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What are we going to call it? Chatbook, SLitter?


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Aha. Right.  Erm....do you not think LL might be better fixing things that residents have complained about ad nauseum? Perhaps? maybe? Ya think?  

Also, bully for you that you like Tweeting and Facebooking and such.  Some of us, I would estimate a huge majority are here for the exact opposite.   

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I stated my opinion.

iLove it.

But If you want more, I'll add that releasing it during the current G+ controversy is brilliant. You make an assumption that I like Facebook, and although I am a recent Twitter convert, I actually hate Facebook. But I am connected to a whole lot of family and friends there and there alone. I wish it would fail, but the emerging Google+ alternative looks equally evil. So LL has given us a network where sl friends can be connected while not inworld. YAY! Rather than using Facebook or Twitter, I'm happy to be connected through the same company that I log into each night for the same reasons that many are happier to post here in the official LL forum as opposed to other SL related sites. I'm glad that LL went the DIY route. Turn it off and ignore that it exists if you don't want to use it. As I stated, changes are being made, I'm sure you'll get the privacy you desire, read the SLU thread "New Web Based Profiles" for more about that. Most importantly perhaps, is the clear evidence that LL is reacting much more quickly to resident concerns. Two jira's were fixed within minutes last night, has that been the norm? And yeah, I guess you need to have your feed open or be on Twitter to know that Rodvik is listening. But it's a well accepted fact, he's paying attention to the chatter. Give the guy a chance, SL needs to grow, growth can be painful, everybody won't be happy all the time.

*shrugs* I'm not trying to change the mind of you or anyone else. I've discussed connectivity, privacy and trust with sl residents for years. I've heard your side and I understand. But in my world, this is progress. In my imagination, doors are opened.

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Gypsy Quixote wrote:

I stated my opinion.

iLove it.

But If you want more, I'll add that releasing it during the current G+ controversy is brilliant. You make an assumption that I like Facebook, and although I am a recent Twitter convert, I actually hate Facebook. But I am connected to a whole lot of family and friends there and there alone. I wish it would fail, but the emerging Google+ alternative looks equally evil. So LL has given us a network where sl friends can be connected while not inworld. YAY! Rather than using Facebook or Twitter, I'm happy to be connected through the same company that I log into each night for the same reasons that many are happier to post here in the official LL forum as opposed to other SL related sites. I'm glad that LL went the DIY route. Turn it off and ignore that it exists if you don't want to use it. As I stated, changes are being made, I'm sure you'll get the privacy you desire, read the SLU thread "New Web Based Profiles" for more about that. Most importantly perhaps, is the clear evidence that LL is reacting much more quickly to resident concerns. Two jira's were fixed within minutes last night, has that been the norm? And yeah, I guess you need to have your feed open or be on Twitter to know that Rodvik is listening. But it's a well accepted fact, he's paying attention to the chatter. Give the guy a chance, SL needs to grow, growth can be painful, everybody won't be happy all the time.

*shrugs* I'm not trying to change the mind of you or anyone else. I've discussed connectivity, privacy and trust with sl residents for years. I've heard your side and I understand. But in my world, this is progress. In my imagination, doors are opened.


Well said Gypsy. :)

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I got an invite to the same party! I am heading out too. :)

I am telling you guys it is fun, it is only SL people and no one is going to find out your Real Life information from you posting on there. Try it till next Monday if you still don't like it block everyone. But this is so totally SL it so adds to the user experience I don't think it is going to go away. :o

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Void Singer wrote:

that's because I started in the slums, but I've risen above it.... as god is my witness I'll never... hey gimme back that microphone... what do you mean copyright infringement... Scarlett who!?

Awww... I wanted you to finish... *finishes for you* "...be SLummy again" que the music... lol.

Anyway, I'm not sure how I feel about this.  I like Twitter for the fact that I only have to pay attention to it when I want to... otherwise it tends to become information overload to me.  I could see this being the same way. 

But since I don't use the official viewer, I'm not sure how the web profiles work in them to begin with, so for me, at this point, I suppose it's not a big deal.  So I guess I'll give it a big meh, for now and reserve any further judgement until I see how it effects me in the long run. Oh hell, I might even play around with it a little... I'm trying to keep an open mind.


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Void Singer wrote:


SL is obvious, um is obvious, and together they are funny and kitschy....

"I can't login in so I'm just SLumming right now"

Slum? The Second Life User Messaging (system)?


Nah, I'm at work, hit me up on my slums...

Jeez, my computer is so stupid tonight, I'm just gonna slum it....

The new LL updates just borked everything up again! I have to get in touch with my clients/friends/partners, sh*t, I guess Im slumming tonight :smileymad:

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

/me post to Dres' wall to open his mind.

ETA: you can log in here to check it without going to viewer 2:

Thanks, I actually have a direct link to my web profile on my blog, which I keep as a locked tab so I can get to it and easily access all of the links I use most for SL (that's really all my blog is for, seeing as I haven't written anything on it except my intro post... lol).

But now I'm confused, what you posted is in my "Notifications" area... I thought it would show on my "Feed" or my "Home"... is "Home" what the so-called wall is?  I don't get it... what's the difference?

Has Torley done a video yet that explains all this stuff or do I just have to start posting in various places to figure out what ends up where? I'd like at least try to look like I know what I'm doing... lol.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Keli Kyrie wrote:

/me post to Dres' wall to open his mind.

ETA: you can log in here to check it without going to viewer 2:

Thanks, I actually have a direct link to my web profile on my blog, which I keep as a locked tab so I can get to it and easily access all of the links I use most for SL (that's really all my blog is for, seeing as I haven't written anything on it except my intro post... lol).

But now I'm confused, what you posted is in my "Notifications" area... I thought it would show on my "Feed" or my "Home"... is "Home" what the so-called wall is?  I don't get it... what's the difference?

Has Torley done a video yet that explains all this stuff or do I just have to start posting in various places to figure out what ends up where? I'd like at least try to look like I know what I'm doing... lol.


lol, cute.

Feed is your feed. Home is the slum wall, and notifications tells you what's new in the stuff you've posted or posted to.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Feed is your feed. Home is the slum wall, and notifications tells you what's new in the stuff you've posted or posted to.

emoticons_smilies_8.gifSo my reply to Keli will be published for all to see? And if so, where? My feed? Her feed? Nothing new is showing up except in my Notifications tab. And what's the difference between Feed and Home? I'm so confused. Where's Torley when you need him... lol.




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 I don't have mine set for friends only. It only goes to my friends feed but I think anyone in SL can look up stuff I post. I have it Set to Second Life so that everyone in SL can see it. You can set it so your stuff only goes to your friends though.

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I wish I could call it 'gone" or "permanently turned the hell off" but sadly I can't.

Yesterday when I first heard about LL's latest "feature" I went to my privacy settings and set the wall writing to 'Nobody' thinking that would kill the spam. Wrong. I'm seeing crap that friends are writing (to each other or on their walls I suppose) but it's still appearing on my Home page. What the...? I've since gone in and unchecked all the Notifications boxes. Will that do the trick? Is there really no way to opt out of this garbage like Ceera said in her posts?

It would be nice to get some advance warning about this stuff. Once again LL has (silently) rolled out their latest big idea, with the security settings wide open no less and no apparent way to shut it off. Please LL give those of us who don't want to be participate in your latest experiment a way to opt out. I don't think that's asking too much.

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Deej, are you sure you're not seeing your feed because you've inadvertently looged into the SL website. I've checked with one of my alts on 2 different browsers. One, which is logged in, shows all the tabs [Feed, About, Picks, Groups, Notes]. The other, which isn't logged in, only shows the SL part of the 'About' tab and witholds the first life info. Or maybe I've misunderstood your problem.

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Right, but your posts will not show up on my "Home" because we aren't friends, right?  So in essence, you can't "follow" someone without being their friend, right?  But you can go to their feed page if they have it open to people in SL or everyone and see what they've posted... I hope I'm getting it... lol.

What I'm really confused about is the fact that your post to my feed doesn't show up in my feed at all, and for that matter, I don't see it in yours either. I'm completely perplexed.


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