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Lag in Rental Areas


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the thing that's more problematic is that you mention names in your post.

You better remove them, it's not allowed to use names on the forums.


That aside, lag is 99% client side caused by connection or system, when you experience lag at multiple places it's most likely that reason here too.


[add] when reading your post below, lag at arrival, it's for sure your side. If possible lower your drawdistance, that might make a lot better already.

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What is your price range? Skybox or land? Prim allowance? 

I live in a really nice area and have encountered no lag. They have a strict covenant and enforce stuff that controls the lag, such as no breedables and they actually check their scripts to see who is violating things. I pay L$1.8/prim. I know there are cheaper places, but I am paying extra for the quality.  

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I want to have some privacy in the area that monitors the lag.

Mine at the present is pretty good, but I pay 399L for 250 prims.Lag is monitored, breedables not allowed, they do give you tv,radio, dances, water skis and floats, lots of privacy. It really is nice but I will not be logging in as often and do not want to pay for what I don't use. More like L/prim is ideal, but don't want to get myself in a laggy hole

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These days there is NO laging coming from SL servers.

If there is lag encountered is because the owner of the sim had rent it all out and the tenants are using all the prims and so the place is prim overloaded.  (More than 95%) Thats a rare case though.

As other members said, lag comes only from the members of SL and their computers.

I am a lvery small andlord with a bit more than 100 tenants and all of them are happy , because , just because there is NO lag, they can have breedables, And also I am NOT into their  "nose" everyday to check out if they use scripts or not, neither i set rules of how high buildings or tell them what to do in THEIR parcels who pay THEIR beautiful money in order to "own" it...

Thats why I allow them all that... Just because even if they do all that together the parcel will NOT lag. We live in 2016...

So, as other members reply here, I advice you to TC of your PC... raise its RAM.. clean your cookies and internet history and dont use other programs while you log in to SL. They take power and RAM space from your system and that will cause lag in your SL...

Wish a lot of fun to our SL !!!


beethros Karas!


P.S. As about your tittle.. lag in rental areas... Well there isnt anything else than rental areas in SL... so you mean lag in all SL?

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AlexandriteGem wrote:

That's what some say, but I visit some lands I can't even move around and I visit others where I arrive dressed, can view everything well and all... So, some places DO have more lag than others.

Beethros said it comes form SL members (OR their computers), who are responsible for wearing or displaying all the content that can degrade SL experience, including creating lag. 

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I did send you a price list in world. If you want quality land without any lag I do suggest you review your budget.


Asking for high performing simulators for 1 Dollar per week is rediculous. As in the real world you get what you pay for.


If you have a low budget you can take a look here, no lag and a small weekly rental cost.



When you have questions you can IM me in world. On a further note do take a look at the Buy Land section on the Second Life website and take into account the fees that Linden Lab charges for land. Then you might have a more clear picture about the actual costs versus your budget and what you expect for your money.


Count Burks


Count Burks Estates - Excellent Land For A Modest Price



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AlexandriteGem wrote:

That's what some say, but I visit some lands I can't even move around and I visit others where I arrive dressed, can view everything well and all... So, some places DO have more lag than others.

Arguments made our civilization "better" .. So, I'm glad you say that and argue with me, because I got the chance to say this:

Exactly! In some places you cant move or you cannot load things fast, just because every time you Teleport you make your pc RAM more full and every time you load new things, keeps making it more full... So you facing lag..

Or every time you teleport and go to an almost overprimed sim, then you feel like lagging.. and then you teleport to a less crowded sim and so your pc can do things faster! That's all!

So, in a way , you have right. If we consider that a parcel is overprimed ( due to wrong use) yes its lagging. And its not our fault.

-I ain't sending you price lists, neither, I will brag for the quality of my parcels.. Because, as EVERY other landlord of SL, im NOT responsible for the quality of them. Only SL is responsible for that and believe me they did/do a great job all these years and they had improved more than the "possible" all their systems and servers and stuff.

SL is a huge wealthy company with lots of clients. So many clients, that can be compare with a medium size real world city!

So, you can imagine we are enjoying the "hospitality" of a great company who, for sure, wants the best for them clients as its obvious, since they earn lots of money from them! Note that just only ONE (1) member of SL has 3,300 FULL sims.. so do the math and see how much just 1 individual pays them every month, to realise what I'm saying above!

Civilization keeps improving. Just a few years ago, a Cable telephone was a big luxury thing and only a few had it.

These days, kids consider an Iphone  a default machine.

Lag was something usual in SL in the past years. We all was waiting patiently to load our parcel and then when we was typing the characters, needed some time to pop up in nearby chat.. and our avatar was keep animating the hands for long time after we end typing.. Also, if we wanted to walk, we had to be sure we was "ok" ... because if not, there was.... MOONWALKING! ( lol ) And so many other "troubles" we had... Crossing a sim with a vehicle was almost impossible! :o .. If we was not lucky, exactly at the time we cross it, we was start flying to the nowhere with no return until a... crash!!!

Crashing - something really rare these days - was a daily phenomenon. Many times a day. You had to be really careful in order not to crash in less than an hour! 

So, in my eyes, a member of SL who "born" after the 2010 or something, they don't know what real lag is  :P

Which of course doesn't mean they need to stop complaining...

Im sure SL wants to hear complains in order to improve more! (Well that's impossible, like we cannot make a car run more than 700 miles because then its not a car anymore its a plain... and that's why they preparing a completely new project in a 2020 technology platform, which we all waiting so much for it!!!







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AlexandriteGem wrote:

So, some places DO have more lag than others.

Some places do have more lag. The topic is too broad and complicated to cover properly here, but it's certainly true that tenants of a rental can use content that lags viewer that are in the same region.

Sometimes that lag is due to other avatars and their attachments, but not always. It really can be the rezzed content on the parcel that's problematic even when no other avatars are present. 

The thing is, there are both different kinds of lag, and differences between user set-ups (network and computer) that affect where different folks will experience the most lag.

A good example that's come up here are breedables, some of which use minimal scripts to generate an immense amount of network traffic in the form of object updates. Folks with good network connectivity won't experience any lag from them, but those of us in Canada (objectively the worst internet of the developed world and the very model of "regulatory capture")  bleed when enough of those particular breedables come in view.

More generally, folks with less-capable graphics cards will suffer because the scene geometry is just too complex to render quickly. If graphics preferences (besides drawing depth) make a huge difference in the lag, that's probably what's going on.

Certainly there are other potential bottlenecks. RAM has been mentioned, and it can be a problem, but really most everybody has at least 8GB of RAM (and a 64-bit operating system), which is usually plenty -- which I mention only because above that, adding more will usually disappoint, the money better saved-up for a replacement graphics card.

[EDIT: I meant to say at the start, no, you don't want to get general recommendations for low-lag rentals because we need to understand why you -- and specifically you -- are experiencing so much lag. Then we can identify places that don't trigger that lag for you. Because, really, it is not a common complaint that one rental is particularly laggier than another, for most renters.]

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Oh forget it.... So much for asking for help!

Just wanted to land in a place where I do not arrive in pieces, looking at things all gray for minutes. Who cares about my RAM or my attachments. If I can get that in some areas, I am looking for other areas where it works out as well and most residents do not complain about the lag..

I give up...

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AlexandriteGem wrote:

Oh forget it.... So much for asking for help!


Just wanted to land in a place where I do n.ot arrive in pieces, looking at things all gray for minutes.
Who cares about my RAM or my attachments
If I can get that in some areas
I am looking for other areas where it works out as well and
most residents do not complain about the lag..


I give up...


The help was given to you from many people. (all who replied here actually)

If you dont want to accept it, thats your problem.

I give up as well.. There is no reason to try to help someone who deny to accept the solution.

But as a final comment of mine, I will like to add that also.. There was send to you LMs from several landlords, including my self.. And since those landlords had read all that demands of yours, Im sure they wouldnt bother to send you a LM if they wasnt sure of the level of the lag of their sims. And so, I am sure there was parcrels with ZERO lag offered to you, but in your answer you seem like disapointed, so, that proves ,(once again)  that its you and not the land ...

Because, MAYBE "if you can get in some areas" , then it simply mean it was because you just started your day and so your PC was ok.. or the parcel wasnt overloaded and so there was no lag... ( P.S> The real answer in your post should be this one: GO RENT in those areas)

And ...oh, well, as I said above in my other reply, not just "most" as you say , but ALL my tenants do not complain about the lag..

I really wish you to get the land that will make you feel "comfortable" there. At least thats what we all want at the end!



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AlexandriteGem wrote:


Going back to the topic and purpose of my post, can anyone please recommend a
low lag
residential area which is also affordable? By this I mean, as close to equal prims per lindens paid as possible and where you can reside without lag issues?



The reason you got the replies you did, is because there is no such thing as no, or even low, lag residential areas.

The reason there is no such thing, is because lag is subjective. So, knowing what causes you to lag, will better help YOU figure out the best places to go. People can recommend places until they're blue in the face, but it doesn't mean they'll be no or low lag, for you. As an example, one of the places I currently rent, has relatively low to no lag for me, but has more lag for others that come in. The lag, is extremely subjective and relies heavily on a person's own system, even more so than the sim itself, more often than not. 

We can give you all sorts of residential areas, or places to rent, but odds are pretty high, you're going to have lag issues until you figure out what's causing it. That's why folks asked for that info, because they can't really help without it 


I know it sounds frustrating, and as if it shouldn't matter, because some places are fine for you, but others aren't. That's actually the very reason people know it's likely on your end, though. It helps, a lot, to better understand lag and what causes it. I've got some sims in sl that I just can't visit with my other system, because the lag caused(on my end, not server side, of course) is tremendously annoying, lol. On this system, I'm peachy keen, but on that one..forget it, lol. Even my own relatively low to no lag(for me) home, proves to be problematic now and then for that system.

My best tip..just search for rentals and keep tp-ing around to them, or check the land rental forums for places, there's tons of them. I could tell you one of the places I've rented from, their prices are pretty good..but I can't guarantee low to no lag, and that's your entire problem. So, not sure it would be helpful.

I have rented from beethros before though, and had little to no lag most of the time...if that helps any. lol.

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As I understand it, most of the "work" has been moved from the servers to our computers now, so I agree that the reason for you "lag" is surely your computer and settings. My work computer is hefty but I have a laptop that is laggy in SL --- different machines at the same places.


One thing you can do is rent a skybox or a dome where you will only see a small area when you log in . This will likely help your day to day at home issues. When you go out of course there are people and sometimes badly made mesh that will cause problems unless your computer is high end. That is just how it is.


It doesn't matter if you rent or buy, mainland or island. It matters what your viewer SEEEEEES that causes problems. As someone mentioned, turn down your graphics settings if you can.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone who would like to IM me inworld about this issue and these claims is welcome to do so.

One of the biggest forms o f lag on rental sims is a very popular rentomatic that uses up a lot of script power. And another very common cause of lag is the obsession of some tenants with counting prims with scripts which adds to lag -- because their landlords can be ferocious about kicking them and their prims if they go even one over. Get rid of this obsession and these scripts and you will have a lot less lag.

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No, but I know tenants who are aggressively obdurate and ignorant who pretend that their ignorance of Firestorm isn't the issue but somebody's rental land or procedure is. Imagine!

I think publicity is always the best weapon in our closed society but unfortunately not on the forums!

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Nalytha wrote:

Those videos are awesome. Thanks so much for sharing them!

Thank you Nalytha! :)



I drat the chance of this reply of mine to you, to add something to this post that suddenly came up; and could be a good example, so if someone read this and TP there before LL fix it, could  see a sim LAGGING at Route 7 because of a glitch,or a bug, or  many bugs, or something else, that causes lag as the OP or some others was saying and me and some oldbies was arguing that lag doesn't exist nowadays at 2016...

Well it does!

And that's the minority case that proves the general rule saying :

There is NO lag in secondlife in 2016 :P


wish for all lots of fun in your Secondlife!

beethros Karas

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beethros Karas wrote:

 Hehe, I see what you did there!


(In case LL gets in and sweeps it up, for anybody interested, the sim is in about 50% time dilation all due to physics, and the source is easy to find: a small inverted bowl tightly packed with colliding physical breedable insect-like blobs.)


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