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Truth or not?????

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2 minutes ago, AugustVonHelson said:

They are telling us

"they"  are never telling the truth ..LL is nót out... and with LL payments it has nothing to do.

Caspervend is suffering outage, that's a third party vendor system that many sellers use.
They'r working har to get things online again.

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7 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I just love the people that automatically assume that LL is lying to them when they have some sort of issue in SL.



People love blaming the service provider,  remember when things were down and wonky, because of centurylink and the randoms were showing up just blaming LL, I was trying to do damage control but they was having none of it.    lol, if LL Network operations is not seeing issues with SL, they really cant go about fixing external issues and no one seemed to understand that, thankfully a linden came through and explained it to people, which helped.  

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