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HELP: 1st land with premium


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I am going to decide ...

I will turn my account into a premium one. I had a rental in a large sktybox and I think I will quit that to get a 1024sq, some people told me that's not worth but honeslty I am thinking that is better to pay 26k per year (99$) to LL than 20k for a large skybox. And LL gives back 15k+3K and some more benefits. Sure I will have less prims but with 352 i can build something nice.

Anyway I would like to ask something to you
If i move into a 1024 (moderate) I will bay the parcel and (with premium) I won't pay any kind of tax, right? 
I am thinking that I would prefer having:

1. access to sailable sea (I dont need black sea but something large enough to play with jetsky or to have a nice sailing )

2. maybe access to a road (not so important, but can be funny to go around by car)

3. some place i can terraform to have little house on the sea, without platforms...

Now, what kind of suggestion you can give me in order to find something good?
I read about a 10% group  credit, what that mean?
I saw many protected parcel that have a very tiny space like 1000sqm owned by lindens but all around other owners so it is like useless to sail, right?

As you understood, I am still a bit confused, so please be patient to me :)

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As a premium member, you have two choices. You can get a Bellisseria home and put your skybox above it (anything over elevation of 2000M is fine). If you do that, you select a home from the land page and it is 100% free... but there are a few restrictions.. read the covenant to discover what they are.

Your second option is to purchase a 1024 mainland lot of your choice. The prices vary widely based on location and on what is available at the time you buy. You will not be charged the Monthly Tier on that house, but you will need to purchase it out of your own linden dollars.

The way Mainland works in SL.. there are two costs. One is the initial purchase cost -- that is paid just once up front. The other is a monthly tier cost .. which is $7 USD for a 1024 lot if you are not a premium member. But because you purchased a premium membership, that $7 USD fee for your first 1024 sq M property is waived.

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9 minutes ago, Teresa Firelight said:

As a premium member, you have two choices. You can get a Bellisseria home and put your skybox above it (anything over elevation of 2000M is fine). If you do that, you select a home from the land page and it is 100% free... but there are a few restrictions.. read the covenant to discover what they are.

Your second option is to purchase a 1024 mainland lot of your choice. The prices vary widely based on location and on what is available at the time you buy. You will not be charged the Monthly Tier on that house, but you will need to purchase it out of your own linden dollars.

The way Mainland works in SL.. there are two costs. One is the initial purchase cost -- that is paid just once up front. The other is a monthly tier cost .. which is $7 USD for a 1024 lot if you are not a premium member. But because you purchased a premium membership, that $7 USD fee for your first 1024 sq M property is waived.

OK that's what I supposed but now I assume it is for sure...

In order to go for a 1024 in mainland, I think that is the reason I buy (for a skybox i can stay where i am)...
I would prefer a place with something more, for example a sailable playable water (jetsky or something)  For tthat, should i have access through "lindens water area" called protected? 99% of times is not possible... very difficult to find, usually other owner put building in the middle of the water...


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You'll need to make sure the protected land (not abandoned land) is right next to your parcel. When that's the case, nobody can block your access. Parcels that have both protected water and road aren't that common, but getting one or the other isn't too hard.

Rather than rely on land listings, I'd suggest opening the world map and see what's for sale on the coast (make sure "Land Sale" is checked on the map options, so you see the overlay for land for sale). There are quite a few random water regions owned by the Lindens, so you can get parcels next to one of those (if you just want some water, not access to the main water routes).

An alternative idea is to get a road parcel with a direct route to a coast rez area. An example is Chiffre, which has a public coastal rez zone and a road leading right to it. Many of the regions around there will have land coming up for sale.

Or you can go for a Linden Home in a theme that often has water access. Houseboats have guaranteed water. Many stilts are by the water. Sakura and fantasy have a lot of waterside houses (and also roads, so a house with both is very doable).

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10 minutes ago, Polenth Yue said:

You'll need to make sure the protected land (not abandoned land) is right next to your parcel. When that's the case, nobody can block your access. Parcels that have both protected water and road aren't that common, but getting one or the other isn't too hard.

Rather than rely on land listings, I'd suggest opening the world map and see what's for sale on the coast (make sure "Land Sale" is checked on the map options, so you see the overlay for land for sale). There are quite a few random water regions owned by the Lindens, so you can get parcels next to one of those (if you just want some water, not access to the main water routes).

An alternative idea is to get a road parcel with a direct route to a coast rez area. An example is , which has a public coastal rez zone and a road leading right to it. Many of the regions around there will have land coming up for sale.

Or you can go for a Linden Home in a theme that often has water access. Houseboats have guaranteed water. Many stilts are by the water. Sakura and fantasy have a lot of waterside houses (and also roads, so a house with both is very doable).


Yes, I dont care about a sailable mainn route but not a puddle :)  i mean a place where is possible to play around

Thanks for the idea of road linked to a rezz area, I will check... even if i prefer a house on the water ...



about linden home, i prefer to choose a house.. .that's part of the game for me ;)



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1 hour ago, Teresa Firelight said:

As a premium member, you have two choices. You can get a Bellisseria home and put your skybox above it (anything over elevation of 2000M is fine). If you do that, you select a home from the land page and it is 100% free... but there are a few restrictions.. read the covenant to discover what they are.


Is it possible to visit Bellisseria ?
I am mot premium now...

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I would check out Bellisseria in particular the stilts and houseboats. You are limited with what you can build but finding a 1024 by sailable water on mainland is fraught with high priced temptations some that will work out and some that won't.

Not all land advertised as protected water really does have protected water.... you need to go make sure before buying it. Even if a place does have protected water, for someone starting out with water vehicles the route available to open water might not be easy. The sort of places you will find reasonable priced parcels are likely to be along river ways, how good the water access is even along the protected route depends on the neighbours. Making a wrong decision can be expensive, it is easy to spend 30K on a parcel only to find your neighbours have made your route to open water a miserable one. I have made costly mistakes in the past, it is easy to do.

Using the minimap with parcel boundaries showing can help to display protected routes and rezz areas, but it takes a bit of practice and pattern recognition to work it out.

I would advise using your premium to get something in Bellisseria and go exploring. Take you time with a mainland purchase, there are plenty of places to rezz around mainland waterways and get to know different areas by exploring them. As you explore and learn you will get a better understanding of what sort of routes you can manage and where you want to look for land. I wouldn't go rushing in to any expensive purchases unless you are right on open water and prepared to pay the high premium for the land.

Edited by Aethelwine
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Just to clarify the minimap at least on firestorm is the one access by Ctrl-Shift-M and you can run this more easily whilst moving around than the full world map. The setting you want you get by right-clicking it, Show and making sure property lines is selected.


The White lines indicate parcel borders. LCC skysigns are a good indication that you will be able to rezz on that parcel. LCC stands for Leeward Cruising Club and they are meant to only be used on parcels that allow rezzing. The FIYC sign is for Fisher Island YC, and again indicates rezzing. Immediately to the North of the LCC and FIYC parcels you can see a long narrow parcel to the North, it extends to the West and leads up to a road... It is a linden protected route, the parcel itself covers both water and land. To be 100% sure you really need to go stand on it and see, but the fact it extends on to the road would make me 99% sure it was protected, but even without that the shape makes it look like a protected route to me. That is what I mean by pattern recognition, the more you look at these maps the more patterns you will recognise and confidence you will have predicting what the parcels are likely to be. 


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On this view of Balleya from the minimap I am showing parcels for sale and have ringed in green the ones next to protected water:


Do note that whilst protected water in this area can for an experience traveller get you all the way to Bay City, Sea of Fables in Sansara as well as further North up the North of Heterocera, it won't connect with the Blake Sea. It does connect to the second most extensive series of waterways.... but this particular section of that water way is a bit of a labyrinth of narrow passages and often shallow waterways.

Out of interest the Hyles info hub is on that map I have circled it here:


Also note that the SLCG skysign showing on the left hand side of the map indicates it belongs to the SL Coastguard. In my experience I would expect that to allow rezzing.

One other thing to notice there in the next region to the south of the Hyles Info Hub there is a little parcel on the region border that is otherwise looks like a linden protected water region. It is unusual and parcels in linden water regions like that either indicate a buoy zone for racing or a rezz area. There is no racing in the area, so it is likely to be a rezz zone, which it is. World map confirms it by clicking it, on there it tells you the parcel name is "Ferry and Dock Rez Zone".

Edited by Aethelwine
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On this image I have drawn out light green lines and boxes to indicate the Linden protected parcels.


Hyles Info hub is protected too but I can't tell that from the map layout as there is nothing obvious to indicate it. The almost full region parcel next to it is connected to what looks like a waterway especially if you move the map around a bit so that is a safe (and correct guess). The empty water region could be privately owned but it is unlikely it is a safe bet especially knowing the area that that would be protected linden land. 

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There do seem to be reasonable priced protected water parcels around Hyles. So it might be an option to look around there for somewhere to buy. Rez your jetski either at the SLCG station or the rez area to the south of Hyles Info hub and have a look around. If you can work the route out to the ANWR channel you can head to the Sansara continent and one of my favourite areas to explore by boat. There is plenty to see there.. the prim ol rig in the ANWR, the various islands along the North of the color regions, Bay City on to the Bay of Space Pigs, the L-Shaped lake. You can even get to the Sea of fables and Linden village although that requires going through other riverways that are often difficult to navigate, but with experience and finding the right routes very possible. 

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You can try this slurl. It takes you to the lighthouse in Cedarburg. It is a rezzing area by the pier, you can't miss it. You can rez a boat there, or simply fly around and look. Second Life Maps | Cedarburg


The benefit of Bellisseria is that you already get a type of house for the theme. And it does not count against the 371 land impact you have. You can use everything on your things. On Mainland, you have 371 Li, then you buy a house that's 100 Li and you want furniture, you want to have your car rezzed... it can eat up the Li fast. Linden lab has planted and decorated around the houses, so it is not just empty ground.

Houseboats in Bellisseria are very popular. They can be difficult to get. Since you own your water inside the plot, you can have your boat out all the time, or leave enough Li free so you can rez it. Houseboats is spread around along the edges on other themes. And it is also some islands, like the big maze of sand islands up in the righ corner.

Stilt homes are also popular, for the same reason. Stilts can have water access, but some stilts are on land.

It is rez zones all over Bellisseria, for those who will visit. You don't need to live there or be premium.

With the Traditionals, you could select 4 types of houses. Now, the latest themes has 8 types of houses. LL will give the old Traditionals a makeover. Add open interiors and let us color the walls. But we don't know when it will happen.

I have put down where som of the themes are grouped. I did not add the latest ones, some of them I haven't lived in yet. So I don't remember what's what. But you have roads and waterways inside all the area on the map. You can open the map and click. If it says "Protected land" you do not end up in somebody's garden.

A Linden Home is best value for the money, since you do not have to buy land in Mainland. You also have roads everywhere. Without the cost of buying a house too. The downside is that you have only the houses provided for that theme where you have your home. You can't remove it and set up something else. There is also a covenant that sets rules for how high a skybox must be. Low floating skyboxes under 2000 m is not allowed. Big privacy screens is not allowed, I think 4 m height is the maximum. Ban lines is not allowed, and security orbs must have 15 seconds delay before they eject people. 




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I think Belliseria is the best choice for a new player. It's like renting, except you only pay for your Premium membership. There is no weekly or monthly rent. You can choose different house styles and colors in each theme. Roads, waterways, your house and landscaping are included. It's easy to abandon your house and move to a different neighborhood - though it's not easy choose your exact location. There are also packs of textures and landscaping items included for each theme, so you could collect all of them by getting houses in all the different themes.

The biggest limitations are rules that keep the neighborhoods looking nice and being easy to travel through. Security orbs must let avatars have at least 15 seconds to move off your parcel. Skyboxes need to be at 2000 m or higher. Objects must not obstruct movement outside of your parcel. Large privacy walls are not allowed. No bright flashing lights or obnoxiously annoying objects. No commercial vendors or more than 2 breedable animals.

You can have adult activity in your home, but it needs to be invisible to your neighbors (either inside or with privacy settings turned on for your parcel). You can have your own music and media streams. You're limited to 351 Land Impact of objects, but you can also rez vehicles or mounts at public rez zones.

If you buy mainland instead, you'd have to pay for the initial cost, then either sell it or abandon it if you decide to move. 

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19 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

You can try this slurl. It takes you to the lighthouse in Cedarburg. It is a rezzing area by the pier, you can't miss it. You can rez a boat there, or simply fly around and look. Second Life Maps | Cedarburg


The benefit of Bellisseria is that you already get a type of house for the theme. And it does not count against the 371 land impact you have. You can use everything on your things. On Mainland, you have 371 Li, then you buy a house that's 100 Li and you want furniture, you want to have your car rezzed... it can eat up the Li fast. Linden lab has planted and decorated around the houses, so it is not just empty ground.

Houseboats in Bellisseria are very popular. They can be difficult to get. Since you own your water inside the plot, you can have your boat out all the time, or leave enough Li free so you can rez it. Houseboats is spread around along the edges on other themes. And it is also some islands, like the big maze of sand islands up in the righ corner.

Stilt homes are also popular, for the same reason. Stilts can have water access, but some stilts are on land.

It is rez zones all over Bellisseria, for those who will visit. You don't need to live there or be premium.

With the Traditionals, you could select 4 types of houses. Now, the latest themes has 8 types of houses. LL will give the old Traditionals a makeover. Add open interiors and let us color the walls. But we don't know when it will happen.

I have put down where som of the themes are grouped. I did not add the latest ones, some of them I haven't lived in yet. So I don't remember what's what. But you have roads and waterways inside all the area on the map. You can open the map and click. If it says "Protected land" you do not end up in somebody's garden.

A Linden Home is best value for the money, since you do not have to buy land in Mainland. You also have roads everywhere. Without the cost of buying a house too. The downside is that you have only the houses provided for that theme where you have your home. You can't remove it and set up something else. There is also a covenant that sets rules for how high a skybox must be. Low floating skyboxes under 2000 m is not allowed. Big privacy screens is not allowed, I think 4 m height is the maximum. Ban lines is not allowed, and security orbs must have 15 seconds delay before they eject people. 




thanks a lot.
there are many pro, i know
for me a funny part is to choose a house :) but i can choose bellisaria if i can find a nice spot and a detailed recent house...

anyway, how to get a house in bellisaria? is possible to choose? need to go there and look for a not locked one?



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26 minutes ago, tyronbull said:

how to get a house in bellisaria? is possible to choose? need to go there and look for a not locked one?

Belliseria houses are distributed by using your accountpage ( if you'r premium otherwise it won't unlock)
You can choose from different themes. If there are available homes. If not in your wanted theme, keep comming back to see if there come available later.
within the theme there are several variances to choose in house design, but you won't see that at the accountpage, you'll need to accept one and pick the variance inworld.

It's not possible to pick a location, just the theme. The system will give you a random location. Don't like that?, keep abandoning till you get a better location. You have 5 tries to pick  every 24 hours.

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On 10/10/2022 at 1:15 PM, tyronbull said:

I am going to decide ...

I will turn my account into a premium one. I had a rental in a large sktybox and I think I will quit that to get a 1024sq, some people told me that's not worth but honeslty I am thinking that is better to pay 26k per year (99$) to LL than 20k for a large skybox. And LL gives back 15k+3K and some more benefits. Sure I will have less prims but with 352 i can build something nice.

Anyway I would like to ask something to you
If i move into a 1024 (moderate) I will bay the parcel and (with premium) I won't pay any kind of tax, right? 
I am thinking that I would prefer having:

1. access to sailable sea (I dont need black sea but something large enough to play with jetsky or to have a nice sailing )

2. maybe access to a road (not so important, but can be funny to go around by car)

3. some place i can terraform to have little house on the sea, without platforms...

Now, what kind of suggestion you can give me in order to find something good?
I read about a 10% group  credit, what that mean?
I saw many protected parcel that have a very tiny space like 1000sqm owned by lindens but all around other owners so it is like useless to sail, right?

As you understood, I am still a bit confused, so please be patient to me :)

Renting is always cheaper than premium and generally will always have more prims.

But there is no substitute for completely controlling your land.

If you group your land with 2 or more alts (or with other actual people) you get the 10% bonus, but at the level of 1024 you don't get that much out of it so perhaps it's not worth bothering with.

You should be able to find a roadside/seaside or both for a reasonable price if you don't insist on Blake or Zindra or Horizons. And there are plenty of options.

You can only terraform up or down 4 m2 on most Mainland parcels, or even less at times so make sure you are basically happy with the land "as is". And of course follow the tips for buying land you can find elsewhere, check FPS, neighbours' claim date, don't assume you can change anything you don't like, etc.

Don't be afraid of buying land. It's a buyer's paradise now, and you can get very cheap land, then dump that land if it goes south and get new land. 



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