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For the past month now, I have had a huge problem. I will import a house which is 33 land impact. The second I try and resize it, or put a door script in it, or link a prim too it, it jumps to 110 land impact. The house itself is only 35 prims. This has happened on the past 3 houses I have imported. I have never had this issue in the past. I am using the same tools to create the houses, add physics, the same door script... the same everything. Yet the past few houses have done this. The triangle count is low, the hulls are low. I don't understand what is causing this, and what I can do to fix this. Any ideas?

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I'm guessing it's the physics model that is the problem - your analysed physics is 116 as opposed to the base hull of 23. It's likely that your land impact is soaring when you switch your build from "convex hull" to "prim". I know I've read a page or discussion that explains it better than I can...I'll see if I can find it.


This is one of the discussions I was thinking about...hopefully it can help, or if not, that a better mesh maker than I can suggest something.

Good luck!

Edited by Peony Sweetwater
Found it!
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Turning it to prim seems to be fine, only the base parts are prim. The rest is set to "none". I don't use the convex hull. Its when I resize or add a script or add a prim. I have tried using SL, Firestorm, and Alchemy browsers.... all the same. Your post you linked helped. Thank you!

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4 hours ago, Jenny Ashland said:

For the past month now, I have had a huge problem. I will import a house which is 33 land impact. The second I try and resize it, or put a door script in it, or link a prim too it, it jumps to 110 land impact. The house itself is only 35 prims. This has happened on the past 3 houses I have imported. I have never had this issue in the past. I am using the same tools to create the houses, add physics, the same door script... the same everything. Yet the past few houses have done this. The triangle count is low, the hulls are low. I don't understand what is causing this, and what I can do to fix this. Any ideas?

Peony is correct.  It is your physics model which in NO WAY should be 116 as your upload chart says it will be.    And your house physics shouldn't be set to "none" unless your are a venue like Hair Fair. I mean walls should be walls  LOL.


Maybe this will help some.    Woot. I am number one on Google  LOL. This is Blender 2.79 and below but if you are using 2.8 the IDEA is the same.




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The house itself is more or less phantom... Using none lets you keep it phantom and linked... The walls, floors, ceilings and such I save duplicated, and use those as the physics, which are prim. After reading the other thread I am going to try a different import then this. Instead of saving it separate I am just going to use the whole bloody house as physics. At least then I will get a more accurate land impact when I import. Thank you guys so much for your answers. 

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I found out the problem. I recently changed my architectural program to the metric system, rather then imperial, which caused the houses to be a lot larger when bringing them in. After some tweaking I fixed the problem

The architectural program I use to make the houses, puts a sheathing on the house, kinda like a shell. I use this for the Physics. I took it out of the house and put it beside it, in the pics. It is very simplistic. in world I set it to invisible, so all you see is the house set at none.




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I can pick the pieces individually, but that usually winds up being more prims, and more physics. The shell, is just a simple basic mesh that is one piece. I can't use the whole structure, because some stuff is to complex, like the light in the drawing. It makes it stupid primy. Stuff like molding or friezes around the house don't need to be prim, so they have to be set to none (phantom), or else you get stuck in the house. 


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5 hours ago, Peony Swee*****er said:

Glad you worked out what was going wrong.

Out of interest, what are the benefits to making the physics a separate object rather than using the simplified model as the mesh’s physics?


The simplified model is almost always inadequate and trash. I kinda wish they would just remove that feature from the uploader as it never produces good results.

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I have come to the conclusion that there is definitely something wrong with mesh uploading in SL. There is no reason in the world this structure should be 43 land impact. Its not a huge structure, it has no curves, the physics are very basic... So where is 43 land impact coming from?!?! I get the same thing in the SL viewer... Something is not right....



Edited by Jenny Ashland
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13 hours ago, Jenny Ashland said:

So where is 43 land impact coming from?!?!

Unlink the object, and check each part for it's download weight. Then you see which ones the most expensive are. Since you upload a group of individual objects all at once, and just use the automatic LOD generator of the viewer for all of them (at once), I can imagine that some pieces are heavier on their low/lowest LOD than they should/could be.

Making all custom LODs for all pieces (that's what I always do), or uploading each part individually with appropriate triangle settings should make a difference.

Edited by arton Rotaru
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On 9/11/2019 at 2:16 PM, Jenny Ashland said:

It really is... you wind up with doors holes you can't walk through, and stuck in corners. Doesn't matter what you set it on. I have tried all the ways...

I almost wish LL would just remove this feature and just force you to supply your own collision mesh.

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  • 1 month later...

OK so I figured out the problem. The build is fine, till I add a script, then the land impact doubles. The house I am working on now is only 16 prims. 20 land impact all together. I can live with this. Then I add the kool door script for the door and boom 48 land impact. This is driving me crazy. it jumps so high when adding any script whether it is a light script, texture... whatever. It never use to do this. I feel like I am going crazy and this is all in my head. I seriously don't remember having this issue a few months ago. Its making me crazy on the inside.

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On 9/16/2019 at 2:04 AM, Jenny Ashland said:

I have come to the conclusion that there is definitely something wrong with mesh uploading in SL. There is no reason in the world this structure should be 43 land impact. Its not a huge structure, it has no curves, the physics are very basic... So where is 43 land impact coming from?!?! I get the same thing in the SL viewer... Something is not right....



Your land impact comes from the download weight of 43.740, which is probably caused by having a lowest LOD with 100 triangles and LOD1 with 300. Try lowering the number of tris on the lowest LOD models. Most of the download weight comes from these LOD's. 

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I understand your frustration but I wanted to add to other folks reading this that there is really no problem with the mesh uploader and houses as long as you upload correctly.  A couple of years ago there were still times when you needed to use the Linden viewer to upload but Firestorm fixed that issue (buy purchasing some techie add-on if I remember correctly --- I donated to that) and since then I have never had to use the Linden viewer to upload. 


So for OTHERS reading this, it would be good to learn how to make your own physics model and use in in second life.  A good physics model will not increase your land impact.  


And to the OP. Some door scripts ARE issues with mesh. They change the physics and with how you have made your house they could make some very large changes in the LI it seems. So using a different door script should solve your problem.  This is a long time issues (maybe five years) and comes up now and then.    


Again Second Life specific mesh physics tutorial is linked in my first comment on this topic.   

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7 hours ago, Jenny Ashland said:

I have done that. I have had things before that were 20000 triangles and only 25 land impact. I learned that if I upload it with the SL viewer it seems to work better then with the firestorm one.

It's not about the triangle count of the highest model. You can get away with high triangle counts and still have a low Li. It's the low and lowest models where every triangle weighs heavier on the Li. In the image you have them auto generated, you can get pretty low triangle lods that still work when you make them yourself.  As chic already mentioned, firestorm now has a license on the Havoc engine which Linden Lab uses as well, so there should be no difference.

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That would make sense with the scripts. I think the biggest problem is the architectural program I use to build the houses. It is meant for real houses not 3d ones. Even though I fix a lot of it in 3ds. The meshes in that program are not designed for what I am doing. 

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