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Where are our October Premium Gifts?


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Keli Kyrie wrote:

I went to
get my October Premium gift and all I found was September's/ What up with that?

Keli,  two other threads were started on this recently:




Here's the info on premium content: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Premium-membership/ta-p/1054477


I don't think it's *new* premium content each month, but read that knowledge base article. 


 Edited to add:  OMG...those two were fast.  I must have still been logging in while they whipped out their answers.  *laughing*


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Well when the sign you click on calls it "September's Premium Gifts" you just naturally assume that there will be an October Premium gift and a November. If they don't want to give them every month they should just number them: This is Premium Gift #1 and so on. :matte-motes-tongue:

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

I have a script that alerts me to Keli's questions, and no, I don't know what that means. Ok, I do, but I'm just kidding

btw, Sylvia, did you ever find out what that Mesh Queue was? I looked everywhere but couldn't find anything

I didn't, Charo, but thank you for looking so hard! :matte-motes-kiss:

The person I was asking the question for hasn't mentioned it again, so it must have just been one of those Wonders of SL that we love so much!!

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That is a very fair assumption to make, Keli, and I don't fault you for it one bit.

@ Celestiall, yes, mine actually broke after a while, I am currently on number two, I call it the Kelinatorifier :P

@ Sylvia, hm, interesting...and to think I was looking for you, ah well, any friend of yours etc :)

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In a thread I cannot find atm, a monthly gift was implied.

I hope this doesn't turn out like the T-shirt vendors that have been empty for years. This reminded me of Hell's Kitchen kitchen nightmares. Something great is started but LL drops the ball and doesn't follow through.

The gift program should be working and planning 3 months in advance. The gifts should reflect seasonal events popular outside of SL when appropriate. 

A sign up page should be created for Residents who would like to have their products(s) offered as a gift. All Resident Creators should be allowed to participate.

I believed that LL would offer a new gift each month.

Most of the Residents here may understand what it takes to make a gift program happen and what it takes to keep it going month after month. It's a lot of work and I wouldn't want it on shoulders without proper compensation.

Changing the title of the product so that it is not dated is advisable; changing the title to enable procrastination and negligence is wrong. ( it's more than wrong, but most of the words which best define what it is, are really harsh words.) 

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Knowl Paine wrote:

In a thread I cannot find atm, a monthly gift was implied. [...]

I may be the guilty party there, since I started the first thread on it when the email hit.... and did more than imply it, I stated it =X

I'm still not sure if it was a misread on my part, or the email (or page it forwarded you to) said otherwise... erring on the side of caution I'll say I misread it. mea culpa

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if the free gifts aren't monthly the premium gift vendors are misleading by making the first one September's gift i naturally thought there'd be a gift for this month i have visited one of the sandboxes that offers the gift every day since the 1st and it hasn't been updated if the gift isn't going to be monthly wouldn't it be better to not attach a month to the vendor

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And talk about a missed opportunity, if they don't have one!

It's October! A great time for spooky and scary gifts. They could give everyone a Halloween costume. Or how 'bout a skeletion avatar? They could make a mesh one. And candy. We all want candy. And brooms to fly around on. Maybe a black cat as a pet.

Oh! The possibilities are sooo exciting. Dont' disappoint us, LL. We want a bag of treats!

And, yes, Keli, I sorta assumed it would be monthly, too.

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I made the same assumption, because of the wording. 

I'm not going to moan about not having an October gift but I am willing to provide an October-themed freebie, if someone can suggest a method of detecting Premium membership, from a scripted vendor?

Alternatively, if anyone wants it - and can verify premium membership - they can contact me for a copy of my BAe 'Halloween Hawk' aircraft - (bright orange, with pumpkin logo and pumpkin particle 'smoke').

Boxed item can be seen at my shop http://slurl.com/secondlife/Erik/19/35/271 


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Myra Wildmist wrote: They could give everyone a Halloween costume. Or how 'bout a skeletion avatar?


yes! grid-wide nekid party..everyone is a skellie! woohoo! Be sure to check your plastic pumpkin thingy ;)


On a serious note, I loved the 1st gift. If it was quite nicely done so if it's still there and you missed it, hey, good opportunity to go grab it. It's really worth the time. I do hope they don't lean towards seasonal fare. Orange and black is so not december...or february...or june...

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