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What's going on in here?

Ima Rang

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Perrie Juran wrote:

I think that in one regard 'we' forced Linden Lab into a corner regarding the forums by 'our' inability to control ourselves.  I am using the phrase 'we' because I don't want to get involved in pointing fingers.  I do know how well the shoe fits will vary from poster to poster.

Have you ever been in someone's house who didn't control their children?  Have you ever had anyone visit you with their undisciplined children?  How do you react when you are shopping somewhere and a parent is letting their kid run hog wild through the aisles? I once visited someone who was allowing their puppy to poop where ever it wanted.  I can sure tell you that was not a pleasant experience.

No one is saying that it is wrong for adults to have strong emotional responses.  There are political and other issues that make my blood boil too.  But as an adult I have learned that I need to take that deep breath and settle myself down, otherwise it is not possible for me to function and make a positive contribution. 

We talk about community.  And there is a sense of community here.  Participation in a community requires respect for the community.  The problem in the old JIve forums was that when the community said to someone, "Please chill out a little," the response was essentially, "F*ck you."

So we forced Linden Lab's hand.  We refused to pick up our toys after ourselves, so they had no choice but to take away our toys.  Things have loosened up some since the start of the Lithium forums.  But I still don't blame Linden Lab one bit for maintaining a tight reign over this Forum.  Do I think it is way too tight at times?  Absolutely yes.  But I prefer this over the blood baths of the old Jive forum. 

It is still something that we brought upon ourselves.

This, in a nutshell...but as always, just my opinion.

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i say what i mean.

since the lithium forums we were faced with an empty place, and we started posting around, and the results of all that is what we have today, some old GD came, saw, and went away again, like if we were not doing an enough good job, and now that the forums are at this stage they come and complain again that they dont like it, the forums are not good enough for them.

i dont trust that the old GD is gonna come and stick around, i lose hope that they were going to a long time ago, why should i have it now, they dont even like our forums. if they dont come because they dont like it, fine. we are not forcing them to come back.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

i dont know how can they come and complain about how the forums are, when they didnt lift a finger to build it back, they decided to not come back until the forums fill their taste again, we, the ones who stick around build it from the ground up, making threads, commenting, answering questions, we build it this way and we like it, and we have a strong sense of community, its not the community you are used to and maybe dont like, but its not important if you dont percieve it, youre not gonna stick around anyway. the forums we have built are what they are, and we like it this way, if you dont, theres a lot of third party forums out there that you can enjoy.

we the forumites that have build this forums are supposed to change it to fill their taste? how about we continue building it to fill our taste?


If I did not know better, I would think you were inviting those of us who have not been here for a while to GTFO :D

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you are welcome to come whenever you want, is a public forum.

you know why the forums are not like the old GD? because the people who had the old GD that way was not here. this is the result, the forums at their current state.

you are welcome to post threads and comment, i invite the old GD to come back to the forums, maybe you will give it a new direction. lets see how many come.

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Very Interesting.

on this "we" and "they" thing....

is there a chart somewhere?

on this "we the forumites" thing....

is there a roleplay group for that too?

"who" exactly built the forum?

you mean the ones who "stick around".....?

does that mean that you are required to be here all day to participate?

or once a week?

you got a chart for that requirement?

"our" taste.....

and whose taste might that be?  would that be the "we" or the "they" group?

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I've tended to stay away from the GD forum and lurk around the others more. I Learned a lot from the texture forum. 

I recently started glancing in here and I much prefer it now.

Nobody seems to read and take it wrong. Nobody jumps to the wrong conclusion without asking, using another question, what was meant by the first. Civilly.

Nobody seems to climb on a high horse in rage and then face deciding whether to back down or keep climbimg.

I don't miss that side of the old GD. We're not all warriors.

I really disliked my own old GD persona, because I felt I had to sneer to survive. I like the real me better. I hope the forums continue to be as fluffy and lemon-fresh as they are for a good long while if that's what invites calm and reasoned people here.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

you are welcome to come whenever you want, is a public forum.

you know why the forums are not like the old GD? because the people who had the old GD that way was not here. this is the result, the forums at their current state.

you are welcome to post threads and comment, i invite the old GD to come back to the forums, maybe you will give it a new direction. lets see how many come.

Thanks!  For a minute there I was thinking we were not welcome to come back.

For the record, I am not saying that I don't like the forums, I am saying that it is lacking in the personality department, where before, we had some wonderful parodies, satire, irony and generally a set of humor that was appealing I suppose to a particular personality type.  I see most of those type threads pulled, and pulled quickly...Why?  Sugar and spice and everything nice is awesome and a loving and endearing community where everyone states they agree with each other in 150 threads with 10-15 agreeable post each is great...but...nothing you can really chew on or laugh at.  Laughter is good medicine.   Why can't we temporarily derail a thread for a bit of humor and then migrate back to the topic at hand?  Why can't I tell Chris Norse that he is insane as he damn well knows that Malted Milk balls are digestive tract grenades, disguised as confections, manufactured by satans minions, and I know this to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth because I am lactose intolerant!  Happy my ass...oh wait...

As far as some of us going away, well yeah, we did.  I have a child and a job and the new forum did not get situated well until early spring.  I, and I suspect a lot of others have been engaing in spring and summer vacations and family fun and sun stuffs.  

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Eloise Baily wrote:

I've tended to stay away from the GD forum and lurk around the others more. I Learned a lot from the texture forum. 

I recently started glancing in here and I much prefer it now.

Nobody seems to read and take it wrong. Nobody jumps to the wrong conclusion without asking, using another question, what was meant by the first. Civilly.

Nobody seems to climb on a high horse in rage and then face deciding whether to back down or keep climbimg.

I don't miss that side of the old GD. We're not all warriors.

I really disliked my own old GD persona, because I felt I had to sneer to survive. I like the real me better. I hope the forums continue to be as fluffy and lemon-fresh as they are for a good long while if that's what invites calm and reasoned people here.

I really disliked your old GD persona as well--and I am totally kidding.  I never found you sneery :D

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now that you are here, i hope GD gets some of that personality, you are a GD forum personality in fact, you sure are going to give it some of that feel, each one of us pulls the forums to where is going.

is true, the forums are now very controlled, maybe the rules are going to loose up to a point that we get the feel of the old GD without the worse, that would be a balanced and healthy environment. for example allowing derails. they already loosened up allowing us to talk about things not related to second life here in GD, its a matter of negotiation with linden lab.

i understand what you are saying. some didnt went away voluntarily. i hope they can have some space in whatever is holding them back to join us.

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I think the forums are almost great now. But, in order to guarantee a level playing field and eliminate the undeserved, self appointed spokesperson/moderator mentality, there should really be a mechanism in place whereby you can only post once per 5 hours of inworld presence, or similar, with an allowance for new avatars up to a certain age. That would go some way toward addressing such unsavoury practices as starting threads specifically to antagonise others and the inclusion of inane comment from such self appointees in every single thread. Eg: Kind of like how my little sister has interrupted me three times as I type this lol. ('cept she's way cool). The beating of ones pixel chest or public preening is a tad irksome and funnily enough, not a positive contribution at all. Excessive noise does not indicate quality. (such grandstanding is unfathomable quite frankly, very distracting and leads me to forget to inculde paragraphs as well:()  

Eg: See *speshul post below. I see no reason to take the bait I am afraid, soweee.

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

I think the forums are almost great now. 


There is only one 'group' that shares this sentiment.  I wonder why that is?  The structure of the forum stifles conversation, debate, humor, and almost everything else one would like to see in a forum.  

Your signature line really makes a statement about your post.    

ETA: It was wise of you to edit your signature.   Now that you have done so, my post is negated.  


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

I think the forums are almost great now. But, in order to guarantee a level playing field and eliminate the undeserved, self appointed spokesperson/moderator mentality, there should really be a mechanism in place whereby you can only post once per 5 hours of inworld presence, or similar, with an allowance for new avatars up to a certain age. That would go some way toward addressing such unsavoury practices as starting threads specifically to antagonise others and the inclusion of inane comment from such self appointees in every single thread. Eg: Kind of like how my little sister has interrupted me three times as I type this lol. ('cept she's way cool). The beating of ones pixel chest or public preening is a tad irksome and funnily enough, not a positive contribution at all. Excessive noise does not indicate quality. (such grandstanding is unfathomable quite frankly, very distracting and leads me to forget to inculde paragraphs as well:()  

Eg: See *speshul post below. I see no reason to take the bait I am afraid, soweee.

That is an interesting proposal to control....but as an adult who actually pays to utilize the LL service and the associated elements of that service, I personally would not be pleased with that scenario. 

Life is full of annoying people, situations, conditions, restrictions, so on and so forth.  I don't think putting a restrictive virtual time leash on the SL residents would be embraced even if it were for the greater good of the community. I know that it would result in me canceling my account :)

Do you really not feel like your sig line is a bait or are you pulling our leg?  I have to relearn the humor here :)

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

I think the forums are almost great now. But, in order to guarantee a level playing field and eliminate the undeserved, self appointed spokesperson/moderator mentality, there should really be a mechanism in place whereby you can only post once per 5 hours of inworld presence, or similar, with an allowance for new avatars up to a certain age. That would go some way toward addressing such unsavoury practices as starting threads specifically to antagonise others and the inclusion of inane comment from such self appointees in every single thread. Eg: Kind of like how my little sister has interrupted me three times as I type this lol. ('cept she's way cool). The beating of ones pixel chest or public preening is a tad irksome and funnily enough, not a positive contribution at all. Excessive noise does not indicate quality. (such grandstanding is unfathomable quite frankly, very distracting and leads me to forget to inculde paragraps as well:()  

I can honestly say I don't understand how that would do a bit of good.  Seems to me like the playing field is already pretty level, in that people can post what they want as long as it gets by the moderators.  No one can really self-appoint themselves anything.  Some people may be more vocal about things than others but that's their choices respectively, no one's voice is really more important than anyone else's.  And if anyone thinks they are they are simply deluding themselves.

You (in the general sense) have the choice as to how you deal with someone trying to antagonize you or how you react if someone posts an inane comment... that's where you have the control.  You simply can't control what other people say and do. The fact that you don't like the way a person behaves doesn't mean that they should not be allowed to behave that way, up to a point.  The argument here is, as I see it, where that point is.

Not only are the restrictions you suggest draconian, I fail to see how that would stop people from posting in any certain way and would most certainly lead to the destruction of any possibility of having any kind of real discussion, whether it be pleasant or not.  Then where would our community be?



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Call it what you will Ima:smileyindifferent: A fair comment given the relentless negative behaviour. It is in fact a direct quote and is shrinking as time goes on, for I am far too busy making stuffs and having inworld fun to persist with the hatefest of the baiter/s and troller/s.

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Call it what you will Ima:smileyindifferent: A fair comment given the relentless negative behaviour. It is in fact a direct quote and is shrinking as time goes on,
for I am far too busy making stuffs and having inworld fun to persist with the hatefest of the baiter/s and troller/s.

Then I am glad we will be seeing less of you.  


Welcome Orfeu, Chris, Pep, Ima, Tolya, Mickey, and many others who have come back to 'their' forum.  If only for one post it was great to read your names once again on SLF.  Thank you Ima for this "outstanding" OP.

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Call it what you will Ima:smileyindifferent: A fair comment given the relentless negative behaviour. It is in fact a direct quote and is shrinking as time goes on, for I am far too busy making stuffs and having inworld fun to persist with the hatefest of the baiter/s and troller/s.


Lol:matte-motes-big-grin-squint:  Well, not that you were or are soliciting my opinion, but I would say that sig line is; persisting with the hatefest of the baiter/s and troller/s. 

But who am I to talk, eh? :D

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i understand your interest mickey, maybe you had noticed that some of the old GD personalities are not around, some unvoluntarily like Ima said, some under their own decision.

i was referring to "they" as the ones who didnt want to come back by decision, at least it seemed that way because the change to how was it regularly was very noticeable, is still is for some.

i was wrong in making a separation between "them" and "us", the forums doesnt belong to "us", it belongs to linden lab.

i grew an attachment to these forums, i love these forums, and that feeling gave me a sense of belonging. youre right, i let my feelings show more than what it should. i apologize.

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Again I'm speaking in general terms... it's not "their" forum... it's not "our" forum... it's actually LL's forum.  I fail to see how an us versus them mentality will do us any good.  Sure we have different views, but don't we really all want the same thing?  A thriving forum with a sense of community that is enjoyable for all?  I'd rather see us all get together and help LL make this a better place to be for all of us, than see us fighting amongst ourselves.

I understand how some of the posters that have been here the whole time would get defensive when people start coming in and complaining after leaving for whatever reason when Lithium was introduced.  I believe that is an understandable initial reaction, but that doesn't negate the fact that their statements are just as valid as any one else's.  I think it's like saying, "Hey, you don't like it?  Get off your asses and help us fix it," more so than, "You have no place here." 

But I also understand how the people coming back giving their honest opinion, would get bent out of shape when they feel and in some cases actually are being told, "If you don't like it gtfo."  I, for one, am delighted that these guys are coming back around and contributing something once again.  I'm hoping at least some will decide to stick around and help provide what they feel is so sorely lacking.  That and help us to get LL to lighten the hell up a bit.


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