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The Dress Your Man Challenge

Perrie Juran

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Ladies (and possibly men), are you tired of always shopping for yourself?  Are you tired of your man always wearing the same T Shirt and torn newbie jeans every time you go out dancing?  Here's your chance to do something about it.

One of the ofttimes frustrating thing for us men in SL is finding decent clothes.   It seems that for men we don't have a tenth the selection that you ladies do.  And if you are looking for high quality men's fashions, the selection becomes even smaller.  I have in my almost four years in SL easily trashed over half the clothes I have purchased as unacceptable quality when worn.

Then comes the question of style.  There are a few blogs devoted to men's fashions and 90% of what I see in them I would not wear. It is either too metro-sexual or looks too twenty something-ish.  OK, I'll admit, I am middle aged and I do not want to look like a teenager here.

So I had this crazy thought to post this challenge.  Come up with three new outfits for your men.  One for lazing about, one casual and one business or formal.  And post the pictures here as well as with the info as to where you got the individual items.

Degree of difficulty, no new skin, shape or hair and purchases must be made In World and you can not spend more than $1000L. 

I am willing to volunteer as a guinea pig for someone.  If any other men would like to volunteer you can do so here.

p.s. If you think this idea is totally nuts on my part, you are also free to tell me that here also.  It was just this crazy idea that went through my head that I thought could be fun for every one. 

p.p.s.   don't forget the shoes.

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/me scribbles his name on the "Dress Dummy" whiteboard ...

I may not be "Your" man, but like Perrie I am frustrated by the lack of fashion range. I haven't worn torn jeans in decades in RL. In fact, the number of jeans in my closet pales compares to the slacks and khakis I have. And I love dressing out in well-cut business suits. (And yeah, I love leathers, spikes, buckles and other odd accessories too.)

So if any of you ladies needs a willing dummy to hang some ideas on .. I'm more than willing to subject myself to the horribly tortuous ordeal of dressing up. *GRIN* Y'know .. cuz I'm tuff and stuff.

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I don't think we need the ladies to dress us men. 

Mens clothing and clothing care are important issues; it must be discussed.  For most of you (not me) clothing is all that stands between you and the ridicule of the female world.  I am sure many of you manly men would look terrible on radio (to the new teens on our grid: radio waves were really used, at one time, as a  mainstream medium.)  Yes!  Your wardrobe should be modernized to be script free and with elegant prims.  The finest mesh and sculpties lindens can buy.

/me mesh? 

Yeah, sure, let the ladies shop marketplace and gift you a tie on your rez day; but it better be the 'right' tie.  Right!?  It's a fashion boys' club, walking around on weekends sans any coherent personal style, while your vain, fashion-obsessed partners and girlfriends devote every waking hour, and liquid asset, to their own adornment. Give me a break.  Many men must shop, too. 

Your OP empowers women to dictate fashion as they see you dancing at that elite jazz club.  Manly men HAVE  the fashion gene - straight eye for the gay guy - use it, and stop watching those foolish beer commercials; it demeans us men.  I dislike reading that us men are incapable of dressing ourselves.  It is a gunfight, and we are searching for our keys in our pocket.

Dress yourself in prims that are both an elegant and stylish combination of form and function.  Every man should have a valet, but for those men that can't they must still understand it is essential to add class and sophistication to their wardrobe; made of the finest prims and low scripted threads available.

 A SL mans wardrobe says everything about that avatar.  Forget the old RL saying: "you judge a man by the shoes he wears;"  I'm saying to you - in SL it is the entire wardrobe that speaks to and about the 'man'.  

 There are men who just haven't gotten the message - even though they haven't had a date in twenty years:

- NO polyester prims.

- NO leisure suits.

- NO ripped jeans.

 Once you have the basics you'll always have something to wear - and it will be the right thing to wear - and at the right time. 

First Lesson:

One tuxedo is NOT enough. 

Don't forget to hang up those clothes when you are done wearing them.    


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Awww ... c'mon Storm. Crawl out from behind that false macho and admit it. There's something extremely powerful about having a woman use her style and fashion sense to find you the right clothes. The way she sees you, takes pride in you, and beams with happiness when she feels that her opinion not only matters to you, but makes you happy.

Besides, while I do have a certain fashion sense of my own, I'm not the one that will be sizing up my outfits .. and me. She will be the one that sees me dressed up, and others will be the ones that look at me with appreciation and admiration for the good looks and style I portray. And it will be because she contributed, she picked them out .. and she gets the kudos for doing such an admirable job.

Yeah, I can do quite well on my own Storm .. no argument there. But being able to share with her? To me that's just a whole lot more valuable than being "my own man."

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Awww ... c'mon Storm. Crawl out from behind that false macho and admit it. There's something extremely powerful about having a woman use her style and fashion sense to find you the right clothes. The way she sees you, takes pride in you, and beams with happiness when she feels that her opinion not only matters to you, but makes you happy.

Besides, while I do have a certain fashion sense of my own, I'm not the one that will be sizing up my outfits .. and me. She will be the one that sees me dressed up, and others will be the ones that look at me with appreciation and admiration for the good looks and style I portray. And it will be because she contributed, she picked them out .. and she gets the kudos for doing such an admirable job.

Yeah, I can do quite well on my own Storm .. no argument there. But being able to share with her? To me that's just a whole lot more valuable than being "my own man."


I did admit it; I was contrary to the OP.

I am asking that *you* admit it: I can teach you.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

I did admit it; I was contrary to the OP.

I am asking that *you* admit it: I can teach you.

While I do appreciate the offer, and I have no ill-will toward anyone that has preferences such as you state .. I much prefer women for those sorts of things. But thank you for the attention and compliment. I am truly honored that you find me that appealing.


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I broadly agree with Storm (save for his comments about polyester pants). I doubt you can ever be comfortable in clothes someone else has chosen for you. Dressing up aside,I think most people tend to wear the same handful of clothing items on a regular basis. 

However, that aside, this sounds rather a fun idea for those who wish to play and the results may be amusinteresting. I look forward to seeing them.

The price limit of L$1000 is....errrr....challenging. The best 2 formal suits I have each cost more than that! And then decent shoes are around L$300 - $500 a pair.

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I meant not to brag.. but men who are in my friends list knows how to indentified themselves with their style of dressings. It's not just your clothes and material.. it's how fitting the clothes are with the man's body shape and skin tone. I saw someone not long ago with a nice suit and I all I can think of at that time that someone has to tell him his expensive formal attire makes his but slimmer than his head!

But to answer your challenge: I don't really like to dress up my man... most important they are comfortable with what they wear no matter how embarrasing they make you feel in front of the crowds... and I expect them to give their opinion of my bad dressing sense only when I ASKED for it.

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A challenge, but not impossible.  In fact, there's a store hunt taking place right now which may help.  It's called the Wild Man Hunt and you can acquire a few decent items that way.

Speaking personally, i'd be happy just to get my man wearing shoes on a regular basis.   :smileywink:

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honerken wrote:

What are we, 4 years old? Men are intelligent enough to dress themselves in real life, why would they need a woman to do it for them in SL?

I believe you misunderstood the point of the OP. It's not about need, not in the least. It's about fun, sharing, relaxing and just being content to be with one another.


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squashy Beeswing wrote:

A challenge, but not impossible.  In fact, there's a store hunt taking place right now which may help.  It's called the Wild Man Hunt and you can acquire a few decent items that way (and probably some not so good, but still worth a try).

Speaking personally, i'd be happy just to get my man wearing shoes on a regular basis.   :smileywink:


LOL "Accidentally" break a few dishes or glasses .. then do a semi-successful job of cleaning up the shards of broken glass / dishware.

Hey, sometimes "love hurts". *wink*

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honerken wrote:

What are we, 4 years old? Men are intelligent enough to dress themselves in real life, why would they need a woman to do it for them in SL?


I don't know why, either, but take a look around you.   Most SL women when compared to most SL men do it significantly better. 

That's all.

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squashy Beeswing wrote:


honerken wrote:

What are we, 4 years old? Men are intelligent enough to dress themselves in real life, why would they need a woman to do it for them in SL?


I don't know why, either, but take a look around you.  
SL women when compared to
SL men do it significantly better. 

That's all.

Now, now squashy.  I am glad you used the word 'most' but do not forget that you and others have benefitted from advice from the forum and some of it may have been from female avatars with male operators!


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Venus Petrov wrote:

Now, now squashy.  I am glad you used the word 'most' but do not forget that you and others have benefitted from advice from the forum and some of it may have been from female avatars with male operators! 


You raise a very good point Venus. I know the stereotype of the "Gay Guy Fashion Advisor" is receiving a lot of play on TV these days, but I don't for a second believe that good fashion sense makes a guy gay either. Some of the guys I've talked to about their motivation behind playing a female Avi has more to do with their observation that women in SL have a lot more fashion choices, are generally more "configurable" (meaning lots and lots of varied shapes, sizes and looks) AND are generally more readily accepted into "the group" by people. For whatever reason, folks find it easier to accept a new woman into their midst than a man.

Anyway, sorry for the detour. That realization just crystalized for me when I read your post and I felt it might sorta fit here. Carry on ... 

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Just to be clear, my comment had nothing to do with the sexual identity or orientation of the operator of the avatar.  Hetrosexual men are fully capable of having excellent taste and fashion sense and hetrosexual women the opposite.  It is entirely a personal trait/behavior.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Just to be clear, my comment had nothing to do with the sexual identity or orientation of the operator of the avatar.  Hetrosexual men are fully capable of having excellent taste and fashion sense and hetrosexual women the opposite.  It is entirely a personal trait/behavior.

Oh I totally agree. But there is a rather common misconception that guys playing female Avis are either gay or somehow twisted. I was just making the point that perhaps their main reason is they like having more options to "personalize" their avatar, or maybe they like being readily accepted into the group instead of being ostracized and suspect just because they're "wearing a guy"..


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Darrius Gothly wrote:


Venus Petrov wrote:

Just to be clear, my comment had nothing to do with the sexual identity or orientation of the operator of the avatar.  Hetrosexual men are fully capable of having excellent taste and fashion sense and hetrosexual women the opposite.  It is entirely a personal trait/behavior.

Oh I totally agree. But there is a rather common misconception that guys playing female Avis are either gay or somehow twisted. I was just making the point that perhaps their main reason is they like having more options to "personalize" their avatar, or maybe they like being readily accepted into the group instead of being ostracized and suspect just because they're "wearing a guy"..


This is the second thread in which you have made assumptions around my words.  The words that you write are yours.  I will own up to mine.


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Darrius Gothly wrote:


honerken wrote:

What are we, 4 years old? Men are intelligent enough to dress themselves in real life, why would they need a woman to do it for them in SL?

I believe you misunderstood the point of the OP. It's not about need, not in the least. It's about fun, sharing, relaxing and just being content to be with one another.



^^^^^  This  ^^^^^


I didn't mean to infer that men do not know how to dress themselves.  Though there are a few who could use some help.  I will confess that in my hippie days I was known to wear horizontal striped shirts with plaid pants or visa versa.  Thank God there are no pictures of me like that.  They could be used for black mail.

And while in some cases I could possibly see Storm's point about empowering the women, that was not the intent here either.  If you are happy with your man always wearing torn newbie jeans, please don't try and change him.  This was not what I was trying to do here.

Regarding the spending limit, I put it there because I didn't want anyone to think they couldn't do this because of the cost.  Perhaps I made it look a bit like a competition to see who could dress their man the best.  My apology for this.  I just thought it would be a fun thing to do.  I personally own several formal outfits that I paid 700 to 800L for.  I know some of them are not cheap.

Lastly, thank you everyone for your responses. 

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Perrie Juran wrote:

 Perhaps I made it look a bit like a competition to see who could dress their man the best.  My apology for this.

Lastly, thank you everyone for your responses. 

Awwww... Perrie... I think you meant good,.. I don't have someone exclusively that I dare to drag around for this challenge ... my good friend, Tem have always been a sport but he's not online... However, I do believe next to Ian, he is one of the best dressed Men here in this forums. I'm not sure about Ian, but Tem is a Virgo like me... and you know how critical virgos are. I think I'll take up your challenge and see if I can find anything good under 1000L.


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