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Trick or Treat Event FYI

Lysistrata Szapira

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9 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

So few buckets rezzed? Was it not informed about in citizens groups? I mean, I am practically on the forum daily, but I had missed that Patch made a new thread.

I think that a large number of home owners are not in the Belli group.  We know that there are over 2000 regions, with an average of probably 15-20 homes per region (more for the campers).   Yet the Bellisseria Citizens group only has 5800 members.  That is a small subset of total homeowners - and there are probably quite a few that don't really monitor the group chat constantly or doing the super active hours.  I also think that very few of the total homeowners pay any real attention to the forums on a regular basis.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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15 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

Yes, that top 100 is so vague. Top 25 even worse. I can't invest my time in it either. If it was fixed numbers so I didn't have to compete like blind, I would know what to get.

So few buckets rezzed? Was it not informed about in citizens groups? I mean, I am practically on the forum daily, but I had missed that Patch made a new thread.

Since the Lindens have no idea how many buckets will finally be rezzed, or how many will find most of them, they cannot set a number in advance to determine the bear winners.  They want to limit the number of the rarest bears given to the winners.  The only way to do that is determine the winners after the contest/event is completed.  

Sort of like elections - the winner isn't official until the election is over and all the votes are counted.  Not counting the sore losers that claim they won and will claim this BIG LIE until the next election.

The top collectors are nearing 600 buckets collected, and more Belli residents are putting out their buckets everyday.  With 8 days left, I expect at least 1000 buckets, and the winners will find most of them.

Your numbers are too low.  This was no secret if you checked the Bellisseria Citizens Group, which was first announced on October 11, and is still in the Group Notice archives.  There are 9 Notices still in the Group archive relating to the Great Trick or Treat Event, Bellisseria!


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2 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

The fact that at least 92 people are playing is good. Honestly I would have guessed less from the comments here.  

It's mostly mainlanders and non Belli peeps posting here.  You can't expect them to know anything about Bellisseria events.  The top collectors have over 500 candy buckets, as of yesterday, and some buckets have 250 hits. Anyone that wants the collectors to find your bucket need only volunteer your location.  No one goes trick n treating blind in RL.  Here kids, we are releasing you in Death Valley, CA - you have 7 days to find all the homes with candy in California - no hints now, just wander aimlessly about until you find candy.


There you will find the Megalist of those who WANT their buckets to be found.  Interesting that his bucket only has 250 hits, and yet the leaders are over 500 on their collectioin HUD now.  Some participants want their bucket to be secret, and only discovered by the aimlessly wandering children. And the leaders have found more buckets than on the megalist. 

If you have a bucket rezzed and want your location known, either send the owner of the list your location via IM, or post it in the Bellisseria Citizens Group Chat.


Edited by Jaylinbridges
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9 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

It's mostly mainlanders and non Belli peeps posting here.  You can't expect them to know anything about Bellisseria events.  The top collectors have over 500 candy buckets, as of yesterday, and some buckets have 250 hits. Anyone that wants the collectors to find your bucket need only volunteer your location.  No one goes trick n treating blind in RL.  Here kids, we are releasing you in Death Valley, CA - you have 7 days to find all the homes with candy in California - no hints now, just wander aimlessly about until you find candy.


There you will find the Megalist of those who WANT their buckets to be found.  Interesting that his bucket only has 250 hits, and yet the leaders are over 500 on their collectioin HUD now.  Some participants want their bucket to be secret, and only discovered by the aimlessly wandering children. And the leaders have found more buckets than on the megalist. 


Agreed. lol! I don't want to be an aimless wandering child! Also, to all the weirdos with invisible prims around your pumpkin, may your day be ruined.

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4 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

Visitors to my candy bucket has dropped. I thought it should be more in the weekend, not less. It has not reached 92 yet.

It is still so many days left. What has happened? Do people quit now because it's so few buckets?

It would be better, I think, if it was set numbers to get the bears. Let us say, you need 80 candies to get the second one, after the "starter" bear. So maybe 125 candies to get the next, 250 candies to get the super special one.

Now you have to be one of 10 at the top to get the super special one, and you have no idea how many candies the other players have. Will you be 11th from the top and miss the bear you wanted?

At least with a number of candies, you were sure that you got the price as soon as that number was reached.



The problem is, Second Life is made in America, where it's so ingrained in the culture that you can't have winners unless you have losers.  "Where's the fun in having a sooper-dooper glow-in-the-dark teddy bear if everyone can get one?"  It simply HAS to be a competition, like everything else in Western Civilization.  So, as in real life, some people try to game the system -- in our case that would be using lists;  some people try to make things super-exclusionary -- that would be the folks who added 50+ names to their parcel ban lists, based entirely on names of Forum posters who are more likely to know about the bucket contest than others; and some get fed up with the system -- those who've decided to opt out of this nonsense.

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2 hours ago, Cinos Field said:
I also see no particular reason why us Mainlanders can't rez buckets, but whatever, it's not that big a deal for me.

Cuz it's not even a crappy contest.  It's a sales gimmick disguised as a crappy contest.  You have to be a Premium member to be a Belli citizen.  A PAYING Premium member.  It's just a way to incentivize people to open up their wallets for things that ultimately don't even exist, instead of going to buy some groceries.

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15 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:


It's really not hidden.  All folks need to do is walk around a 512 parcel, at ground level, which should take about five to ten seconds.  Within that time, I hope people see enough interesting things to spark their interest, and they'll stick around a bit longer.

So.  For those looking for my bucket, don't say "f@#& it" lol.  It's in the back.


 I came and looked around and even took a ride on your pizza delivery truck. I am afaid that your parcel with all its food goodies in SL made me hungry in RL.. hehe.. gonna go grab some lunch.

PS...  I am impressed with how much you were able to pack into a 512 LI allowance parcel!

Edited by Teresa Firelight
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16 minutes ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

Cuz it's not even a crappy contest.  It's a sales gimmick disguised as a crappy contest.  You have to be a Premium member to be a Belli citizen.  A PAYING Premium member.  It's just a way to incentivize people to open up their wallets for things that ultimately don't even exist, instead of going to buy some groceries.

The cost of a Premium membership after the stipend is about 72 Cents/week.  I suggest they cut their RL candy budget by 72 c/week, which would improve their health.

It is a contest for those who are making it so. Competition is good.  Everyone is not a winner. And in this case, you lose nothing if you do not participate.  Why are you so bitter?


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17 minutes ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

Cuz it's not even a crappy contest.  It's a sales gimmick disguised as a crappy contest.  You have to be a Premium member to be a Belli citizen.  A PAYING Premium member.  It's just a way to incentivize people to open up their wallets for things that ultimately don't even exist, instead of going to buy some groceries.

Mostly I love your posts. But this one I find myself disagreeing with. The Event is open to anyone in SL. You get a prize if you find a single pumpkin.. and you have already posted a location on this forum so anyone who cant find at least 1 isnt reading very carefully.

Pumpkin locations are limited to Bellisseria.. which makes sense to me. If it was open to anywhere in all of the mainlands.. think how difficult it would be to find a pumpkin because there would be so much more area to search.

I dont think this is "crappy" at all -- I think it is a nice event. But without help from others it is extremely difficult. Fortunately, we dont have to do it "alone."

One of the things I have most enjoyed about this hunt is how Bellisserians are helping each other (and anyone else who cares to join their group) by posting pumpkin locations. And Az has put a lot of time and effort into making a master list available to everyone.. for which I am very grateful. You can find his master list (updated a few times a day) at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Esplin/137/20/38

A person certainly doesnt have to put all that time/effort into it, because just finding one pumpkin gets them a bear prize. But sufficient resources are there between the list and the group chat to let anyone find in excess of 400 Pumpkins.

For those who want to compete for the big prize... go for it! For those who just want to explore and have fun... go for it!!

And please go visit Cheetah's place.. she has an interesting property, worth the trip to go see.

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41 minutes ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

So, as in real life, some people try to game the system -- in our case that would be using lists;  some people try to make things super-exclusionary -- that would be the folks who added 50+ names to their parcel ban lists, based entirely on names of Forum posters who are more likely to know about the bucket contest than other

A list where Belli  residents volunteer their bucket location publically to anyone, is hardly gaming the system.  Nobody is forcing you to use a list where people want you to see their bucket.  Wander aimlessly about a huge continent hoping to find 2 buckets/region - That would only take about a month, and most displays would never be seen.

Your allegation about the 50+ names of posters here needs confirmation.  Send me the location via IM .  And if only one person has done this (not yet proven) how is that going to affect the results? From what I've seen, the posters in this forum are not participating, and not interested in getting in the top 10.   This is just a fun event, and yet it brings out all the SL Forum haters.. sad.

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Just my view on this whole thing ...

I think that LL was trying to do something fun (although the marketing angle is definitely there).  However, all the arguing and disagreeing about the whole thing has soured me.  Somehow people have turned this into a "how many AR's can I file" or "how many bans can I get" or the ever present complaining and whining about security systems.  It is amazing how some people can just suck the fun out of anything.

I hade five pumpkins rezzed on my properties for people to find but finally deleted them all.  I just did not want to be any part of this whole thing.  I think I have "1" pumpkin on my HUD, and that was just testing an Alt's pumpkin.

So - just my two cents - not sure why people can't just have fun and enjoy themselves.

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4 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

(in a reply to Rabid Cheetah ...

Your allegation about the 50+ names of posters here needs confirmation.  Send me the location via IM .  And if only one person has done this (not yet proven) how is that going to affect the results? From what I've seen, the posters in this forum are not participating, and not interested in getting in the top 10.   This is just a fun event, and yet it brings out all the SL Forum haters.. sad.

I once saw a place where a certain resident had banned a slew of people (including myself) because of our association with another resident who she did not like. I did not count the names but there a LOT of them.

On this hunt itself, I ran into ban lines from this same individual at two locations. I am not going to name her or embarrass her... any resident has the right to ban whoever they want from their property for whatever reason they want. But there were about 10 names on the ban list.. including mine.

I have to admit it hurts my feelings a tad to be banned.. I like to think I am sweet and lovable.. but I will defend her right to ban me because it is HER property.

Likewise, while Cheetah may be using "fifty" literally to mean a lot (without doing a specific count) ... she raises a valid point about the banlists.

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14 minutes ago, Teresa Firelight said:

Pumpkin locations are limited to Bellisseria.. which makes sense to me. If it was open to anywhere in all of the mainlands.. think how difficult it would be to find a pumpkin because there would be so much more area to search.

Not really *that* much harder given that there are about 2000 Belly sims last I checked. And I think 8000-ish of Mainland? Either way it's completely unreasonable numbers to explore manually without the handy list provided!

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22 minutes ago, Sparkly Rainbow said:

However, all the arguing and disagreeing about the whole thing has soured me.  Somehow people have turned this into a "how many AR's can I file" or "how many bans can I get" or the ever present complaining and whining about security systems.  It is amazing how some people can just suck the fun out of anything.

Are you new to SL?  SL attracts people that are angry and love to complain about Everything, All The Time.  They can't get by with this in RL, so they come here (and other online places too.)   It is the Internet culture. 

Actually only a very few are complaining as you say, but because that is why they are in SL, they tend to be way too vocal.  Many have emotional problems that they attempt to compensate here.  Just ignore them, it is part of the scene here, a small but vocal group.  The moderators in the groups try to be positive and distract the complainers. Sometimes the only way is to ban them.  Then they complain even louder in another group.  Just shrug it off, and look for the positive fun loving folks in SL. They are the majority!!

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1 hour ago, Sparkly Rainbow said:

Just to clarify - I have been in SL for over 17 years.  So, No ... not new by any means.  But thanks for asking

Congratulations, you are crazier then I am then.  And you must know that SL complainers are nothing new.  The place did seem friendlier though when I first started then now.

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1 hour ago, Teresa Firelight said:

 I came and looked around and even took a ride on your pizza delivery truck. I am afraid that your parcel with all its food goodies in SL made me hungry in RL.. hehe.. gonna go grab some lunch.

PS...  I am impressed with how much you were able to pack into a 512 LI allowance parcel!

Thanks!  It was neat seeing you in-world!

And I stand corrected:  I thought you had to be a Belli citizen to get candy.  You don't.  It's open to everyone afterall.

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1 hour ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Your allegation about the 50+ names of posters here needs confirmation.  Send me the location via IM .  And if only one person has done this (not yet proven) how is that going to affect the results? From what I've seen, the posters in this forum are not participating, and not interested in getting in the top 10.   This is just a fun event, and yet it brings out all the SL Forum haters.. sad.

It's not my allegation.  @Polenth Yue mentioned it in another thread, with several affirming having the same experiences.

And oh, as for what's sad:  When people discourage people from being critical of the world around them.  #ToxicPositivity


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37 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Many have emotional problems


21 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Congratulations, you are crazier then I am then.


You seem to have issues with those with mental health issues.  And right after Mental Health Awareness Day.  That's sad.


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1 hour ago, Teresa Firelight said:

Likewise, while Cheetah may be using "fifty" literally to mean a lot (without doing a specific count) ... she raises a valid point about the banlists.

Thank you.  No one is banned from any of my parcels.  Not even people on my List of Forum @#$%'s Who Aren't Worth Talking To lol

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I am having a lot of fun finding the buckets.  I do get a little frustrated when I passed through 4 or 5 regions without finding even 1 bucket.  (what is wrong with you trad owners not having buckets?)  Since I am literally running my avatar in a grid pattern back and forth I get to see a lot of the regions, the decorating, the amazing landscaping.  I've finished the southern Vic areas and the few regions south of that. I am done with the bottom third of the older trads and campers section.  @Rabid Cheetah I haven't gotten to the middle section yet, but I will find your parcel and snag some candy eventually.  I will continue my way north and then east into the stilts, chalets, and fantasy as time permits.

You will know when I have visited, because my alt Zerrine Fyrewik sends every house with a bucket a Thank You note.

I am pretty sure I've seen several forumites homes on my adventures.  @Marianne Little @Sparkly Rainbow @Polenth Yue (because the shroom lives near me) and many more.  I've been ejected home 2 or 3 times and booted to the street a few times when I wasn't fast enough.  I don't know if I've been banned from anywhere.  What would it look like if I was?

I have 116 candies.  All found without landmarks or teleporting.

I am sure the top 10 are all over 500 candies by now.

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46 minutes ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

It's not my allegation.  @Polenth Yue mentioned it in another thread, with several affirming having the same experiences.

From just ONE resident? Not a big deal when 1000 could end up participating. But you seem obsessed over this, and mention it as a reason it's a "crappy contest".  Insignificant sample size of 1.

49 minutes ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

And oh, as for what's sad:  When people discourage people from being critical of the world around them.  #ToxicPositivity

Right!  We need more complainers in the world. I don't do Twitter, so save those things for the Millennium and Z generation.


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1 hour ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

It's not my allegation.  @Polenth Yue mentioned it in another thread, with several affirming having the same experiences.

And oh, as for what's sad:  When people discourage people from being critical of the world around them.  #ToxicPositivity


To be clear, I wasn't the person who counted up the names on the ban list and crosschecked them with forum names. My aim in discussing the banning was to make people think of what's not working, so that it can be improved. A lot of my bad experiences could be solved with one simple change: up the click distance to 10m so that people don't need to enter parcels in most cases.

I feel for people who want people to come inside and look around, but maybe that could be handled with a sign system. "No, just the candy" or "Yes, come in and look around".

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