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Lindens and open lands

Kennylex Luckless

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I has been around and seen Lindens lands that is open, where all is allowed to build with no auto return, folk has often built there and those areas is often full of junk and sometime starting points for griefers, but it is also common that this kind of Linden areas is used to rez sex beds even several areas is PG rated.

I has made some Abuse report (AR) about sexual content and conduct in PG areas, but often do nothing happens if the AR is made in a sim (or parcel) owned by a Linden; so what shall users do when they see bad behavior or conduct in a Lindens land? For if a Linden allow sex beds in a PG zone with no autoreturn, then it feels a bit wrong to AR users that use this sex bed when it is in a Lindens (PG) land.

Is it only I that see this as a bad thing or as problem?


P.S. Sorry for the bad spelling or if I posted in wrong forum.

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It is a problem that you experience a longish delay before seeing any action taken. Lindens are working to improve response times on all these kind of things. They do recognize there's a shortfall for various types of support cases.

You did the right thing by filing an Abuse Report for inappropriate content. The more people take action as you did on any particular object(s), the faster Lindens will take note of these objects and remove, because then it is seen as broadly offensive to the community and this helps prioritize response.

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There's no such thing as linden land were all can build and not have any auto-return.

Well there is but its not supposed to be.

Sandboxes should always have some kind of auto-return, and non-sandboxes should have a very short one if they allow rezzing at all.


Hit it double - file a support ticket asking for an auto-return to be set (look in the land category and I think parcel issues - some decent categories in there), and file an AR against the landowner (usually governor linden) - for abuse of sim resources / excessive clutter or whatever it was called... under.

You're not actually ARing some account named governor linden for being a nincompoop... :) You're just letting the lindens know through the inworld report method that there's an issue in this location.

I'm not sure which of those two methods is the approved method. I just did this a few days ago and asked in my tickets - but they fixed it so fast that I closed my support ticket and ARs never get a response. So eventually next time I see a linden (could be months or days) - I'll ask. I've been told each of those at different times over the years.


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I have also found adult toys in PG lands. When you AR them, there will be a choice to send a picture with the report. Make sure you do that.  Then you also have to report the owner of the object.  Often the owner is no longer in SL, so you can't copy the name from their profile.  What you can do is find the tiny button to the top left side of the AR report window that automatically fills in the owner's name when you click on the item.  This way the person who rezed the object is the one who gets reported - not the landowner or creator of the object.

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This is one problem that should be gradually ameliorated by the new process of bringing abandoned land quickly to market.  In the past (and there's still a huge stockpile of these), abandoned parcels were left with auto-return turned off intentionally, and without changes to the build permissions, leaving the land ripe for all kinds of trouble.

Another problem caused by this is the exhaustion of all spare prims from Governor Linden's holdings in a sim, when somebody fills up an abandoned parcel with as much crap as they can.  That's a big deal on sims with roads, railroads, and waterways. 

It would help if all the intended public pathways belonged to LDPW instead of the Governor; I don't really understand why they don't.

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support and abuse reports have been taking up to (and more) 4 or 5 weeks to get replys. ever since that sacked a lot of workers. i remember when an answer and action used to take only a couple of days, especially if it was done near my own private (leased/tiers) land. perhaps lindens are trying to slowly distroy all the good work they have done so far in the name of the profit monster?

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Kennylex Luckless wrote:

I has been around and seen Lindens lands that is open, where all is allowed to build with no auto return, folk has often built there and those areas is often full of junk and sometime starting points for griefers, but it is also common that this kind of Linden areas is used to rez sex beds even several areas is PG rated.

FWIW, I saw this very thing happen today in a General rated region. A friends parcel borders a for sale parcel with a absent landowner sand a 0 auto return. Within minutes a "brothel" group rezzed a freebie house with some fairly primitive sex beds. Both me and my friend ARed the bed, writing in the report that it was inappropriate content in a PG region, added that the person was squatting on a parcel with a 0 auto return, and within 2 minutes a Linden was on site, returned the whole build, and set the land for a 5 minute autoreturn.


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Yes, Lindens does a great job and they are often fast to help users. But when it is a Linden that owns the land (and some time objects) it can be another story and there is several lovely Linden lands that is filled with junk, I do not really mind users that do tasteful things, but when it is half rezed houses near the ground, sex toys in PG areas and boxes with clothes all around you can only feel sadness.

I has examples on really (really really) bad examples in Linden lands where Lindens often are but nothing happens even I has made an AR with snap shots of sex acts on land that belongs to a Linden.

What I know you do not break any rules if you build on open Linden land with build option enabled and with no auto return, as a friend told me, "It is the Lindens choice"; but Lindens must know that some users do use this to rez houses with sex beds in and that griefers can use Linden lands with no auto return for bad things.


OMG, now I feel like a sour old man.

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I think there's a misconception creeping in here.  It's not that the Lindens want the land to be available for anybody to rez anything (actual sandboxes excepted), but that they for a long time had a policy of wanting to give every possible chance for "abandoner's remorse" to kick in, and have the former owner ask to reclaim the land -- with all its remaining contents as an incentive for that to happen.  (I mean, if all the contents were already poofed, it's pretty unlikely the former owner would feel much attachment to the parcel -- especially if they abandoned "by accident" and everything instantly disappeared.)

The new process of moving from abandonment to sale in just a few days means that crap won't accumulate over years on freshly abandoned parcels.  That, however, does nothing to address the vast stockpile of formerly abandoned parcels.

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Persephone Emerald wrote:

Here's an idea for dealing with the junk accumulation problem.

AR the Adult junk, then fill up the lot with small inconspicuous prims, so nobody else can rez junk on it.  You might even try to hide the junk with some nice folliage & rocks.

Just remember that if you do fill an abandoned parcel like that, please make sure you set the prims to phantom, so they do not require the physics engine!

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  • 1 month later...

They're usually quick about this. But there's a few places where they seem to have just slipped out of mind. A smal plot in one of the sims I have land in is linden owned, open, full perms - and I AR'd an object in it about this time last year... that object is still there.

Put in a ticket for the lot yesterday, and AR'd the object again, along with some more objects that have since accumulated...

Hopefully won't be posting a comment like this again this time in 2012... :)


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