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dim object in background

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Hi everyone,

I've been fiddling with phototool settings and can't figure this out. I would like to be able to dim an object -- a painting hanging on a wall behind me. It is owned by someone else in a sim I visit but also do not own. It seems like it doesn't respond to windlight settings and stays a constant brightness even in midnight hour windlights that darken everything else in the room. The best I can do is give it a washed out bright look as in the second photo below by changing the haze settings. Is this the kind of thing I can do within SL or is something like GIMP needed? EDIT: I am using Firestorm viewer in Linux.

First pic is with a dark windlight, second is with haze settings changed -- increased density and horizon if I remember correctly.






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That object has been set to "full bright" by the creator and will be unaffected by any lighting controls. No matter how bright you make the rest of the scene, nothing will be brighter than any pure white region of the object.

The only effect you can have on it is to derender it.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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Using Rhonda's technique, the color you tint the transparent box determines the effect. To make something "dim" color the box black. To haze something up, select grey or white. To apply sunrise or sunset tint, select a warm color that's compatible with the current lighting. And then adjust transparency to taste. There are limits to what you can do, but the technique can be quite useful.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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Aha, I knew somebody would think of something! I do not have rez permission, the only thing not allowed at that sim is building and dropping things. Perhaps I can convince the owners of the sim to let me do a fashion photoshoot there with temporary permission, though it is a Buddhist temple and they might not like that! But then again it is a Buddhist temple in Second Life....

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Take two photos, one using your preferred choice of lighting and windlight, the other using Ambient Dark windlight and with point lights turned off (local lights in graphics preferences). The photo taken using Ambient Dark will be black except for any objects set to full bright. You can use this in your preferred photo editor as the basis of a mask to darken the full bright objects.

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If those techniques don't work out well for you try contacting the owner of the painting. Generally I've found that a lot of people have been cooperative with me when I've reached out for help. Keep us posted!

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Hi again! I am making progress with KT's two shot masking suggestion. I think I am finally starting to wrap my head around how it works, though I don't know if I can explain exactly what I did :P Anyway, here is what things look like at this stage of my experiments. Thanks for all the help!


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