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The all-in-one Home Furnishings Topic!

Trinity Blakewell

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53 minutes ago, Rufferta said:

A proper egg basket should be easy to carry, easy to reach into, and easy to clean. Obviously, some designers have never been pecked by a broody hen....

This one has a nice open top with a handle to carry it!  2LI (no matter what size) and no, you cannot remove the chicken lid ... but who would want to?  (wine bottle included to show scale).  Part of this Kraftwork set, I think I got the whole set on a weekend sale for $L75.  The book holder is neat too.


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On sale at THS: The Home Store this weekend: Wagon wheel planter, 4 LI, $50. Wheellbarrow planter, 8 LI, $66. Rearing horse statue scene, 9 LI, $75.   Just Friends? animated garden, 12 LI, $99. Mini garden shed, 8 LI, $75. (You can unlink the contents to use separately, and use the shed as a 4 LI decor-only outhouse.) Preparing for spring set, 8 LI, $75. Victorian greenhouse, 15 LI, $75.








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EDIT: Actually, you get two versions of the roped fence - the 1 LI one with uneven posts, and a 2 LI one with the posts in a row. (photo added)

At Pitaya: This open wardrobe is 11 LI with all decor shown, in light or dark wood, $75. There's also a 3 LI decor-only boat, in yellow, red or green, $60; some beachy rope fencing, 1 LI, $60; a blocky 2 LI bench in red, yellow or green, $60 per color; as well as some decking, a stone path and other items.






Edited by Frigga Freidman
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I really do not care if these are proper or realistic, I think they are decorative.

Plate displays from Pitaya. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Atelier/65/71/22



Sold by plate texture - 50 L for each. Black on white decor, blue on white and plain white. The fatpack is 150 L, nothing to save on it. I decided to buy in the fatpack, so they were in a single folder when I unpacked it.

You can change wood texture on all. They are 3 Li rezzed, the one in the middle is resized to 2 Li.

The plates is one object, you can edit them off and perhaps try to hang them direct on the wall. But they tilt slightly back, so it is maybe no point in it. It is a hint of shading from the wood rack on the white ones, I could not see it on the other two. The shadow is separate so you can link it off if you prefer only SL shadows.

I think the LOD is good enough for me. They rezzed as triangles and "snapped" in place after some seconds. I could zoom out a good bit and they kept the shape. I have LOD 2.125.


plate shelf_003.png

Edited by Marianne Little
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From Kraftwork, the weekend sales. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Atelier/65/71/22

I did not care that the terrarium coffee table was 8 Li, I bought it on the spot. Some things do that to me - I know I want them so bad. 75 Lplateshelf_005.thumb.png.ae17a3694861735473f65baa52697868.png

It can not be sized up wihout the Li going up. But it can be sized down, and maybe stand in a shelf or window. Shown as 4 Li, that's the lowest it gets. Does not crumple when zooming out.

You can take apart the table and plants, but the small plants increase in Li as soon as I tried to make them bigger.



The desk calendar was not intersting to me, since it is not scripted to change date automatically. You have to change it manually. 4 Li and 60 L. I did not buy it.


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The Saturday sale from Nomad. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Motherland/165/64/4001

Nomad is so high quality, and I kind of want this set, but I had to think about it. Every part is 75 L, and the fatpack 550 L, you save 50 L on it.

It could look so good in a Victorian, it is Art Deco, but I could see it as Steampunk furniture too. I do not know where to put it now, and the price was a bit high. Sofa 5 Li, chair 4 Li, wall clock 3 Li, airship 2 Li, the rest 1 Li each. It is very detailed and great textures. Low land impact, perfect for a Linden home.


plate shelf_009.png

plate shelf_010.png

plate shelf_011.png

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FINCA at The Arcade (just opened and who knew?)  Includes water jug with stand and cups AND stool.   50 lindens.  Lots of other cute kitchen goodies both plain white and with pattern. The machine is towards the very back on the right side as you come in the door.   

Amazingly 2 li. Very good LODs.  

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It is still Sunday some parts of the world. Lazy Sunday is a Marketplace - Event where the price is reduced to 75 L or less. Sunday only. I have seen the prices stay during Monday/Tuesdays in previous sales, but that was just me beeing lucky.

TROPIC By ariskea
Bring your oasis to the next level with these ultra detailed Tropical Plants. Perfect to create a beautiful Beach or anything you wish to. This collections included many Style to create for the best of your imagination.

Second Life Marketplace - Ariskea[Tropics] Collections


This is not furniture, but it can do so much for your home. And for taking pictures and posting them.



Candle | Gea Candles Silver Candle

Only 60 for these and 2 other metals (Sold separately)

Second Life Marketplace - Candle | Gea Candles Silver Candle


Bricolage Clementine Livingroom

!!! Every part is sold separately!!! The fatpack is 500 L for both PG and Adult. So if you want adult furniture, you do not pay more.

Not bad Li on parts, both the sofa and chair is 5 Li each and the rug 1 Li. Other parts various. NO I WAS WRONG, the sofa is 10 Li and not 5 Li. 

Second Life Marketplace - Bricolage by Marylou Dallas


:FNY: Designs - Italian Vines on Cracks 

Second Life Marketplace - FNY Designs by bg5 Slade

4 colors sold separately. 1 Li per part, it says. At least one color has been in a weekend sale before.


Second Life Marketplace - [FOURTH WALL] Simplicity Fountain (Lazy Sunday Offer)

I have a feeling that this fountain may have been in a sale before. So check your inventory. Only 3 Li and all 3 textures included for 75 L.



Here is the Seraphim list, it is more for Homes and gardens, but I had to stop now!

No You Are Not Dreaming, Lazy Sunday Deals Are Just That Good! - Seraphim (seraphimsl.com)

Edited by Marianne Little
corrected li on an item
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