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How do you feel about religious humor in Second Life?

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1 minute ago, kiramanell said:
4 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

A more interesting question could be, why did you even suggest the face is Fairre's?  What was going on in your mind that caused you to do that? It doesn't look like Fairre to me.


Um, because I Photoshopped her in, maybe?! 🤣 I suck at PS, but dangit, blending I can do! Give me burned toast, and you WILL be in there. (And now for the real kicker, the blending mode I used was 'color burn').

lol but I'm wondering what caused you to photoshop her in, as opposed to anyone else?  See I have my own gestalts to complete...  :)

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8 minutes ago, kiramanell said:
42 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I remember you revealed being a Christian. I could ask you, how is it you believe Christ existed when it's never been proven? Or how can you believe he rose from the dead when there is no scientific proof this can happen?


I meant to skip this (and the wisest thing for me would really be to do just that), as explaining why ppl are religious is whole pages full of another topic right there. But it just occured to me I'm actually probably not the best one to ask these questions. I consider myself in Stage 4. I don't do Organized Religion; I don't believe in the Transubstantiation, candles mean nothing to me (except over dinner), I don't do rites, and while I believe Jesus existed, it doesnt really much matter to me. I do believe in God, though. And that I do not need a priest to talk to Her for me: I can do that myself just fine, thank you, soul-to-Soul.

I don't like organized religion, but I believe Christ existed and that he rose from the dead. I believe that the material world is not what it seems, and that there is a spiritual dimension to the world that is more hidden and difficult to access.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

lol but I'm wondering what caused you to photoshop her in, as opposed to anyone else?  See I have my own gestalts to complete...  :)


Because Fairre was one on the side of defending the toast; only fair. And I wanted to show how easy it is to fake a toast like that. And because me would have been too obvious, and Taylor Swift too unbelievable. :)  

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But back to contemplating the 'trust the toast' phenomenon. When I get an intuition from what appears to be a deeper place within myself I always question it. I know that it more often than not comes from my ego and not some deeper place. I think the 'trust the toast' people are on a kind of euphoric high, perhaps having finally transcended their ego just a bit (stage 2 - realizing there's more to life than ego gratification and concerns only for the self). They seem unaware that their ego could still be in the way.

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52 minutes ago, kiramanell said:

Stage 4

Finally found the 4 stages you referenced. Not quite what I was imagining, not in all aspects:

The Four Stages of Spiritual Development  (M. Scott Peck)

Peck postulates that there are four stages of human spiritual development:

  • Stage I is chaotic, disordered, and reckless. Very young children are in Stage I. They tend to defy and disobey, and are unwilling to accept a will greater than their own. They are extremely egoistic and lack empathy for others. Many criminals are people who have never grown out of Stage I.
  • Stage II is the stage at which a person has blind faith in authority figures and sees the world as divided simply into good and evil, right and wrong, us and them. Once children learn to obey their parents and other authority figures, often out of fear or shame, they reach Stage II. Many so-called religious people are essentially Stage II people, in the sense that they have blind faith in God, and do not question His existence. With blind faith comes humility and a willingness to obey and serve. The majority of good, law-abiding citizens never move out of Stage II.
  • Stage III is the stage of scientific skepticism and questioning. A Stage III person does not accept things on faith but only accepts them if convinced logically. Many people working in scientific and technological research are in Stage III. They often reject the existence of spiritual or supernatural forces since these are difficult to measure or prove scientifically. Those who do retain their spiritual beliefs move away from the simple, official doctrines of fundamentalism.
  • Stage IV is the stage where an individual starts enjoying the mystery and beauty of nature and existence. While retaining skepticism, he starts perceiving grand patterns in nature and develops a deeper understanding of good and evil, forgiveness and mercy, compassion and love. His religiousness and spirituality differ significantly from that of a Stage II person, in the sense that he does not accept things through blind faith or out of fear, but does so because of genuine belief, and he does not judge people harshly or seek to inflict punishment on them for their transgressions. This is the stage of loving others as yourself, losing your attachment to your ego, and forgiving your enemies. Stage IV people are labeled as Mystics.

Peck argues that while transitions from Stage I to Stage II are sharp, transitions from Stage III to Stage IV are gradual. Nonetheless, these changes are very noticeable and mark a significant difference in the personality of the individual.

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Well we do have to understand what religion is a little better, what it means to some and not others, before we can clearly evaluate religious humor, right?

I was just thinking, oddly (did I mystically call someone in? lol) about Native Americans who believe birds are bringing them messages. Well, many things in nature bring them messages. I remember coming back from a journey with a shamanic healer/friend, who said the crows were telling her something as we approached her home.

What do I feel about this?  I certainly wouldn't make fun of it. It could be true, it might not be. I only know animals don't communicate with me (except for my cats). I have often wondered if somehow I could communicate with all animals better.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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2 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


Well, I tried, this morning, getting it back on track, talking about reiligion and humor, but there were no takers.

And yet Kristin Linden, the Administrator of this forum, has stated in a post that politics and religion should not be discussed. Apparently that applies only to some of us and not all of us. 

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3 minutes ago, kiramanell said:

Well, I tried, this morning, getting it back on track, talking about reiligion and humor, but there were no takers.

I was a taker. We were evaluating your questioning why some believe a spiritual representation on toast is valid while these same people might balk at 'elvis toast' and the like. I guess you find humor in the discrepancy?  I found nothing humorous in it,  as it seemed logical to me why this discrepancy would occur.

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Wait!  I remember when a bird did talk to me. Not 'out in the open' per se, like with some, but during a shamanic journey. A bunch of people went to a teacher's house in Kansas City, and we were lying in her large, open front yard, head to head in a circle. ( Helicopters kept flying over us, I imagine wondering wth we were doing...lol).

After much drumming a bird approached me, seeming so life-like. Not like any other dream I've had, and stronger than any type of image from my imagination. It was trying to tell me something. Later I decided it was telling me I needed to 'jump off the cliff and learn to fly' (at that point in my life I was lacking the courage to fly, so it all fit). Whenever I remember that bird, see it in my minds-eye, I feel courageous.

Was that bird real?  Does it matter if it was or was not real?  Is this experience something people should laugh at?

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12 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

And yet Kristin Linden, the Administrator of this forum, has stated in a post that politics and religion should not be discussed. Apparently that applies only to some of us and not all of us. 


Now you're being deliberately contrary, as the Linden who posted to THIS THREAD this morning specifically said:


20 hours ago, Sparky Linden said:

Just posting this as a heads up... Please get this topic back on track. If not then it will be locked down if y'all can't play nice!


(Emphasis mine). And the topic of this thread is "Religious humor in Second Life?"

I tried. But you can continue playing your mind games with others. I'm out.

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A special cat of mine died. His name was Reiki so you can see he was a very special cat, sometimes called Ray-kitty. I laid his body on my living room floor, a kind of wake before burial in my garden the next day.

That night he appeared to me in a half-dream/half-awake state, shining, rays emitting from him, his coat a bright white as it was in RL. He sent a message to me, and the message was  "Love Is Forever".

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36 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I was a taker. We were evaluating your questioning why some believe a spiritual representation on toast is valid while these same people might balk at 'elvis toast' and the like. I guess you find humor in the discrepancy?  I found nothing humorous in it,  as it seemed logical to me why this discrepancy would occur.


Yeah, you did. Looks like it wasn't meant to btw, though.

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4 minutes ago, kiramanell said:
42 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I was a taker. We were evaluating your questioning why some believe a spiritual representation on toast is valid while these same people might balk at 'elvis toast' and the like. I guess you find humor in the discrepancy?  I found nothing humorous in it,  as it seemed logical to me why this discrepancy would occur.


Yeah, you did. Looks like it wasn't meant to btw, though.


Not quite sure what you mean...

* oh you mean you didn't out and out state that it could have an element of humor in it?

Edited by Luna Bliss
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8 minutes ago, kiramanell said:

I mean, yes, you were a taker, but the discussion got rudely derailed suddenly, and now it's dead again.

Maybe somebody wants to kill me and anything I say.  But I will spring back to life again, like Jesus.  lol

* that was supposed to be funny, so we are on-topic.

* however I have to go take care of my flesh and blood kitties atm, and they don't give a damm about my spirit cats  and birds, or at the very least don't think it's anything special  :)

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15 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Not quite sure what you mean...

* oh you mean you didn't out and out state that it could have an element of humor in it?


No, my whole 'big' post this morning was about humor and religion alright. Primarily to try and determine why ppl would chuckle at the sight of, say, a toast with Taylor Swift in it, totally disbelieving the veracity of such event having occured, but do not find it funny at all, and are offended even, when a toast with Jesus'' face pops up (a 'miracle' they now think totally happened for realz). 

As I have said many time, to myself and others, talk about religion and politics are almost guarenteed to end in doom. And I should have known better. But I posted here anyway. That is really all on me. For next time, I really need to remind myself just to not engage in religious talk at all, ever. At least not on a forum. It's like trying to have your cake and eat it: it simply can't be done.

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6 minutes ago, kiramanell said:

For next time, I really need to remind myself just to not engage in religious talk at all, ever. At least not on a forum.

Well whatever She, your deeper Goddess Self, tells you to do.

But...I just have to point out that it was not the discussion of religion per se that caused the problem, it was the misinterpretation of what was your very humorous points about religion and 'the toast' that did it - you were totally on topic but somebody else said you were not.

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4 hours ago, kiramanell said:

Got to do some more thinking (in a thread about a guy who got resurrected, but which itself just won't die. 😇)

That there religious humor in SL (forum) was hilarious, or at least worth a really good (but dainty) snort laugh.


4 hours ago, kiramanell said:

In my country, there's a very popular show ("De Wereld Draait Door"). The very first episode/pilot was awful, though. They had a generic (possibly genetic) blonde on the show. She was stereotypical in every way, pretty, and not too bright.

You're Dutch??? Wow. I had no idea. I mean not that that is a bad thing! For some reason I know and have a lot of Dutch friends in SL. Also, and this comes out as a left-handed compliment and isn't meant to be one, quite the opposite really, your English is awesome.

But what really surprised me is... wait, wut? You have blonde girl jokes in Holland? in HOLLAND? Where everyone and their Pekinese is blonde? That is also hilarious, and puzzling. :)

4 hours ago, kiramanell said:

No one here, in their right mind, would ever believe my breakfast toast, yesterday morning, really showed an outline of Fairre in it.

More wait, wut? Did I miss something? (Highly likely, I was probably involved in chasing that laser spot Orwar gave me in another thread.) THAT was supposed to be Fairre? I have looked and looked and my faith must be really weak, cuz I still don't see it. :::throws you a PS manual, toast version, and scampers out with fluffy tail held high::: (double checks to see which avatar I'm posting as, because that last line would be really weird if it was SR's)

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56 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

None of this is on topic. Congrats on getting another thread shut down.

IBTL, etc. 

Well, I can't say I'm surprised because half of the recent discussion appeared blank to me, which is usually a good indicator that kerfuffling is ensuing. For the record, I thought Kira's was pretty much on topic or at least topic adjacent at first and then it got a bit sideways into question answering for the pleasure of someone else's gestalt. I have to read the Community Rules again, as I don't recall the part about pleasuring others' gestalts as being a requirement for answering, but, ya know, cat and all.

Humor in SL is fantastic, of any ilk, including religious. There are good jokes and bad jokes. Bad jokes are bad. It is wise to know your audience, which is true of most things. You will always offend at least one person, because there is always at least one person looking to be hurt, which is true of all things.

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16 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

That there religious humor in SL (forum) was hilarious, or at least worth a really good (but dainty) snort laugh.


You're Dutch??? Wow. I had no idea. I mean not that that is a bad thing! For some reason I know and have a lot of Dutch friends in SL. Also, and this comes out as a left-handed compliment and isn't meant to be one, quite the opposite really, your English is awesome.

But what really surprised me is... wait, wut? You have blonde girl jokes in Holland? in HOLLAND? Where everyone and their Pekinese is blonde? That is also hilarious, and puzzling. :)

More wait, wut? Did I miss something? (Highly likely, I was probably involved in chasing that laser spot Orwar gave me in another thread.) THAT was supposed to be Fairre? I have looked and looked and my faith must be really weak, cuz I still don't see it. :::throws you a PS manual, toast version, and scampers out with fluffy tail held high::: (double checks to see which avatar I'm posting as, because that last line would be really weird if it was SR's)


Hehe, Seicher, thank you! You are one out of a small handful of ppl capable of instantly making me smile, from ear to ear, on a day which looked like it was gonna wind up pretty gloomy (forum-wise). Thank you!! ❤️🤗

As for my English, thanks for that too, but I just had to ask LunaSea, in another thread, what a 'tortie' is. 😛 So, yeah, there's that. :)

Oh, and it was Fairre alright. I was just being subtle, is all. A bit too subtle, as it turns out, as nobody detected her. :P (Would make a nice kids game "Where Is Fairre?"). But lookit that face! (with unprocessed layer next to it)



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22 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

but, ya know, cat and all.


🤣 See, that, right there, is great humor! ❤️


There are 4 things a thread generally needs:

1) Humor;

2) Taylor Swift;

3) Fun people;

4) Humor AND Taylor Swift.

Not necessarily in that particular order. :P 

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33 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

Well, I can't say I'm surprised because half of the recent discussion appeared blank to me, which is usually a good indicator that kerfuffling is ensuing. For the record, I thought Kira's was pretty much on topic or at least topic adjacent at first and then it got a bit sideways into question answering for the pleasure of someone else's gestalt. I have to read the Community Rules again, as I don't recall the part about pleasuring others' gestalts as being a requirement for answering, but, ya know, cat and all.

Humor in SL is fantastic, of any ilk, including religious. There are good jokes and bad jokes. Bad jokes are bad. It is wise to know your audience, which is true of most things. You will always offend at least one person, because there is always at least one person looking to be hurt, which is true of all things.

My comment wasn't directed toward Kira (and she knows that), but I don't like to directly quote the person I was addressing it to, as it just alerts her to come in and start trying to engage with me. No, thanks.  :) 

Edited by Sylvia Tamalyn
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