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Question for the day! Do you remove friends from your list after you have not heard from them for quite awhile?

Lexie Linden

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Peewee Musytari wrote:

I just checked on Viewer 2 and on Phoenix and found the following:

Viewer 2:
I have my own Calling Card in my folder and I can drag it onto other avatars or into their profiles or into an object. (this is also true of every other card in my folder not just my own).

Yes, that is how I do it. The post I linked to above give instructions on how to get a copy of your own calling card if you don't have it. It's not obvious that you can give calling cards this way, I think, but it works when you know it.

Peewee Musytari wrote: 

Calling cards cannot be dragged anywhere but Give Card is still on the Pie Menu (I also didn`t have my own Calling card in my inventory, but I do now cos my alt sent me it from V2 lol)

This is much easier and obvious in my opinion. And the best way to get a hold of your own card if you don't have it. :)

Why can't we have both methods available; drag & drop AND right click->Give?

I haven't tried the Starlight skin, but if the menu item is available, it most likely mean it can be activated by changing a value in a file in the viewer program directory.

- Luc -

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Yes I remove people form my friendlist. Not often but sometimes. It has different reasons. Sometimes the person wasn´t online for a long time and I just have the wish to clean my list. Other times I remove people because they never talked to me again or don´t care about me in any other way (like when I asked them for visiting me or helping and such things and they never say yes). And finally there a the persons, who I later wish not to be friends with.

The first meeting with them was nice and we talked a bit, just the normal way. But later, I find that they are a bit strange and I don´t have the wish to meet again or spending time together. Interesting is, that the two people who where that type of person where mens :matte-motes-tongue:

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I agree Luc,

I assume as my alt had her own calling card already in her folder that this is meant to be the new system. The fact that cards are now actual things that can be dragged or added to objects is a good change. On the old viewers they were some weird piece of code that didn`t really exist as a thing and you couldn`t do anything with them at all.  So, you can now make a calling card giver in the same way as a LM giver, which is a good thing.

If you want to test the Starlight thing here is the link http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_Skins/Starlight (skin Nostalgia Blue) it is claimed that it works on that specific one.

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I have 3 kinds of SL "friends" & sometimes it's hard to remember who is which kind.  I wish we could catagorize them somehow.

1.) I have actual friends: people I like & may talk with from time to time.

2.) I have people who belong to a group I run, but which is not active right now.

3.) I have people who I friended because they were new, a friend of a friend, or for some reason.

Sometimes people in group 2 or 3 could become group 1 friends, but often they don't.  Sometimes I go through my friends list to remove group 3 people, but I don't want to remove group 2 people by mistake. I don't usually go through my calling card list to remove people, but I should, because excessive inventory causes lag.  For a couple people I banned from previous land I owned, I kept calling cards & added a notecard to remind me why they were banned.


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I've also got a lot of people on my friend list inworld who were ghosted at one time or another. Some keep in touch and are friends, some don't, and I guess in time most will remove themselves from my friends list, but I keep their calling cards in a special folder in my inventory, so I never throw those away. (Ah, the halcyon days of ghosted avatars :matte-motes-grin:)

I'm glad you asked the question about calling cards on Viewer 2, as I had no clue about how to do that without the pie menu (I mostly use Phoenix, but flit to V2 if being with a newbie calls for it). Reading everyone's subsequent answers about this has been great. 

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Hello Lexie, hello to all!

Yes very often i delete friends i haven't talked in a long time. Friendship is very important for me. I need real friends and no people just to fill my friend's list.

Hmm .... i am not in world this moment to count my friendship cards but i think they are no more than 70? 80? Something like that.

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My friends list has waxed and waned over the years.  I think at one point it was about 120 and now it is 46.  The vast majority of those are aquaintences; a tiny few are close friends.  There are a few I keep from my early days for old time's sake and some rarely log on.  I prune calling cards about once/year. 

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Lexie Linden wrote:


Just wondering how many of you simply keep every friendship card you ever got?  I know I do!  :smileyvery-happy:  Or do you clean them out once in awhile for people you have not talked to in a long time? 

Hmm, that makes me wonder what the average number of friendship cards is....:matte-motes-nerdy: 

A couple of years ago I deleted every.single.friend on my friend list. Looking through it I had realized that I didn't even know who most were. Others I only heard from at major holidays when they sent a photo of themself. For all of that, I kept getting notices any time each of them logged in or out. At the time I was trying to build, and create something different, and I had a lot on my mind. The constant blue pop ups that so and so is in Second Life now were driving me bonkers.

Since then I've been very selective about it. It's awkward when someone neglects to read my 'philosophy' on The List in my profile and/or sends me a friendship offer anyway. That is almost always someone I just met that day, or who I've talked to for five minutes. Sometimes I feel they think it's expected, sometimes I think it's so they won't forget my name, sometimes it's because it's a habit for them. In all of those cases, for me, the proper response is "sorry, no."

The only time I like to accept or to be added is if there is some real reason for it. Someone I am spending a ton of time with, that might need to look me up often. Someone I'm in 'business' with for want of a better phrase (I don't do anything to make money here, but otherwise, definitely have worked as if I do.) might also be okay. But if I'm really honest, the word "friend" is sacred to me, and I prefer to feel as if someone really thinks of me that way, and me of them, before I say yes.

It all might sound a bit precious but that's really how I feel.

I never delete calling cards though. There is no reason to. I wish there were an option to just send those instead.



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Lexie Linden wrote:


Just wondering how many of you simply keep every friendship card you ever got?  I know I do!  :smileyvery-happy:  Or do you clean them out once in awhile for people you have not talked to in a long time? 

Hmm, that makes me wonder what the average number of friendship cards is....:matte-motes-nerdy: 

Hi Lexie!  Yes!  I keep every single one of them!  Sigh.  I know pathetic huh, but I don't have the heart to delete them.  I still have the very first friend, now long gone.  Ever wonder where your friends go?  I do!  I am basically a very shy and private man, so most of my friends, are initiated by the other party.  Far out!  BTW. would love to have you on my friends list, but that may be asking too much huh?  Hippie blushes!



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I don't remove friends from my list, just like you Hippie, because I befriend only with people I really care and cherish. Sadly, lots of them defriended me when my club went down last November, most of them DJs, hostesses or clients. I guess they had only became friends with me for the money, which demonstrates they were not true friends but greedy...:smileysad:

However, I do have longtime friends in my list and quite a few I met in these forums (/me winks at you, Hippie, and Dee, and so many more, and a special mention to Madelaine who is greatly missed in the forums, but thanks God we do speak often inworld).

Although we may not be online at the same time (damned time zones!) and not meet often, I love seeing their names and knowing they are just here somewhere in this SL world, reachable at any time even by a simple IM. :smileyhappy:

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valerie Inshan wrote:

I don't remove friends from my list, just like you Hippie, because I befriend only with people I really care and cherish. Sadly, lots of them defriended me when my club went down last November, most of them DJs, hostesses or clients. I guess they had only became friends with me for the money, which demonstrates they were not true friends but greedy...:smileysad:

However, I do have longtime friends in my list and quite a few I met in these forums (/me winks at you, Hippie, and Dee, and so many more, and a special mention to Madelaine who is greatly missed in the forums, but thanks God we do speak often inworld).

Although we may not be online at the same time (damned time zones!) and not meet often, I love seeing their names and knowing they are just here somewhere in this SL world, reachable at any time even by a simple IM. :smileyhappy:

Awww Val!  I cherish you as a dear friend too!  I also miss Maddy here in the forums.  Sigh!  But we do speak from time to time in world!  Far out!



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I don't prune my list but I'm sure I get pruned! I'm not one for making friends very much,and many are colleagues from the SL Press, so that may not qualify them as "friends" anyway ;)

I have only TWO friends who are able to see where I am when I am online. This means, of course, that they could TP in on me at any time!! Giving someone that sort of access to oneself is either the mark of trust or the mark of an idiot. I'll let those two determine which they think I am.

Are there any people you trust enough to let them see where you are all the time?

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I first started SL, I would remove people that I had not heard from in a while, because I thought that was the thing to do. I had already experienced people deleting me "just cause" and not to get "butthurt" over it. But I really didn't feel good about that, cause I would had hated for people to do that to me. Sure enough, when my HD crashed and I was away from SL for over a month, people had deleted me without even asking me why I was gone.

Like Randall said, I hesistate nowadays to add newbies to my friends list because most don't stay for long. And then I'm left wondering what happened to them. I don't need to collect friends, so once I add someone  I do take it a bit personal if I get deleted (or even worse when they hide their online status from me)


Calling cards? Yes I keep them - it's fun to see how long have you known someone.

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