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Deploys for the week of 2011-08-08

Oskar Linden

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This week is mostly the same as last week. The maint-server branch on BlueSteel will be shipped to the main channel. THis has the fix for granting/revoking permissions. Mesh is still mesh with some crashing bug fixes.

Second Life Server (main channel)
  • New Features
    • Enhancements for marketplace item delivery.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix for SVC-7104 "Granting/revoking perms broken for non-web-profile viewers"
    • Fix for SVC-7059 "(Spanish) [DATE I18N] Date in English in Group profile > Terreno/Bienes > L$ del grupo > Detalles tab and Ventas tab"
    • Fix for SVC-7067 "Postcards sent from LeTigre sims fail with error code also can not upload sound files on LeTigre"
    • Fix for SVC-6973 "France Villas Sim, we have been having MAJOR issues on this sim since the last update on the Havok software..We presently have 4 open tickets on it and TJ linden said to file a bug report"
    • Changed logging for TIMEWARP issues.
    • Removed some unused IM code.


2011-08-09, 5:00am: Rolling Restart - Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/11

Second Life RC BlueSteel
This is the "Scripting Maint-Server" project.

New Features
  • Allow scripters to set a lower memory limit on mono scripts
    integer llSetMemoryLimit(integer limit) Set the maximum memory a script can use to limit.
  • Ability to set prim media on linked prims without sleeping the script.
    integer llSetLinkMedia(integer link, integer side, list params) Equivalent to llSetPrimMediaParams called on link prim in the link set.
    list llGetLinkMedia(integer link, integer side, list params) Equivalent to llGetPrimMediaParams called on link prim in the link set.
    integer llClearLinkMedia(integer link, integer side) Equivalent to llClearPrimMedia called on link prim in the link set.
  • llSetLinkCamera
    llSetLinkCamera(integer link, vector eye, vector at) Equivalent to calling both llSetCameraEyeOffset and llSetCameraAtOffset on linkprim in the link set.
  • Allow HTML in llHTTPResponses to browsers embedded in viewers for content you own
    llSetContentType(key request_id, integer content_type)
    • CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT (default) "text/plain"
    • CONTENT_TYPE_HTML "text/html", only valid for embedded browsers on content owned by the person viewing. Falls back to "text/plain" otherwise.
  • Extend llGetLocalPos function to llGet*PrimitiveParams under PRIM_POS_LOCAL
    PRIM_POS_LOCAL Sets and gets the 'local' position via llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast and related.
  • llLinkSitTarget, llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget
    llLinkSitTarget(integer link, vector offset, rotation rot) Equivalent to calling llSitTarget on link prim in the link set.
    key llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget() Equivalent to calling llAvatarOnSitTarget on link prim in the link set.
  • Add llSetVelocity() and llSetAngularVelocity() functions to LSL
    llSetVelocity(vector force, integer local)
    llSetRotationalVelocity(vector force, integer local)
  • Add ability for llSetLinkPrimitiveParams* and llGetLinkPrimitiveParams functions to switch link targets
    [PRIM_LINK_TARGET, integer link_num] Will cause subsequent parameters to effect link_num prim independent of original prim being effected. Compatible with all PrimParams functions.

2011-08-10, 8:00am: Rolling Restart - Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_BlueSteel/11

Second Life RC LeTigre
LeTigre will get a new "maint-server" project. We fixed several security issues concerning moving objects between regions and onto parcels with restricted object entry and/or building.

2011-08-10, 9:00am: Rolling Restart - Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_LeTigre/11

Second Life RC Magnum
Magnum will continue to be the Mesh project. This is being released Thursday morning.
  • Mesh objects can be uploaded
  • Child prims can be set to have no collision shape (do not contribute to collision of object)
  • Objects that use the features above (mesh shapes or non-colliding parts) will have prim cost calculated based on actual impact to the parcel/region rather than simple count.
  • Max prim scale has been raised to 64m on a side
  • New physics engine
    • Overhaul how collision shapes are constructed and stored in memory.
    • 10 cm gap between colliding objects has been removed for most objects:
      • For convex prims (dynamic and static)
      • Concave prims (static only)
      • For small prims ( <~0.2m on a side ) it can't be completely removed so those objects may still exhibit a gap, but it will typically be smaller than it was before the change.
  • Parcel-full return sort order has changed: most recently "changed" get returned first, but still grouped by OTHER, GROUP, and OWNER in that order.

2011-08-11, 09:00am: Rolling Restart - Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum/11

We will be monitoring this thread during the next week so please feel free to post issues that you feel have been introduced by the new code. Please file a JIRA for issues you find and post the JIRA link into this thread. It really helps us out. When determining if issues are relevant or not research is key. Tracking down exactly the right situation where an issue is occurring greatly speeds up the development process to get fixes in place.
I appreciate your help. Have a good week!
p.s. If you are interested in helping test SecondLife in beta please join the group "Second Life Beta" in-world. We also have an email list where we communicate upcoming projects and how you can help. ( https://lists.secondlife.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/server-beta ) Once a week we meet on ADITI to discuss new features, new bugs, new fixes, and other fun stuff. You are more than welcome. Information is here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group
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  • Lindens

Good catch, Acheron; the release notes for scripting maintenance are incomplete.  Here's the rest:


New features:

* Added a new flag to llGetObjectDetails(), OBJECT_SCRIPT_TIME, which reports the average script CPU time (in seconds) an object/avatar is using.  This function returns the same time that you would see in 'Top Scripts'.

* Added a new function, llGetMemoryLimit(), which returns the maximum memory a script can allocate (see llSetMemoryLimit() ).


Bug Fixes:

* Fixed a bug "Some prim properties are not copied on prim-copy"

* Fix for SVC-7060 "Reliable message RevokePermissions does not revoke permissions on objects that have been granted PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION"

* LSL functions which have physical effects now scrub non-finite input (Inf and NaN)

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Le Tigre doesn't seem to support Mesh since the restart a few minutes ago...I am in Malra...


Was just playing with uploading a Mesh object and no longer have the option...

Also can no longer create larger than 10m Prims...


What's up ???


Kurt Ludd

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Kurt Ludd wrote:

Le Tigre doesn't seem to support Mesh since the restart a few minutes ago...I am in Malra...


Was just playing with uploading a Mesh object and no longer have the option...

Also can no longer create larger than 10m Prims...

We have the Mesh project only on Magnum now. Existing prims larger than 10m will stay that way on LeTigre . You won't be able to upload new meshes on LeTigre regions. Previously uploaded meshes will remain meshes but will look like regular shapes. Once your region is on mesh again they will become meshes again.

If you are a region owner I can move your region to Magnum. Message me in world.


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From the mesh sim release notes:

"Child prims can be set to have no collision shape (do not contribute to collision of object)"

Do not use this feature! It will always increase your prim count, sometimes as much as 10-15 times. Testing on simple 22 prim linkset it inceased prim count to 212.

Also do not link mesh components with regular prims. It will also likely 10 double your prim usage on those objects.

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Latif Khalifa wrote:

From the mesh sim release notes:

"Child prims can be set to have no collision shape (do not contribute to collision of object)"

Do not use this feature!
It will
 increase your prim count, sometimes as much as 10-15 times. Testing on simple 22 prim linkset it inceased prim count to 212.

Also do not link mesh components with regular prims. It will also likely 10 double your prim usage on those objects.

No it won't. It can, but it won't 'always' do so.

You are basically just being sensationalist, and everything I've seen you say up to now has been as well. At least thats the best way I can describe what you've been spouting. I've used the feature to drop PE as low as half of what it was originally. And I've used it with mesh in similar ways by using a prim as the physics hull.

Just because you don't know how to use features doesn't mean you should discourage others from using them. /post

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Acheron Gloom wrote:

You are basically just being sensationalist, and everything I've seen you say up to now has been as well. At least thats the best way I can describe what you've been spouting. I've used the feature to drop PE as low as half of what it was originally. And I've used it with mesh in similar ways by using a prim as the physics hull.

Just because you don't know how to use features doesn't mean you should discourage others from using them. /post


I don't invent things. I test them out and report on my findings. I took a throne chair and attempted to use the new physics features to ease the amount of work simulator need to do, and also hopefully reduce the prim count.

The original throne is 22 prims. It has one invisible plain box prim as it's root. You can see it highlihgted in yellow. Switching to the new PE accounting by flipping one of the prims to physics none increased the prim count to 212. That would happen if anyone linked a mesh component to their pre existing object and in my opinion warrants a warning.

Then I selected all but the root prim (remember, a simple box), and turn the physics to none on all of them. This resulted in a PE count of 24. Since there is no way to minimize it further this is the lowest PE number you can get. Therefore under the new accouinting have one simple colliding box is 2 prims more expensive than leaving at at old accounting where all 22 participate in the physics. Another thing that people should know about.

The reason for these illogical and counter productive PE numbers is Linden Lab's decision to charge "streaming cost" on reguluar prims if they happen to be part of a linkset that falls under the new rules. It is therefore very likely that people not knowing the effect the rules have might decide to link in a mash part of pre-existing linkes which could result 10 doubling the primcount of that set and their parcel becoming full, objects return, etc.

I have sent several example objects to Nyx Linden, Andrew Linden and others, and so far nobody has disputed the facts that I have stated.



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Thanks, the permissions fix works well and there are some great new script features.

llSetMemoryLimit() appears to work as far as llGetFreeMemory() and llGetUsedMemory() are concerned, which should help a lot with objects that have many small scripts. I've heard that OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY with llGetObjectDetails() is still supposed to return 65536 at this time, as well as the memory count in Viewer 2, for any mono script. Do you know if setting a lower memory limit actually lowers the amount reserved on the server, even though the reporting tools don't see any difference?

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A quick heads up Oskar, there appears to be a serious problem developing on the le tigre servers.  Last night at The Firehouse Strip club we had chairs and poles vanishing as soon as people got up or off them.  By working with Live Chat I was able to get the attention of the technical team and they apparently fixed the problem there.  Unfortunately, I just got a message from a friend who owns Escort Island, who told me she is starting to get poles vanishing there, so I think there is a good chance it is starting to appear on other servers.  My suggestion is check with the technical people and find out what they did last night to fix Fountain head and then Check whatever sim Escort island is on and see if it is the same problem there.  We have another sim in our system Zerango that we have asked to have removed from the RC system and it too is in le tigre and I will keep an eye on it to see if the problem appear there.  This though is about the most disruptive bug I have seen yet and needs to be addressed at once before it causes a number of clubs to start to close, since under the circumstances it is impossilbe to operate them under these conditions.  I sincerly hope you see this notice and pay attention to it because in five years of managing clubs in sl I have never seen a single more disruptive and destructive problem than this one and that includes the early days of the copybot terror.


Thank you

Lycia Craig

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  • Lindens

Sayrah Parx wrote:

Thanks, the permissions fix works well and there are some great new script features.

llSetMemoryLimit() appears to work as far as llGetFreeMemory() and llGetUsedMemory() are concerned, which should help a lot with objects that have many small scripts. I've heard that OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY with llGetObjectDetails() is still supposed to return 65536 at this time, as well as the memory count in Viewer 2, for any mono script. Do you know if setting a lower memory limit actually lowers the amount reserved on the server, even though the reporting tools don't see any difference?

Using llSetMemoryLimit() to lower your script's memory footprint also lowers the amount of memory reported by OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY and the 'script info' interface.  The lower limits are also enforced - if you have a small script and set its memory limit to be slightly more the current memory usage, then e.g. allocate a large string, the script will hit a stack/heap collision, even if total memory usage is less than 64kB.

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This is gonna make the lives of scripters and land owners "interesting".

https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-23393 Viewer reports script info for the wrong parcel, in some cases

https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SCR-133 Script info reporting on discontiguous parcels is not working as expected.

Can we get some help here please?

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Ardy Lay wrote:

This is gonna make the lives of scripters and land owners "interesting".

 Viewer reports script info for the wrong parcel, in some cases

 Script info reporting on discontiguous parcels is not working as expected.

Can we get some help here please?

Those are both from 2010, not sure how relevant they are to the thread for release candidate deploys...

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Maestro Linden wrote:

Sayrah Parx wrote:

Thanks, the permissions fix works well and there are some great new script features.

llSetMemoryLimit() appears to work as far as llGetFreeMemory() and llGetUsedMemory() are concerned, which should help a lot with objects that have many small scripts. I've heard that OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY with llGetObjectDetails() is still supposed to return 65536 at this time, as well as the memory count in Viewer 2, for any mono script. Do you know if setting a lower memory limit actually lowers the amount reserved on the server, even though the reporting tools don't see any difference?

Using llSetMemoryLimit() to lower your script's memory footprint also lowers the amount of memory reported by OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY and the 'script info' interface.  The lower limits are also enforced - if you have a small script and set its memory limit to be slightly more the current memory usage, then e.g. allocate a large string, the script will hit a stack/heap collision, even if total memory usage is less than 64kB.

Thanks, I tested OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY again with the same test objects I made before and this time it reflected the lower limit I had set.  I must have used the wrong UUID before.  It will be great to set lower limits once it's on the main channel, thanks for adding it.

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