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I have un-ignored several people because I am curious how this will play out.  I am encouraged by the restructuring in the Land Forum.  It looks nice, easier to navigate, and clearer where posts should go.  The people forum didn't really get restructured except Missing Connections.  I'm not worried just yet but will take a wait and see approach to the new set up.

I'll be one of the first to Hhmmph-out if there is nothing to talk about except complaining about SL.  Maybe we're all supposed to run away to Discord.  I've never used it.

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4 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Yes but they said if you can imagine your posting at someplace else it shouldn't be here on this forum.

I just won't deliberately do things that are illegal and worry about getting a slap for it. I feel stifled like I have to watch everything I say. Not a fun forum anymore.

I wouldn't go starting a thread about RL animals or anything like that.. But something like, hey doesn't this SL cat look like my cat,  isn't a random animal pic..


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6 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

The moles and the lindens were always good about coming into the threads and giving a heads up most of the time before doing anything.. Even doing some clean up or reopening some threads..

I really don't think they are out to get us, but maybe had someone  say something to to them to where they had to send us a message as well.

This is all true. It's difficult to know how the mods feel about these changes, how much input they've had into them, and what if any guidance they've been given about enforcing them. My guess is that they will continue to do what you have described.

But I think they will also be applying the new rules. And that is going to mean, initially at least, a lot more direct intervention here. The fact that the guidelines give an actual example of what is and what is not acceptable now suggests to me that they are serious about this. The example wasn't written to guide the mods: it's there to tell US what we can and cannot now do.

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5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

But it would not be the specified SL pet.

If there is an SL dog that looks like my dog and I post a pic of the SL dog and my Dog.. Do you think they are going to clean out my post from a thread like,  How is your SL today?

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Just now, Ceka Cianci said:

If there is an SL dog that looks like my dog and I post a pic of the SL dog and my Dog.. Do you think they are going to clean out my post from a thread like,  How is your SL today?

No, I would think that would fall under "relevant to SL."

This is pretty Draconian, but I don't think they are going to be ridiculously pedantic about it.

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2 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:
10 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

But it would not be the specified SL pet.

If there is an SL dog that looks like my dog and I post a pic of the SL dog and my Dog.. Do you think they are going to clean out my post from a thread like,  How is your SL today?

It could depend on the moderator.  But the rules state that only SL stuff should be posted.

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6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

This is all true. It's difficult to know how the mods feel about these changes, how much input they've had into them, and what if any guidance they've been given about enforcing them. My guess is that they will continue to do what you have described.

But I think they will also be applying the new rules. And that is going to mean, initially at least, a lot more direct intervention here. The fact that the guidelines give an actual example of what is and what is not acceptable now suggests to me that they are serious about this. The example wasn't written to guide the mods: it's there to tell US what we can and cannot now do.

If we look hard enough we can find these things in SL and find a way to make them related.. :D


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7 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:


I know you think I'm being a bit ridiculous, but see I've gotten a few slaps that made absolutely no sense to me, and even an appeal on one did no good. So I don't have a lot of faith.  Plus, you can be banned from inworld activity too, and I have a store to run.

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12 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

This is all true. It's difficult to know how the mods feel about these changes, how much input they've had into them, and what if any guidance they've been given about enforcing them. 

Bet they going to be happy to get weekends off now that Luna and I can't debate.

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It is all kind of silly, but relatively easy to include SL being the focus of our conversations.  I will not pretend to know the reasoning behind the shift in policy for the forums requiring all topics to be SL related, at best I can take a guess.  Politics and social issues often result in a lock of the thread regardless, so that is not going to change.  

Edited by Istelathis
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25 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

It is all kind of silly, but relatively easy to include SL being the focus of our conversations.  I will not pretend to know the reasoning behind the shift in policy for the forums requiring all topics to be SL related, at best I can take a guess.  Politics and social issues often result in a lock of the thread regardless, so that is not going to change.  

I don't think it's hard to understand where this is coming from. I get it, and I even somewhat sympathize with it.

Political discussions, and those involving "social justice issues," because they are contentious, can get out of hand. That makes moderation more difficult (and costly, I imagine), and, at the same time, makes the forums a less pleasant place for some people to be.

At the same time, LL probably imagines the forums as a communication tool, and as a place to "outsource" questions and issues related to the use of the platform to residents. The "Answers" section here used to be really important for that. Keeping content related to SL means that the forums are somewhat better justifying their cost by contributing to the health of the platform. A discussion about BLM or Roe vs. Wade isn't doing that.

And finally, the forums are, or were, somewhat open. It's interesting that that has changed recently -- it's pretty clear in hindsight that the decision to require a log-in to see any content here, which they instituted a week(?) or so ago is part of this larger process of bringing the forums "into line." There was, frankly, content here that I'm sure LL didn't want the rest of the world to see. We are not "SL putting its best foot forward." I think that "cleaning up the forums" is partly about the perception of SL.

I get all of this. I think that this is a probably a "sound" business and policy decision.

But it's also going to kill, or at least severely hobble, what has been a really vital and engaged SL community.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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4 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I know you think I'm being a bit ridiculous, but see I've gotten a few slaps that made absolutely no sense to me, and even an appeal on one did no good. So I don't have a lot of faith.  Plus, you can be banned from inworld activity too, and I have a store to run.

I don't think you are being ridiculous, I think you are being cautious and there is nothing wrong with that..

If you have notches against you, it's probably a really good way to be.

I'm always conscious of the rules, that's why most of the time you won't see me going toe to toe in those threads that get locked.. If i walk into those hot zones it's usually to try and lower the temperature .. hehehehe



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13 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

But it's also going to kill, or at least severely hobble, what has been a really vital and engaged SL community.

I think it will likely have such an impact, and believe without lively conversation the forum will have less activity on it.  I think one of the things that keep forums lively, are spirited arguments.  Such arguments can lead to a feeling of comradery with others, and a sense of accomplishment.  It provides one a sense of purpose I suppose.

From my own experience with social mediums online, and in the real world, there needs to be some kind of opponent to fight, some cause to join, without it people seem to lose interest, at least that is what I have observed.

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36 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

It is all kind of silly, but relatively easy to include SL being the focus of our conversations.  

Unfortunately it really isn't that easy. Most S/L topics have been regurgitated ad nauseum and is just a reopening of frustrations with a development process that takes months and years to do the simplest of changes. The non-s/l topics were a welcome diversion from that while still being able to be involved in the community in general.

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2 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

I think it will likely have such an impact, and believe without lively conversation the forum will have less activity on it.  I think one of the things that keep forums lively, are spirited arguments.  Such arguments can lead to a feeling of comradery with others, and a sense of accomplishment.  It provides one a sense of purpose I suppose.

From my own experience with social mediums online, and in the real world, there needs to be some kind of opponent to fight, some cause to join, without it people seem to lose interest, at least that is what I have observed.

From the announcement section they put up, it sounds like that's what they are trying to get away from..

Rather than more of RL they seem to be wanting it to be more of SL and less conflict over RL things.

This is what I just read in that section..

Something went down that's for sure.. hehehe


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the new Announcements section of the forums!  We will be using this space to share announcements and information pertaining to the forums.  Over the years our forums have gone through many changes, and today we have some more to share with you. We’ve been taking a good, long look at our forums structure, guidelines and how our Residents use this space, and have come up with a few changes that we will be putting in place today. 

We’ve added some clarity to the sections, and developed guidelines which should enhance everyone's participation. We hope these new guidelines will help provide a more structured forum environment where conversations about Second Life can continue to flourish, and where members old and new alike will feel comfortable and safe in participating.

We’ve also made changes to the forum structure and cleaned up some areas that have gotten a little dusty.  Reorganizing the Land forum will make it easier to find and post about that awesome parcel/region you are selling/buying.  A brand new Roleplay category is now available to post Roleplay groups or regions that are free to join.  

We also wanted to try and help Residents understand what type of topics belong in each category of the forum. You will now find that in the pinned section of each category is a brief post with some basic guidelines for what is, and is not allowed in that section.

We love seeing the discussions about Second Life that take place here on our forum, and we hope that everyone continues to enjoy them as much as we do.

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Welcome to the new Announcements section of the forums!  We will be using this space to share announcements and information pertaining to the forums.  Over the years our forums have gone through many changes, and today we have some more to share with you. We’ve been taking a good, long look at our forums structure, guidelines and how our Residents use this space, and have come up with a few changes that we will be putting in place today. 

Just my opinion here but when a company starts micromanaging its forums, it is no longer looking at its main product. Had the focus been on announcing upcoming new features and making the inworld processes more efficient, we would have something to talk about other then politics and social justice in the real world.

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5 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Just my opinion here but when a company starts micromanaging its forums, it is no longer looking at its main product. Had the focus been on announcing upcoming new features and making the inworld processes more efficient, we would have something to talk about other then politics and social justice in the real world.

Except they use limited # of employees for work inworld & on the forums. Money spent on inworld development is more cost effective th@n money spent on moder@ting the forum. 

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20 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Except they use limited # of employees for work inworld & on the forums. Money spent on inworld development is more cost effective th@n money spent on moder@ting the forum. 

Yes, I agree and when one starts seeing a company start to put more effort into what is not cost-effective, it is often as a result of not having enough to do anymore on what is. It has been mentioned by a number of posters that the forums are already quite a bit tamer than they used to be. Was it really necessary to go to these lengths to settle it even more?

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So, to get this thread back on track (although none of this is irrelevant to the OP, I'd argue) -- now that there's a much wider range of content that one can justify reports -- and that one can reasonably expect concrete action on -- will you be reporting more, or less?

Or does this change anything for you at all in terms of your approach to reporting forum content?

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4 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Unfortunately it really isn't that easy. Most S/L topics have been regurgitated ad nauseum and is just a reopening of frustrations with a development process that takes months and years to do the simplest of changes. The non-s/l topics were a welcome diversion from that while still being able to be involved in the community in general. also regurgitated ad nauseum.


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Such changes in the forum rules without a stickie in "what's new" / unread content is a peeeeeeve. I would've missed the change if not for all of you lovely folks venting. I check forums close to daily and by the time I got on, all of new rules topics got buried under other conversations.

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