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Your Favorite Debug Settings Revisited

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Last summer there was a great thread in the old Jive forums about favorite Debug settings, archived here:  http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussions/What-s-your-favorite-debug-setting-you-d-like-to-share-We-need/m-p/314098/highlight/true#M128263  .

As I have been helping some new people In World recently and also seeing new people logging into the Lithium forums, I thought this could be a great topic to revisit.

So what are some of your favorite debug settings?  Also, if you have a Wiki or other links on that setting would be great if you could include them.

One of mine is hiding the library in inventory.  To me it helps greatly in reducing inventory clutter.

   1. Enable the Advanced menu.  (CTRL/ALT/D)
   2. Choose Advanced > Debug Settings.
   3. Type noinventoryLibrary. It autocompletes.
   4. Select TRUE.
   5. Close the Debug Settings window and restart the Viewer.

from:  http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_does_the_Library_work


ETA to add, it will be useful if you can explain what the setting does. Thanks!!!!

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i always modify this ones to speed up the viewer after installation

PluginInstancesCPULimit = 9999999999

PluginInstancesCPULow = 9999999999

PluginInstancesCPUNormal = 9999999999

they change to the number -2147483648 , and everything works fine and faster

RenderFogRatio = 9999999999 , as far away as i can, helps a lot with speed and you can see farer

WaterGLFogDensityScale = 0.004 , you can see clearer under water and works faster

if you have two processors:

RenderDeferred = TRUE

RenderDeferredAlphaSoften = 0

RenderDeferredGI = TRUE

RenderDeferredSSAO = TRUE

so they load of the world will be shared among the processors

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@  Canoro

I haven't seen these ones before.  Thanks for explaining what they do.  Can you tell me if there is a downside at all? 

Do you need an absolute top-notch machine to make these changes worthwhile?

Also, could you clarify which one it is that do you change to 2147483648?  (I'm a bit confused with that part).

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@Darren; 4112 will get you the whole region bottom left to top right. (and surrounding regions)

@Qie; admin isn't sticky, but you can make it sticky by searching for it in the viewer directory  app_setting folder, settings.xml file and changing persist to 1


ActiveFloaterTransparency 0.8 // make active floaters a litter lighter so you can still see a little bit through them.
InactiveFloaterTransparency 0.55 //make floaters ligher so they don't block out the world when inactive,
MediaShowOutsideParcel 0 //-- do not show media on a prim from outside the parcel

and I know a lot of people get annoyed by the chat swirls around object, so here's how to kill those...

EffectScriptChatParticles 0

oh and if you switch back and forth from v2 to phoenix, you may have noticed that phoenix wipes out floater positions from v2, because they both use the per account settings file... you can make v2 use a different file name (and retain floater positions) permanently by editing the settings_files.xml, in the app_settings folder of the v2 install directory, and replace any instance of [settings.xml, settings_per_account.xml, session.xml] with [v2_settings.xml, v2_settings_per_account.xml, v2_session.xml], and then rename any files of those three (should only be the first two) that are in the same directory to the new names. then v2 retains it's float positions (for one that it tracks) unless you get disconneted

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Hehe thanks Void, I never knew what the magic number was I actually plug in 5000 and then I am sure that the maximum allowed would take precedence. I just didn't want to say 5000 here because I was sure somebody would have come in and said the maximum is such and such :P


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I don't honestly know what the max possible number is, I got my figure from (256^2 + 256^2 + 4096^2)^(1/2)=4111.97 (Pythagorean theorem for the cross corner of a rectilinear space).... but I do know you can pick up avatars in at least the surrounding 8 regions with it, so (512^2 + 512^2 + 4096^2)^(1/2)=4159.51 wouldn't be too extreme (I'm not  sure if you can detect past neighbor regions, if so, those value might make you a child agent of those other regions)

the 'official' max is 130 (as set by user interface using the avatar picker)... don't really know if there are any internal limits other than the data type (integer on thefiled declaration), so at least 2.14 billion !

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to the PluginInstances ones i tought there was a downside because i couldnt load the search, but i just leaved PlugInInstancesTotal like it is and everything works fine, havent got any problems with it, you can always reset it to default if you see any problem. the number -2147483648 is what you are going to see as the value instead of the 99999999

i dont think you need a top-notch machine to run them, when i doscovered this values i was using an AMD 1.6 Gigahertz, with 512m of RAM with an nVidia Geforce4 mx 4000, not very much.

i dont know if the difference of speed will be very noticable on a top notch machine, because those machines are so fast, that any increase in speed is not noticeable.


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Canoro Philipp wrote:

i dont think you need a top-notch machine to run them, when i doscovered this values i was using an AMD 1.6 Gigahertz, with 512m of RAM with an nVidia Geforce4 mx 4000, not very much.

i dont know if the difference of speed will be very noticable on a top notch machine, because those machines are so fast, that any increase in speed is not noticeable.



Could this or will this cause your processor to run a little hotter?  That would be my one concern on my lap top. 

I really should splurge on a cooling pad anyways though.

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i think they are v2 specific because it has to do with the slplugin.exe that controls web media in the viewer, when i moved the PluginInstanceTotal, Destination Guide and Search stopped working, it mean that things like web profiles would stop working by now, affects everything that comes as a webpage, like media on a prim.

maybe viewers that are based on v1 that support media on a prim have this instruction

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i dont think is going to affect the temperature that much, what is basically doing is allowing more web pages to be displayed inside the viewer, and they run faster releasing the burden on them, it would be something like having your web browser open while you have the viewer open at the same time, i dont think theres gonna be any problem, since the only times you open webpages inside the viewer is when you use search or web profiles, and the destination guide at the same time, that would be around 3 webpages

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Oh okay, I get it.

I was also wondering if you can explain how the settings for more than one processor work, which I might add, does work wonderfully. I'm just curious about such things.


I figure I'll add one of my favorites, since it hasn't been brought up:

I can't stand that obnoxiously annoying sound you get when you're typing and decide you want to backspace all the way to the beginning, then you hit the backspace key a few too many times (I'm always doing this).

The setting for this is UISndBadKeystroke... you just wipe out the sound file key. I do this to all my viewers.

You can also replace it with something less cringe worthy, if you have the key for another friendlier sound. I like the thought of doing this with the teleport sound (UISndTeleportOut), once I find something I like. Something like "Hold on Luke, we're in warp drive"... lol


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lol I once went through and replaced all my ui sounds with various SF show sounds... but could never decide on wether to to use the Holodeck opening "Program Complete, enter when ready" or the simpler transporter sound for teleports

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