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Joy Larkspur

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I suspect this would fall under abuse or griefing.

This showed up on my viewer view, i could not right click item and no matter where i moved my view, this seemed to be attached to my avatar/screen view. I was just parked on my parcel and this just showed up. At the time, i was on Coolviewer. Coolviewer does not offer restrained love to allow or not, after i logged back in on Singularity (restrained love is disabled), the serpent/snake was no longer showing. Could it be related to restrained love?

A couple of years ago, someone stole my perms. From what i read, perms only allows someone to animate or deform my avatar. Could it be accomplished thru perms? Would anyone know how this can be accomplished?




Someone suggested i reset my password...but around that same time my perms were stolen, i tried to reset my password and kept getting hit with Brute Force  - where i could not change password until i chose some long ass nonsensical password. I dont know if i will be successful  for another reset attempt. :(


Edited by Joy Larkspur
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Here is one of the first responses, from Amythest:

“Deformers and animations cannot work on you unless you give your permission by clicking yes on a drop down menu, you attach or wear the item from your inventory after receiving it or you have the Restrained Life Viewer activated.

Therefore to protect yourself, don't give permission to allow an object to animate you unless you yourself requested it or the request is from a trusted friends HUD.  If you use the RLV turn it off.  Also don't accept or wear anything you receive from people you don't know or don't know well enough to trust.”



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2 hours ago, Joy Larkspur said:

I sat on something, and that is how my perms were stolen.
From what i researched, perms is related to animations? No i did not give this person permission to edit my stuff. no, i  do not have RLV enabled.

The password reset attempts on the second life website - i kept getting this error: Very Weak, time to brute-force: instant 

From what i found, about Brute Force:
A brute force attack is a trial-and-error method used to obtain information such as a user password or personal identification number (PIN). In a brute force attack, automated software is used to generate a large number of consecutive guesses as to the value of the desired data.

The thing you were seeing didn't need to be attached to you. It could have been something like an octopus that was scripted to go to you (or whoever the owner targeted) ... basically a follower with a follow distance of zero.

Nobody steals permission to animate you. They fool you into giving them permission. In Firestorm you can try 'Stop avatar animations & revoke permissions'. I don't know if any other viewer has something like that.

As for the brute force thing: You weren't being brute forced. What you were seeing is a warning that the password you wanted to use is too simple and therefore easily guessed. The website likely made you try again until you came up with a sufficiently secure password. The days of using 'password1' as a password are long gone.

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Hi, Joy.  I'll try to shed a little clarity here.

First -- yes, there is an exploit that can be put into something you sit on.  Most things, of course, only take permission to animate your avatar until you stop the animation by standing up, or by using the Stop Animations command.  But this exploit takes the permission to animate you permanently.  Once it has this permission, the object's owner can animate your avatar without your consent.  He does have to be in the same region as you to do this.  He will only have the permission to force you to do animations...no other permissions, such as the ability to attach things to your avatar, are involved.

If you use the Firestorm viewer, you can use the command in Avatar > Avatar Health > Stop Animations and Revoke Permissions to thwart this.  On the other hand, it only applies to the copy of the object the griefer is using.  He can rez a fresh copy of the control object or HUD, and again be able to animate you.  The two of you can continue this little dance until one of you gets tired of it and logs off or leaves the region.

Second -- the "brute force" comment you are getting when trying to change your password.  The password entry process checks the complexity of the password you propose to use, and if it is too simple, will ask you to choose something more secure.  Its comment "Very Weak, time to brute-force: instant" means that if someone were to use a "brute force" method to guess your password, it would be almost immediately successful.  Choose a more complex password, using both upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.  Then WRITE IT DOWN and keep that somewhere safe, in case you have trouble remembering it.  Or use a good password manager such as OnePass or Dashlane.

Third -- Your use of the term "stole my perms" is causing confusion.  "Perms" is generally used to refer to permissions you can specifically grant or deny, such as Copy, Transfer, and Modify permissions on objects, or the permissions you can grant people on your friends list, like being able to see when you're online, or have the ability to edit your objects.

Fourth -- Neither of the above problems has anything to do with each other, or with the tentacle that seems to have attached itself to your screen or your avatar.  That's something else...just what, I'm not entirely sure.  As Par says, it could be a "follower" object.  Try teleporting to two different regions, in quick succession.  Is it still there?  If not, it's a follower.  It will probably reappear when you return to the first region.  Use Area Search or Pathfinding/Linksets or About Land/Objects to find it.  Then, if it's your land or you have the appropriate group ability, return it.  If you cannot return objects on this land, find someone who can, and tell them the object's name and owner, and ask them to return it for you.

If the object stays with you through two teleports, it could be attached to you.  That should only be possible if you are using RLV, and you say you are not.  But during the last couple of days, SL has had some strange inventory issues for a lot of people.  It's unlikely, but possible that an unwanted object has become attached to you.  Question:  When you log in, have you gotten an error message that says something about "protected categories"?  If so, contact Live Chat (if Premium) or file a support case and request an inventory repair.

You can also use Firestorm's "worn" tab in the inventory to see what you are wearing, or Appearance/Edit Outfit, and look at the attachments listed there.  See if there is anything there that you don't recognize, and detach it.

Edited by Lindal Kidd
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there are huds that can take control of animations on other people's avatars. they were more popular like 10 years ago and its some pretty retro griefer tech. how this works is the huds will rez invisible prims in front of your avatar or your camera and if you click pretty much anywhere it will sit you on the object and then it will take your permissions and even after you stand up they won't revoke the perms. after that the owner of the object is pretty much free to do whatever they want (animation-wise really) 
but if you sat on any odd objects recently that could be your issue. just go to avatar>undeform avatar and revoke permissions and you'll be all set.

edit:  i sent you a tool that revokes permissions and stops animations in-world. regardless of how it happened, that'll fix it.



Edited by Parx Oran
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I sat on something, and that is how my perms were stolen.
From what i researched, perms is related to animations? No i did not give this person permission to edit my stuff. no, i  do not have RLV enabled.

The password reset attempts on the second life website - i kept getting this error: Very Weak, time to brute-force: instant 

From what i found, about Brute Force:
A brute force attack is a trial-and-error method used to obtain information such as a user password or personal identification number (PIN). In a brute force attack, automated software is used to generate a large number of consecutive guesses as to the value of the desired data.

Edited by Joy Larkspur
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21 minutes ago, Joy Larkspur said:

I sat on something, and that is how my perms were stolen.
From what i researched, perms is related to animations? No i did not give this person permission to edit my stuff. no, i  do not have RLV enabled.

The password reset attempts on the second life website - i kept getting this error: Very Weak, time to brute-force: instant 

From what i found, about Brute Force:
A brute force attack is a trial-and-error method used to obtain information such as a user password or personal identification number (PIN). In a brute force attack, automated software is used to generate a large number of consecutive guesses as to the value of the desired data.

Again, what permissions? No one can do anything to you unless you at some point give permission but you don’t seem to know permission to do what?  Objects have perms, which are permissions given by creators.

This must have something to do with rlv? That’s a way to grant permissions to do things to your avi. Sitting on something by itself does nothing unless you grant permission.

And that message suggests it was not a real SL website. You may have been phished.


Edited by Pamela Galli
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I DID NOT GIVE PERMISSION. I sat down on a couch with animations. and yes, they can be taken. I am not the only one that experienced perms getting stolen.

Here is a thread related to stolen perms - at least related to animations. I was not too concerned, as i doubted i would be going back to the areas this avatar went - nonetheless, he is very tech savy, malicious and quite astute at hacking.



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Nonetheless, he has my perms - now whether or not he is using that to get that odd serpent attached, i have no clue. I NEVER gave him permissions, yet he was able to deform my avatar when we were in the  same region.  Yes, since that time, i have  enabled quite a few security protections thru the viewer.

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1 hour ago, Joy Larkspur said:

I suspect this would fall under abuse or griefing.

This showed up on my viewer view, i could not right click item and no matter where i moved my view, this seemed to be attached to my avatar/screen view. I was just parked on my parcel and this just showed up. At the time, i was on Coolviewer. Coolviewer does not offer restrained love to allow or not, after i logged back in on Singularity (restrained love is disabled), the serpent/snake was no longer showing. Could it be related to restrained love?

A couple of years ago, someone stole my perms. From what i read, perms only allows someone to animate or deform my avatar. Could it be accomplished thru perms? Would anyone know how this can be accomplished?




Someone suggested i reset my password...but around that same time my perms were stolen, i tried to reset my password and kept getting hit with Brute Force  - where i could not change password until i chose some long ass nonsensical password. I dont know if i will be successful  for another reset attempt. :(


That looks like a tentacle, and if you could not select it, it may have just been the mesh was too hard to select. If it is not showing in your wearables, or your Hud attachments, it could be that something due to all the glitches with SL the last few days, is showing as something else, such as the firestorm bridge in the past has shown as a rock or a cube etc. The cool viewer could just have some kind of bridge item that is not meant to be visible that for that moment was. If you are concerned about it being an OLD rlv attachment, then I suggest you log in to the same viewer on an alt and see if it is there, if it is then it is nothing to do with whomever you gave permissions to. 

RLV stuff is only item to item or if you wear an attachment that has the person listed as rights to do scripted options to you, such as a collar or a rlv lock etc. If you are not wearing those things, they can't do anything to you. Also anything someone wants to attach to you has to actually be in an RLV folder in your inventory to do so, it cannot attach items to you that you do not own or have set up to be controlled, unless a whole lot of fanangling was done scripts wise to an actual wearable and that is something you would have been privy to and still know you have on.

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9 hours ago, Joy Larkspur said:

I DID NOT GIVE PERMISSION. I sat down on a couch with animations. and yes, they can be taken. I am not the only one that experienced perms getting stole

To sum up why you made it difficult to help you:

No you didn’t.

No they can’t.

Yes you are.

Also don’t come here asking for help then scream at someone who tries to figure out what the problem is from the nonsense you just keep repeating.

You are welcome.

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Sat-upon objects don’t need to ask for permission, I could be wrong.  Anyone?

Well...yes and no.  Firestorm has some settings in preferences that let you control this.  But if you're using the "classic" settings, then you're right.  The act of sitting is taken as having granted permission.

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Just now, Lindal Kidd said:

Well...yes and no.  Firestorm has some settings in preferences that let you control this.  But if you're using the "classic" settings, then you're right.  The act of sitting is taken as having granted permission.

I’m not sure the OP understood this...is why I pointed it out.

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Lindal gave a precise answer. I'll add a couple of things. Permissions,,, basically we have OBJECT and AVATAR permissions. It helps to be clear which you are asking about.

A possibility not mentioned here so far is Experiences. You do have to grant an Experience permission to operate on your avatar. For now they are region/estate specific. But, grid wide is coming. Permissions remain given until you specifically revoke them. So, check your Experiences List. In Firestorm and the Linden SL Viewer it is in Me/Avatar->Experiences. I tend to forget the Experiences I have granted permissions too, which is sort of the point of an Experience. If you have forgotten one...

Also, there are various things that attach to your 'screen' as a HUD does. To find those use the methods already described and you can attach a HUD you recognize, right-click it, and select Edit. Zoom out (mouse wheel is easy) and you will see your HUDs shrink and appear to move into the scene away from you. If the tentacle moves too... you've found how it is attached. Then it is a matter of being able to select it and get it detached..

I'll point out that FOLLOWERS tend to lag. HUDs and Attachments move with the avatar without lag. Followers are always a bit behind the avatar movements because of the server delay. That can help as a clue to whether it is attached or following you.

Adding complexity is the recently released Animesh. These are mesh objects that can pretend to be avatars and behave in ways we haven't seen before. The tattletell give away for animesh is there is no name tag over them. However, some fancy particle work can pretty well fake that appearance too.  Right-clicking the name tag is the firm give-away as the result is viewer side and AFAIK cannot be faked. So, we are likely to see some novel griefs using those.. At the simple level, they are just a mesh that is difficult to select. They are subject to all the other manipulations we can do with annoying objects.

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Oh, I might want to add that there is a new hud out that if you have rlv on, it can allow people to take control over your avatar and talk as you, and all you need is a relay. It basically allows someone to posses your avatar; but this doesn't really sound like that. it sounds more like a follower from an attack/spell/combat aka griefer  hud, lots of those on the mp. they can be pernicious to git rid of but it is still possible.

And i believe CoolVL does allow you to turn off rlv. its just not a simple click one button setting like in fire storm. some viewers hide it to make it harder to turn off. I will have to install it and check again but if I remember correctly I remember being able to disable rlv in it before.

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