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Amount of Triangles and Vertices

Memo Opaque

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Just in case you are asking about uploading a mesh model that you didn't make into SL, that is against the Terms of Service (in most all cases) AND if you don't know how to make physics models, upload in smaller sections and ADAPT the model so that it would work in SL, then there really is no point anyway. 

Not all mesh is equal and much of the "free stuff" out there was not made as game assets. 

And I see I was getting arton's "castle" reference in my thinking. This could as easily be a bracelet whose maker has fallen in love with the sub-surf modifier. 


All kidding aside -- and we are joking among ourselves all in good fun -- the answer is YES it is TOO HEAVY. 


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Well ok, don't go too harh lol. It is not something i didn't make into SL. I am just learning blender and made a sofa. i guess i used subdivide too much... like....6 times on each pillows in order to have not pixels sculpts. What do you think an acceptable vertice amount must be ?

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2 minutes ago, Memo Opaque said:

Well ok, don't go too harh lol. It is not something i didn't make into SL. I am just learning blender and made a sofa. i guess i used subdivide too much... like....6 times on each pillows in order to have not pixels sculpts. What do you think an acceptable vertice amount must be ?




Note that following MANY of the YouTube and Vimeo tutorials will get you in BIG trouble. 


These were made JUST for SL. No sofa, sorry. But maybe a start for ya. 


Happy modeling!



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Check out this limits page: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits#Mesh
Also note the User Found Temporary Mesh limits.

The 64k upper limit doesn't mean that your models should reach that though. :SwingingFriends:

The rule of thumb for any game asset is, as low as possible, as many as needed. It's amazing how low you can go in polycount, but still have great looking models. But that's like with anything else, a process of practicing and learning to get good at it.

Edited by arton Rotaru
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Thank you for the tutorials, Chich Aeon. I am not new on 3d modeling. Been working with 3ds max for long time. Now learning Blender. Just doing something into SL for the first time. So donno limits for it.

Thank you, Arton. i have lowered it to 41,112 vertices. And will see what can be better. Thank you for the link by the way.

Pamela, if i didn't wanted to bring "whatever i do" into SL, i would not ask for help here. Not all great in the begining. If you are not a help, ......you know.

Edited by Memo Opaque
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If you are familiar with high poly modeling, you should definitely look into baking High 2 Low poly normal maps, if you haven't already in the past.

The following picture isn't a sofa, but something to sit on for a project I'm currently working on. :SwingingFriends:


Here's the wireframe.

I'm sure I can shave off another 100 triangles and the look of it will still be pretty much the same.

Edited by arton Rotaru
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51 minutes ago, Memo Opaque said:

Thank you for the tutorials, Chich Aeon. I am not new on 3d modeling. Been working with 3ds max for long time. Now learning Blender. Just doing something into SL for the first time. So donno limits for it.

Thank you, Arton. i have lowered it to 41,112 vertices. And will see what can be better. Thank you for the link by the way.

Pamela, if i didn't wanted to bring "whatever i do" into SL, i would not ask for help here. Not all great in the begining. If you are not a help, ......you know.

Ah, a typical response here from those asking for advice to those giving it. I know from experience what can happen when you upload something huge. Pardon me for attempting to spare you that.

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An even better IMHO way to get more for your vertices buck is baking high poly TEXTURES and using those on low poly models. Those normal maps only show up for folks using advanced lighting O.o but the baked textures show for everyone.

Honestly you don't really need to do either LOL.  Just promise yourself that you will never (ever EVER) use more than the 2 render default on the subsurf modifier and THEN get rid of all the edge loops you don't need. That should get you in very good territory.

Have fun with your new adventure.

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Great work, arton ! I like it.
A few questions:

How were you able to show this in wire frame in Object mode ?
How did you triangulate the faces ?
What did you do to display the info ?

Here is my first take on building low-poly cushions and pillows . The seat cushions are basically two boxes with 4 loops in each.
As you can see the chord detailing is not in the mesh but in the texture.





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12 hours ago, Memo Opaque said:

1,626,436 vertices and 3,252,872 triangles are high for mesh ? 

3,252,872 triangles is a bit on the high side for an entire scene.


12 hours ago, Memo Opaque said:

I am not new on 3d modeling. Been working with 3ds max for long time. Now learning Blender. Just doing something into SL for the first time. So donno limits for it.

The huge difference between 3D modelling in general and game/virtual world modelling is that in a dynamic environment the model has to share the available computing powers with hundreds, maybe even thousands, of other items. Render time is also more critical. When you're working on a single static model, it doesn't matter too much if it takes a second or two to render. In a virtual world render time is measured in milliseconds. Ideally you want the fps (Frames - that is re-renders - per second) to be 40 or higher and definitely not lower than 20.

12 hours ago, Memo Opaque said:

i have lowered it to 41,112 vertices.

When you're modelling for Second Life it's probably better to focus on triangle count than vertice count. The reason is that the way SL handles triangles is a bit shady so it's hard to predict how many you'll end up with after the build has been uploaded.

It's impossible to give any exact answer how many triangles is acceptable of course but for a sofa... if we say for a background "space filler" sofa, 100 triangles, a more upfront part of the furniture 200-500 and for a centerpiece sofa that is the focal point fo the entire scene about 1000-2000 - that should get us into the right ballpark.

12 hours ago, Memo Opaque said:

I am just learning blender and made a sofa. i guess i used subdivide too much... like....6 times on each pillows in order to have not pixels sculpts.

Umm, you do use smooth normals, don't you? That'll save you a ton of vertices and triangles for something like a pillow.


Edited by ChinRey
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Well i figured i was working on flat and noticed that smooth option after i had typed here. As you said, it saves lots of triangles and still looks smoother. Those tips and pictures above helped alot. Thank you very much all ^_^  

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5 hours ago, Ryker Silvercloud said:

How were you able to show this in wire frame in Object mode ?
How did you triangulate the faces ?
What did you do to display the info ?

It's the viewport of 3ds Max, not Blender.
3ds Max has a modifier stack just like Blender. To triangulate I add the so called "Turn to Poly" modifier to the stack. By turning the modifier on or off, I can switch between quads and tris in a non-destructive way.
That's 3ds Max statistics info display.

Nice pillows! It would be a shame if you would destroy them on the lowest LOD. :SwingingFriends:

Edited by arton Rotaru
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arton Rotaru:  3ds Max... oh, I see, cool :)

Aquila Kytori : Thank you for the screenprint. I got it :) 

A short question while I am here: It`s off topic, but I`m new to this forum. How do I insert from other comments like  arton and Aquila just did ? Is it copy/paste from the text ? When I copy/paste Aquila`s names it gets highligthed in blue...hmm ..is that hypertext ?




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17 hours ago, arton Rotaru said:


If you are familiar with high poly modeling, you should definitely look into baking High 2 Low poly normal maps, if you haven't already in the past.

The following picture isn't a sofa, but something to sit on for a project I'm currently working on. :SwingingFriends:



You are sofaking! *badum-tish*

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12 minutes ago, Ryker Silvercloud said:

How do I insert from other comments

There are the "Quote" and "MultiQuote" (the + sign) buttons at the bottom of each post for a full or multi quote.
A very handy way is though, if you just highlight some text in a post, a little black "Quote this" button pops up, which inserts only that as a quote when you click on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again guys. So i finished my mesh with 2602 triangles and it consist of 6 pieces. I joined them and uploaded to SL. It took 7 LI. Then i reuploaded some parts separately and linked in SL. LI decreased to 5. I am sure it would go less if i uploaded all parts separately and linked them in SL But it is alittle hard to arrange their places perfectly in SL. So i had left some parts joined before i uploaded. I wanted to type it incase some day someone, new at creating meshes for SL like me, reads here. It may give an idea :)

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1 hour ago, Memo Opaque said:

Hello again guys. So i finished my mesh with 2602 triangles and it consist of 6 pieces. I joined them and uploaded to SL. It took 7 LI. Then i reuploaded some parts separately and linked in SL. LI decreased to 5. I am sure it would go less if i uploaded all parts separately and linked them in SL But it is alittle hard to arrange their places perfectly in SL.

The trick if you want to match pieces in SL is to remember that you can only position items with a precision of 1 mm. Make sure all parts are an even number of millimeters in size along all three axises and you'll do fine.

2602 triangles still counts as a high poly mesh but it's a huge improvement, Congratulations! ^_^


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