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I cant change my name

helx6 Moon

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   No idea why a specific surname would prohibit changing names .. But I reckon the support will let you know why when they answer the ticket!

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3 hours ago, helx6 Moon said:


I get this messege when trying to change my name, I already submitted a ticket by why would it do this?

Definitely contact LL Support for that

Create a Support Ticket:  

Start Live Chat: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/
  Live Chat is available 9am to 5 pm EST (6am to 2pm PST) every day.

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On 4/8/2021 at 3:59 PM, helx6 Moon said:


I get this messege when trying to change my name, I already submitted a ticket by why would it do this?

Although looking back at grid status, you may have been trying to change during their maintenance period.

Second Life Status - Maintenance to Name Changes (statuspage.io)

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Greetings, all!

If you upgraded to Premium and then immediately tried to access the Name Change options, the system might not yet have fully propagated that your account is now a Premium account. 

It may be necessary to wait a couple of hours for the various web sites and internal systems to propagate your new Premium Account status.  

If you are still not able to access the Name Change options after 24 hours, please submit, or reply, to your Support Ticket letting the Support Agents know and they will be able to get the issue investigated further. 

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Hello, helx6 Moon

That is distressing.  Since you have already submitted a ticket, I would log into the Support Portal and pull up your ticket and add a new comment for the Agent.  Let them know that you have waited approximately 24 hours after upgrading your account to a Premium account and the system is still giving you the error message.  Even if the ticket may be set to Resolved, you can re-open it and the Agent who is assigned to your ticket will receive the notification and your new comments. 



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On 4/8/2021 at 1:59 PM, helx6 Moon said:


I get this messege when trying to change my name, I already submitted a ticket by why would it do this?


If you received this message before you even went Premium, there is definitely something odd in LL land.
For my non-Premium alt, when she clicks on 'Change Name' under "Account", she see the list of available names and also sees a message saying that she must be Premium to change her name - and a link to do the upgrade:



Thus getting that odd message that specifically says "Accounts with last name of Moon", without ever seeing that actual name list, tells me that something extra flaky is going on under the covers when you try to access the Name Change page. 

Make sure your Support ticket not only states the message received, but also attach an image of the message to the ticket.



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