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Simulated Rape Sims


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I just activated my adult account and now I'm not so sure what I am going to encounter.

Am I safe from these rape sims?  And, are the rapists put in jail to simulate what is going to happen to them in RL? 

ETA:  Is there a way to block these rape sims and the rapists involved in this kind of thing?  I don't even want them near me period.


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You'll run into all kinds of people in SL, take Sylvia's advice and just TP away. No one can rape you or make you do anything you don't want to here. There may be places where the rapists are sent to prison, but that would be a completely different kind of RP I would assume.

Believe me, no one is gonna harm you, unless that's what you want.

Oh come on, I'm gay... you knew I'd pull out the Streisand at some point... lol.


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Mayalily wrote:

I just activated my adult account and now I'm not so sure what I am going to encounter.

Am I safe from these rape sims?  And, are the rapists put in jail to simulate what is going to happen to them in RL? 

ETA:  Is there a way to block these rape sims and the rapists involved in this kind of thing?  I don't even want them near me period.



Hi Mayalily

I can actually provide you with far more information on these places than you are likely to want -- and I'll send you a PM about them later, when I have more time.

In the meantime, I'll just quickly answer a few of your questions

1) There is no simple way to "block" sims that feature rape RP or other representations of sexual violence, short of unchecking the "Adult" option on Search and in your viewer,  One of the problems with the way in which the Adult category was defined by LL is that no distinction is made between representations of consensual sexual activity, and those that depict sexual violence, so you can, in both theory and practice, trip across rape pose balls and associated content just about anywhere that is designated "Adult."

Fortunately, most places that specialize in this sort of thing will actually use "rape" or "forced sex" in their keywords and descriptions, so just make sure you read this before you go to any "Adult" site.  Most places that specialize in this kind of thing will also issue you with a warning when  you first arrive.  Other places, however, may simply have a few "rape" pose balls lying around.

Otherwise, you are always going to be "safe" from them, in the sense that any kind of RP involving the simulation of sexual violence has to be consensual to be permissible in SL.  In other words, if someone "tricks" you somehow into a sexual situation (through animations, scripts, or even just IM) with which you are uncomfortable, you can lodge an AR against them. Properly speaking, if it isn't consensual, it is "griefing," and against the ToS.

There are no other kinds of consequences from going to a rape sim or similar, other than being inadvertently exposed to distasteful content and, unfortunately, often distasteful people. You will always be able to TP away once you have determined that it is such a place.

2) Many places that specialize in rape RP also specialize in depicting the kind of environment where (in their very narrow view) "rape" is most likely to occur: i.e., run-down urban areas, college/university campuses, or post-apocalyptic environments.

One of the key problems with rape RP is that it almost never, that I've ever seen, depicts consequences -- for the victim, or the rapist.  What is more, with some exceptions (and there are some), rape is generally role played in a way that suggests that it is "frightening" to the victim at first . . . and then gradually becomes more pleasurable.  In other words, the RP often does a very good job of representing common "rape myths," such as the idea that women really "want it," or find rape "sexy" and "arousing." I've known of one or two role players who RP rape more "realistically," but this tends to be rare as only the most disturbed individuals would likely to find the utter terror and psychological damage that rape actually inflicts "fun" or a turn on.

So, if there are "jails" for rapists, you can be sure that they are actually rape sims themselves, and not reflecting the consequences of actual rape.

This is the thing:  rape RP, along with snuff (which involves torturing and killing your victim) and vore (which involves killing and eating your victim) ARE NOT PROHIBITED by the SL ToS.  So awareness and avoidance are all you can really do.


Please do not allow the existence of such places, horrible though you may find them, to cramp your own expression of your sexuality, or anything else that you enjoy doing in SL.  In practice, such places are not that hard to avoid.

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Here we go again......I'm going to get slammed.


Scylla, you just admonished Deltangle for her lack of sensitivity.  I did not see any lack of sensitivity on her part.  I saw something that pretty much parallels my thinking and I'm not an insensitive person (just as I don't believe Del is).  There are personal issues that, when posted in a forum entirely unrelated to those issues, are not appropriate.  Evidently this is the second thread about the same subject ( didn't read the other, as I tend to not open threads that don't interest me).  A person who has experienced a traumatic event in their life (such as rape) is going to have issues for a while.....that's how human beings are.  I understand that.  I'm sure almost every person on earth understands that.  For people who have had those unfortunate (tragic) experiences they do need help or guidance to resolve the lingering problems.  A forum dedicated to an online program like Second Life is not a proper place for such help.  One thread about the issue should tell the person that it's the wrong place..........even a sub-forum titled "General Discussions".  Rape is not really all that controversial........it's pretty much taboo in every society in the world.  That's why it's a serious crime in almost every society in the world.  You can't say that someone is insensitive just because that person, more or less, tells the person with the problem that it's not going to get resolved here.  And that is what I read (between the lines) in Del's post.......her post was 100% accurate.


I know (as do most readers of these forums) that issues like rape are very much a concern for you.  You have a group (?) dedicated to help for anyone needing it......that is one of the most compassionate things that I admire about you.  People should seek out help for their problems and you have some great resources to that end.  I just wish you would have posted to the thread simply stating your offer for help and a link to a web site (perhaps one you own) or a SLURL to your place or maybe you offer for Mayalily to join your group.  Not scolding someone who isn't exactly on the same page as you.  People who post their RL problems in a forum like this (one that is in no way related to the issue that is troubling the person) often are "victims by choice".  No one can choose not be a victim to anything........they can, however, choose to continue to be a victim.  And that is what I'm seeing here with this thread.


If it's a problem, get help.  If something bothers about something else, you have a choice fix it or find a way to avoid it.  It's extremely easy to avoid anything in SL.....if you don't like something stay the hell away from it.  If you accidentally wind up someplace, get the hell out (that can be done in less than 5 seconds).  Rape simulation sims are few and far between in SL (I've never found one......but I haven't looked either).  Most people are victims at one time or another for one issue or another in their life (some, several times).  And most people choose not to continue to be victims......some don't.  Coddling those who don't fosters their continued victimhood.........and that's not what I think you want when you offer help to others.  Calling someone out for a different view does nothing to help the "victim".


All this is kind the crux of my "issues" with you.........but that does not effect my respect for what you stand for.

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Good advice so far.  How do u know it's a rape sim?

Also, I am a rape survivor, not a victim anymore. 

No way to block these in your destination guide then?

Also, tp away, yes that's a good idea, but I don't want to go there in the first place.  So, what does it say in the destination guide... "rape sim" or wha?   How is it categorized? 

Also, what if someone tries to TP me to one of those rapist type sims, how am I susposed to know?  Will the tp tell me?

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I think the reason that some people appear to lack sensitivity on these type of threads is because generally they are nothing more than an attempt for attention. Don't get me wrong, I understand the seriousness of the subject with some people, but (even in this case) said person will make multiple threads if their first one doesn't bring in the level of back-patting and comforting they sought out originally.

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You will not find any rape related sims listed on the Destination Guide....that is adult in nature and SL, with the addition of the teens to the SL Main Grid, is not going to advertise (or otherwise endorse) anything of a adult nature.  You will have to search for such adult related material or sim.  The Destination Guide is the least of your worries for winding up on any adult sim.

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It's funny how people always accidentally find the sims where there's stuff that they say they hate.

For example, none of my random travels has ever caused me to stumble into an incest sim.

But people who feel strongly that such a thing is a problem always seem to end up in them, one way or another, again and again and again.

Golly... what are the chances?

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That's horrible Del, that news story, that's horrible!  No I don't like the subject, just thought  it deserved a thread of it's own.

@ Dres, kiss for the Barbara song.  It was beautiful! 

Thanks Scylla for all the info, still wish I could block it tho so someone doesn't try to tp me there. 

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In my over 3 years in SL, I've never actually visited a "rape sim".  I'm sure they exist, but, I don't seek them out.  I do believe CoLA included forced sex, but, it also included angels, demons, mutants, and lycans. (^_^)

Also... Famtasy|Reality << There's a line.  Find it. (^_^)

Personally, I visit dollification places.  The RP strongly opposes male dominance.  Some to the point of banning male AVs. The rest crossdress them as maids and relegate their duties to giving foot massages and mopping up after the more "drippy" dolls. (^_^)y



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Here's how you block someone from trying to TP you somewhere you might not want to go.  You can IM them asking what is the reason (or theme of the sim), you can ignore the TP request, or you can mute the person sending the request.  You are under no obligation to TP anywhere in SL.


Sadly, I'm to to caution you about something that is an unfortunate consequence of this (and similar) threads.  There are many people visiting the forums that never post.......they may be years old in SL and never posted one single post while "lurking" those same years.  You've stated your intense concern for accidently arriving at a rape simulation sim...........some **bleep** may have read your thread(s) and thought to him/herself "wouldn't to be fun to get Mayalily here?" 


All they have to do is search your name, send a TP offer to the sim you object to most.  Sadly there are assholes who think that way.  Don't accept anything (TP requests, offers for friendship, or items) unless you know who the hell it is that is offering.  Pretty as in RL but in SL the consequences are much less........common sense applies here too.

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Along the lines of what Immy says, I havent encountered any by chance? But then I am not age verified either. I can go to some adult places but not all. This seems to be the perfect solution for me.

There is a choice to be made there in turning off the adult seach category.

As advised researching the keywords will reveal if a sim might offend you.

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I avoid these places like the plague but I will play devil's advocate. These places aren't about rape. They're about consensual fantasy rape play. If they were realistic no one would be involved because everyone would find it incredibly distasteful. It's like bdsm or even when people 'fight' on combat sims. Torture and killing is abhorrent but we all know that the play equivalent isn't real.

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One thing you can do to help protect your self is to list your RP limits in your profile,  and be careful if you ever use RLV as it can allow other people or objects control your avatar, not all ways a bad thing, but something you should under stand before using.  If you have a home on adult main land I recommend getting a security system if you don't want naked men teleporting to you because they think you have a hot profile picture.  

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There is no such thing as consensual rape.  That makes no sense whatsoever to put those two words together. 

I'm gonna search Marketplace for some real big weapons and a lot of scary stuff if someone tries to do this to me, and they will get ar'd if they even try to tp me there period.

What are my self defenses here, put in my profile if someone tries to tp me to a rape sim______________________ I will do what to them?  What are my rights in the TOS?

I don't want to see even avatars getting raped.  Nor do I watch violent horror movies 'cuz they are disgusting, so that fine line Bree, is not so thin.  I prefer foreign films for the very reason that they are far less violent.  I'm not into American films much. 


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