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Deploys for the week of 2011-07-18

Oskar Linden

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BlueSteel is getting promoted this week. BlueSteel has the "Avatar Visibility" project.

Second Life Server (main channel)
  • Avatar Visibility
  • http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Hiding_avatars_and_restricting_avatar_sounds
    • This new feature adds the ability to control if residents on a parcel are visible to others outside that parcel, as well as the ability to see them. In other words, if TheFirst Resident is on one parcel and TheSecond Resident is on another, while this feature is enabled on either parcel, they will not see each other. Text chat on channel zero is blocked following the same rules.
      • While this feature works with all viewer, a new version is required to change these options. In the version 2.8 viewer, the About Land / Options dialog will have a new checkbox.
    • The llGetParcelDetails() function will now accept a new parameter PARCEL_DETAILS_SEE_AVATARS that may be passed into the function, and it will return an integer flag indicating if the setting is on or off.
    • Both the large map and mini map work as before. Green dots will indicate the approximate location of an avatar, regardless of this new parcel setting.
    • LSL sensors will function normally, and can detect the presence of avatars on parcels with this setting enabled.
    • Text chat on channels other than zero are not blocked by this setting.
    • If an avatar is on a vehicle with this feature enabled, the entire vehicle will not be seen.
    • All existing parcels in Second Life default to the old behavior (showing residents on the parcel). To enable this feature on your parcel, you must have the new viewer with appropriate permissions, and then turn off the checkbox above.
    If the new viewer is used on an older simulator, the option will be checked and disabled.
  • Sound Audibility
    • This feature adds new parcel controls to limit the sounds that may be played by avatars. These are sounds from gestures, played from the viewer inventory, or from scripts on attachments. The parcel owner (or group member with powers to change parcel settings) can set the parcel to allow avatar sounds from everyone, only members of the parcel group, or nobody.
      • A new SecondLife viewer is required to change these settings from their default values. In the version 2.8 viewer, the About Land / Sound dialog box will have a new control:
  • All existing parcels will default to having this set to "Everybody" and thus behave as before this feature was introduced.


2011-07-19, 5:00am: Rolling Restart - Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/11

Second Life RC BlueSteel
Project In this channel TBD.

2011-07-20, 8:00am: Rolling Restart - Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_BlueSteel/11

Second Life RC LeTigre
Project In this channel TBD.

2011-07-20, 9:00am: Rolling Restart - Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_LeTigre/11

Second Life RC Magnum
This contains the homestead performance improvement fixes.
2011-07-20, 10:00am: Rolling Restart - Release Notes: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum/11

We will be monitoring this thread during the next week so please feel free to post issues that you feel have been introduced by the new code. Please file a JIRA for issues you find and post the JIRA link into this thread. It really helps us out. When determining if issues are relevant or not research is key. Tracking down exactly the right situation where an issue is occurring greatly speeds up the development process to get fixes in place.
I appreciate your help. Have a good week!
p.s. If you are interested in helping test SecondLife in beta please join the group "Second Life Beta" in-world. We also have an email list where we communicate upcoming projects and how you can help. ( https://lists.secondlife.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/server-beta ) Once a week we meet on ADITI to discuss new features, new bugs, new fixes, and other fun stuff. You are more than welcome. Information is here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group


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I'm having some odd experiences, I'm not sure which version of the Server code is involved, but if it continues, I'm not sure where the fault is.

Place: Kaili region, on the road which runs Laka-Kaili-Poliahu

Symptom: Sim-crossing failure with a vehicle, Initially, it seems to be a severe instance of rubber-banding, but then the vehicle vanishes, and the AV "sticks" close to a region boundary. Often, it's reported as still in Kaili region, but with an out-of-range coordinate. A TP is possible, but movement controls are partially locked.

Sometimes, after ten minutes or more, the location is corrected and the AV is placed where they should be after the sim-crossing, but the vehicle has vanished. There look to be several abandoned vehicles on the landward side of the road, within the Kaili region. If this does happen. AV movement appears normal.

Of the three regions, Laka is BlueSteel, Kaili and Poliahu are LeTigre.


I have seen similar events happen elsewhere, but this is the only place I can be sure it happens every time. 


All I can think of is that something within the region is running with a horrible number of scripts. Or, maybe, we gace hardware in two distinct server centres.


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I see the same problem with some sculpty objects (as on your screenshot) on other SIMs - they lost their sculpty-map textures and turned into their base shapes (stitch-type shapes). And it is not just slow-rezzing problem in my viewer, other people (with different viewers) see it too and the owner of the objects says that the type of the prims was really changed somehow to torus and he had to delete them from the parcel and re-rezz again from inventory to fix the problem. But all other sculpty objects were ok there - very strange thing.

Sorry if it is a well-known bug that is being discussed in some other thread of the forum.

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Hm, you might not consider it to be well-known, but that bug affected the LeTigre release channel last week, and prompted the roll-back of the server channel. There's a wee bit more detail in the LeTigre info page which Oskar references in his post. All you can do is delete the faulty item and re-rez. Or scream loudly if it's no-copy.

Looking at that page, Mesh-Prep seems to be having problems. If I read it right, we're not getting an RC channel restart this week, and there's been no announcement in Status yet.

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Dip Miles wrote:

I see the same problem with some sculpty objects (as on your screenshot) on other SIMs - they lost their sculpty-map textures and turned into their base shapes (stitch-type shapes). And it is not just slow-rezzing problem in my viewer, other people (with different viewers) see it too and the owner of the objects says that the type of the prims was really changed somehow to torus and he had to delete them from the parcel and re-rezz again from inventory to fix the problem. But all other sculpty objects were ok there - very strange thing.

Sorry if it is a well-known bug that is being discussed in some other thread of the forum.

Welcome to Second Life forums, Dip.

I was just listening in to Second Life Beta group chat yesterday, and loads of people were rather upset by their sculpties reverting back into Torus shapes on the LeTigre sims.  Once the sims have been rolled this week, this issue will be fixed, but any sculpties that have turned into Torus won't turn back into the shape they should be. They do have to be re-rezzed.  Hope everyone made copies.

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Thanxx Marigold for your answer. Hope the problem will be really fixed soon. But some broken objects could be "no copy". Just imagine: an expensive multi-prim sculpty object (no-copy) broken because of this issue...  BTW, I noticed that problem at "Mullett" and "Ellesmere" SIMs. Some objects were already re-rezzed by the owners.

There was one more strange thing at "Ellesmere" SIM: few times the SIM crashed (all residents who were there crashed and had to relog SL) and all changes made during last few minutes on the SIM disappeared (like the SIM was restored from previous backup). No new-rezzed (before crash) objects were returned to Lost & Found folder.

I wonder if these two issues are connected with latest SIM-software updates ? They have appeared about 2 weeks ago.

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SVC-7114 is describing something similar to what I've seen, but (like some people mentioned there in the comments) sculpty objects were broken not while editing, but "automatically" - we just came one day online and saw them broken (some of the sculpty parts turned into torii), called the owners and they re-rezzed the objects (but not all). As far as I know no people there ever used LeTigre SIMs for building or changing objects, and I've heard about LeTigre only in this thread.

Do your words that "... has been fixed for this week's Mesh server." mean not only fix for LeTigre, but for other SIMs with the same issue too ? Or it's better to go to SVC-7114 page and leave there a notice about other SIMs in the comments ?

Anyway, thanxx for answer.


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OK, I have to ask, and I'm not being a stirrer/troll/flamer/ne'erdowell or whatever....

What is going on?

Tuesday the Main Grid was rolled.  Frankly Woods of Heaven (now sim 5188, was 2917, 2517, earlier 4686) is no better, in fact TD is marginally worse.  It wouldn't be an older server, would it, Oskar?  No matter it seems to be working, best leave well alone.  Please don't roll us again this week, we're still dizzy.

Wednesday should've been all the RC channels according to the Google calendar, but it looks as though only Magnum was actually rolled.

Thursday....LeTigre.   So whence Bluesteel??  I repeat, Oskar (or Maestro), what is going on?

I know Mesh is proving to be a B....., but leaving your customers in the dark is NOT GOOD.


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It is still happening. Now with a friends hair whose sculpts have stitching type "sphere".

We´ve lost many items in our sim because of this bug. And some no-copy items cannot be replaced because the creator isn´t in SL anymore.

What should be do now? We´re loosing many items which are worth a few thousand L$

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Vicky Aura wrote:

It is still happening. Now with a friends hair whose sculpts have stitching type "sphere".

We´ve lost many items in our sim because of this bug. And some no-copy items cannot be replaced because the creator isn´t in SL anymore.

What should be do now? We´re loosing many items which are worth a few thousand L$

Have these items only been rezzed recently i.e. since this week's rollouts again? If so that is cause for concern and it would be worth raising a JIRA.  LL are clearly aiming for a deadline i.e. SLCC to have mesh rolled out - but they can't afford to be affecting residents who have not agreed to be guinea pigs.

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Yes, it IS still occurring.  For what it's worth, I do not think that Mesh will be ready for SLCC, but I do not think that will stop LL pushing the system out to an unwilling and largely unprepared user-base.

It isn't some Machiavellian plan to get all us SL oldies to upsticks and leave, it is just that the people that made the decision are so far removed from the interface that the pain and loss to residents just does not impact on them.

This was also clear during the content loss debacle last year.  Those Lindens that deal with us are to a certain extent between a rock and a hard place: we, the userbase, who are are screaming at them to stop, to sort out the problems before we lose even more irreplaceable content, and the leaders of SL, who are dead-set on meeting their own deadlines, which it seems to me were imposed with very liitle regard to the actual difficulty of the task.  If, as seems very likely now, Mesh is NOT ready for SLCC, it will be seen within Linden Lab as a major failure, and heads will roll.  The sad thing to my mind is that some excellent people will go simply because they failed to meet an unreasonable deadline.

And, Yes, I know that Mesh is present in a highly limited capacity on a selected server somewhere in SL.  There is a world of difference between that and having Mesh rolled out to the grid as a whole.

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Replaced? Er...by whom?

I thought I'd add my message here to an existing post rather than create yet another.

Woods of Heaven is poorly again.  Sim no 5188 (Woods of Heaven) is mostly running TD in the 0.95- 080 range - not brilliant, but tolerable for a while.  However today, those dreaded spikes are back when TD plummets and spare time drops to almost zero.  Scripts virtually stop running and my avatar cannot move.  Now last week you had to reroll all Homesteads back from the TD fix..is that going to be needed again, or are you going to wait until Homesteads are crashing about our ears?

I know my personal script load is high, but there are not than many scripts overall running on this sim, about 1200 maximum when all 3 of us that live there are online and script time rarely goes over 8ms.

For the umpteenth time, Oskar, just what is going on?

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Well, I wasn't going to bother, but tonight really was bad.  It is not simply the slow deprecation of V1.xx viewers is it Oskar?

Phoenix Viewer 1.5.2 (1102) May 14 2011 17:52:51 (Phoenix Viewer Release)
Release Notes

Built with MSVC version 1400 (SSE2, LAA)

You are at 257513.5, 321998.1, 21.5 in Woods of Heaven located at sim5188.agni.lindenlab.com (
Second Life Server
Release Notes

CPU:        Intel® Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz (3411.18 MHz)
Memory: 16361 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 580/PCI/SSE2
Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0012.7533
OpenGL Version: 4.1.0

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.20.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8j zlib/1.2.3
J2C Decoder Version: OpenJPEG:, Runtime: 1.4.0
Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1
Packets Lost: 0/36808 (0.0%)

ISP connection fibre optical cable, 10Mps

Now that is a reasonable package, but scripts were running painfully slowly tonight, and not just on my sim.

Kalepa has been awful for weeks now and it seems that Whimsy is going the same way....too many sound scripts?  (Too many for current SL, that is).  I'm fed up  of this.  You want me to be reasonable, Oskar.  I want to be reasonable too, but just lately I have not found much to be reasonable about.

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Im owning a region (Pinola Vale) which are using Le Tigre and since a few restarts ago, scripts are working half the time, namely MLP scripts which rezzes poseballs, the furniture keeps shutting down to a state where the script are running (meaning you can get a menu from the furniture) but any rezzing of poseballs doesnt happen.

MLP is a tested animation system with years on its back, it works flawlessly and my furniture are tested through-outly as it is furniture I create, script, animate and sell from my store on same Region.

Is there a JIRA on this matter and/or are other people on the Le Tigre RC experiencing same issue?

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Ayesha Askham wrote:


Yes, it IS still occurring.  

No, it is NOT still occurring. It only occurred during the window that that specific code was on the main grid. Any items that were converted during that time will continue to be corrupted until replaced. The server does NOT break new content. If you have existing content that was broken by this bug and it is no copy and no mod and you cannot replace it please file a ticket with those objects into in a support ticket.

As for the rest of your theories I don't even know where to start or if a comment from me will mean anything to you, so I will refrain.


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No. OK, I was told by another resident who had not posted here that some content previously unrezzed had corrupted well after the "fix" was  rolled.  It now transpires that the object had been out during the period you referred to.  My error, and for that I apologise.

As to everything else, I hope I am proven wrong, but scripts are most definitely running more slowly, whatever they are, than before the last roll, and while you say that this merely represents a truer picture of how much impact script time has on server performance, I still find that difficult to square with what little I know of script-simulator interractions.

It is very true that different sims seem to react differently to scripts and sim 5188, which I recall being on a while back, seems worse than most. Why is there so much variation when we pay the same amount?

So there we have it Oskar, you have me marked as a ne'erdowell it would seem.  I'll live with it.

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Ulrich Nansen wrote:

Im owning a region (Pinola Vale) which are using Le Tigre and since a few restarts ago, scripts are working half the time, namely MLP scripts which rezzes poseballs, the furniture keeps shutting down to a state where the script are running (meaning you can get a menu from the furniture) but any rezzing of poseballs doesnt happen.

MLP is a tested animation system with years on its back, it works flawlessly and my furniture are tested through-outly as it is furniture I create, script, animate and sell from my store on same Region.

Is there a JIRA on this matter and/or are other people on the Le Tigre RC experiencing same issue?

Can you give me more info or file your own jira on this issues? Is this something that happens only on that region? Is it something that happens only on LeTigre regions? What are the steps to reproduce the issue? Is it just one scripted object that fails or do newly made objects only work half the time? The more info the better. I am not sure what you are experiencing.


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