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Dillon Levenque

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This a terribly wordy OP. I'm sorry. I really did try to prune it.

I used to spend a great deal of time at a t-girl club called Las Princesas, now sadly closed. It was an 'all-purpose' venue; there were dance poles and strippers and possibly even some dancers who were available for more private things. There were also a lot of people who went there just to be comfortable and to enjoy the music and the conversation. A sort of community existed between the strippers and the DJ's and those of us who were there just to socialize. It was a warm and welcoming place and I'll miss it always.

One night DJ Naz announced her gig would be a 60's theme. I did some looking and dressed in bell-bottom jeans and a top that looked like one Grace Slick was wearing in a picture I'd googled. There was the usual mob but later on the pole dancers quit for the night and either joined us on the dance floor or left. Someone, probably Naz, decided it would be nice to have some rain even though we were indoors so it started to come down.  As it happens I was barefoot. Not long after the rain started Naz's partner took her shoes off and kicked water on Naz. Pretty soon everyone was barefoot (took some persuading because SL bare feet are so, well, you know) but eventually we were all in a big circle dancing the same dance barefoot in the rain.

It was positively transcendental. I remember getting a "Hello" IM from Naz the next day and telling her I was still blissed out from the night before (hence the title of the thread).

Last night something like that happened to me again. It started out as just a bunch of us who knew each being silly while listening to Lillie sing. More and more people arrived. The night just seemed to keep building, and we sort of connected. It was very like the experience I talked about from before but even more so.  Someone who was there called it 'magical' and she was right on the mark. It was. I don't have any pictures from my Las Princesas thing but here's one from last night.

Dancing at Lillie

Again, everyone was doing the same dance, courtesy of a belly dancer with a HUD. And in fact there were a lot of bare feet later on since we were dancing in sand. That might have something to do with the way it all felt. We were all just moving and listening and building off each other's good feelings.

The hippies used to call their get-togethers Love-Ins. Where I was last night generated enough positive energy (you can call that love if you want to) to power the whole grid. There were no mind-altering drugs in evidence (well, not too many: there were still three Bass Ales in the fridge this morning). There might have been some dropping of inhibitions. I'm serious: a lot of people are inhibited about being barefoot in SL. It may have been just a fortuitous conjunction of the stars and planets. Whatever it was, I was still warmed by it today and I bet most of those who were there were also.

Has that happened to you? It might have been with a group, it might have been someplace where you were all alone, or with someone special. Maybe the time he, or she, asked you to slow-dance right there in front of all your mutual friends and everything. I'd love to hear about it. Give me your SL Bliss moment. Even better if you have pictures.


And please, those of you who think I'm borderline delusional and was just sitting at a keyboard the whole time and that being inworld isn't real: I know. I get it. It's just a game for you, or maybe just a way to make RL connections. No problem. You go your way and I'll not criticize you for it. Allow me, and anyone else who is as sappy as I am and wants to respond here, to do the same.

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Solbarondi wrote:

Sometimes things just turn out right unexpectedly.  Although I haven't been in SL for a long time, I have had such things happened to me a couple times.

Yes, and it is such a pleasure when that happens. I hope you get back inworld. It could happen again, you know. There's no limit or quota or anything. :-)
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First, I want to say that you're not delusional.  The emotions that each of us experiences, even if generated and experienced in SL,...are REAL.  

Emotions are a product of our minds, and the interactions with others in a virtual world such as SL, can create the same psychological and even physiological responses that happen in RL. 

It so happens that I too experienced a magical moment in SL last night.   Here are some pictures:

Lillie & all-.png


Here's a joyful bit...dancing on top of the Millennium Falcon:

Millenium Falcon.png


 Now, I"ll give a little background on my next picture.  I've spent most of my time in SL building, creating, exploring and learning.  Very little socializing.  I avoided SL relationships like the plague.  I brushed off men, and ignored attempts by countless people to pull me into anything more than a working/creating relationship. 

Then one day, on the IEEE sim at a Robot Build Challenge, amongst a crowd of people, I received an IM from a stranger.  As the opening IM was witty, I replied.  This person, and I, exchanged banter and I eventually looked at his profile and found his avatar in the busy crowded sim.  He had to log off soon after, and he asked if we should "friend" in order to be able to talk again.  I agreed.  The following weeks were a courtship of sorts, with both of us getting to know the other a little better each time we were together.  It's a rare moment of bliss, when you find someone, with which you "click".   He and I clicked.  Here's a picture of one of those blissful moments:

CG and I -.png

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I did what must be the opposite of a sigh when I looked at your last picture; just a long slow inhale. There are some things that translate almost subliminally. The bliss in that picture was palpable. Thanks.

On the other hand, see how good you dance when the damn spaceship is landing on your head ;-).

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What a lovely topic Dillon!

I have felt blissed in so many occasions in SL I could probably write a book about this suject. But I will stick to the two main things that make me love SL so much and feel I'm the luckiest woman in this world.

Above all there is Ajja, who has been my beloved partner for 3 years. An adorable, patient, funny, loving man and a beautiful soul (I hope he reads this, lol):



Then of course there are my friends. Caring and faithfull friends. And, so funny peope to hang out with.

The pictures below were taken at my club (which sadly no longer exist). The first one was mt RL birthday party back in September. Our best DJs did a 2 hour gig each one so the party went on for more than 8 hours. Gosh, I really felt showered by my friends' love that night! :smileyhappy:


The second photo was a complete surprise to me. Not long before Christmas, I was coming home from RL work, dropped by the club and found a French Cancan  session organized by Japi, one of our best DJ and friend. All these feathers!!! Oh my, it was so funny and such a sweet surprise my friends had prepared for me! Yes, Bliss was the word! :smileyvery-happy:


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The first time I experienced those feelings I was taken completely by surprise, even shocked that it was possible.  I have this insatiable questioning mind, and did my best to dissect the experience to try to understand how and why - because it didn't seem logical.  I've since let go of need to understand, and instead I just go with it because it's wonderful when it happens. 

One of my favorites so far was with my SL and RL partner, We'd been dancing at Madhu's, it was one of those nights that you could just feel the electricity in the air.  I think he forgot to stop his dancing animation, and so as we were walking home,  any time he paused he'd break into some interpretive dance moves.  It was one of those things that is so stupid but I was laughing til I was crying.  Then we got closer to the bonfire that's by our parcel and noticed that some dance balls were still there from an event that took place earlier that week.  

He asked me to dance, and I don't know why it felt different when he asked me at the bonfire as opposed to when he asked me at Madhu's,  Of course I said "yes', and...magic.  Suddenly all my senses were engaged, as it turns out his were too.  We experienced the same fragrances in the air and the same tactile experiences, even heard some of the same sounds that weren't actually there, down to the last detail. 

I remember still feeling glowy the next morning.

Anyhoo, here's one of the pics from that night.


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Wonderful story Dillon. It shows the extremely sweet and pure spirit I sensed in you long ago. Second Life can only benefit from having people join who are capable of seeing, being part of, and sharing such transcendent or resplendent experiences - which are not virtual.

I wish you many more.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I used to spend a great deal of time at a t-girl club called Las Princesas, now sadly closed...

And please, those of you who think I'm borderline delusional and was just sitting at a keyboard the whole time and that being inworld isn't real: I know. I get it. It's just a game for you, or maybe just a way to make RL connections.

You had me at t-girl. Our SL world may be an illusion, but the beauty is real. Can you see the difference?

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I have had a few such moments in my SL - though sadly not lately.

I remember when escort clubs (like your Las Princesas) were not wholly about sex but about making friends and being in good company - that was before voice and cam made it all a bit too 'real'. :smileysad:

Some of my best SL times were the spontaneous 'group' moments when things happened just like you described and became something out of the ordinary. There have also been more 'private' (not that - filthy mind) when something almost mundane was lifted to become special by the the people involved allowing a bit more of themselves to shine through than the pretty avatar. Actually I can't describe it at all - but you pretty much nailed it.

Of course we will be mocked by those who insist that SL is but a game and everyone in it is RPing and as such - nothing is real.

They have no idea what they are missing :smileyhappy:

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Maybe bliss is too 'strong' a word for me.  I have shared with friends several experiences in-world that I was able to walk away from with a little better understanding that SL was a pretty cool place.  I have met some good people.  Within that framework I have found bliss.

Two wonderful and serendipitous group events, although unrelated to in-world, have had tremendous impact on me and how I experience SL; that certain enjoyment that is so difficult to explain, yet so palatable, even to this date: "hippiestock" and "the church" get together. 

The church was/is still one of the most memorable group events of the forum.







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It was a very special night indeed, Dillon, and I love your post! For me, one of the blissful moments of that evening was when you and I brought out our katanas...now that is going to sound odd to anyone who was not there, but you know what I mean! 

I am blessed with many blissful moments in SL, too many to post photos of them all, but here is a very recent one. :smileyhappy:


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If you're sappy, Dillon, I'm sappy right along with you. I am sorry that I only just now saw this wonderful thread. I don't think Lillie had any idea Friday night, when she invited me over to listen to her sing and said to bring Maddy and Celestiall along, that it was going to turn into the magical evening that it did. I didn't want it to end.

I took an extreme number of pictures that night. Every time I thought I was done with pics, I would turn around and there would be something new to capture. There is no way I can narrow it down to one or two to share here, so here is a link to the complete album. I think it's 37 pics in all.


I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Lillie for being such a wonderful hostess on the spur of the moment. She sang beautifully for a solid 2+ hours Friday night without taking a break. Lillie is, without a doubt, the hostess with the mostess.

Some other events that rank up there in blissfulness for me include Hippiestock and an earlier party at Lillie's. Jumping on Lillie's trampoline with cows and egg heads, anyone? That still ranks as my funniest night in SL.

Honestly, I feel blissful any time I have the opportunity to spend time with friends. You all are the reason I spend as much time in SL as I do.

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Valerie, it is a credit to your personality that I really don't hate you because you're beautiful.

Lovely pictures and I can sense exactly what you meant by the way the birthday party affected you, and even more by the impromtu can-can session. It's those kinds of things, where we feel the connection one to another almost like an electrical current, running in the background, that bring us so many smiles.

Thanks. :smileyvery-happy:

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Quinn, your album is fantastic! It was wonderful going through all the pics and reading the chat snippets that you added...you did an awesome job capturing the spirit of the evening!

And I also want to thank Lillie...she's always a fabulous hostess and I love hearing her sing, but on this particular night, I think she sounded even more beautiful than usual...and the music she gave us was a huge part of what made the night so special. 

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leyna wrote:

The first time I experienced those feelings I was taken completely by surprise, even shocked that it was possible.  I have this insatiable questioning mind, and did my best to dissect the experience to try to understand how and why - because it didn't seem logical.  I've since let go of need to understand, and instead I just go with it because it's wonderful when it happens. 

I remember still feeling glowy the next morning.

Ohh, Ieyna. Awesome. That's exactly the feeling I was talking about. Good for you—don't try to understand it, just let it happen! We may all be goofs, but a goof with a smile and that feeling of warmth that seems to start somewhere inside and just spread out is a good thing to be. Thanks.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

That night was magical, Dillon. For many reasons, and you are right,
for some of us, taking off our shoes is a big deal. 




I know, about the barefoot. I'm not sure that's a rational explanation of why it was so special or if the fact it was so special made some do things they would normally not do. Doesn't really matter, though, does it? We were there. We all felt it. Thanks.

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Melita Magic wrote:

Wonderful story Dillon. It shows the extremely sweet and pure spirit I sensed in you long ago. Second Life can only benefit from having people join who are capable of seeing, being part of, and sharing such transcendent or resplendent experiences - which are not virtual.

I wish you many more.

Aww, thank you, Mel. And you are so right: the images we see are virtual; the things that go on behind our eyes are actual.

Edited for verb tense error

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Randall Ahren wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

I used to spend a great deal of time at a t-girl club called Las Princesas, now sadly closed...

And please, those of you who think I'm borderline delusional and was just sitting at a keyboard the whole time and that being inworld isn't real: I know. I get it. It's just a game for you, or maybe just a way to make RL connections.

You had me at t-girl. Our SL world may be an illusion, but the beauty is real.
Can you see the difference

I can; I sense that you can also. I'm not exactly sure what you meant, but I may put "You had me at t-girl" up on the wall somewhere. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:


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Mags Indigo wrote:

I have had a few such moments in my SL - though sadly not lately.

I remember when escort clubs (like your Las Princesas) were not wholly about sex but about making friends and being in good company - that was before voice and cam made it all a bit too 'real'. :smileysad:

Thanks, Mags. You are imagining the club exactly as it was. There were no poseballs and it was considered gauche to actually say things in open chat to someone about an encounter. Of course the regular open chat would make a sailor blush, but that was all just us having fun. I can tell from what you said that you know exactly what I mean.

I'm glad to see you back on the Forums after a couple of weeks away. We missed you.

Edited for spelling

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Maybe bliss is too 'strong' a word for me.  I have shared with friends several experiences in-world that I was able to walk away from with a little better understanding that SL was a pretty cool place.  I have met some good people.  Within that framework I have found bliss.

Two wonderful and serendipitous group events, although unrelated to in-world, have had tremendous impact on me and how I experience SL; that certain enjoyment that is so difficult to explain, yet so palatable, even to this date: "hippiestock" and "the church" get together. 

The church was/is still one of the most memorable group events of the forum.




Thanks, Storm. I was still too shy to ask to be in that picture but I loved watching it happen; it just grew and grew and yes, even though it was just a thing on the Forums it was pretty special.

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