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What's This New Secret Linden Build?

Prokofy Neva

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Rufferta wrote:

Prokofy Neva wrote:

Type HIH into the map and you will see: (that's the letter "I" not "1")

It doesn't seem as big as a new continent, but it seems more ambitious than Linden Homes because it has large common areas, see the six sims put together in the middle.

They are categorized "Adult" and you can't teleport to this area, it's closed.

Linden Homes in "Adult"? 

More competition for all that unsold land in Zindra.

Since you first posted this, I see some SL bloggers have also commented on this, but as far as I know, you were the first to notice these sims.

Tyche Shepherd listed them with a discussion on 25/09/16 which is some 2 weeks before Pork saw them.

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I wrote: Since you first posted this, I see some SL bloggers have also commented on this, but as far as I know, you [Prokofy Neva} were the first to notice these sims.

Callum Meriman wrote: Tyche Shepherd listed them with a discussion on 25/09/16 which is some 2 weeks before Pork saw them.

Thank you for the correction, I see it was noted in http://gridsurvey.com - I'm also assuming that Lindens and Moles knew about it.

I'm looking forward to The Big Reveal. I hope I won't be disappointed. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Qie Niangao wrote:

ChinRey wrote: These are 1024 m2
, not  just 1024 parcels, and in a very rigid layout. Contrary to what Sabaoth seemed to see, each petal is absolutely identical too.

Oh, this is more interesting than I'd thought. I mean, however much I like Mole builds, I've not been a fan of Linden Homes, but if the new Projects are 1024 m2 or better, that certainly suggests that just maybe they've finally seen the wisdom of upping the Premium bonus tier -- and, whatever these new sims may be, that tier change would breathe new life in the Mainland like nothing since Jack overbuilt Gaeta by a continent and a half.

So agree. I have been saying that for YEEEEAAARS.

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Linden homes put quite a few homebuilders out of business, the ones who specialized in starter homes.

Houses of this size  given away for free  could damage many more businesses.  It will not put me out of business because I build lots of different size homes, but I do build quite a few houses of this size as well, and it looks like I may be in competition with Linden Lab now . 

Really between having to compete directly  with Linden Lab, or with the pet businesses it singles out to promote, it's a wonder the rest of us stay in business at all. 

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I agree with you.

In addition to putting builders out of busines it probably will make a lot of estate owners suffer too, and perhaps give up sims.  That's not a good thing either.

Yes, a lot of estate owner rent out larger parcels but a lot have 1024's too.  If they lose those tenants they may not be able to rent that land out again.  Some people with larger parcels may give them up too if they are content with a larger Linden home. They already are having a hard time renting parcels, which why we see more and more sims disappearing. 

LL is not known for thinking that far ahead.  The introduction of Linden homes is one of the main reasons so much of the mainland is empty now and so many people no longer buy homes and as much furniture as they are content with a Linden Home.  If they are even more content with a larger home, then the mainland will suffer further. All in all I predict this will in the long run damage the LL economy and the people who depend on it to make money or at least not lose money.  Tier is the major source of income for LL and less tier may not make up for the premium fees they stand to gain, if any. 

Maybe they plan on raising the Premium Fee to cover a higher expense too and maybe the amount of free tier available to mainland owner's wont increase.  So how can all of you premium members know this will actually save you anything until you know the details?

In addition will this really attract more new members that stay in SL?  I doubt it.  Its learning curve that drives most new users away IMO not having a bit of a larger home as a premium member.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:


... Maybe they plan on raising the Premium Fee to cover a higher expense too and maybe the amount of free tier available to mainland owner's wont increase.  So how can all of you premium members know this will actually save you anything until you know the details?

In addition will this really attract more new members that stay in SL?  I doubt it.  Its learning curve that drives most new users away IMO not having a bit of a larger home as a premium member.

Mainlanders have no idea what further hurt the Lab intends to inflict on us, but they can hardly afford to make it any less appealing to own Mainland. It became really hard to justify putting up with the petty aggravations and limitations of Mainland when Estates were offered the buy-down to grandfathered fees.

Subjectively, that seems to be reflected in more steeply declining Mainland ownership, which was slowly fading for years, but in the past half-year or so it seems to have really emptied out -- presumably some folks switching to owning one-sim standalone Estates for the same monthly fee as a sim worth of Mainland tier. And some rental Estates dropped their rates for smaller parcels after that buy-down, so that could attract smaller parcel owners, too, to quit paying Mainland tier.

Anyway, it may be too little, too late: one would expect an overall loss of interest in SL land -- Mainland or Estate -- in light of its diminished significance in Sansar. Whatever the Lab does at this point, it's unlikely to have much effect on the bleeding of revenue from the SL Land product.


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You seem to be making the subjective reading that the "Mainland has emptied out".

But the findings of Tyche in her surveys doesn't suggest anything so drastic.

I get new customers every day, and new people coming into SL for the first time. To be sure, they don't stick, many of them, but I do my part to help them stick as do others. 

And that's just my little corner of the Mainland. 

I see abandoned land, but then I see land selling on the auction. I have parcels on about 50 sims, so I do get around a fair amount but this is still only about 10-15% of the whole mainland and I don't see entire continents. Nautilus still sells for huge amounts. I see high prices on desirable waterfront everywhere, especially in Zindra and some nicer white sandy beaches.

And I see people paying those prices and moving in and staying.

"Emptying out" isn't the word I'd use for the land mass, which has a diminishing and unstable population in some areas but in others is stable.

While you can spend less on a homestead if grandfathered ($95) than you would a whole Mainland sim ($195) you can't have as many people on it and as many scripts before it starts to fall over.

I think that's the draw for former Mainland, not parts of islands or whole islands.

I'm not so sure there is bleeding of revenue as you say. I think land sales still make up the core revenue for LL.

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Prokofy Neva wrote:

You seem to be making the subjective reading that the "Mainland has emptied out".

But the findings of Tyche in her surveys doesn't suggest anything so drastic. [...]

To be honest, I haven't checked Tyche's recent Mainland surveys, and perhaps I should. I kinda lost interest when I found out that there's no attempt to identify and count group land owned without sufficient tier, not reclaimed by the Lab. That used to be an easy thing to check, athough I think they intentionally hid it from recent viewers, so it may not even be measurable anymore. The point is, the Lab can control how much land is "abandoned" by simply not reclaiming and abandoning land on which tier isn't being paid, so it's not really possible to objectively quantify the real decline.

I do watch the auctions and have noticed an increased number going without any bids -- or I *think* that's increased. And I think there are more days when the auction queue isn't supplied with any parcels.

But yeah, admittedly, this is all very subjective.

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Well, you could ask Tyche what percentage of the mainland is group owned, or maybe she's indicated that already, but it's not the majority. Most parcels are single person owned. The problem you mention occurs, but I wonder how widespread it is, given that if I undertier a group, I get an alert from a Linden in person in Support fairly quickly. I think they do keep a watch on this. My impression as always is that there are certain "favorites" who get a pass on this and seem to disasppear and leave group land untiered for ages and then get it back -- that wouldn't be me or the major landlords, but some of the "creative" and "sandbox" types.

There has been a long process -- look at the map -- of the Mainland "emptying out" to the islands or out of SL all together. But I don't think it's an accurate description to describe the Mainland as "emptying out" in the sense of circling the drain. It's not like The Sims Online.

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Paige Theseus wrote:

Luckily your builds are beautiful, Pamela! There is so much more "home" in the houses and furniture you make that Linden Homes could never compete with!

-A happy La Galleria homeowner

I couldn't have said it better myself. As a Premium user, I'm 99.9% sure they couldn't come up with something that would get me to abandon my beautiful La Galleria home. 

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Chaser Zaks wrote:

H1H stand for hyena 1st homeport. It's a hyena continent dedicated to hyenas because every time I post something in SL, Linden Lab sees hyenas and has decided to build a shrine for hyenas. Each one of those boxes on the map is a hyena den.

Can confirm


Source: Also a hyena

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