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Things to like about the new forum

Phil Deakins

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We tend to get more in the way of negative views about things, such as this new forum. It's normal. But I want to post what I like about it, and perhaps people would also like to post about things that they like about it. These are some of mine:-

1. I like that, when I'm writing a post, if another post is added to the thread, I am informed of it, and I can view it, and even quote from it, without disprupting my writing. I think that's a brilliant feature.

2. I love how the quote system works. I can pull text, as quotes, and even highlight bits of posts to quote, from all over the page of posts that I have. That's light years ahead of the previous software.

3. I think that the notifications system is marvellous.

4. I like the simple method of making a whole sub-forum as read. It has just one slight drawback though. I sometimes find my cursor over it, ready to go to the next unread post. I haven't yet clicked in that circumstance, but I've almost done it :)  Still, I do like it, and I'm making use of it by keeping the few sub-forums that I use as read when I've read all I want in them, so that I can see at a glance from the page of sub-forums whether or not anything new has been posted in those that I use.

I'll probably come up with more likes, but those are the ones that readily spring to mind.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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Well, I really like the undersized sanserif font used here, which tends to render on my screen as medium gray text on a light grey background that's almost unreadable, that's such a hella-kewl feature.

The post editor that frequently glitches on starting new paragraphs, so you have to type a whole post in a single paragraph then edit it and put the breaks in afterwards, that's hella-kewl too.

Then theres that ting where you move the mouse over a thread name to right click and open that thread in a new tab and... can't because some popup appears under your mouse with a preview of part of the first post, coding in a popup thats designed to stop you opening a thread, is really hella-kewl.

Loads of things to like about the new forum code, I'm sure I can think of more if I try...  ;) 

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Thank you, Klytyna, for derailing what was intended to be a sensible thread. Yes, there are things that you, and others, dislike about the new forum, but there are things that people do like about it too. So why don't you start your own thread about things that are disliked, instead of being so nasty as to change the topic of this one in the very first reply.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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3 hours ago, Klytyna said:


Well, I really like the undersized sanserif font used here, which tends to render on my screen as medium gray text on a light grey background that's almost unreadable, that's such a hella-kewl feature.

The post editor that frequently glitches on starting new paragraphs, so you have to type a whole post in a single paragraph then edit it and put the breaks in afterwards, that's hella-kewl too.

Then theres that ting where you move the mouse over a thread name to right click and open that thread in a new tab and... can't because some popup appears under your mouse with a preview of part of the first post, coding in a popup thats designed to stop you opening a thread, is really hella-kewl.

Loads of things to like about the new forum code, I'm sure I can think of more if I try...  ;) 

I think there is a forum feedback thread.

And we are supposed to be making JIRAS for anything amiss.

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What I LOVE is that I can just go to Content I Follow (which I have bookmarked) and see all the threads in forums I follow -- and NEVER have to see the spam forums or others I have no interest in. :) 

Edited by Pamela Galli
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I haven't really had much time to get used to the new forums yet, but from what little time I've had with it, I really like how it behaves on mobile devices. (Admittedly, I don't recall even trying Lithium on my phone, so maybe it was great, too, but anyway this one sure seems to have all the device independence stuff done right.)

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I much prefer the "Like this" feature as opposed to the old "Kudo" system.  I think it's a great way to spread some joy around and I'm so glad that a "Dislike" wasn't included.  It's also cool that Likes show up on Profile Activity as well as Reputation Activity.  For all those lurkers (myself included) that enjoy reading but don't tend to say much hitting Like is a great way to be involved in the community by showing appreciation & activity while still remaining in your comfort zone.

On a broader scope, I really like that LL actually made the effort to move to a new Community Forum (as well as the new Places).  The effort alone makes me more optimistic about SL's futute :)

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  • 1 month later...

Just had a really pleasant surprise.

I was replying to a topic when my browser died - don't you just hate when that happens O.o

Anyway, when I got back to the topic, thinking I would have to start all over again, I found that my reply had been saved in draft for me.  Woohoo!! Nothing was lost and away I went.

Loving this feature  :x

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I've just realised something I didn't know about the forum but that I like a lot - private threads!

In the previous forum incarnations, we had Private Messaging (PMs), but this one is different. Unlike previously, private messages here behave like private threads. Each time you open a reply from someone you've PMed, the whole of the conversation is there - all of the messages, just like a normal thread. I am currently on page 3 of a private thread with someone.

Not only that, but even better is the fact that it can be a private GROUP thread, with multiple people in it. When you start a PM, you can state multiple people to send it to, making it a private group thread. I can't see a way of adding someone to a group thread, and I haven't had the experience to know whether or not you can leave a group thread (if you don't leave you still get the notifications) but, even so, private threads and private group threads are a BIG plus, imo.

ETA: If all that was possible in previous incarnations, I didn't know about it.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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