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Roommates Wanted

Hadley Hoxley

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Three second life residents seeking roommates for our new home on half, double prim, sim.  

You should be: 


-Open minded

-Somewhat drama free (some drama is the spice of life)

-Enjoy table games, profanity & shopping (Gacha addicts are our people)

-Contributions to tier are not required but appreciated

I know some people are going to think we are just going to get a bunch of freeloaders and maybe that is true, but what we are looking for are people to hang out with. Like minded individuals that we can make friends with.  If you're the right fit then that's fantastic.   IM to chat mouldsgame resident or Hadley Hoxley if you'd like to inquire.  


Home- Incomplete, but on it's way...


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I think mesh shows your dedication to SL. It also shows you care about your appearance & enjoy shopping. Keeping yourself updated. Has nothing to do with being shallow & everything to do with the fact that clearly SL is an investment for them. If they're going to invest time to get to know someone, they don't want them to just poof. Investing in SL (be that mesh in this case), shows you're less likely to just abandon ship.

Edited by Lexxi Lurra
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4 minutes ago, Lexxi Lurra said:

I think mesh shows your dedication to SL. It also shows you care about your appearance & enjoy shopping. Keeping yourself updated. Has nothing to do with being shallow & everything to do with the fact that clearly SL is an investment for them. If they're going to invest time to get to know someone, they don't want them to just poof. Investing in SL (be that mesh in this case), shows you're less likely to just abandon ship.

Personally I call bullsh!t on that so called reason.  I suppose it sounds good, but it is a completely invalid assumption about people's dedication to SL and really is nothing more than a way to justify being shallow about looks.

Someone can be very much invested in SL - building, scripting, etc... - but not really care about being up to date on the latest fashions and thus not really needing a mesh body. This definitely applies to a few guy friends that I have.  They pretty much always wear jeans and long sleeve shirt, so a mesh body is just not that high on their priority list.  Yet they are some of the dearest long-term friends that I have here.

And just how much mesh?  Mesh body and head, or is just a mesh body or maybe just mesh feet and/or hands good enough?  What if they are a furry or hybrid - then how much mesh?  

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30 minutes ago, Lexxi Lurra said:

I think mesh shows your dedication to SL. It also shows you care about your appearance & enjoy shopping. Keeping yourself updated. Has nothing to do with being shallow & everything to do with the fact that clearly SL is an investment for them. If they're going to invest time to get to know someone, they don't want them to just poof. Investing in SL (be that mesh in this case), shows you're less likely to just abandon ship.


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or they care too much to not jump on the trendwaggon and wait until there´s the mesh part they like and tweak that one to their liking xD  PLUS... if you´re REALLY good you can make EVERYTHING look good...and I´ve seen mesh that looks painted on (maitreya stuff, too, new releases...)...damn I have pre-mesh system stuff that still looks better xD

I noticed that people who only know mesh can´t edit prims to be pixel perfect... they just buy, wear... ohh looks i iz pwetty... HMM^^

(with "have to be mesh" you expect  mesh everything and ...yeah... there ARE limits to SL looks... few but they´re there...and there´s stuff like signature look ^^ one doesn´t change their signature look, they update if possible, if not possible yet they wait until possible - and thus they might not be "stylish" enough for you ^^)

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43 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Personally I call bullsh!t on that so called reason.  I suppose it sounds good, but it is a completely invalid assumption about people's dedication to SL and really is nothing more than a way to justify being shallow about looks.

This!   My other half isn't meshed, damn he barely changes clothes once every 6 months.  He has been pretty dedicated to SL for 9 years, creating, paying for a sim and me.  I couldn't give a flying fig if he is mesh, apart from his hands.. got to sort out those hands soon.  His alt is meshed for vendor pictures but we don't let him out the box often

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39 minutes ago, Lexxi Lurra said:

Wow someone's panties are in a bunch. Why do you care so much? Why does this upset you. Show me where they hurt you? This is simply amusing. QQ hunny.

LOL - I love it so when someone comes to the forums to post on an alt account, afraid of anyone knowing who they really are.

If you want to be shallow and only care about looks, then own up to it.  Don't come to the forums in disguise and give some bullsh!t excuse for requiring a mesh avi for a friendship or roommate.

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I'm the only one of the three of us that hasn't posted here so let me set some facts straight because this is getting out of hand. 

- Lexxi is not Hadley's Alt, Hadley has her own completely different way of telling you to blow it out your a**,  Trust me I know I'm married to married to one of them in RL and the other in SL and I've got experience.   Also, if Lexxi isn't always the most... diplomatic... you'd spend your entire SecondLife looking for someone who cared as much, and was as protective of the people she loves as she is.  

As Hadley said originally there are three of us living on a double prim half sim that we got when our SL 'family' was much larger but after the holidays, RL as it tends to do, pulled a lot of our family away.  And if we still talk to them in skype here and there, it doesn't change the fact that we have a seven (or 8 or 9 I don't remember) bedroom house I built for all of us sitting empty.  So we came here to the forums looking for people who maybe were tired of staring at the same four walls.  That enjoyed that feeling you get when there's just always someone around while having your own space at the same time.  

Why the mesh requirement?  Maybe your right maybe we are shallow and just want people to look good, but I'm going to tell you to call bull***** all you want but that doesn't make it untrue that our feeling really is that Mesh is a sign of commitment.  And you are 100% correct there are plenty of fine and committed people out there that have not gone mesh, BUT they are not hanging out at the places I go to do, or doing the things I'm doing.  I can't remember the last time I was anywhere and saw someone all system with the exception of adult sims where there always seems to be that one guy in freebie swim trunks and flexy hair and I don't want him living with us lol. 

But here's the thing right.  We spend a lot of time talking about clothes and bodies and shopping etc.  Each of us is on at least our second Mesh Body and our Second Mesh head and let's not even get started on our clothes.  So if you're not mesh, if you're still system, and have no interest in that part of SL, is that conversation going to be interesting to you?   This is not a charitable act we're doing here, it's enlightened self interest we're looking for friends and that means a commonality of of interests.   All three of us breed horses, create to on extent or another, and make our money in SL in addiiton to being shop-a-holics, and we could have used any of those as the criteria to show commitment but ironically by choosing the one that's most common we are shallow. 

And that's fine. 

If you think we're shallow then that's your right.  I'd prefer snobby, but that's my preference.  I'll accept C***-y too because that's the god's honest truth.  But let me ask you this?  How does it affect you?  Were you thinking this seems like a good deal right up until you saw the mesh line and then "drat homeless again?"   Because if it did have some bearing on it, if you hate mesh but still think this sounds awesome hit me up.  But if you're just here to get attention start your own thread, I'm trying to make some friends.  

*Edited for Grammer

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38 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

This!   My other half isn't meshed, damn he barely changes clothes once every 6 months.  He has been pretty dedicated to SL for 9 years, creating, paying for a sim and me.  I couldn't give a flying fig if he is mesh, apart from his hands.. got to sort out those hands soon.  His alt is meshed for vendor pictures but we don't let him out the box often

And that's great Cindy, I'm glad that that works for him and for you, and he sounds great, because one of our family members isn't mesh and I don't even he has but one mesh outfit he bought four years ago and said "I'm done"and he's great too.  But while Jay brings lots to the table there's plenty of times he's also surfing Reddit because he has no interest in our conversation.  And that's what we're trying to avoid here with the requirement.  

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1 minute ago, mouldsgame said:

And that's great Cindy, I'm glad that that works for him and for you, and he sounds great, because one of our family members isn't mesh and I don't even he has but one mesh outfit he bought four years ago and said "I'm done"and he's great too.  But while Jay brings lots to the table there's plenty of times he's also surfing Reddit because he has no interest in our conversation.  And that's what we're trying to avoid here with the requirement.  

That could have been explained in the original post instead of just

On 3/11/2018 at 5:07 PM, Hadley Hoxley said:


but it wasn't and when questioned subsequently went on to say that people who don't invest in mesh are somehow not showing a dedication to SL which is what some of us disagreed with 

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27 minutes ago, mouldsgame said:

- Lexxi is not Hadley's Alt

I did mis-word my response a bit.  I was not implying that she was Hadley's alt, but did figure she was someone's alt sticking up for Hadley since her only two posts in the forums are in this thread.  Usually the only time we see that around here is when someone wants to stick up for someone else but doesn't want anyone to know who they really are. 

I do apologize to Lexxi for the mistaken 'alt' assumption.  


27 minutes ago, mouldsgame said:

If you think we're shallow then that's your right.  I'd prefer snobby, but that's my preference.  I'll accept C***-y too because that's the god's honest truth.  But let me ask you this?  How does it affect you?  Were you thinking this seems like a good deal right up until you saw the mesh line and then "drat homeless again?"   Because if it did have some bearing on it, if you hate mesh but still think this sounds awesome hit me up.  But if you're just here to get attention start your own thread, I'm trying to make some friends.  

Snobby works for me - and I have my days of such.  

It doesn't affect me specifically as I wasn't considering the roommate aspect.  I do have a mesh body, but have not found a mesh head that I like yet and won't go that route just because everyone else thinks it is the end-all-be-all.  Conversations about classic vs full mesh vs partial mesh are constantly going on in the forums and generate quite the debate.  There are quite a few of us that get tired of the attitude that we are not "as good as" simply because we are not full mesh - thus the 'probably too harsh' response..

I get the part about shared interests and conversations and shopping.  None of that was stated in the original post and the reason given really isn't the truth, even if it is Lexxi's opinion.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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18 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Snobby works for me - and I have my days of such.  

It doesn't affect me specifically as I wasn't considering the roommate aspect.  I do have a mesh body, but have not found a mesh head that I like yet and won't go that route just because everyone else thinks it is the end-all-be-all.  Conversations about classic vs full mesh vs partial mesh are constantly going on in the forums and generate quite the debate.  There are quite a few of us that get tired of the attitude that we are not "as good as" simply because we are not full mesh - thus the 'probably too harsh' response..

I get the part about shared interests and conversations and shopping.  None of that was stated in the original post and the reason given really isn't the truth, even if it is Lexxi's opinion.

Look we're snobs and we wear our "Doctor of C***ntistry" tags with pride but you'd be hard pressed to find any of us feeling like we were better than other people (except for freebie trunks and flexy hair guy, I'm way better than him)  But you also just pointed out the most important part.  The Roommates part which is the only thing this thread should be about.  

We're not trying to tell anyone how to live their SecondLife, ain't nobody got time for that.  But it's also not out of line for us to say if you want a large suite, in a nice house with virtually unlimited prim at your disposal FOR FREE, you have to be mesh.  No we didn't put it in the original post because there's only so much you want to put in or people don't read it.  There's a reason TL;DR exists.  So we kept it short and sweet. There seems to be some sort of feeling that we should have present the "Michael's family position paper on mesh bodies in relationship to SL commitment" and if we had this thread would be even more of a cluster f than it currently is. 

So can we just let this go back to it's original purpose and take the discussions on Mesh elsewhere.  I think it's pretty clear what we meant by now, but if you want to discuss further I invite you to hit me up in SL, I'm logging in for a while now and I'll be there all night tonight.  And you know what?  If you want to talk about something else that invitation is also open for all three of us.  There's a reason this was posted in the Making Friends section we really would like to meet other cool people and make our house feel alive again.  I promise Lexxi doesn't bite...often. 

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I've given a lot of thought to all of this and frankly my first instinct in this case is to tell everyone to go ***** themselves. However, that would not really get my point across to anyone and only serve to fuel the temper that i work really hard to control.  I am better than that.  So instead I will say that I feel sad for the people who took so much time to focus on something negative when what I was hoping to accomplish was something positive.  One of my biggest goals the last few years is to focus on positive things in my life because living life only focusing on the negative or what you do not have is miserable. I've seen it in myself and I've seen it in others.  

I love my life. I have struggled in life, it has not always been easy. I am far from perfect and have never had anything simply handed to me; I work really hard and so does my family.  I share this because I encourage all of you to examine yourselves and your lives and try and find the positive. It's important and not because I'm telling you to or because I've done it.  I'm saying it because I promise you will be happier and you will not have time for trying to drag others down on the internet. And just so we're clear, you can't drag me down. You can't make me feel bad or guilty or shamed.  So that being said.... If you read this thread and didn't immediately think that your services were needed to dispense speedy social justice or that your elevated morals required you to judge the "terrible" people you don't even know, please feel free to IM me so we can be friends. 


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