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Managing your inventory?

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I've been a resident for many years now, have acquired items consistently, and have attempted to sort through my inventory and delete random crap that I don't need on and off. I'm at a point where I need to consider doing it again, as the loading time and general difficulty that I have locating items is getting to be too much of a hassle. So, what I'd like to know is what you folks do to organize your items and keep your inventory count reasonable?  I've considered "Organizer" tools on MP, but I'm skeptical on their ease of use. I'd hate to get halfway into it and realize I'm only making a bigger mess. Are there any tricks? 🤔

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   I usually try to keep my inventory at around 8,000-10,000 objects, if it spikes beyond that I'll purge it of old stuff. I recently decided that keeping a backup registry of boxed items in my inventory was a bit of a waste of space, and plan on putting them in a single prim for future use, sorted by brand, rather than having endless folders of backups spread out throughout my inventory, but I've yet to implement it.

   I also go through the folders I get when I unbox things, delete all the landmarks and notecards (unless the instructions are vital), as well as any 'sizes' for other bodies that I don't own or use. For furniture and such I never really had a system, but I'll be purging that folder soon and start sorting things by type rather than brand (i.e. 'chairs', 'decor', etc) to get a better overview of what I have, than my current system of scrolling until I come across a chair (which doesn't necessarily even have 'chair' in the object name) that I'd forgotten about.

   As for organizer tools .. Meh, I feel skeptical of them as well, and I don't know that I'd trust a script to mess around with my inventory in that way.

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The first thing I do when I'm in the mood to work on my inventory is I use filter items tab in firestorm and just select the landmarks, scripts and notecards.  Then I go through and delete all the landmarks and unpacking scripts, and notecards unless it's for something special.  I can generally tell I won't need the notecards if I haven't already filed them away.  Then I empty the trash and feel good because the inventory number can go down by the thousands just doing that. Then it's just a matter of making folders and putting like things together.  I use tons of folders and sub folders.  My favorite quick and dirty clean up is take everything that falls below the trash folder and put it in a folder named new.  Then I will make sub folders in that and use the filter items tab and and select a time period and make folder for the months acquired. Then I can sort of find things by "how long ago did I buy that?"  Then  I will tackle just a one month folder and work on unpacking things and putting them away. 


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I don't worry about quantity. My inventory is at about 60k and I have not noticed any difference in performance compared with my alt who has barely 12,000.  I tend not to strip out old stuff, though I do usually delete landmarks and unnecessary scripts from unpacking boxes, and I usually delete clothing sizes for bodies I don't and will never own (though I usually keep the original boxes as a backup, just in case). 

What I do religiously though, is keep everything well organised, and I try not to log off without sorting everything I've acquired that day into the proper subfolders. Sometimes this doesn't happen, like when I do a big hunt or event and pick up a lot of freebies, those get sorted into a folder for that particular event and I'll sort them over the following week or two. But I don't allow unsorted content to linger in my inventory for long.

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4 hours ago, Aero Dallas said:

So, what I'd like to know is what you folks do to organize your items and keep your inventory count reasonable? 

Sorry, but this part truly made me chuckle.  My inventory is approaching 150,000 - most folks would not call that reasonable.  While SOME of it is organized, I'm pretty sure I have more items in my "To Sort" folder (sub-divided into folders and sub-folders of course), than in my actual properly organized folders.


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I'm a hoarder.

I've hit 137,000 items and pretty much given up trying to downsize.  What I do when I buy new items though is I unpack it, delete sizes (body types) I do not wear, and then I put the original unpacked item into a folder I have named "Boxed" and at the end of the month I box all the items in that folder up and then put it in a huge box where I keep everything...cos you never know when you might lose something or change body type or have boxed something you didn't think you would need at the time, but later do.  

And yes, I have all my original system layer clothing and skins all boxed up too.


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The only that has worked for me is limiting the number of items you have; I used to think I had too much stuff and talk to some friends who I knew used organizers, and none of them recommended them

I have recently cleaned up my inventory, keeping everything between 8.000 and 8.500 items, and I still think I need to downsize...

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