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Mesh help wanted


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I know sometimes people buy things they don't want, or they do want it but they just don't use it as much as they should. I'm in desperate need of a mesh head and shape. Therefore I'm begging anyone to send me mesh heads and shapes they no longer want. I'm new to mesh and would like a good start at getting used to it. Again I know quality mesh isn't cheap that's why I'm asking for purchases you no longer love or use everyday. Thank you loves! 

                              -xoxo, Azrina

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6 minutes ago, toxictears8101 said:

I Therefore I'm begging anyone to send me mesh heads and shapes they no longer want.

begging is not nice.. that to start...

Mesh bodyparts are very expensive, we all have to work for that or save for a long time, do so too...

Mesh bodyparts are 99.9% not transferable... so we can't give it.

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Akeruka has a free head (group join fee) right now and there are some free heads on the marketplace. You will have to save up for your body though. Not deals on those OR use one of the ones in the viewer. And I agree with Alwin. They are expensive for everyone. I had my alt chase crystals at the realms to get money for hers. Maybe that is a good plan for you too. 


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This make my day... At first, creators make mesh bodies not transferable, so it´s not possible to send. At second, this things isn´t cheap and we all must work in rl, or sl for buying this things. 

But for not be so grumpy... How was said, Akeruka have mesh head like group gift (150 L fee, I think), or you can try some gachas, for example from Genesis Lab, they put sometimes their heads like Rare gacha item. Or browse Marketplace, there will be some heads, or mesh body for free. Or just go work :)


Edited by Vertiline Colter
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Firstly, and for reference to those mentioning it ( @Chic Aeon and @Vertiline Colter ) the Akeruka group gift mesh head offer ended last weekend. The group is now free-to-join again and the gift has gone.

Secondly, and to the OP, people cannot send you mesh bodies and heads that they 'no longer want' because these things are always made to be No Transfer, with the exception of gacha heads, which I'll get to in a minute. They are, indeed, not cheap. A good quality mesh body and Bento head will set most people back something in the region of about US$35 in total, and most people demo like crazy before they pick one they like... and then stick with it. If they have a second one, they probably still use it sometimes.

As both Chic and Vertiline suggested, if you work at it inworld for a few weeks you should be able to earn enough money to purchase a mesh body. There are plenty of ways to earn money in SL, from picking up free full-perm  textures and mesh models from Marketplace and learning to build and sell your creations (which is a lot of fun and teaches you a lot about how mesh works, as your post suggests you want to know) to chasing crystals in the Linden Realms, to other things such as finding a beach or club with an empty pole to dance on for tips. (At least one resident who is active on the forums has managed to kit herself out with a complete mesh avatar by doing that last one, and plenty of clothing to go with it.)

If you don't want to work for it, then get a paid SL account. For a US$5 a month fee you'll receive a LS300 weekly stipend every Wednesday, which you can save up to buy the items you want. (As an added bonus, this also entitles you to a free Linden Home to live in, or 512m2 of 'tier' with which to buy a plot of land to live on anywhere you want inworld.

As to mesh heads, I've seen several ladies here on the forum recommend the Mayreal mesh head, which is approximately L$500, so I'd suggest earning enough money to get that and use it as your 'getting to know mesh body parts' practice run. You may like it enough to stick with it, or you may want to start saving for a L$5000 Catwa Bento head.

Finally, on the subject of gacha heads: be careful when purchasing these from Marketplace. Expect to pay around L$2000 for a gacha 'rare' Bento mesh head. Anyone offering them much cheaper than this could very well be a scam artist selling empty boxes. Before purchasing any expensive gacha item from Marketplace, click to view the seller's entire store. If all that you see are four or five copies of the same rare gacha mesh head (and nothing else) being offered at the same ridiculously-low price, then walk away and do not purchase.

An example of why you should walk away: The current rare gacha Bento mesh head that's doing the rounds on Marketplace is the Genesis Lab 'Flor' female head. It's been out at The Arcade Gacha event this month. Playing that gacha machine costs L$100 per pull, and it contains two rares: that female head and a male 'Ethan' head, and the 'commons' are some skin appliers, cigarettes, and cigars.

I spoke to four acquaintances of mine who each played the hell out of that machine, trying to get the heads. It took an average of 28-30 pulls for each person before the female head was won. That's a total cost of between L$2800 and L$3000. Admittedly, still cheap for a high-quality, full-featured Bento mesh head. Not once in all that time (approximately 120 pulls on the machine) did the male head appear. (Yes, granted: there will be times when someone walks up to a gacha and gets the rare item on the first or second play, but that's usually after several people have been frustrated with tens of commons before it. Most of the time, a rare is exactly that: very hard to get.)

For four people to achieve roughly the same results suggests that the gacha script was probably set so that there was a 1 in 30 chance (3.333%) to win the rare female head. For a single person to have a Marketplace store with four copies of that rare head in it suggests they played enough times to get five copies: one for themselves and four 'spares' to sell, which would be a total gacha play investment of roughly L$15,000 and 150 pulls on the machine. And they will have won hundreds of the common items, which you would naturally expect also to be in their store. If the store is devoid of everything except four identical rare mesh heads, each selling for L$1000 or lower, you'll probably be spending L$1000 for an empty box. It's a very common scam on the Marketplace.

Caveat: yes, I know there are some very rich and gracious souls who genuinely do play hundreds of times on gacha machines and sell their rares extremely cheaply. So, if you're one of them, don't come piling on top of me. You're about as rare as those heads, whereas the scam artists are the commons...

Oh, and this?

5 hours ago, toxictears8101 said:

I'm in desperate need of a mesh head and shape.

There is a huge difference between wanting something and needing it. I would love a new Mercedes-AMG GT Coupé but I know that it's a want and not a need. There are plenty of cheaper vehicles that are far more within my price range and will still get me from where I want to go. And I certainly wouldn't be asking for people to give me their old, unwanted sports cars just so that I could get used to them ;)

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6 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

If you don't want to work for it, then get a paid SL account. For a US$5 a month fee you'll receive a LS300 weekly stipend every Wednesday, which you can save up to buy the items you want. (As an added bonus, this also entitles you to a free Linden Home to live in, or 512m2 of 'tier' with which to buy a plot of land to live on anywhere you want inworld.

Good to post that head is no longer available. Thanks. Didn't know it was a short time offer.

While I do believe that yearly premium is a great deal for land or home, getting a premium account for the stipend (LOL) doesn't seem like a sound investment to me. You are just getting MOST of your money back over time is all, so that "windfall" each week isn't actually a gift -- but more like a repayment of a loan. BTW folks that went premium early in the game got $400 per week and some really old timers $500 --- and there was some sort of "forever" deal back in the Paleozoic days, but don't know those details. 

I don't think I mentioned the free body on the Marketplace. There are no feet for that body and no alpha slots, but if you want to run around naked in boots for some reason (maybe to dance on an pole and earn money for a better one?)  ---  well, it IS free.  I forgot the maker; someone posted the info on these forums awhile ago. 

Agree about gachas for heads and in general really. Some machines will let you know the rares rate in the description. The only stellar gacha machine in my mind is one that will give you something you can use and like on one pull - LOL. Hence not a gacha gal. My store ones are set at 8 BTW ;).

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There are several very nice free mesh heads that are free for members of "Genesis Laboratory" group.
The group only costs L$250 to join & it's well worth it for all the freebie heads you get.
You can pick up the free heads at the Genesis Laboratory main store inworld.

Here are a couple of the free heads:

Sunny head.

Genesis Lab - Sunny mesh head


Makena albino head


Genesis Lab - Makena albino mesh head


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Catwa also do some cheap static mesh heads.
I'm not sure how much they cost now but when I bought the Nicki static head, it was only L$100. I think she put the price up to L$300 but it's still a total bargain.
it was the first mesh head I bought so I could see if I wanted to splurge on a more fully feature mesh head.
It's actually a pretty fully featured head - you can use any Catwa or Omega applier  on it & customize it a lot with the HUD.  It just doesn't have any animations & it's not Bento enabled, but for the price it's still an excellent starter mesh head.


Catwa Nicki head with Izzie's - Brooke Wounded Angel skin in porcelain



Edited by Whirly Fizzle
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Thank you to those who've been providing information on where to start looking, I appreciate it. I would also like to note that I am perfectly capable of knowing the difference between WANT and NEED it was just a poor choice of words. And if you feel the NEED to correct me on it then maybe you should log out of second life for a day or two and get back to rl because real people make mistakes :) I will be taking everyone's positive feedback into consideration as well so thank you. I may be new to the way mesh works on secondlife, but I am NOT new to respecting others and helping out when needed. Thanks loves:x

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29 minutes ago, toxictears8101 said:

And if you feel the NEED to correct me on it then maybe you should log out of second life for a day or two and get back to rl


41 minutes ago, toxictears8101 said:

I may be new to the way mesh works on secondlife, but I am NOT new to respecting others and helping out when needed.

Well, you felt the NEED to tell some of us to log out of Second Life and get back to real life. Not entirely respectful, that, so it's swings and roundabouts there. We all have busy and fulfilling real lives, thank you, and we're all "real people", just like you. Just because we didn't all fall over each other to send you our cast-off mesh bodies and heads that doesn't mean we're strangers to the notion of respecting others and helping out when needed. Just take a look at the posting history of any of us: if a question is asked, we do our best to help out, and some of us go to great lengths to do so.

Hell, I spent my last half an hour before leaving for work today to write out an entire tutorial for you on how to watch out for Marketplace scams regarding mesh heads, but if you consider that to be "not helping out" then so be it.

Your original post asked for people to send you - free of charge - very expensive items. Now you're thanking people for telling you where you can buy the same items, cheaply. Had you asked that in the first place you would have had what you would probably consider a 100% positive and helpful response. Phrasing your question more like this -


"Hey there. I'd really love to have a mesh body and head but I don't have/don't want to spend much money. Has anyone got some advice as to where I can find some cheap ones?"

- would have meant that nobody "felt the need" to say anything except, "Sure, you could try X and Y and Z stores".


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54 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:


Well, you felt the NEED to tell some of us to log out of Second Life and get back to real life. Not entirely respectful, that, so it's swings and roundabouts there. We all have busy and fulfilling real lives, thank you, and we're all "real people", just like you. Just because we didn't all fall over each other to send you our cast-off mesh bodies and heads that doesn't mean we're strangers to the notion of respecting others and helping out when needed. Just take a look at the posting history of any of us: if a question is asked, we do our best to help out, and some of us go to great lengths to do so.

Hell, I spent my last half an hour before leaving for work today to write out an entire tutorial for you on how to watch out for Marketplace scams regarding mesh heads, but if you consider that to be "not helping out" then so be it.

Your original post asked for people to send you - free of charge - very expensive items. Now you're thanking people for telling you where you can buy the same items, cheaply. Had you asked that in the first place you would have had what you would probably consider a 100% positive and helpful response. Phrasing your question more like this -

- would have meant that nobody "felt the need" to say anything except, "Sure, you could try X and Y and Z stores".


Like I mentioned in my previous statement, I'm overjoyed by all the helpful feedback and I greatly appreciate all of the positive comments. You can twist my words however you want, I was simply stating that humans make mistakes and even admitted that the word "need" was a poor choice of words. If you're having trouble processing what i am saying please read what I wrote again until it makes more sense. :) I have no intentions of disrespecting anyone but I also have no control over how anyone takes anything I say, have a nice day @Skell Dagger and thank you for taking the time to reply :D 

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8 hours ago, Zsigmond Alcott said:

I wanted you to post that. I didn't need for you to post that. :P 


8 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Way too many people do not understand this basic concept - in RL or SL.

Poor choice of words I know lol thanks for commenting :D 

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17 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

begging is not nice.. that to start...

Mesh bodyparts are very expensive, we all have to work for that or save for a long time, do so too...

Mesh bodyparts are 99.9% not transferable... so we can't give it.

Poor choice of words lol sorry about that. And yes I am now aware of that thank you for commenting :) 

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13 hours ago, toxictears8101 said:

You can twist my words however you want

I twisted nothing. You stated that if someone felt the need to correct you on your poor choice of words they should log out of Second Life for a day or two, viz:

15 hours ago, toxictears8101 said:

... it was just a poor choice of words. And if you feel the NEED to correct me on it then maybe you should log out of second life for a day or two ...

Since I was the only person who "corrected you" you were telling me to log out of Second Life. No twisting necessary.

14 hours ago, toxictears8101 said:

If you're having trouble processing what i am saying please read what I wrote again until it makes more sense.

Telling someone to reread your opinion until it makes sense is, in truth, actually saying "reread my opinion until you agree with it".

14 hours ago, toxictears8101 said:

I have no intentions of disrespecting anyone but I also have no control over how anyone takes anything I say, have a nice day @Skell Dagger and thank you for taking the time to reply :D 

On your second point ("I have no control over how anyone takes anything I say") you do have some modicum of control, by choosing your words carefully and ensuring that - to the best of your knowledge - they cannot be taken any other way. Want and need are two words that have vastly different meanings, but that are often used instead of each other. In admitting that it was a poor choice of words, hopefully you understand why one person gently and humorously tried to guide you to that understanding (and at least one other person agreed with them).

On your first point ("I have no intentions of disrespecting anyone") no disrepect was felt, I assure you. I don't feel disrespected when people mistakenly use the wrong words.

I do, however, feel disrespected when they start entirely new threads labelling me a hater:

I hope that making that thread helped you to get this out of your system.

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