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Polls! Give us your ideas!

Lexie Linden

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Just pointing out that we have added the poll feature.!  Polls should run for a week.  After you vote, you will see the results from others too!

Feedback welcome!


  • Also, if you have ideas for future polls, add them in this thread!   Ideally they should be related to SL, but they do not have to be "serious".    Fun is good too!!!  :matte-motes-big-grin:


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I can think of many poles to conduct, but I doubt you will like any of them.

  1. Upon reflection, do you believe it was wise for Linden Lab to have invited teens into Second Life?
  2. Upon reflection, do you believe the 'adult' zoning and content policy benefited or hindered Second Life?
  3. Which viewer, from among the list of approved viewers (including LLV1 and LLV2), do you use?
  4. Would you buy a private region if it were available at 1/4 normal size at 1/4 the price?
  5. Do you believe virtual worlds are the cutting-edge of the future or a thing of the past?
  6. Do you believe Linden Lab has a clear vision and strategy for Second Life?
  7. If yes to question 6, do you believe Linden Lab has articulated its vision and strategy clearly to residents?
  8. If yes to question 7, do you agree with Linden Lab's vision and strategy for Second Life?
  9. If Linden Lab were to sell Second Life to another company, which company (Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Google, Electronic Arts, Activision, Sony, Disney/Pixar, Facebook, Other) do you believe would best understand, manage and promote Second Life to the world?

This is just a quick list that came to me between commercials, so to speak. You have thousands of intelligent, educated, highly skilled residents at your fingertips - for free. Use them for the big questions. Welcome them. Value them. They are worth their weight in gold. Why pay McKinsey or Accenture when you have us, right here, plugged in? We could have saved you a fortune and much grief if only you had listened to us over the years.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

Why pay McKinsey or Accenture when you have us,.

Jeez, did they?  No wonder so much went wrong, especially when it came to customer focus.  McKinsey - from whence M Linden came and destroyed LL's relationship with the customers.  Accenture - the company that had to change its name from Anderson Consulting because it had been taken to court so many times no-one would commission it any more (and also number 2 on my list of companies never to work for).  It never pays to hire management consultants instead of managers.

@ Lexie - I'll keep it constructive, so how about

  • What non-US event, special-day or celebration would you like to see promoted by Linden Lab (none = only US events, as now)



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for fun....

  • Upon reflection, do you believe it was wise for Linden Lab to have invited teens into Second Life?
    1. I don't see it as unwise in general, see my anser to the next question though
  • Upon reflection, do you believe the 'adult' zoning and content policy benefited or hindered Second Life?
    1. I have no problem with zoning, but I think this was done entirely backwards, it should have been the general that was segregated, or even all three... the way I see it, people that can handle Moderate will also tolerate adult across the border, but those that (self or policy) limited to general, will forever be unhappy with Moderate neighbors for various resons. Considering the technical aspects, This would have seen a much more positive acceptance, and caused less problems overall. I wish I could say this was hindsight, but I and others pointed this out from the beginning.
  • Which viewer, from among the list of approved viewers (including LLV1 and LLV2), do you use?
    1. Whichever one suits my needs, current I have the following 3 installed as a core
    2. Phoenix: for precision control and land managment
    3. V2: for media and new feature testing
    4. Cool VL: Early access to backports for basic features
  • Would you buy a private region if it were available at 1/4 normal size at 1/4 the price?
    1. If it were available by itself I'd probably already own a homestead
  • Do you believe virtual worlds are the cutting-edge of the future or a thing of the past?
    1. Neither: I believe they will continue to grow and expand, but ultimately I think augmented spaces will be the ultimate successor, with virtual worlds providing remote access
  • Do you believe Linden Lab has a clear vision and strategy for Second Life?
    1. I think the question is too limited. I don't see a strong overarching vision, but in areas I see some solid strategies emerging. I do feel some of these are moving much slower than they could, but I do see improvements
  • If yes to question 6, do you believe Linden Lab has articulated its vision and strategy clearly to residents?
    1. Again, in some areas, yes, in others no. There is plenty of room for improvements
  • If yes to question 7, do you agree with Linden Lab's vision and strategy for Second Life?
    1. in many of the technial areas, yes... in the social areas, not at all. I don't see chasing after the ephemeral userbase of facebook and the like as a good match for a dedicated base of users that recreates themselves as they prefer in contrast to RL, especially considering the inherent disconnect that makes those same users more privacy aware. The information services that fund those services are geared towards RL, and will find less useful information in virtual life, and the users here are less likely to tolerate their invasiveness
  • If Linden Lab were to sell Second Life to another company, which company (Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Google, Electronic Arts, Activision, Sony, Disney/Pixar, Facebook, Other) do you believe would best understand, manage and promote Second Life to the world?
    1. I think the closet matches among those named for management would be IBM (there's a scary thought), simply because MS and Apple, while probaly having enough technical expertise, and maybe more marketing power would drive it into the ground with excessive DRM, and Licensed hardware. I wouldn't trust any of the gaming or media houses with that task for their additional poor choices in supporting their users while trying monetize and control every aspect
    2. For promotion, Google is a clear choice in that pack, and although they might lack some of the marketing power of others, they have a much better track record of development, integration, and user satisfaction even though lacking experience in virtual tech. Given those choices, they'd be my top pick.


lol nice I likes the meta

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Luc Starsider wrote:

Then make that into a poll:

Which pie is best? And then a million alternatives.... (How many pies are there?)

- Luc -

You could just go with:


  1. Cream pie
  2. Custard pie
  3. Fruit pie
  4. Meat pie
  5. Pot pie
  6. Pizza pie
  7. Pie charts
  8. Pie menus
  9. I'm severely disturbed and don't like any kind of pie what-so-ever 


ETA: I almost forgot:

      10. Cheese pie *waves at Suella*

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Hello everyone :)

For the current poll ....

Have you ever said or thought any of these SL related things in your real life? perhaps a category for:

Fighting the urge to zoom in or pan around when watching a television program or movie to see some detail I missed. 

Just happened to me the other day... LOL

Cheers to all :D

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Luc Starsider wrote:

Then make that into a poll:

Which pie is best? And then a million alternatives.... (How many pies are there?)

- Luc -

You could just go with:

  1. Cream pie
  2. Custard pie
  3. Fruit pie
  4. Meat pie
  5. Pot pie
  6. Pizza pie
  7. Pie charts
  8. Pie menus
  9. I'm severely disturbed and don't like any kind of pie what-so-ever 


ETA: I almost forgot:

      10. Cheese pie *waves at Suella*

11. Pie a la mode

Cheers all, :D

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Luc Starsider wrote:

Then make that into a poll:

Which pie is best? And then a million alternatives.... (How many pies are there?)

- Luc -

You could just go with:

  1. Cream pie
  2. Custard pie
  3. Fruit pie
  4. Meat pie
  5. Pot pie
  6. Pizza pie
  7. Pie charts
  8. Pie menus
  9. I'm severely disturbed and don't like any kind of pie what-so-ever 


ETA: I almost forgot:

      10. Cheese pie *waves at Suella*

Steak and Kidney

Steak and Onion

Chicken and Mushroom


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dutch apple (better)
boston creme
lemon meringue
(damn I'm hungry now)

and the only thing called a cake worthy of being listed alongside pie.... cheesecake! (white chocolate raspberry truffle!!!)


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