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Bakes on mesh


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On 1/31/2020 at 5:59 AM, ErukaVonD said:

My current heads (All Genuses) use the little bumpy skin option + materials. I also use different eyebrows, dimples and lipstick all of which have their own materials, different from the face. Uhm How do I explain it, they each shimmer differently and I find that very realistic. It's just how the appliers seem to be. Will they still have their own individual materials if I upgrade to BoM. Also will the skin bumpies show?


On 1/31/2020 at 9:39 AM, janetosilio said:

I’ve been on SL for ten years and BoM is confusing to me. It’s confusing! I’ll take a crack at it, someone will correct me if I’m wrong.

A head like Genus is still using onion layers. They haven’t  come out with a single mesh BoM head yet. So each layer is still there and should still have a material slot. So in the case of genus you should still have materials for the lipstick, eyebrow and tattoo layers. The skin bump should still be there as well.

I can confirm this, having spent a fair proportion of yesterday setting my Genus Classic up for BoM.

You can use all of the materials, as well as continue to use makeup, eyebrow, and tattoo appliers. What is more, you can now also use system tattoo layers for these.

I actually decided to continue using my appliers (although I've been stockpiling a small collection of system makeup sets) because the one thing you can do with appliers that you can't do with system layers is "fade" them a little. I generally don't use my makeup straight-up: I like to soften the effect a bit by adding some transparency. You can't do that with system layers. Also, materials.

HOWEVER . . . you cannot use a skin applier anymore if you are using the head with a BoM body. At least, I wasn't able to. You have to use a system tattoo layer to apply the skin to the head.

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6 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

HOWEVER . . . you cannot use a skin applier anymore if you are using the head with a BoM body. At least, I wasn't able to.

I spend a lot of time explaining this inworld, but - in short - you cannot use a skin applier at the same time as BOM. With most mesh heads and bodies you can use any other appliers in addition to BOM, but not skin appliers.

The reason for this is the way that most creators have implemented BOM is via some kind of 'BOM activation' button on their HUDs (or a BOM relay HUD in some cases). That BOM activation button/BOM relay is literally just a skin applier, and the 'skin' that it applies comprises the BOM 'bake' textures that enable your system layers to show on your mesh body parts. And - just like when you change any other skin applier - if you then apply a different skin, you're replacing that 'BOM activation' skin, so the BOM support stops.

For some mesh head creators, the BOM activation button/relay HUD also applies the bake texture for their rigged eyes, so if you want to continue wearing applier eyes you need to add an eye alpha (which will either turn your eyeballs red, or make your eyes seem to disappear entirely) and then re-apply your eye appliers.

When I wrote my 'BOM for Dummies' guide, I coined the term 'native BOM' for the likes of SLink Redux, as that comes pre-textured with the bake textures and you can't change those. That's why you can't use skin appliers on SLink Redux. And - because it only has a single layer - you can't use any other appliers on it, either. (Although I think Siddean updated to add a layer for materials support; can't recall off the top of my head this early in the morning!) Maitreya, however, have come up with a best-of-both-worlds implementation: a single layer body that allows people to activate BOM or not, plus additional wearable layers for tattoo, underwear, and clothing. By doing that they are pleasing both the 'BOM purists' who want all onion skins removed and who are happy to go entirely system/BOM, and also the 'traditionalists'* who still want to use their appliers.

*I use the word 'traditionalists', but there are many people who also struggle greatly with change in SL, and who - once they have their avatar set up - refuse to change it, no matter how seemingly simple a new method may be. I deal with these people all the time in SL, and the best that you can do for them is patiently help them get set up, then show them how to save that look, and await their return if they try something else, mess it up, and come to you - sometimes in near anguish - to be sorted out and set up again. (We see this sometimes in the Catwa group: people who are still wearing the v2.16 version of their Bento head even though we're currently at v4.5 and there have been multiple updates since they purchased. They're so terrified that they will mess up what they took so long to set up, they daren't update.)

Edited by Skell Dagger
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4 hours ago, ErukaVonD said:

uhm, can you tint bom stuff? like you can do with appliers? all my layers are tinted in one way or another...


2 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

Yes, as long as the system layer is modifiable.

All the BOM stuff I make (my alt) is modifiable specifically for tinting (a lot of it starts out a white.) Thus, when shopping for any BOM stuff, check that it's modify permissions.

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6 hours ago, ErukaVonD said:

uhm, can you tint bom stuff? like you can do with appliers? all my layers are tinted in one way or another...

Yes, I do this a lot. I have a stock collection of white layer clothing; underwear, t-shirt, tanktop, plain button-up shirt, socks, leggings etc, all modifyable and mostly worn under mesh clothing.

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On 2/11/2020 at 8:47 PM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

HOWEVER . . . you cannot use a skin applier anymore if you are using the head with a BoM body. At least, I wasn't able to. You have to use a system tattoo layer to apply the skin to the head.

You can use an applier skin on you head and a BOM on your body. Up until I bought the new Lelutka Evo head, I used a Not Found applier skin on my Genus head because they had/have not updated to BOM but I loved the skin. I then used a Skinnery neck blender and the Skinnery system foot and hand fix and an old Glance skin on my Legacy body applied BOM. 

I am now full BOM and living it. 

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2 hours ago, Shaeloni said:


You can use an applier skin on you head and a BOM on your body. Up until I bought the new Lelutka Evo head, I used a Not Found applier skin on my Genus head because they had/have not updated to BOM but I loved the skin. I then used a Skinnery neck blender and the Skinnery system foot and hand fix and an old Glance skin on my Legacy body applied BOM. 

Yep. I have a skin from Egozy that has BOM for the body only, not thd head. I have had no problem using the applier head skin with the BOM body skin, and because they go together, no neck fix is necessary.

It does remind me though, why I prefer BOM.

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19 hours ago, Shaeloni said:

You can use an applier skin on you head and a BOM on your body. Up until I bought the new Lelutka Evo head, I used a Not Found applier skin on my Genus head because they had/have not updated to BOM but I loved the skin. I then used a Skinnery neck blender and the Skinnery system foot and hand fix and an old Glance skin on my Legacy body applied BOM.

I hadn't realized that you could use a non-BOM-enabled head with a BOM body -- which is, I think, what you're saying? I didn't try that, but I guess there's no reason why that wouldn't work.

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I hadn't realized that you could use a non-BOM-enabled head with a BOM body -- which is, I think, what you're saying? I didn't try that, but I guess there's no reason why that wouldn't work.

Yes. Wear your head alpha and apply the skin or take the head alpha off and enable BOM and wear a system skin. Both work!

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  • 4 months later...

BOM is a process of building (commonly called baking) a composite texture made from the skin, tat, underwear, and etc. layers. Then displaying that texture on the avatar, whether classic or mesh.

So the viewer can know which texture to use it has to be told. In the pre-Sever-Side-Baking (SSB) days the viewer always used the system layers. Everyone downloaded all the textures and all the viewers baked them into a composite which each computer used as a local texture. We made system layers as our way of telling the viewer which skin, tat, etc textures to use.

With SSB we used system layers to tell the bake engine which textures to use. The viewer was changed to use only the texture coming from the SSB engine to render the avatar. Everyone downloaded JUST the composite texture from the SSB engine and used it without a need to bake anything viewer-side. WAY more efficient, less download and less viewer side work.

With the advent of BOM (Bakes On Mesh) the engine was enhanced to use larger textures and provide the texture ID to us. We still tell it what textures to use via system layers; skin, tats, etc.  The big deal is we have access to the baked texture's ID. We can put the resulting texture on anything.

So, any head, body, or other part can easily be switched to use the texture coming from the BOM engine. We just make an applier that applies the BOM texture which we specified with the system layers we use. The idea is that all the textures onion-skin heads and bodies used could be replaced with a texture with multiple textures baked into a single texture. And the onion skins could go away as everything fit on a single layer. Again much less work for the viewer.

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