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Well, I'm having a good first day in SL...


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I was distracted by other people's thighs. Forgot the guns were loaded.

Storm Clarence wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

Dillon, says I post too much as if that is any of her business, let alone perhaps Dillon needs to take care of her house and moot in her own eye and deal with her ridiculous hypocrisy about my having too many posts all the while
her sl bf has thousands of posts about correcting grammar
, and many incorrect posts about correcting grammar.  Deal with your own house and problems, Dillon.


Dillon has forsaken me.  

PS I told Dillon she would
 in the foot, and she finally did.  

What does Dillon saying she was distracted by people's thighs have to do with anything?

Is this going to be more ridiculous discourse? 

Maybe Dillon needs a reality check about her EX bf's incessant posting about not much. 


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Mayalily wrote:

I was distracted by other people's thighs. Forgot the guns were loaded.

Storm Clarence wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

Dillon, says I post too much as if that is any of her business, let alone perhaps Dillon needs to take care of her house and moot in her own eye and deal with her ridiculous hypocrisy about my having too many posts all the while
her sl bf has thousands of posts about correcting grammar
, and many incorrect posts about correcting grammar.  Deal with your own house and problems, Dillon.


Dillon has forsaken me.  

PS I told Dillon she would
 in the foot, and she finally did.  

Is this going to be more ridiculous discourse? 


The entire General Discussion forum is grounded in ridiculous discourse.  

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The entire General Discussion forum is grounded in ridiculous discourse.  

It sure is, but mired in a muck of meanness, libel, lies, jealousy, hate speech, defaming.  You name it.  This forum's got it. 

@ Dillon, Thanks a bunch Dillon for being such a jerk!   NOT!

If the dunce cap fits Dillon, please do wear it.  I'd love to see those pics. 

ETA:  And, at Dillon, what part of a person writing they are exhausted like they have never been before don't you understand?  You don't kick people when they are down, Dillon.  But, that is exactly how you made me feel, Dillon.  Perhaps read a whole thread before spouting idiocy. 

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Mayalily wrote:

The entire General Discussion forum is grounded in ridiculous discourse.  

It sure is, but mired in a muck of meanness, libel, lies, jealousy, hate speech, defaming.  You name it.  This forum's got it. 

@ Dillon, Thanks a bunch Dillon for being such a jerk!   NOT!


Although she does stir up much of the nonsense she is not alone.  I contribute to a lot of the lies, but then again, it is the Interwebz.  

@Dillon, yeah thanks a bunch! 

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How dare you attack me when you don't even know me!?!? How rude is this!?! It is beyond rude!! Why did no one tell me there would be someone here accusing me of lying!?!?! Do I approve of this? My answer is NO! I demand proof of this!! PROOOOOOOFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had proof once, but I lost it. I'm only one person!!!!

*I probably should delete this, and I wish I had read through Maya's old posts before ever trying to help her in the first place. I'd have known it was just Maya being Maya and not someone genuinely asking for assistance. I'm annoyed with myself now for having let her get to me.*

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Mayalily wrote:

Now, I'll most likely get a bunch of responses...."I thought you left".  I did leave, but not before giving Dillon and Anaiya a piece of my mind, and Randall, too. 

Soooo, your purpose here now is to forum-stalk and harass certain people that you percieve as having "wronged" you in your locked-at-your-request "People use the camera controls designed into the software? OMGWTFBBQ!!!" thread?

I would suggest that you log out and go take care of yourself, Maya. It's obvious that you need a good long rest.

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"I smoked 40 cigarettes a day back then. Since I gave up smoking, my learning capacity and ability to focus appear to have greatly diminished."


Ha, so true. It's one of the reasons I love smoking. It gives me a 20-point IQ advantage over my non-smoking doppelganger. There's no way I'm giving up those 20 points.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

Now, I'll most likely get a bunch of responses...."I thought you left".  I did leave, but not before giving Dillon and Anaiya a piece of my mind, and Randall, too. 

Soooo, your purpose here now is to forum-stalk and harass certain people that you percieve as having "wronged" you in your locked-at-your-request "People use the camera controls designed into the software? OMGWTFBBQ!!!" thread?

I would suggest that you log out and go take care of yourself, Maya. It's obvious that you need a good long rest.


Also...IBTL. You've turned into a spectacular troll, Maya! I hope you come back to play some more after your nap!

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Stella Carver wrote:

I hope she comes back too. The way her curls shake when she stomps her foot is just adorable.

When we were at her home, I noticed she has over one week left on her rental.

Maya, move back in!

Wait, she might want to take Ceka and Willow up on their very kind offers to help her find a place and move.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

"I smoked 40 cigarettes a day back then. Since I gave up smoking, my learning capacity and ability to focus appear to have greatly diminished."


Ha, so true. It's one of the reasons I love smoking. It gives me a 20-point IQ advantage over my non-smoking doppelganger. There's no way I'm giving up those 20 points.

I think you are on to something there. For hundreds of thousands of years, mankind has experienced a very slow technological and cultural progress. About 10-12k years ago, the high-starch diet that came with sedentary farming spurred progress in many areas, but it wasn't until tobacco and coffee became increasingly popular in Western Europe that things really took off. 17th century: European populations start to drug up on caffeine and nicotine. 18th century: Bam! Age of enlightenment and industrial revolution.

Coincidence? I think not. In the second half of the 19th century, mass manufacturing processes for cigarettes and matches made the use of tobacco cheap and convenient. More and more people started to smoke. As a result, the technological revolution finally kicked into full gear. But smoking was a male domain until women started to smoke as well in the early 20th century, which brought about the feminist movement and eventually equal rights.

Let's look at some historical figures: Albert Einstein was a smoker, who felt that pipe smoking facilitated his mental clarity when working on a difficult project. Both Churchill and Roosevelt were heavy smokers. Unlike Hitler, who quit smoking in 1924 and became quite cranky (it certainly didn't help matters that he was also a vegetarian). Not only did he wage war for world domination, he also started a number of anti-smoking campaigns and enacted anti-smoking laws. Need I say more?

Since smoking is being campaigned against and has been banned in most public places throughout the Western World, things have started to go downhill. The economy is in the toilet, productivity has decreased, the quality of public education is going down, science and progress are being vilified, and creationism is on the rise again. This is probably not a coincidence either, seeing that nicotine has been shown to suppress the symptoms of conditions like schizophrenia (quote from a related study: "Nicotine [...] appears to help normalize some cognitive and sensory deficits"). Instead of condemning cigarettes, we should research and advertise ways to safely administer sufficient amounts of nicotine to keep mankind from falling back into the dark ages.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I saw a study years ago confirming that nicotine increases concentration -- maybe other mental processes, can't remember.


Also that it protects against Alzheimer's.

Yes, when I quit, I thought of nothing all day but wishing I could have a cigarette, for months and months and months...my concentration for anything else was down the tubes :(

Although, protecting yourself against Alzheimers isn't going to do you any good if you die before your senior years from a heart attack :(  It get's you coming or going, like most things in this world.

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I was half way through typing my response to your subsequent posts in that other thread when the thread was locked, at your request.

Some people might think requesting a lock in the particular circumstances was childish, petty, controlling, uncivil, and inappropriate, and in all honesty, I'm one of those people.

I'd still happily teach you about coaleased objects anyway. Goodness knows what you'd do if you had a home all set up and the sim glitched and could not be recovered, or the landlord/landlady went bankrupt or psycho and your home went bye-byes without a coaleased copy sitting in your inventory.

I doubt you'd be happy, so I continue to strongly recommend that you learn to coalease objects if you have not done so, and that whenever you set up a nice little home for yourself, that you take a coaleased copy into your inventory for deployment in case of an emergency.

I'd also still help you drink tea in bed because we all need a good cuppa every now and then.

I'm not sure what you think photography features have to do with anything, and I cannot be bothered trying to imagine what misunderstanding on your part lies behind those particular comments. My head hurts just thinking about thinking about it.

I think you'll find most people do not really care whether you answer their messages or not. In any case, I doubt many of them are sitting there posting two messages in a short space of time to a single poster, demanding answers in a thread that they personally have requested moderators lock.

I have no idea what I am supposed to do with this piece of your mind. I'd hang it over my mantlepiece and serve it cups of tea in bed on Sundays' but firstly it does not match my decor and secondly, I don't have a mantlepiece.

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Mayalily wrote:

Dillon, says I post too much as if that is any of her business, let alone perhaps Dillon needs to take care of her house and moot in her own eye and deal with her ridiculous hypocrisy about my having too many posts all the while her sl bf has thousands of posts about correcting grammar, and many incorrect posts about correcting grammar.  Deal with your own house and problems, Dillon.


Actually, I said I thought you'd be better served spending the time you spend in these forums getting to know Second Life inworld. I still think that. I do not have a Second Life bf or gf and never have had, trollish posts written with ironic intent notwithstanding.

I see you decided to stick around after all.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Mayalily wrote:

Dillon, says I post too much as if that is any of her business, let alone perhaps Dillon needs to take care of her house and moot in her own eye and deal with her ridiculous hypocrisy about my having too many posts all the while her sl bf has thousands of posts about correcting grammar, and many incorrect posts about correcting grammar.  Deal with your own house and problems, Dillon.


Actually, I said I thought you'd be better served spending the time you spend in these forums getting to know Second Life inworld. I still think that. I do not have a Second Life bf or gf and never have had, trollish posts written with ironic intent notwithstanding.

I see you decided to stick around after all.

I thought your post in the other thread was a good summary, Dillon. If I was new here (or even not very old) I would spend a lot of time looking at Torely videos before I started posting questions. And if I wanted to know about camming or alpha bugs or whether someone has the right to ban me from their sim, I would do a search and see what turns up.

If I feel I need to shake my tiny fist at the powers that be, I make a JIRA and post it in the forums -- but only after determining that it is not one of those immutable things in SL that is not going to change no matter how personally offended I am by it (or that I caused).


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Anaiya Arnold wrote:

I have no idea what I am supposed to do with this piece of your mind. I'd hang it over my mantlepiece and serve it cups of tea in bed on Sundays' but firstly it does not match my decor and secondly, I don't have a mantlepiece.

ohgodohgodohgodohgod this is the funniest thing I've heard all week. :matte-motes-grin::matte-motes-big-grin::matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

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What a wonderful little essay. Tobacco has become the new luxury (because only wealthy people can afford it), the new middle-class drug of choice (because of its brain-boosting properties) and the new street cool (because of the backlash against neo-Puritanism). I am greatly encouraged by a close friend of mine who changed from a hardcore anti-smoking zealot to a tobacco connoisseur. There is hope for mankind.

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I am one month tobacco smoke free. 

I still hold an unlit Havana between my fingers.  I talk with it, laugh with it, and sometime ***bleep*** with it.  I don't mind losing a few brain cells - it is a pruning process.   


ETA: as a side note: the penalty in NYC for Havana contraband is far more severe than possesion of weed.  I now limit myself.  

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Mayalily wrote:

The entire General Discussion forum is grounded in ridiculous discourse.  

It sure is, but
mired in a muck of meanness, libel, lies, jealousy, hate speech, defaming
.  You name it.  This forum's got it. 

@ Dillon, Thanks a bunch Dillon for being such a jerk!   NOT!

If the dunce cap fits Dillon, please do wear it.  I'd love to see those pics. 

ETA:  And, at Dillon, what part of a person writing they are exhausted like they have never been before don't you understand?  You don't kick people when they are down, Dillon.  But, that is exactly how you made me feel, Dillon.  Perhaps read a whole thread before spouting idiocy. 

You should have seen the old forum.  Honestly, this forum is rather calm compared to most others.

I have to say I'm surprised you're behaving in such a way, May.  Sure, you've had your moments, but I've never seen you lash out at anyone in this fashion and if I hadn't seen it for myself, I don't think I'd have believed it.  What concerns me most, is that I honestly don't think you'd be doing this if you weren't genuinely distressed by this situation.

I hope you think of my as a friend, because I know I think of you as one and, from one friend to another, I'm telling you, you need to let it go.  It'll do you no good to worry so much about something you have no control over and getting into arguments with people here isn't going to help. 

Step back, take a breath, get some rest and come back when you're feeling better.  Things are just not as bad as they seem at the moment.  I'm begging you, just take care of yourself and give yourself some time to get over this.  Then, when you come back, refreshed, you'll, hopefully, be able to gain some perspective and be able to enjoy your time here once again.

Ask yourself if continuing this fight is worth it.  My hope is that no will be your answer to yourself and you can move on to bigger and better things... I know you have it in you. 

PM me if you need to talk ...Dres


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