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What is Sexy About Women with Weapons?


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What is sexy about women with weapons?  I often come across photos like these and was looking for opinions as to why women with weapons are sexy?  If you think it's sexy to see women all geared with weapons, could you explain why you find it sexy.  Also, if you don't find it sexy and find it a turn off, could you please explain.  Thanks for thoughtful replies!  You can't see the other photo, but it is of a women with weapons also. 

mayinbar1_001 copy.png

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I think you look sexy there Venus. 

What I'm wondering from Storm when he posted that picture though, is would the women still be as sexy without the weapons?

Imo, I think all these photos would look just as sexy without the weapons.

So I'm looking for why it is more sexy with the weapons and then explain why, such as is it power like that BDSM power, or is it something else?   

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Yes but that doesn't explain the what or why is it sexy?

I could say I like or don't like pizza, but people wouldn't have any idea why, unless I told them it's the cheese I like about pizza.  Not to mention I really only like New York thin style pizza and/or veggie Sicilian style pizza.  I don't like American style pizza very much at all except for the cheese, but East Coast pizza is pretty darn good, but I'm West Coast so hardly get any New York Style pizza. 

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i think it has the same thing to do with women that drive trucks and big machines instead of cars..

why they like it i don't know..maybe we don't look as fragile to them or something..most guys are used to me wearing them now..

i wear one in my shoulder harnass and one that clips to my belt so they can be seen..when we get on the horses we all have rifles plus pistols because of mountain lions that are in the area..snakes also..we only shoot the rattlers and water moccasins or any other poison ones..

i don't go anywhere without my guns..

i don't bring them in work with me but other than that..i have them on just about any other time.like my jewelry..

if i have to go in the bank for any reason i lock them in my lock box in my jeep..

we are allowed to wear them anywhere in town but banks and the courthouse and police station and  store..things like that..

we get a lot of people that move from up north to down here..it seems to be a conversation starter for sure..hehehe

in rl i don't know if it is a sexy thing more than it is curious thing..

i think some men just like women that are maybe like they are in crontrol or independant..maybe? hehehe

it's hard to say really..


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

we are allowed to wear them anywhere in town but banks and the courthouse and police station and  store..things like that..

It's amusing for me to think 'guns' are allowed in bars, clubs, pool rooms, and anyplace else where a 'gun' fight is more likely to break out; but don't you ever dare to think of bringing them into Kmart (where they probably sell weapons.)

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What I find true many, many more times than not is that how someone views the gender they're attracted to is a direct reflection of how they view themselves. Timid or demure people often like images portraying that of power, dominance, and authority, while very confident or egotistical types often prefer images depicting innocence, submissiveness, and helplessness. At the ends of the scale it's polar opposites that attract.

When talking about the gender they're not attracted to, it's often depictions that highlight traits or features the person respects or wishes they had for themselves that's attractive. It may or may not be in opposite to what they already have, so it might be something they like about themselves that they see in it that draws them in, or again it may be something they themselves lack that's become enticing.

For both, it's not about the weapons, it's what having and displaying the weapon says about the person holding it that ultimately becomes either more or less attractive to someone. The "why" answer to most of these kinds of questions almost always lies inside the person asking.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

we are allowed to wear them anywhere in town but banks and the courthouse and police station and  store..things like that..

It's amusing for me to think 'guns' are allowed in bars, clubs, pool rooms, and anyplace else where a 'gun' fight is more likely to break out; but don't you ever dare to think of bringing them into Kmart (where they probably sell weapons.)

ya there is a bigger list of places..but most of those have it on their entrance door rather than it being town ordinance..we don't have a bar in this town..it's outside of town..it doesn't allow them either..

places the law doesn't want them mostly is places that usually get robbed that hold a lot of money..

Walmart has it on their door no guns allowed with a picture of a gun and that red circle with the slash through it..

businesses can allow them or not it's up to them..

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From a guys point of view: Maybe we don't know why? We are guys after all wink. I think women with weapons and especially those that know how to use them are sexy but I honestly couldn't give you a detailed list why, I just do. And it certianly helps if the women are sexy are to begin with. Would I find a 60 year old 300 lb woman all sweaty holding a butcher knife sexy, um probably not. But a good looking woman holding a beautifully made sword, yes I find that sexy.

Men like sexy women, men like cars, men like beer, men like weapons. Combine any of these and its just a bonus lol.

But on the other side I also like women that are very feminine. I like the long hair and painted nails with a pretty dress or skirt. I Iike the school girl look as well. What isn't a turn on to me is tats. Women with tatoos are just a turn off to me, especially big ones. I mean if its a little bunny, or a whnnie the poo on your ankle that is one thing. When half your body is covered in tats like someone in a prison gang it just doesn't do much for me.

Men simply are not that complicated. I don't like pizza with everything, you know why? Because I don't like pizza with everything. Extra cheese and pepperoni for me please. I like dr pepper and hate pepsi. Why? Because dr pepper taste good and pepsi taste like crap. I don't know why, that is just how it is.

Women are thinkers, the wheels in their minds are always turning. Thoughts run frantically through their heads and they are always trying to make sense of things. Men not so much. If you ask us what we are thinking and we say "nothing" We are not trying to hide anything. We probably were thinking of nothing, it happens, and you ruined the perfectly thoughtless moment lol. And if you ask again, what we will be thinking is "why does this girl keep asking me dumb questions? I told her already. I wonder if I could get her take her shirt off? Man I could really use a beer. OMG, she is asking me another question!"

Obviously I am making us sound overly simplied, but I think you get the point. We find women with weapons sexy simply because we think its sexy. We never bothered to ask ourselves why.

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Vladi Hazelnut wrote:

From a guys point of view: Maybe we don't know why? We are guys after all wink. I think women with weapons and especially those that know how to use them are sexy but I honestly couldn't give you a detailed list why, I just do.

But on the other side I also like women that are very feminine.

So, something like this combo works for you, too?  /me chuckles

venus and gun_002.jpg

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You can't carry in a bar, at least not in most states. Nor can you carry on any federal property, churches or any private property that prohibits them. I find it the opposite of what you find. Most places I would want to carry I gun I can't. That is why I never bothered to get my concealed permit, its useless. Most of the places I would want to be armed I can't be. So going through all the trouble is rather pointless.

You might also find it amusing that carrying a concealed fire arm isn't a felony. As long as its a legal weapon. However you get caught with a butterfly knife, a switch blade or any double edged knife regardless of size and it is a felony. So you are better off carrying a gun than a dagger in your boot lol. When I lived in California during the Rodney King riots I carried a browning Hi Power every where I went. I most certainly didn't have  permit for it, but it was registered to me.

I live in michigan now and I think we are one of the states where its legal to carry in the open. Which means I can have a gun as long as I don't hide it. However you never see anyone do this. Now you go out west and its another storry. You go to washington state and pretty much everyone is armed lol. Most states you need a good reason to get a carry permit. In washington they need a good reason not to give you one hehe. At least that is how it was years ago, maybe it has changed


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Mayalily wrote:

What is sexy about women with weapons? 

Everything :matte-motes-nerdy:




As for the why, I can only speculate. A pretty obvious reason is that men value women who share their typically male interests and hobbies, such as weapons, fast sports cars etc. Another reason is probably that in past millennia, a woman who was confident handling weapons could reasonably be assumed to be able to defend herself and her offspring, and probably also to hunt for herself, which reduced the paternal investment cost and also made her a potential asset in times of war.

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