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Oh hell yes! -- Pet Delights!

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Pet Delight: I am finishing up adding optional "Event Filters" to my Parser, and getting ready to add special commands for them!


sKey1 = ADD EVENT FILTER listen FIELDS id = llGetOwner(), msg = ["test1", "test2", "test3"] PRIORITY 1 GOTO Priority1_listenHandler

sKey2 = ADD EVENT FILTER listen FIELDS id = llGetOwner(), msg = ["test4", "test5", "test6"] PRIORITY 2 GOTO Priority2_listenHandler





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Delight of the Day: I should have posted this earlier, but I forgot. I bought a nice woodland path building kit, not even thinking about what the location on the other side of the teleportation portal looked like, and I made some of my pathway up the hill, and then backed down the path to see how it all looked. Backing up, I accidentally bumped into the teleporter, and was poofed to the other side. Lo and behold, the path on the other side was built using the exact same kit from the same designer. My path matched properly, without me consciously thinking to go look at the path leading to it, which was built by someone else.

Serendipity for the win. It was looking out for me this time.

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1 hour ago, PheebyKatz said:

Delight of the Day: I should have posted this earlier, but I forgot. I bought a nice woodland path building kit, not even thinking about what the location on the other side of the teleportation portal looked like, and I made some of my pathway up the hill, and then backed down the path to see how it all looked. Backing up, I accidentally bumped into the teleporter, and was poofed to the other side. Lo and behold, the path on the other side was built using the exact same kit from the same designer. My path matched properly, without me consciously thinking to go look at the path leading to it, which was built by someone else.

Serendipity for the win. It was looking out for me this time.

Photos, please??

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On 1/26/2024 at 5:34 AM, PheebyKatz said:

I just opened a 6-count box of cocoa mix, and found 7 packets inside. I'm on a roll today.

Ever get a 3 pack of 'mixed' bell peppers and get three reds? I did once.


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Meant to post this yesterday.

Being able to purchase a new mattress having saved up for quite a while for one. Such a sense of anticipation and satisfaction as I laid it onto my bed base yesterday. It's one of those rolled ones that you have to leave for 48 hours so I have yet to enjoy it. Fortunately I have two beds, one at my flat, one at my brother's house, and also am a fan of sofa sleeping.


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Indoor picnics. The weather a bit too cold for outdoor picnics, local shop selling off a load of salad and sandwich items for better than half price, so about to stuff our faces and watch a DVD. That should stave off the Sunday blues. 

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2 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

Indoor picnics. The weather a bit too cold for outdoor picnics, local shop selling off a load of salad and sandwich items for better than half price, so about to stuff our faces and watch a DVD. That should stave off the Sunday blues. 

Thanks!  I totally forgot that I have a salad prepped and waiting in the fridge so will now dash downstairs and claim it!!

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Pet Delight: I got commands for "Event Filters" working well enough in my BASIC-to-LSL parser, that I am starting next on the ability to read and Tokenize specially-decorated JSON string!

Input example for JSON with JSON Objects and JSON Arrays containing JSON Arrays ("lists within lists"):

<"{"This":"is", "my":["example", "of", "a", ["JSON", "string!"] ] }">

Output example that should work in LSL:

"{\"This\":\"is\",\"my\":[\"example\", \"of\", \"a\", [\"JSON\", \"string!\"] ] }"

This way, you can copy/paste JSON into a program and it will spit out a string that will compile in LSL.


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I'm engaged with Relay for Life in a way I haven't been for years.  Captaining a small team (me and one other who's too ill to be an official Co-Captain) has given me a great outlet for creative energy, and brought me into contact with some lovely people putting their time and effort into Relay.  Please do come to the SL Living Expo when it opens on Friday, not just for me - I chose to be in a quiet corner anyway - but for all those people who are putting such a lot into it.  Thank you. :) 

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12 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:
On 1/27/2024 at 5:42 PM, AmeliaJ08 said:

Ever get a 3 pack of 'mixed' bell peppers and get three reds? I did once.


I sort through them all until I find that one.

I remembered a story on it recently, so had to Google it:  Red bell peppers are just "mature" green ones!

(And yes, Google also says that different colors are different species.)


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Pet Delight: Finished a "JSON Encoder", and starting on a new syntax: "FOR EACH".

This will be for looping through a list, JSON, or LSD (so far, not Experieces yet).


FOR EACH [optional type] stringvar/integervar.. IN LIST ListVar [optional INDEX indexvar]

FOR EACH [optional type] stringvar/integervar.. IN JSON JsonStringVar [optional INDEX indexvar] [optional SPECIFIERS [list expression] ]

FOR EACH stringvar IN LSD RegExStringVar [optional INDEX indexvar] [optional KEY stringvar]

Short version:

FOR EACH sValue in LIST lListVar

FOR EACH sValue IN JSON sJsonString


Complete with support for NEXT and EXIT FOR..


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On 1/30/2024 at 2:29 PM, Love Zhaoying said:

Pet Delight: Finished a "JSON Encoder", and starting on a new syntax: "FOR EACH".

This will be for looping through a list, JSON, or LSD (so far, not Experieces yet).


FOR EACH [optional type] stringvar/integervar.. IN LIST ListVar [optional INDEX indexvar]

FOR EACH [optional type] stringvar/integervar.. IN JSON JsonStringVar [optional INDEX indexvar] [optional SPECIFIERS [list expression] ]

FOR EACH stringvar IN LSD RegExStringVar [optional INDEX indexvar] [optional KEY stringvar]

Short version:

FOR EACH sValue in LIST lListVar

FOR EACH sValue IN JSON sJsonString


Complete with support for NEXT and EXIT FOR..


Pet Delight: I did it! 

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15 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Pet Delight: I did it! 

I get a free copy for silently cheering you on all along, right? I mean you knew I was supporting you all the way, right? Right?

Seriously though, congrats~!

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8 minutes ago, Dafadilia Wayfarer said:

Pet Delight: Finally overcoming enough of my anxiety to start a photo prompt project I've been wishing to take part in since last year. Just never had the confidence before this. :)

I don't know what a "photo prompt project" is but good for you; I hope you have fun and learn lots.  I always tell my kids (and myself) that sometimes you just have to walk/drive/fly through the fear, and out to the other side.  Good job!

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Pet Delight: Being surprised by how gracious and generous some people are in SL.

A little while ago I asked for advice in a group for a LaraX bikini. Besides several people suggesting stores, one creator also gave me a bikini she'd just updated to include a LaraX size. The folder included many other sizes as well.

A couple days ago while flying over Bellisseria, I sent notes to 3 people reminding them that their skyboxes and one sky platform needed to be at 2000 m or higher. I fully expected that at least one person would take offense and tell me to mind my own business. No one did. Two graciously thanked me for telling them. One lady apologized and said she didn't know how to move her sky platform up. After giving her the simplest of explanations on how to change the z coordinate on her platform in Edit, she successfully moved it up. I congraduated her. Then, not only did she thank me for my help, but she also gave me $L 500! I thanked her, but also felt a little guilty for expecting people to be irritated with me for telling them their skyboxes and platform were too low.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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50 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

I don't know what a "photo prompt project" is but good for you; I hope you have fun and learn lots.  I always tell my kids (and myself) that sometimes you just have to walk/drive/fly through the fear, and out to the other side.  Good job!

It is a wonderful group on flickr that I found late last year. A list of topics are given for the prompts, and we make our interpretation of the topics. Everyone is super creative in the group and their creations are amazing. Also intimidating, but it really looked like so much fun. I really worked up to this point to try taking part in it. Sorry I didn't make that clearer.

Thank you for your kind words by the way. Always so much appreciated.

Edited by Dafadilia Wayfarer
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1 hour ago, Dafadilia Wayfarer said:

It is a wonderful group on flickr that I found late last year. A list of topics are given for the prompts, and we make our interpretation of the topics. Everyone is super creative in the group and their creations are amazing. Also intimidating, but it really looked like so much fun. I really worked up to this point to try taking part in it. Sorry I didn't make that clearer.

Thank you for your kind words by the way. Always so much appreciated.

That does sound like fun! If you are free on Thursdays at 11am SLT, please consider coming to the Photo Salon classes at Builders Brewery.  I believe TeddyBear is just about to start the classes over from #1 but folks can jump in anywhere or take the same class on Wednesday evenings in Caledonia but I don't know what time.

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