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Something Spooky This Way Comes...

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Since the 1960's, politicians have been grown in vats somewhere in West Virginia - a research lab buried underground, funded by MIT. It works something like stem cells: take a regular bureaucrat, grind it up into a mushy pulp, boil it for several hours then add growth hormones. After a few months, the blob develops lungs and other internal organs. A few months after that, it sprouts arms and legs eventually a head. When fully formed, the blob is taught language and given a law degree. This is followed up by an extensive program of injections to prevent the blob from learning anything important about life. Finally, the blob is polished with skin creme and dressed in human clothes, whereupon it is ready to enter politics.

Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to destroy the research lab and eliminate the blobs.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

Since the 1960's, politicians have been grown in vats somewhere in West Virginia - a research lab buried underground, funded by MIT. It works something like stem cells: take a regular bureaucrat, grind it up into a mushy pulp, boil it for several hours then add growth hormones. After a few months, the blob develops lungs and other internal organs. A few months after that, it sprouts arms and legs eventually a head. When fully formed, the blob is taught language and given a law degree. This is followed up by an extensive program of injections to prevent the blob from learning anything important about life. Finally, the blob is polished with skin creme and dressed in human clothes, whereupon it is ready to enter politics.

Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to destroy the research lab and eliminate the blobs.

we caught one just outside of the states and held it for questioning but it couldn't take the slightest bit of pressure without it's PR officer there..so it died pretty quickly..

here is footage of it's last moments..

it's all gooey and yuccky when they die..blek!!!

we did get some solid information though..

we lost a few good ninjas following up on those leads..blobs were just everywhere  protecting the grounds of the lab..these must have been the rejects that couldn't get thier DNA cold hearted enough..so they left them to starve forcing them to eat anything in their path..it was gooey and yucky there too!! blek!!

and they always grow at a geometric rate..all ebil does it seems..



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"I know I'm human. Some of you are still human. This Thing doesn't want to show itself. It wants to hide inside an imitation. It'll fight if it has to, but it's vulnerable out in the open. If it takes us over then it has no more enemies - nobody left to kill it - then it's won."

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Melita Magic wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

another election with crap for choices..

C'mon U.S. find a party that cuts the crap down the middle and says STFU to both sides..so we can get something done around here lol






I want what some of you guys are smokin'. 


( Sadly, the indications are things are moving in the totally opposite direction as for what you are whimpering.)

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Ellyn Elan wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

another election with crap for choices..

C'mon U.S. find a party that cuts the crap down the middle and says STFU to both sides..so we can get something done around here lol






I want what some of you guys are smokin'. 


( Sadly, the indications are things are moving in the totally opposite direction as for what you are whimpering.)

We're delusional because we don't like the state of things? Okay...

What exactly are you talking about, though? Opposite direction where?

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Melita Magic wrote:

Ellyn Elan wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

another election with crap for choices..

C'mon U.S. find a party that cuts the crap down the middle and says STFU to both sides..so we can get something done around here lol






I want what some of you guys are smokin'. 


( Sadly, the indications are things are moving in the totally opposite direction as for what you are whimpering.)

We're delusional because we don't like the state of things? Okay...

What exactly are you talking about, though? Opposite direction where?

No. You read me backwards. I'm agreeing with you, for the most part. 

I think it is wishful thinking (smoking some fine locoweed) to think that there is any way that it is going to be as Ceka suggested: A different party that will tell the other two to STFU so something can get done. If anything the indications are things are moving in the totally opposite direction as that, with the candidates and parties moving to ever more polarized positions so that we can be guaranteed even more crap set of choices and even less being done with each new political cycle that is never ending. Election day leads right into the next campaign session which brings us more political rhetoric, all style and no substance.

I wish it were otherwise.


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Melita Magic wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

another election with crap for choices..

C'mon U.S. find a party that cuts the crap down the middle and says STFU to both sides.
.so we can get something done around here lol

This.    Please.     /whimper


Spoke to my mother today on the phone.  She was lamenting the fact that the American voters tend to vote based upon looks and charisma.   If a candidate is tall, good looking , and charming....they get votes.   Oh, and the lawyers....they seem to have a lock on it.  So, tall, good looking, charming and a lawyer...yeah. 

But, my mother (an atheist Republican who can never find a decent candidate)  is supporting Herman Cain, and she's pissed that the people aren't taking him seriously, as Herman is short, bald, wears glasses....oh..and is a businessman and mathematician.   *laughing*    "He's a Purdue graduate you know", my mother says.  

We Hoosiers know that being a Purdue graduate means you're smart in a geeky sort of way.

Then my mother mentions the Libertarians, who she says *would* get her vote if they had any kind of focus, but she says Libertarians are too weird and focus on strange stuff. 

"The Libertarians, why do they have to be so weird?  I'd vote for one, if I thought they had a chance", she says.  "They'll, never get elected", she states.  

I counter her argument, by telling her that if she and others who felt that way would just vote for one of the good Libertarian candidates, they could get elected!  

Then she slyly asks me, if I'm supporting the latest person who declared that they'd like to be the Libertarian candidate, for Indiana Governor.  I reply, "Oh, who's that?"   "Rupert", she says.    "Rupert?", I query back.    "Yes, you know Rupert, all good Hoosiers know Rupert", she states.

  I have just a moment of confused silence before realization hits me, "OMG....I have no words".






So, yeah..the Libertarians we're doing our part....

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Sorry the sound is really low; you'll have to crank it up. Took me forever to find it.

Damn it. SL won't accept my link. Maybe I can just drop it here.



The audio at the end reminds me of something from a Dennis Miller skit. I'm not a fan of his but it was very funny, about the remake of 'Physcho': "It will be just like the original except it will feature a new cast of viibrant young actors. And it will suck."




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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Sorry the sound is really low; you'll have to crank it up. Took me forever to find it.

Damn it. SL won't accept my link. Maybe I can just drop it here.


The audio at the end reminds me of something from a Dennis Miller skit. I'm not a fan of his but it was very funny, about the remake of 'Physcho': "It will be just like the original except it will feature a new cast of viibrant young actors. And it will suck."


Dillon, I'm sure we suffer from what Bruce McCall calls "Faux Nostalgia" but gosh darnit, I love that old stuff. I listen to Wisconsin Public Radio's "Old Time Radio Theater" on Sunday nights and nothing makes me want to pull the blanket over my head like hearing an episode of "The Whistler".

And Sigourney Weaver killing Aliens will never, ever, ever match the allure of Anne Francis, Walter Pidgeon, Robbie the Robot and that scary invisible monster in "Forbidden Planet".

/me turns out the light and shivers.


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