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Can someone just talk to me?


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Here goes nothing.

So I'm pretty new to SL, and I've met a couple of people that I can talk to every now and then, but it's honestly become a frustration. I look around SL and most people are inactive or away from keyboard, or don't like to talk to new people, or only looking for sex, etc, and the ones that are active, a lot of them are trolls and bots. I honestly just came to chat and make friends. I walk into a room with 30+ people and everyone's either quiet or chatting in IMs or don't want to reply when I try to chat with them. I'm feeling a little discouraged with this VR. 

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ha..thats a problem im having too. I just want to casually chat with people and for some reason it's difficult to find 

people who arent creepers. feel free to send me an IM. Im in the beta grid right now tho

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Dara -

It can be hard to get to know people around SL sometimes, people tend to stick to themselves and not many seem all that interested in being a walking tutorial for newbies. I feel your pain, I've been around for awhile but I'm still pretty noob-ish and sometimes trying to just find something to do can be frustrating. Feel free to hit me up with an IM sometime :)

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Message me when you are on and I'll talk to you :-) I'm a bit newish myself. But happy to chat and help where I can :-).  I'm quite shy sometimes, but if you get to know me I think I am pretty decent. I always try and repeat the mantra 'loving kindness'. And I can show you a few fun places :-) Sometimes it is easier to chat if you are doing an activity. I go to a lot of beaches and gardens, and you can end up meeting people there. Or maybe you could go to a Builders' Brewery - where there is no roleplay. The group chat will be about building. But you may find some friends that you can talk to in IM there :-) It was friendly when I went there :-)

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(Eh this wasn't posted too long ago sooo...)

Hi, actually i've been wanting to meet some new faces on SL for while it's been a biitt lonely since everyone I know doesn't come on really anymore and just jumping into an over filled area is a bit intimidating I suppose since you are right it is hard to find a decent person who would just want to talk to you.

It's been awhile since i've had some sort of enjoyment on SL and I havent been on really in while So feel free to IM me in SL if you want. Im just a nice chill person ya know

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Well, if folks are ignoring you at all the "super cool people" dance clubs or whatever (you know, places like RollzEyez, WeB2Kewl4U, and ActLikeURStillInHighSchool), don't help them with their traffic numbers.  Find better places to go.  Since you're new, you might want to try the Welcome category.  My favorite is The Shelter, because you know a place geared for new players has gotta be a nice place if folks who've been playing the game for ten years keep coming back.


Also make sure your profile is filled out a bit, so folks get some sense of who they are talking to.  And be sure to say more than just "hi", "how r u" or "FUD PLZ!!!"


Wait, that last one was The Sims Online.  Never mind.


Finally, thought it's rhather hit or miss, pull up a map and look for green dots.  Those are people in game at the moment.  Walk on over to their place, and, if you're lucky, they might be friendly.  Don't get discouraged though if they freak out that you dared to walk on the sidewalk adjacent to their property.  Some folks are like that lol

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I too have been away for some time and lost all the friends I did have. I came back to all this mesh bodies and heads. So I spend my days working out my new stuff and shopping of course. I also like taking pictures even though it's amateur photographey I just do it for fun. But those are my days. I'd like to have people to chat with and do things with. I can come off a bit shy at first but I always come around.


If anyone would like to chat or become friends I'd like that. We can meet up for coffee or dancing or shopping. Send me an IM. :)

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Hi there. I'm Jaci. I've been in SL for many years, but always enjoy meeting new people! I am the owner of CheekyGeeky (Home Furniture and Decor) as well as the Empress of the Eternal Restless Bloodlines Horde. 

I enjoy family RP, Bloodlies RP, breedables and buliding. Please shoot me an IM if you'd like to chat! Smiley Happy 


Jaci Lurra

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Dara!

If you like going dancing I hang at a super fun place called DANCE CLUB SOHO - It's Dance music club and the people are really nice and chatty - really genuine people just looking to have fun and chit chat and dance, talk about random stuffs and make friends - almost like a family atmosphere like 'Cheers' where everyone starts to know your name hehehe

Feel free to IM me inworld: JaneyBijoux or just search the club up, I'm usually hanging around :)


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