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Is there an Auto Unpacker for my inventory?


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So I have a very big habit (almost borderline obsessive) of cleaning out and organizing my inventory. I also love to shop and do events and hunts and the whole 9 yards, but because of that I end up with a lot of stuff that needs to be sorted out through very frequently. It can take me literally a whole day just going through and manually unpacking things from my objects folder only for me to have to unpack it again in my general inventory folder before putting it in its rightful place, and I guess all im asking is whether or not there is an easier (and less time consuming) way of doing this? It has gotten to the point where I just give up on even trying to organize it, and that leads me to literally not want to even touch my inventory just to avoid looking at the mess. I searched for "Auto Unpackers" on the MP but all of them seemed to be for creators and none to help with inventory clean up.


Please tell me there is such a tool out there.

Edited by PookieTM
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Nope.  Sorry.  Your inventory is off limits to LSL scripts.  We have no functions that make what you are asking possible. 

Inventory management is a challenge for all of us.  I have never met anyone in SL who doesn't have problems sorting and retrieving things.  The longer you are in SL, the more things accumulate in inventory.  If you spend an inordinate amount of time filing, indexing, and tagging things, you'll run out of time to do anything else in world. 

I am proud to say that after almost 12 years I still have fewer than 40,000 items in my own inventory, not because I have a superior filing system but because I go through inventory ruthlessly a couple of times a year and delete things that I no longer recognize or find a use for.  If I weren't nostalgic about things that remind me of events or people in the past, I could be even more ruthless.  In fact, though, because there is no apparent limit to the number of things we can have in inventory, I'm content to keep a lot of "junk" as long as I can still find the things I use often.  I suspect that's what most people do.  If you are getting to the point where you can't keep up filing things as fast as you are accumulating them, I'd say that you either need to slow down your buying rate or start purging inventory more often.

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1 hour ago, PookieTM said:

love to shop and do events and hunts .............because of that I end up with a lot of stuff that needs to be sorted out through very frequently. It can take me literally a whole day just going through and manually unpacking things from my objects folder only for me to have to unpack it again in my general inventory folder before putting it in its rightful place,

change your habbits... unpack everything directly from your (recent tab) /received items in your inventory before you log out. If you'r in a bit of hurry put the unpacked things in a seperate folder before final store it at the right place.
Be sure to use a inventory structure thats logic and not limited to just a handfull categories.

Move the unpacked boxes also in a seperate folder "unpacked" ... and keep it for possible future re- unpacking in case redelivery isn't available anymore.

Edited by Ethan Paslong
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This is a problem/chore for everyone!  There are different ways to approach it.

What I do is have a sub-folder in my Clothing folder called "Try Me On".  When I buy anything, I move it into this folder.

Every few days, I'll check to see what there is in there that needs unpacking.  I will unpack those things, putting them in their own folders in "Try Me On." (TIP: Opening a second instance of the Inventory window can make moving folders from one place to another a lot easier.  Many things these days auto-unpack when you rez the box.  You can then move that folder from the system folder level to your Try Me On folder.)

When I have several folders of unpacked outfits, I'll put them on one at a time.  Those that look really nice, I'll immediately accessorize and then save the look as an Outfit.  Those that look just "OK", I'll move into the appropriate sub-folder in Clothing...dresses, pants outfits, formal gowns, etc.  Those that have some flaw or just don't look nice, go in the Trash.

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17 minutes ago, PookieTM said:

What happens if my inventory exceeds 40,000 items?

Nothing at all. You don't even get a sticker or a gold star.  As I said earlier, there's no limit on how many things you can stuff into your inventory.  I just set a psychological limit of 40K for myself, sort of like deciding what my target weight should be in RL.

Now, there are some disadvantages to having a huge inventory.  The greatest one is that you'll have a harder and harder time remembering where you put stuff.  If you don't also remember to keep creating more subfolders and sub-subfolders, you may also start having login issues and may really lose stuff.  The problem is that your inventory -- at least the inventory that you see -- is downloaded fresh to your viewer each time that you log in to SL.  It's a local cached copy of the real inventory that always sits in the LL servers.  Downloading takes time, though.  If it takes too much time, your viewer will hit a limit and fail to connect.  The way to beat that is to break your inventory into smaller chunks -- the subfolders -- that can download simultaneously and therefore speed up the process.  This is the "flat inventory" problem that you will see mentioned here in Answers from time to time.  The bottom line: Try not to let your inventory get too huge to manage easily, but don't sweat about it.  If it does get big, just don't let it be flat.  Make loads of layers of subfolders.

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There is an old debate about whether SL is a game or not a game. The most and probably the only argument with compelling reasoning for calling it a game came from @Rhonda Huntress when she posited that SL is an Inventory Game. (2015 Is Second Life a Game?)

Everyone has their way of handling inventory. You can find whole threads in this forum devoted to the subject. In-world there are numerous tutorials. On YouTube there are more. The marketplace has gadgets to help... but, they all seem like just more work. Since they cannot automate the process they all seem like ways to force us to organize but save no labor.

Starting my 11th year, what I have learned is how we handle inventory evolves. We even see the third-party viewer dev's figuring out better ways to handle inventory. It is possible to build automation into the inventory if it is coded into the viewer. Third-party viewers have done some of that and some has even made it into the Linden viewer. The Catznip viewer has an awesome set of tools for organizing inventory. But, we are all so different in how we organize and think there is no general or single definitive way nor single tool to make inventory work the way we want.

I started using year numbers in my inventory organization. Especially with LandMarks.

As Rolig points out the only real gotcha with inventory is having 3,000 to 5,000 items in a single folder. Depending on the quality of your connection at some point that blocks log in. I typically have less than 500 items per folder. I have LOTS of folders. So, I can have millions of things in inventory... inventory is pretty much unlimited.

I also use the Recent tab a lot. It can be set to 'recent' as this log in session, the last day, 2-days, 3-days, x-days... or even hours. But, I quickly unpack stuff, like within a week. I move unpacked boxes to a folder named 'Opened' (demos I trash the boxes immediately after opening) and their resulting 'opened' folder to an appropriate place; demo some category, dresses, pants, etc. which I have in a logical arrangement... logical to me. I avoid letting it pile up as that just gets out of control.

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On 1/2/2019 at 7:22 PM, Nalates Urriah said:


I also use the Recent tab a lot. It can be set to 'recent' as this log in session, the last day, 2-days, 3-days, x-days... or even hours. But, I quickly unpack stuff, like within a week. I move unpacked boxes to a folder named 'Opened' (demos I trash the boxes immediately after opening) and their resulting 'opened' folder to an appropriate place; demo some category, dresses, pants, etc. which I have in a logical arrangement... logical to me. I avoid letting it pile up as that just gets out of control.

Thanks i'll try that out and see if it works for me :)

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While there is no auto unpacker for once it's in your inventory, items can have upacker scripts in them, that will auto unpack them and put them in a folder in your inventory when rezzed then delete the rezzed item/box. so you don't have to manually unpack the item yourself. Just rez, lit it unpack and clear up and then your done.

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4 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Then all you have to do is find the %$&%!! folder and move its contents to wherever you wanted to put them.  🙄

Not that hard since you can search by folder name or by item name to find anything in inventory as long as you remembered what it was called. Then just drag the folder where you want. most unpacker scripts will default to the root of inventory.

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On 1/13/2019 at 9:48 AM, Rolig Loon said:

Then all you have to do is find the %$&%!! folder and move its contents to wherever you wanted to put them.  🙄

There are a few designers that have the script tell you in chat where they put and named the new folder. The viewer also tells which new folder was made.

I am quite proficient in ignoring both of those and not being able to find the folder.

On 1/13/2019 at 11:41 AM, Rolig Loon said:

There's a catch in every plan ............

Well... THAT is way too observant.

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