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How to become a model


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   :D Hello all Second Life residents!

   I'm new to the community.seconlife.com and I'm not so sure this is where I ask questions or not? I'm going to ask anyways ^_^ I'm wishing to become a second life model. I have a pretty nice avatar I assume. I have a Maitreya body, but not a mesh head to go along with it. I try to keep my avatar unique so I don't look like hundreds of girls out there. I wish to become a model that advertises clothing and such. I don't have good enough internet to fight off lag for runway shows, so this seems to be my best option. Please reply if you have any answers or advice for me :)


-Lady Lanell-

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Just a general comment. Since you don't want to do runway you won't need to go to "school" which is good as some of those (not all, just some) are a racket. As long as you legacy head skin matches smoothly (no neck line) your mesh body I suspect that will be fine. Probably the best way to start still -- and what I did nine years ago) is to be a store model. You stand on a platform and show off clothes (usually provided by the owner so you get free clothes) and sometimes greet customers. Other times you just dress up and plop yourself down on the pose stand and go off with your real life or work. 

This would at least give you a small fashion resume :D.  The other option of course is modeling for photographers. So I would scour the want ads and the WANTED section of this forum and see if any jobs that would work for you appear. Since some stores use bots now instead of employees, this isn't a popular as it was long ago, but there are still folks that like things the old way. 

Good luck. 


Your profile photo has you looking good so that is a start! 

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Another thing you might wanna do, is take some photos of yourself with different outfits on and some different poses.  That would also give you some experience at using a camera, it all helps:)  When you have done some pics that you like put them together in a note card resume.  Some potential employers will ask for that.  I would hire you but I can't afford a staff lol.. I have to make the clothes, model and take the pics all myself.

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wish you luck. i have wanted to do modeling since i started here, has not happened yet. My look might be a bit to exotic for a store model or I havent been looking in the right places, or I am not disciplined enough about pursuing it IDK,

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Thank you Chic Aeon and Tazzie for your helpful comments! I have since gotten a different hair and body from my profile picture, so maybe that will improve my look :D I will try to do my best with the material you've provided me!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...


Since you didn't specify if you wanted to do this for fun or to earn income, my advice will be rather broad. If you're looking to model for fun and for the experience of it, I don't think you will find a shortage of opportunity. It's when you want to pursue it as a means of income that will be more of a challenge.

The role of a model has been marginalized. A lot of stores aren't hiring models to showcase product in the store like they were previously. Some that still do are using alts. Social media and blogging have really taken the role of the traditional model away. But I'd suggest contacting some of the SL magazines that are still around and see if they have any openings. From my own previous experience working at some magazines as a photographer and model. Some will offer pay and others might not. You can contact photographers and see if they have a need. Some people don't want to, or haven't invested in an alt and would like to have a partner to do shoots with. Again, your mileage will vary here for pay, but if you just wanted to make yourself available for free, you'll find a lot of people taking you up on the offer.

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Of course, one thing you can always do is take your own pictures, their are a couple of threads here where you can post your best ones, and lots of people in SL have a Flickr page, that is great if you get someone interested in you and wanting to see pictures you can just give them the link to the Flickr page.

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6 hours ago, paulinetaylor2015 said:

How can you fashion model etc in sl if you blog?


The theory is that by blogging, you build up a collection of publicly viewable screen shots of you NOT looking crap, and possibly even wearing free clothes from the people you blog for, so potential model hirers can see that you MIGHT be worth hiring to stand on a poseball wearing free clothes from THEM.

I can't comment on how successful this tactic is, but it has to be better than paying some con-artist thousands of L$ for 'modeling lessons" that aren't worth a damn...

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This is the way fashion modeling in SL works.  Models you see in a store are bots.  Scripted agents that aren't really user controlled.

What stores need are people to blog for them.  Both independently and for their store's web presence..
https://slbloggersupport.com/resources/designers-looking-for-bloggers/  for example.

You blog on your own to show a portfolio of your work, both visual and writing style.  Then, use sites like the one linked above to find stores who need bloggers.

There is usually a tool you will need to have that will get you into their system.  With that you "check out" an outfit to model and post.  Once you submit what ever they need you can then pick up another outfit.  Repeat as long as they have items in their system.  Work for as many different places as you can if you want be prepared to spend 4 to 8 hours on a post  So in the end you are earning 100 to 200 L$ an hour in store credit all things considered but if it is work you enjoy it is priceless.


To be a successful model you need to learn a bit about photography, some post processing with Gimp, Photoshop  or other software, and have a good writing style.  Having a good selections of bodies, hair and skins also doesn't hurt but at least have Maitreya body, a Catwa head and a few good hair styles.

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Hi twik,

First off, allow me to wish you the best of luck on your modeling endeavors, and also add that the way I got into modeling, may not be the right way for everyone. I got into it about a year or so after joining SL. I'd met some people who were in the fashion industry and we became friends over time. Some suggested modeling school, which I did attend and graduated from (certificate and all), but this is not where my SL modeling career began.

I wasn't really interested in doing runway work - which is what they teach you in modeling school, along with posing, styling, and presenting. I wanted to do in-store modeling instead. Let me just say, that unless you plan on doing runway work, save your money and skip modeling school. Anyway, I started by upgrading my avi (this was long before the mesh explosion) and having professional photos taken to build up a portfolio - once I had that done, I started applying for jobs.

It was actually pretty easy to get hired (not saying that this will be your experience), and before long I was getting one in-store modeling job after another, so I just kept building up my resume.  In-store modeling jobs aren't as plentiful as they used to be, but every now and again, you may come across one that is hiring. Just be persistent, keep your avi upgraded, and photos up to date. I've had people offer me work or photographers snap pics and ask if I would be interested in doing a shoot for them - you just never know.

I don't model anymore and haven't in a long time, but if you have anymore questions, feel free to ask or msg me inworld @ Kristen Beornssen. Good luck!


EDIT: As some have previously mentioned above - blogging seems to be the way to go nowadays, so you may want to try going that route. Unfortunately, modeling in SL isn't what it used to be.

Edited by Kristen Beornssen
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  • 2 months later...
On 31/05/2017 at 8:26 PM, Tazzie Tuque said:

Another thing you might wanna do, is take some photos of yourself with different outfits on and some different poses.  That would also give you some experience at using a camera, it all helps:)  When you have done some pics that you like put them together in a note card resume.  Some potential employers will ask for that.  I would hire you but I can't afford a staff lol.. I have to make the clothes, model and take the pics all myself.

Hiii I could help you out! I wouldn't expect anything :) just for some practice 

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