about race and what not, and thats perfectly fine. I myself has never had a problem with speaking my mind. and im actually surpised I forgot to search interracial haha xD

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well one of the largest get together places had closed like a year and a half ago..that may have been something to do with it..

it had a really good sized estate going and tons of people hung out there..then it kind of split off..you have a few good places still around..but nothing really of that size...

you used to be able to go there and then find all kinds of other places from there..then just bounce till you found a nich or stay there..

there is still a ring out there..it's just not as stand out as it used to be..but i'm sure it'll  get going again..*winks*




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Mayalily wrote:

From the thread, I think what I am trying to read between the lines here is that the OP is looking to meet single black males. 


Yes that was mentioned in the thread, along with a couple other things, but the main point of the thread as stated in the Subject title was where are the black people haning out as Ceka said. Yes i wouldnt mind meeting a black male, but I have to find where the black people are in order to meet him. haha

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

From the thread, I think what I am trying to read between the lines here is that the OP is looking to meet single black males. 


Ya know, that's exactly what I thought and sensed.  
I don't even think OP is a black female - by her words.

I mean no disrespect to Treasure who has offered a large part of herself to this thread.  I trust (adore) Treasure; and I also trust my instincts.  

By her words?

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Awwww *kiss* :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:  I tend to take people at face value.  Yes, even in SL!  lol  I refer to, and call people by the gender they present as, because that is obviously what they want.  I'm not in their RL, so there's no real point to me guessing what the 'truth' may be.  I've mentored many young black girls in RL, I saw this as kinda the same.  If it's not, it's not, I enjoyed sharing my ideas, anyway.  .  It was nice to see and chat with you too Storm, I should stop by the forums more often.  Take care, all. 



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CaramelBombshell wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

CaramelBombshell wrote:

Yea I know they have the say so, I just thought I'd make that statement for the reader to read. I dont want people thinking Im a damn racist or something lol I love everybody.

your title is not racist..and asking where are all the black people hanging at these days is not racist either..

you won't ever get a thread that mentions a race and ever just get your question answered..not unless there was a special section for it..
people are too gun shy when it comes to race..

yes yes i couldnt agree with you more! People are very shy about race and what not, and thats perfectly fine. I myself has never had a problem with speaking my mind. and im actually surpised I forgot to search interracial haha

when i started Sl it took like a year before i found another avatar that was dark toned like me..everyone used to think i was black because my skin was tanned more than just about anyone you seen on the grid at the time..

i mean i looked like the fly in the middle of the bubble bath on a dance floor back then lol

finally the first time i ran into someone that looked as dark as me..we both just had to talk to each other lol

we were rare back then so we had to say something to each other..it was like ..Sister where have you been!!! \o/


i'm not black myself i'm Chiricahua Apache..

you think it's thin on men now? you should have seen it back then lol

well maybe you are lucky if you missed the whole bling phase..knight in shining armor is not what it's all cracked up to be if ya know what i mean? hehehehe

men are around..trust me..if we are around they are not far behind us LOL


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Mayalily wrote:

Yes, the child avi things is weird, but lately it's been some new craze around SL.  When I first joined, almost no child avi's ever; now I see at least one or two a day starting about a month ago. 

You haven't been in sl very long then. Child avs have been around for years, they aren't some new fad. Thousands and thousands of them are all over the grid. You just clearly have not been where they are. Most child avs tend to stick to areas designed for them. So unless you go there, you won't likely see too many. So it really depends on where you wander on this great big grid.

The ageplay thing isn't new either. It's disgusting, against TOS and a whole lot of other words I can't say here, but unfortunately it's not new. Fortunately, it's something they crack down on and do a pretty darn good job of it (I give LL props when due). Also, thankfully the majority of child avs think the same of that sort of nasty crap, as the rest of us do, and they avoid it too.

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