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Firestorm behavior on new laptop


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I recently bought a new laptop and the specs go far beyond the system requirements to run SL. I use Firestorm and it's behaving strangely/poorly since I downloaded it on this new system. I'm having difficulty walking, rezzing and clicking. Also, my inventory is all mixed up. I cleared the inventory cache and it didn't help. I don't remember having this much trouble the first time I downloaded it on my much older laptop with the low number specs. I've relogged and restarted the computer several times now so I know it's not that.


This is the computer I was using before:



This is the computer I'm using now:



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Experimenting with some of the settings helped greatly during my brief adventure with FS. I think the ones which may have helped most might have been under View in Move & View in preferences, like Transition Time and Smoothing. It was trial and error and guesswork, so I might have that completely wrong, but the FS default settings were a nightmare for my computer and changing things helped.

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Thanks for the tip. I uninstalled the version of Firestorm I had and installed an older version (you were right, it was 4.7.7) and the problem continues. I am beginning to think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm running Windows 10 on this new laptop. My old one has Windows 8 and I've never used 10. Any idea if that could be the prblem?

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I was fine with the message. I actually believed it at first until I talked to others who have both been in SL for years and use integrated graphics cards (not to mention knowing and trusting them) and was told that it's incorrect and snarky to boot. I am not typically a messenger-shooter but every so often when I ask for help with something and I get a response like that, I feel compelled to say something. Usually though I just ignore it.

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A friend told me about the system default settings when I first signed up for sl so I've been tweaking and experimenting with them on this new computer. I have seen some slight improvements but not much. It's good advice nonetheless because newbs don't have a way of finding that out on their own.

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i responded totally to the info YOU gave... and i know i am totally right. Integrated graphics will NEVER do the job for SL to get a good experience, NOR big RAM will improve it.


As you self say... you have to lower your settings... means: your card can't handle it.


don't come whine here when you burn you total MB within a year, or maybe two...


edit addition.... titles here mean nothing more than placed a certain amount of messages... i abuse or misuse nothing.

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Alwin is very right. SL runs terrible without dedicated memory, might as well run it on your smartphone. The friends that advised you might be settling for very poor performance or never experienced how the viewer should run. Be mad at your friends who gave you poor advice and the techies that probably never actually ran the viewer and just want to sell you that notebook, instead of ppl that give honest advice. Intergraded grfx card do not do the trick, if they do (poorly), they will not last long. In other words, you better sell this one or return it and get a notebook with dedicated grfx memory.

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As you are finding, SL is graphics  intense and for top performance and quality it requires some specific hardware. It doesn't need a supper computer. A newer mid range desktop can run SL at the ULTRA setting and 20 to 30 FPS.

The integrated graphics and Windows 10 is a problem for lots of people. Some have reverted to Win 7 or 8 and had better luck. I think they are just putting off problems and will have to deal them at some point.

The problem with Intergraded graphics is the system has to divide up the computer's RAM between data and video data. The bus going to that memory is somewhat like a highway. When the CPU needs data access then the video data is blocked until the data-train arrives and the video data-train can depart. You bottle neck the system's data flow.

A dedicated video chip and video ram allow data to move on seperate pathways. One dedicated to data and another dedicated to ePCI/video with 4 to 16 channels (lanes). Less of a traffic jam.

Integrated graphics is designed mostly for video streaming... movies. All the system has to do is deleiver 30 pictures per second to the screen. So, rendering a 3D virtual world where the CPU has to get data from the net and disk to calculate where everyting is and how the sun strikes it and what is hidden and visible which overloads the CPU and data buses. All the rendering: drawing shapes and painting them, has to be done by the CPU, which has 2 to 16 cores, cores being sort of seperate CPU's within a single CPU chip. My video card has 1200+ cores and can be using 600 cores to draw shapes, calculate where things are, what is hidden and visible all while 600 other cores are painting things. Mean while the 4 core CPU is shoveling data to the video card from the net and hard drive. (That is way over simplifying, but its the idea.) You can't complete with 4 or 8 CPU cores no matter how much memory you have or fast the CPU is without a video card/chip.

I use Intel. I haven't used AMD in forever. So, I don't know how well AMD handles integrated graphics. I do know and anyone can from reading the forum, that AMD's support for OpenGL, what SL runs on, is way weak. So, I would expect AMD's intergrated grpahics to be a mess when running SL.

Comparing AMD and Intel: http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i7-6700K-vs-AMD-A12-7th-Gen-A12-9700P

For all the things that work best with SL, Intel wins over the AMD A12-9700P.

I have a laptop with Win 10 and Intel i3 and HD 4000 and it runs SL on mid-range settings. It does OK.

If you want to know more about hardware for Second Life see: http://blog.nalates.net/category/hardware/

It is unfortunate, but the forum here has a lot of people providing bad advice. I don't always get it right. But, there are a few people that REALLY know their stuff and to get things to work with SL. The best place to find them is the forum. But, ask  in a group like Firestorm Support for names you can trust. After a few people answer, you'll see a pattern and some names consistently popping up. Search the forum for their posts. Most of what you need to know has already been posted numerous times.


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Thanks so much for taking the time to explain that all to me. It makes sense now. I contacted the company which sold me the computer and explained the situation to them and they recommended an MSI w/6th gen. Intel Core i5 processor, 1 TB HD and a GForce 940 dedicated graphics card. It costs the same as the one I just bought. Does that sound about right?


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LadyEllenT wrote:

Thanks so much for taking the time to explain that all to me. It makes sense now. I contacted the company which sold me the computer and explained the situation to them and they recommended an MSI w/6th gen. Intel Core i5 processor, 1 TB HD and a GForce 940 dedicated graphics card. It costs the same as the one I just bought. Does that sound about right?


Perhaps you should apologize to Alwin.

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I don't see why. The fact that she was correct about the cause of my issue was overshadowed by the snarkiness and lack of information. The other poster however gave me the most viable suggestion for the cause of the problem and even went into simplified explination of the reasons behind it, not to mention going the extra mile by offering links to further research backing up the claim. I suppose this is my fault for not typing out a request for help in my original post. I've posted so many issues on this forum over the last few months I assumed my reasoning was already implied.

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LadyEllenT wrote:

I don't see why
. The fact that she was correct about the cause of my issue was overshadowed by the snarkiness and lack of information. The other poster however gave me the most viable suggestion for the cause of the problem and even went into simplified explination of the reasons behind it, not to mention going the extra mile by offering links to further research backing up the claim. I suppose this is my fault for not typing out a request for help in my original post. I've posted so many issues on this forum over the last few months I assumed my reasoning was already implied.

I knew this and don't really expect you to ever know.

Any apology you could muster would be worthless anyway and just be adding insult to inury.

Alwin is better off without one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes they still do. FYI rpm stands for revolutions per second LOL. While in college I wrote an MLA essay entitled: "You Get What You Pay For"  ; thus the cheap price on it.If you had paid more attention to the price range of the original purchase/brand it is self explanatory:  "Speed costs money & how fast do you wish to go?" 


My BFF:  Derek....... LOL Happy Holidays :)


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You are here to bask in the light you throw on yourself.

Everyone gets what they pay for from you.

Sound familiar.

Put another way, free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it.

You simply do not recognize the help I provide because you are too inerested  in your own reflection.

Like most self appointed deities.

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