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Eck, we can have stalkers now!


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I have a follower too! I feel so popular! :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

But now what is the proper etiquette? Should I follow back? Then it might look like I only followed that person because they followed me first, and so my follow may not seem very sincere. But if I don't follow them back it might hurt their feelings because they stuck their neck out there to follow me first and let me know they were interested in what I have to say. It's all so confusing. My brain hurts. I think I need a nap. :matte-motes-asleep:

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

I just go a notice in SLums that I now have a follower! I happen to like the person that is following me so it is okay but still. What do you think are you going to follow people or do you hope they follow you?


Oh, Jeez. 

As if I don't have enough stalkers already, they now have a new way to pursue their...Obsession....ahem...Interest in me? 

Thanks for telling the world Keli.  *Grrr*  *Shakes fist at Keli*


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Storm Clarence wrote:



OMG...what is that forum badge you're displaying?   It looks like you fell into a barrel of Mardi Gras paint!  

Hmm, at closer examination...it looks like it might be "almost art"....like the folk art and primitive art one sees at art shows. 

But, seriously, what is that?  You've displayed a lot of different forum icons in the past...but this one is visually disturbing, like a car wreck at a paint factory.  

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The "Follow" button does not let people see your posts if you don't want them to. Simply hide your feed from people who aren't on your friend list. Or hide your feed altogether and don't post anything if you don't want anyone to see it.

 All "Follow" does is let people who aren't on your contact list see your *public* feed updates from their own Home tab.

 This is a feature I was hoping LL would add since way back when the new profiles were still in beta. Glad to see the improvements are still coming!

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

Still points to the most obvious part about Second Life in that it has no idea what it wants to be when it grows up.  A twitter clone? A facebook knock off?  A corporate marketing world? Or the worlds largest online sex community? LOL :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

I disagree with this. SL has always been a very social environment, the lack of social tools was pretty counter to what SL has been all along despite what LL wanted it to be.

 It seems to me that LL is finally coming to terms with what SL is, what it's good at, and building in that direction. Now, SL is different things to different people but the two top descripters that best fit would be "social" and "creative". LL is finally giving us the social tools SL should have had all along, and they're also adding to our creative toolset.


 Now, if they can bring it all together by adding to the social tools to draw people to in-world content and communities, and finally address a lot of SL's longstanding design issues, they can really breath new life into the platform and make it far more appealing to past, current and potential future users.

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

... What do you think are you going to follow people or do you hope they follow you?


I have shut it all down, having absolutely no use whatsoever for it.  In-world communications tools are another matter but twitface doesn't have anything like those so LL wouldn't know who to copy. Perish the thought that SL might capitalise on its unique features instead of being a drone clone.

(See, I think it'd be fun if a 'hologram' avatar sprung up in front of people "following" me and used chat to communicate with them.  Similarly they could chat back and their replies would be relayed back to me/others in-world.  Even - crazy talk though - an 'AI personality' agent acting on your behalf (in-world bots).  Been done by a thousand sci-fi films but the faceslap crowd wouldn't understand it, so it would make SL *gasp* different)

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