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********* has been attacking residents with debilitating viruses and for no reason attacked my avatar, rendering it useless.


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Please grant the following, both your attention and concern. I'm hopeful this report will be forwarded/circulated, to help bring more swift and effective actions in resolving the matter.

********** has been attacking residents with debilitating viruses and for no reason attacked my avatar, rendering it useless.

I've had others tell me about resident ********** and how he infects their avi with directed viruses. It's my understanding that these attacks have been reported with no action taken. Please waste no time stopping **********. I have never had any contact with this resident, ********** before. He attacks anyone he pleases, without provocation. Teleporting out of that area ended the assault.

I was wrong about the attack(virus) ending when teleporting out of that area. My avi won't stop walking/running while standing. I have deleted the HUD folder and changed avi. No solution found.

I have two problems needing help with:

1) ********** needs to be stopped. Please report your individual attention to this matter concerning ********** attacks against random SL residents.
2) My avi is essentially ruined with whatever script ********** attached to it. Please help me figure out how to correct this aggression.

Thank you,
ChoiceRider - SL Resident


Edited by ChoiceRider
Removed image of IM posts and names
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First - remove his name, the IM content and the picture with the IMs.  You are not allowed to post names here and sharing IMs is also against the TOS.

Second - Detach EVERYTHING and under the Avatar menu item there should be an option to 'Stop all animations'.  All of that should take care of anything going on with your avatar.

Third - Block the particular user and you'll have no more issues with them.

Side note -- we are just other Residents here, not Linden employees.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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Thank you LittleMe Jewell for your directions. I'm still Isolating what file/hud has been infected.

New update:  Apparently my perpetrator has learned of my moves to expose and stop him. He has now executed an automated endless posting of script/huds opening in the strip, top-right of screen, where chat sessions and attached huds are listed horizontally. Every 8 seconds a new hud is listed till the strip runs across my screen and beyond. Each new hud listing refreshes the message it contains directed at me on my screen so if I delete the message, it simply reappears. This message is "A**Ho*E !" listing vertically over and over on a large blue background covering all of my right side of screen.

Any ideas on how I might stop/block this onslaught of message huds being deployed in my viewer(Firestorm)?


Thank you,

ChoiceRider - SL Resident

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First, Firestorm has spam protection to cut down that sort of repeated message

From the Avatar menu, select Preferences

Click on the Firestorm tab on the left, then the Protection tab

Select "Enable Spam Protection" if it isn't already checked

Set "Max events from same source" to a low value


Now, block the person:

From the Comm menu, click on People

In the People window, click on the Blocked tab

Click on the + sign on the right

Select Block avatar by name

Enter the name, click on Go

Click OK


File an abuse report (AR):

From the person's profile, click on the little Gear icon on the lower right, select Report

Select the category (I suggest Harassment)

Enter details -- don't get dramatic, stick to the facts

You can also start an abuse report from the Help menu (Report Abuse option)


Finally: There's no such thing as viruses within SL. A griefer can send you messages (unless you block him/her) or do things to you if he convinces or tricks you into wearing something. No files have been infected.

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I was hopeful this ordeal was over, but no. He still is there attacking my avi rendering it useless.  =/

Why won't SL ban this creep? Like so many other new residents, I'm just starting to understand the very basics. Why should SL leave us noobies to the mercy of this maniacal idiot? SL isn't even showing any amount of good faith... = O

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29 minutes ago, ChoiceRider said:

I was hopeful this ordeal was over, but no. He still is there attacking my avi rendering it useless.  =/

Why won't SL ban this creep? Like so many other new residents, I'm just starting to understand the very basics. Why should SL leave us noobies to the mercy of this maniacal idiot? SL isn't even showing any amount of good faith... = O

ARs take time to process.  In the mean time, if you block the person, they will be invisible to you in all ways.  Did you do this?  Sometimes you need to stop visiting your normal places for a while.

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40 minutes ago, ChoiceRider said:

I was hopeful this ordeal was over, but no. He still is there attacking my avi rendering it useless.  =/

Why won't SL ban this creep? Like so many other new residents, I'm just starting to understand the very basics. Why should SL leave us noobies to the mercy of this maniacal idiot? SL isn't even showing any amount of good faith... = O

Depending where you keep visiting in Second Life, it seems certain areas that should be newbie friendly attract a small number of losers who have nothing better to do with their time than grief less experienced members of the Second Life community. Most of us have been through what you are describing at some point in our SLives. It is frustrating, and annoying, and I think - especially when it is school holiday periods like now and there are a lot more incidences taking place - Linden Lab may be very busy dealing with issues all over the grid.

I also think Linden Lab kind of cut their losses sometimes, and allow griefers to do their thang at certain so-called welcome areas,, just because while they're there, they are at least occupied and not bothering people elsewhere.  The reality is, if Linden Lab ban a creep from Second Life, they still have the ability to just create a new account and start all over again. Where there's a will, there's a way.

As LittleMe advises, it would be wise to relocate your avatar for a while. It's a big ol' world with lots of places to see, people to meet, themes to explore. Or even just empty Linden-owned water sims, where I like to hide out when experimenting with my avatar's look.




Edited by Marigold Devin
surplus words left at the end in error and needed removing
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You're all doing all you possibly can to help me. I thank you sincerely for that. The piling in of the huds keeps coming in every 8 sec. refreshing the message "A**H*LE !  The suggestion >>>  "Enable Spam Protection" if it isn't already checked. Set "Max events from same source" to a low value" (I set it at its minimum of 2). This doesn't stop it.

I've begun to block certain ppl who claim they are against my perpetrator, who have no response to how they know about my case, but in reality, are either working with him or actually are him.

Moving to unknown regions should work, but I have many precious friends I don't want to be left behind. So I'll fight against this evil nonsense, and do everything I must do to end it. Any chance I might be equipped by LL with powerful tools to fight back against this guy, if they're so busy they can't or won't handle it themselves? 

All the best,

ChoiceRider - SL Resident(24 days old)

Edited by ChoiceRider
overlooked formating
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Where is this happening in Second Life, ChoiceRider? Just in case anyone is about with a magic tool that could work to get rid of the tool causing you distress?  (Or offer further advice.)


Edited by Marigold Devin
there is a t in distress - tut disress indeed. D- Marigold
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Not sure how to give you what you want, but here is what is listed in the location bar, top of page: Social Island, Social Island 5 (13, 127, 68) - General

Hope it will suffice,

ChoiceRider - SL Resident(24 days old)

 P.S. It seems there must be a limit to how many attachments can be listed because it has stopped adding to it. So I'm able to delete the last printing of the message without subsequent printings.

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2 minutes ago, ChoiceRider said:

Not sure how to give you what you want, but here is what is listed in the location bar, top of page: Social Island, Social Island 5 (13, 127, 68) - General

Hope it will suffice,

ChoiceRider - SL Resident(24 days old)


They're lovely those Social Islands - and its sad they do attract some morons, especially as they're really meant for the newest residents, to help them settle in. You really need to have a look at Destination Guide, have a chat with your special friends from Social Island, see if there isn't a mutually interesting place you can all go to - I would suggest perhaps a coffee house (these are usually privately owned and not Linden owned, and therefore are run by individuals who can adjust land settings and deal with griefers in a more efficient and instant way).  

Talk to people in IM rather than open chat when you are talking with friends about moving to a new venue though, and do not add it to your profile picks, then you cannot be followed there. Keep a landmark in your inventory of the nicest places you want to revisit.  

Really there are many much nicer places to meet up with your special friends, although it will be nice if you from time to time go and rescue other new people from Social Islands when you and your friends have found these other safer places in world to visit.

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2 hours ago, ChoiceRider said:

You're all doing all you possibly can to help me. I thank you sincerely for that. The piling in of the huds keeps coming in every 8 sec. refreshing the message "A**H*LE !  The suggestion >>>  "Enable Spam Protection" if it isn't already checked. Set "Max events from same source" to a low value" (I set it at its minimum of 2). This doesn't stop it.

I've begun to block certain ppl who claim they are against my perpetrator, who have no response to how they know about my case, but in reality, are either working with him or actually are him.

Moving to unknown regions should work, but I have many precious friends I don't want to be left behind. So I'll fight against this evil nonsense, and do everything I must do to end it. Any chance I might be equipped by LL with powerful tools to fight back against this guy, if they're so busy they can't or won't handle it themselves? 

All the best,

ChoiceRider - SL Resident(24 days old)

If you're going to stay, then follow the first rule for dealing with griefers and trolls: Ignore them. Do not respond to them or acknowledge their existence in any way. They feed on attention; deny it and they'll go find someone else to bother.

LL will not equip anyone with tools to fight back. Fighting back would put you in danger of violating the Terms of Service. Again, fighting back is one thing the griefers want. Don't do it.


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On 23/10/2017 at 4:32 AM, Parhelion Palou said:


Now, block the person:

From the Comm menu, click on People

In the People window, click on the Blocked tab

Click on the + sign on the right

Select Block avatar by name

Enter the name, click on Go

Click OK


One thing to add, if you see the avatar of the perp, right click on it, click 'More', click 'Derender', choose 'Blacklist'.

Now you won't ever see the creep ever again.

Should he shower you with gifts via a 3rd party (his only option), there is a way to remove him from the blacklist, but I leave that as a class exercise.

Edited by anna2358
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SI5, lol i know who you're talking about. Honestly just ignore it, all of it, dont interact with any of it, dont even say anything about it. Been going there daily for quite some time and seen both the griefing/spam and the counter-spam that occurs. Its annoying but really you can just block most of it and you dont have to see it.

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On 10/23/2017 at 3:46 PM, Marigold Devin said:

They're lovely those Social Islands - and its sad they do attract some morons, especially as they're really meant for the newest residents, to help them settle in. You really need to have a look at Destination Guide, have a chat with your special friends from Social Island, see if there isn't a mutually interesting place you can all go to - I would suggest perhaps a coffee house (these are usually privately owned and not Linden owned, and therefore are run by individuals who can adjust land settings and deal with griefers in a more efficient and instant way).  

Talk to people in IM rather than open chat when you are talking with friends about moving to a new venue though, and do not add it to your profile picks, then you cannot be followed there. Keep a landmark in your inventory of the nicest places you want to revisit.  

Really there are many much nicer places to meet up with your special friends, although it will be nice if you from time to time go and rescue other new people from Social Islands when you and your friends have found these other safer places in world to visit.

I love your sensitive suggestion for the exodus of my beloved friends. I thank you for your heartfelt concern, and I was enthralled with the response I've received. Since being forced off the Island, I've actually broadened my horizons, with the effect of having a much richer SL experience.

Thanks, Marigold Devin

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1 minute ago, ChoiceRider said:

I love your sensitive suggestion for the exodus of my beloved friends. I thank you for your heartfelt concern, and I was enthralled with the response I've received. Since being forced off the Island, I've actually broadened my horizons, with the effect of having a much richer SL experience.

Thanks, Marigold Devin

I am very pleased to read your latest post, and to know that you took on board my suggestion.  It stems from the fact that when I was new to Second Life, my log in place was Korea3, which still exists as a welcome area/info hub, but again is one of those places that attracts a lot of griefers.  I made some lifelong friends there, but I was also fortunate to be shown some beautiful new places by a couple of considerate and caring older residents who helped to show me the bigger wider world. In turn I was able to rescue a few newbies from Korea3, and it was something I did on a regular basis until I became not able to log in for long stretches at a time, because of my equipment getting too old.  

Most of us here on the forums truly love Second Life, and want others to experience the better parts of it.  

Your Second Life experience can only become more richer and fulfilling - every week is potentially a new adventure, some of which will be happy and funny, and some will possibly make you want to cry and scream. Its a fabulous ride. 

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On 10/24/2017 at 8:52 PM, Elora Lunasea said:

Kill off your ava

Create an alt


I keep running across this concept of an "alt" and even searched for a definition, but alas, still unsure of its real implication. Just slow noobie I suppose. BTW, I understand how to delete my avi, but how do I create an "alt". Does that change my identity/username? How do I is this possible?

Thanks, Elora Lunasea

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8 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

I am very pleased to read your latest post, and to know that you took on board my suggestion.  It stems from the fact that when I was new to Second Life, my log in place was Korea3, which still exists as a welcome area/info hub, but again is one of those places that attracts a lot of griefers.  I made some lifelong friends there, but I was also fortunate to be shown some beautiful new places by a couple of considerate and caring older residents who helped to show me the bigger wider world. In turn I was able to rescue a few newbies from Korea3, and it was something I did on a regular basis until I became not able to log in for long stretches at a time, because of my equipment getting too old.  

Most of us here on the forums truly love Second Life, and want others to experience the better parts of it.  

Your Second Life experience can only become more richer and fulfilling - every week is potentially a new adventure, some of which will be happy and funny, and some will possibly make you want to cry and scream. Its a fabulous ride. 

I truly hope more mentors have such a beautiful perspective as yours.

Thanks, Marigold Devin

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On 10/28/2017 at 4:46 AM, anna2358 said:

One thing to add, if you see the avatar of the perp, right click on it, click 'More', click 'Derender', choose 'Blacklist'.

Now you won't ever see the creep ever again.

Should he shower you with gifts via a 3rd party (his only option), there is a way to remove him from the blacklist, but I leave that as a class exercise.

Oh my goodness! Wonderful instructions.

Thanks, anna2358

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6 minutes ago, ChoiceRider said:

I keep running across this concept of an "alt" and even searched for a definition, but alas, still unsure of its real implication. Just slow noobie I suppose. BTW, I understand how to delete my avi, but how do I create an "alt". Does that change my identity/username? How do I is this possible?

Thanks, Elora Lunasea

"Alt" just means an alternative avatar. To create an alt, you just go to the Second Life home page, where you created your first avatar, and create a brand new avatar. Officially you can have up to five avatar accounts per household, all registered to the same email address. That means you get the chance to create a brand new imaginative user name all over again. 

You can transfer objects/outfits/anything that is transferable (some things are "no transfer") from one avatar to another. 

There are many reasons why people have several avatars, although some people just have one avatar and stick with that one. 

I don't think you should call yourself a slow noobie; we all started somewhere, and even by the time we are 10 years old in Second Life, there is plenty that we still may not know. Example, I never learnt how to be a scripter, my building skills are very basic, and I am not up to speed on mesh avatars.

There are lots of tutorial videos on youtube, which I have always found helpful. And of course, here on the forums, any questions that you have will always be answered. 

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10 minutes ago, ChoiceRider said:

I keep running across this concept of an "alt" and even searched for a definition, but alas, still unsure of its real implication. Just slow noobie I suppose. BTW, I understand how to delete my avi, but how do I create an "alt". Does that change my identity/username? How do I is this possible?

An alt is an "alternative avatar".
You can have multiple accounts on Second Life.
If you want to create an extra account or two, just create another at https://join.secondlife.com/

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