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I swore I would never return...

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The last time I left SL I swore I would never come back.  That’s nothing new.  I’ve said that a couple of times before.


Sooner or later I always come back. 


I tried to log onto my old account and realized that I forgot the password both to it and to the email that I had set up in some vain attempt to separate SL from RL.  Perhaps that is for the best.  I am pretty sure that anybody left who would know me by that name would prefer it if “I” never showed my face around here again.  I can’t really blame them. 


Even if someone from my past incarnation did want to speak to me again I probably couldn’t face them anyhow. 


Yeah, I usually do a pretty good job of messing everything up.  Each time around adds a new group of people I have to take care to avoid.  It’s really unpleasantly surreal when I run into a past friend or love and having to stop myself from calling out to them.


No matter how careful I am I always seem to run into someone again.  It’s usually someone I once loved or even worse, still do.


 I once made the mistake of trying to talk to someone as if I was a stranger striking up a conversation.  That’s a mistake I will not make twice. 


If you ever find yourself in that position in the future, trust me.  Don’t do that.


I wonder what I will be this time around.  Will I be a furry, a tiny, a human, or something else entirely?  I haven’t made my mind up yet.  I need to crawl out of this noob suit into something.  It looks like Grendel’s is still around.  I’ll pop over there for something interesting while I make up my mind.


I see this place is still standing after the invasion from the teen grid.  How did all of that turn out in the end?  What is the latest Armageddon facing SL?  I know there has to be one.  There always is.  SL wouldn’t be SL without the twinkling of the little tinfoil hats in the simulated night sky.


I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve run around sporting one of those before…


I wonder what I will do this time around.  I don’t think I will do anything.  Whenever I script, build, or try to create anything I get too wrapped up and invested in this place and things get “weird”.  God forbid I try to collaborate... that never works out well.


I look back on all of the pointless projects, silly battles won and lost, and all of the pipe dreams that I so desperately believed in with pure disbelief.  It’s funny in retrospect.


The hurt feelings and heartbreak… not so much.  I will take care not to hurt anyone again. 


This time I will do things differently…  Just like all of the times before…



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you know biggest problem in all this things you mention is you... and guess what?... if you come back you also bring yourself back.

As you say ... sooner or later i always come back... and seem to fall into the same... read last part of my first line to see the cause...

Often you see they go back to their old places... guess what... nothing changes... and again read last part of my first line.


Don't blaim yourself.... we all do.


If you'r really convinced to be different, recover your old account and show, you'll see some old friends are perhaps less mad than you think... :)


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i am agree with Alwin

regardless of what name badge we have over our heads the one thing that remains constant is that we are true to ourselves

not only are we true to ourself we are also true to others. Those who know us, will always know us again nvm what name badge we are now wearing

in my time on SL I am now a 5th generation avatar. I go away and come back from time to time. Why ? dunno really. I just do

when I do come back then even if I never say then anybody who knows me, can work out really quick that is me, again. The people of SL are not silly. They know how to work others out in this pseudo-anonymous world that we have. They are really good at this 


so. If you do start again and hope to be something better personal-wise than previous, then you need to change your true self. People will still work out that is you tho. When you do change your true self for the better, then they will tho see a more mature and balanced person



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Welcome back. Perhaps it will be different. If you left before the teen grid merge well, it's a whole new world, with many of the same problems. You will find avatars to be very, very different. Many of the old places will be gone, replaced with a large number less. It's still fun though.

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Absolute truth! My first SL husband used to create alts, some he would introduce me to as a "friend", others would just happen to pop into places I liked to frequent. I ALWAYS knew when it was him! He would sooner, rather than later "out" himself by his behavior, wording, spelling...something would give him away. :matte-motes-sarcasm:

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Aislin Ceawlin wrote:

Absolute truth! My first SL husband used to create alts, some he would introduce me to as a "friend", others would just happen to pop into places I liked to frequent. I ALWAYS knew when it was him! He would sooner, rather than later "out" himself by his behavior, wording, spelling...something would give him away. :matte-motes-sarcasm:

I'm able to get away with it. Half the Internet is me.

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wherorangi wrote:

i am agree with Alwin

regardless of what name badge we have over our heads the one thing that remains constant is that we are true to ourselves

not only are we true to ourself we are also true to others. Those who know us, will always know us again nvm what name badge we are now wearing

in my time on SL I am now a 5th generation avatar. I go away and come back from time to time. Why ? dunno really. I just do

when I do come back then even if I never say then anybody who knows me, can work out really quick that is me, again. The people of SL are not silly. They know how to work others out in this pseudo-anonymous world that we have. They are really good at this 


so. If you do start again and hope to be something better personal-wise than previous, then you need to change your true self. People will still work out that is you tho. When you do change your true self for the better, then they will tho see a more mature and balanced person



My parents used to tell me that after I was born that God broke the mold.

I think the same is true for you:  a true one of a kind.  :)

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Well, I swore I'd never return to the Forums and for the most part that has been met. I'm thinking it has been years since I posted here (long enough that I've forgotten how this thing works). I returned to the Forum tonight trying to see if there was something posted about well, something I was looking for info on, and I started randomly grazing at boards and topics and my eyes landed on your post.

It spoke to me. I totally understand it. The wanting to come back. The cringing on how to do so. The hope, the... if not fear (that's an awfully strong word) then maybe the reticence. The expectations vs...  I could write a lot on several of the topics you mentioned, but I won't. Suffice to say, tritely, "Been there, done that...a few times."  I miss quite a bit about my experiences here years ago; I hate quite a bit about the same times. Time, distance, experiences, both in SL and RL, have made it impossible to ever "go back" to the good parts, and I'm not sure I would even if I could. Yeah, there was a tone of wistfulness I picked up on your post, too.

Welcome back and I hope you find what you're seeking.

I hope I can figure out how to make this post... I wonder what my badge thingy looks like...

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Seicher Rae wrote:

Well, I swore I'd never return to the Forums.

Welcome back! I don't swear to do/not do things. I just swear.

I wonder what my badge thingy looks like...

It looks great, though you should be thankful butterflies don't bite. And I think you forgot to rationalize the denominator in the li'l equation you used for the avatar image. I just use a transparent image there.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Seicher Rae wrote:

Well, I swore I'd never return to the Forums.

Welcome back! I don't swear to do/not do things. I just swear.

Well, I do both but recall the old handslapping here for even calling someone by the diminutive for Richard...

I wonder what my badge thingy looks like...

It looks great, though you should be thankful butterflies don't bite. And I think you forgot to rationalize the denominator in the li'l equation you used for the avatar image. I just use a transparent image there.

I'll admit I just tonight fiddled with it and the face sucking butterfly snapshot is new. Even with my glasses I couldn't tell what the avatar squiggle was. It was in my image folder thing and I squinted and squinted, hoped it wasn't obscene (too soon, too soon!) and used it to be unobtrusive. You can use a transparent image? Cool.



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