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Do you watch Second Life TV and inworld shows?

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Hi I am wondering how popular inworld video content is to viewers. I know machinima artists enjoy creating them but I would like to know how many people enjoy watching them and take the time to watch. Do you watch SL TV shows? Music Videos? Do you have a SL TV and have channels like metaverse or do you watch online only through YouTube?
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Alwin Alcott wrote:

Rhonda Huntress wrote:

Do you watch SL TV shows?
- No

Music Videos?
- No

Do you have a SL TV
- No

and have channels like metaverse
- No

or do you watch online only through YouTube?
- No


why write it myself when it's said so perfectly by Rhonda

Snap! (roughly interpreted as, me too.

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Not a lot, no. I might be interested to look at the odd machinima as some are stunning (confession - Robbie Dingos Watch The World(s) still draws me back after all this time) but in general, the whole 'SL Talking Heads TV' holds no interest. Very few of that ilk draw me to the telly in RL either, except politics. As it is interesting times =^^=

Much prefer info in text form anyway - quicker to scan and digest. Besides, if I am at the PC theres a billion more usefull things to do than waste an hour - as in probably will still waste an hour but would be in failing to grasp some tuts. Even then would be flicking back and forth between those and the news feeds. Or forums...

Do I own an SL TV? Not as such but can wip up a quick MOAP as needed.

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No not generally.  I'm too busy and when I want to watch SL shows I do it in RL, but even there not everyday or even every week.  

We do have a monitor in our SL home, but only use it once in a great while to watch movies together that we want to share.  I will rarely watch a SL shows, such as an interview with Linden's about important topics or developments in SL but mostly do it via a website.

You will not really get an accurate assessment of who watches SL shows here as just a very small percentage of SL people come here and even a smaller percentage post.  Those that do post tend to be much more involved in creating things or other SL activities than watching SL shows is my guess.

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I very rarely watch SLTV, though I have done so in the past, but mainly for large news like a LInden coming on a show to explain SL 2.0 - that was a year ago.

They tend to not be very entertaining - usually consisting of SL avatars sitting on couches on a TV set and rambling on about random things, drama or about themselves that the average SL user or even experienced like me simply don't find relevant at all.

Some machinima is interesting, but for myself, I find little to no return on creating Machinima in SL, even though that is where I started - and may return to for fun after I'm done some other projects. I'm not expecting much in views though.

YouTube has proven that SL content is very low on the desire index for viewers, so if you make Machinima or 'tv content' for SL, dont expect much of a return or audience.

This could change if content creators actually had things SL'ers might be interested in - news, events, coverage, relevant topics - shorter program times, and opened it up to more SL users to access.

As open a community as SL seems to be, I find it very hard to find information about contributing to any art projects in SL - as do many others I know - who since have left SL because they dont feel they're part of it at all - and I'd have to agree.

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Today, I do not watch the in-world TV. I like watching the chats on important topics that concern Second Life, such as the ones Designing Worlds does, or LabChat, or SLB's Meet The Lindens, and I watch them on YouTube or wherever they're published. The aforementioned chats are among my top priority things to watch, for I am quite a Second Life enthusiast.

The Second Life machinima, interviews with world makers and similar things... I do watch them whenever I don't have anything better to do, which happens rarely. And again, I do it outside the Grid.

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