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I'm about to give up help!

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The best way is to just go for it, play, experiment, the basics are not as complicated as they seem at first.

Use the SL wikipedia.

And use the forum like you do now, ask, ask, ask!

Plenty of people here willing to help.

What do you want to know, what is your main problem?

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See if you can join a group called NCI inworld.  NCI is a help group.  If not, someone must know how u can join that group.  There are other helpful inworld groups for newbies, but I can't remember the names at this time, but maybe someone else knows.  Go back to newbie island as there are sometimes volunteers there to help the newbies and people who are just stumped. 

Also ask a specific question, such as my hair won't show or something like that. 

What exactly is wrong?  Is it the clothes, the shaping, the editing, the ________________________________ fill in the blank?

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Hi Patricia, 

I so understand how you're feeling.  The learning curve for SL is steep, though I know that some pick things up quicker than others.  I think I fall into the "others" category.  Just when I think I've got a decent understanding of things, I go around the corner and feel l'm running smack into a brick wall.  Okay maybe that's a little dramatic, but I've always been one to pick things up quickly, and in SL....not so much.  

Ask questions here!  The folks are really helpful, and you can be sure there are others reading who are having similar questions to yours.  The links that were posted are very helpful and worth reading.

Builder's Brewery has classes that are supposed to be really good, and that's a great way to meet other people too. Builder's Brewery Classes and Events Calendar

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Honestly the best way for a new resident to learn is to ask... ask here... ask in Answers... ask in support groups inworld... ask people you bump into... just keep asking. You'll find that most people in SL are very willing to answer simple questions and that some will even go out of their way to help you with bigger problems. If you run across someone that won't, ask someone else.

Also, you might find some helpful information here.

Good luck...Dres

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Go through the steps in my blog:


In order.

If anything fails to make sense or seems wrong, IM me. I try to keep it up to date.

And get to Caledon Oxbridge:


- They have the best guide in all of SL to getting started and getting comfortable.



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Builders Brewery is more themed for 'how to build this or that' whereas this user might be stuck at 'how to move left.'

I'm not sure if even NCI or Caledon are suited, in their classes, for sheer newbies. But Caledon has a walking tour, which begins by showing you how to walk... ( :D ), and ends with you customizing your avatar and more.

- I'd say the classes the various locations offer are good to take a week to a month after being in SL and being comfortable with it.


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I never had a mentor or a volunteer to help me when I was new. I was rezzed at a company's sim and was running around in my grandma underwears the whole day with bald head and my hair trailing a few inches away. If it wasn't for the Guide on the side bar, I'd never have known that SL is much more bigger than where I was in.

I did went to this Faery help island where they gave me some pretty clothes and Muddy's Cafe club where I used to hangout a lot and meet some really nice people who showed me around, gave me copybotted stuff (of course I didn't know at that time), the adult stuff and some even gave me money when I didn't know 'wishing' I had a linden in my pocket in an open chat was considered as begging.

Then, one of my ex-bfs introduced me to building. I supposed he got tired of me hanging around in our house doing nothing much than looking pretty and smooching all day long while he has to go to Gor and check his slaves. So he brought me to Builder's Brewery and told me to get enrolled. I did, my first class was scripting basic... I was so proud of what I did and went home to practice so I can show it to him. He wasn't happy!...Stupid man... :matte-motes-bored:

Anyway, after we broke up I decided to live in a Linden home and enrolled myself to not only Builder's Brewery but also NCI, Caledon and my personal favourite Hippo Building school. I got hooked up with building that I spent a good part of my SL hours in Hippo sandbox building furnitures for my Linden home. The drawback of this, I sort of distanced myself from SL social life. I was mostly on my own with the occasional drop-ins from fellow builders in the sandbox...but I'm catching up with it now. I started hanging around in the clubs again but for some reason sandboxes are where I felt most comfortable..

I guess my point is, even when you are lost... you are actually learning something. Someday when you looked back you will realise that your SL experiences whether it was bad, good or embarrasing is always a part of the learning curve and will always teach you something about SL in one way or another. So, to all newbies out there... Don't give up just yet!

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Hello Patricia,

I hope that you do not give up. SL can be a lot of fun. It is just a matter of getting connected with people who have your same interests, or at least getting connected with the tools that let you follow your interests.

Inworld, I have offered you friendship. I will be online tomorrow and would be happy to help in anyway that I know how.


Edit: LOL. Now I know I didn't take that long to reply. When I first read the post, there were no replies! By the time I posted, there were 13 others!

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Willow Danube wrote:

Anyway, after we broke up I decided to live in a Linden home and enrolled myself to not only Builder's Brewery but also NCI, Caledon and my personal favourite Hippo Building school. I got hooked up with building that I spent a good part of my SL hours in Hippo sandbox building furnitures for my Linden home. The drawback of this, I sort of distanced myself from SL social life. I was mostly on my own with the occasional drop-ins from fellow builders in the sandbox...but I'm catching up with it now. I started hanging around in the clubs again but for some reason sandboxes are where I felt most comfortable..

I lost most of my early friends when I got my first plot of land and started building back in 2009. It caused me to leave the club scene, and they all just faded away... I did get a lot of new friends of a very different nature though.

If you hit classes, chat up the other there. Not just the teacher too. Chat up the other newbies - those folks will looking to figure out the very same stuff as you, and so will have a very high likelihood of wanting to go together when you go out looking for new resources.

One friend I've got turned her network of newbies at classes into a circle of people that now cooperate in new designs for their shops - boosting each other's success significantly; especially as each seems to have a perfect idea now of how to best make the things they specialize in to work well with the other's things - bundle products as well as customers who end up chain shopping between them.


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When I first got here I took lots of the free classes that I found in search-events-education.  I took classes in everything from building to role-playing.  I learned about SL and found this was a good way to meet other people too.

You could also search groups for topics or interests you have in RL before I ran my shop I joined some writers groups that had discussion meetings.  So if you have something you like to do RL you might meet others here engaged in something similar.

Once I started meeting others and doing things I sort of learned SL along the way

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PatriciaCordone wrote:

I have been on SL for a while.  It seems there is so much to learn and I even ordered a book for Dummies.  What is the best way for a newb to learn everything a newb needs to know to get started here?   I am still totally lost.

I felt like giving up so many times when I first started in Second Life, but what worked for me mainly (as well as the great groups/places/people already listed previously in this thread) were the video tutorials made by Torley Linden, and I still go through these on a regular basis, because he's always adding new ones.


A lot of the old ones are still on there too, so if you use Viewer 2 or the older style Viewer 1.23/third party viewers, there's some valuable information to be found within all these uploads.

I hope they inspire you as much as they have me over the years.



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om Piers wrote:

You know what? I wonder if I didn't have that page open in my browser and just happened to click back on it and forgot. Dag blame it all, I am an old fart




lol again, I've don't that before! I had two tabs open and closed the active one and replied to the one I thought was the current one but was actually the page from earlier without everyone else's replies! Cool. I bet it happens a lot. 

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