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Not allowed to voice as a kid or teenager-avatar?

Sonja Smedley

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I have a question.

Well I have so many different avas in my inventory...animals, fairies and that stuff and also some teenager oder kids avatars.

So last night I logged in and met a friend of mine and I was inworld as a kid cause last time I was too lazy to change it back to normal, cause I was sorting out my old stuff from outfits and saved avas...

And I wanted to voice after a long time and the moment I started to talk he told me If I do not know that it is not allowed to voice as a kid....!

Ehm...is that really true or have I missed something?

It was at his sim where I have rented land.No one else around...but no matter If in public or at home.

Why isn´t it allowed??? I am confused.

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The main problem is your in an emotional mine field. Regardless whether you are a child agent and RPing for non sexual reasons some will feel that you are. That is not entirely their fault with the world as it is. Best i can say is keep to a small group who are fullly aware of your reasons, but outside the group you may end up with some issues and you have understand why those may think that way.

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Yes I know what you mean... the reason I bought this kid ava was in the past when a friend of mine made pics for poses for mother and child...and she asked me If I would pose with her so  I thought why not maybe it is fun.I do not really wear this ava a lot cause my main is adult and will always be :) and I am not into the roleplay thing. The strange thing is, that my friend has 2 seperated accounts where he is a kid.I only have the ava to change in my inventory.So it was funny that he told me it is not allowed.But nevermind...

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Heck, you can voice as a 3 inch tall mouse. Voicing as a squeaky voiced 7 year old can't be much difference. Mind you Parcel Owners and Region Owners can set any rules regarding avatar appearance that they want. So get used to rejection. Otherwise have fun reliving your lost youth.

But if i catch you on an Adult region soliciting I'll report ya in an out in a Back 40 second!!

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Sonja Smedley wrote:

Ehm...is that really true or have I missed something?

It's absolutely, completely, utterly, totally, patently false. A kid avatar is allowed to voice with either a full on baritone 90 year old, chain-smoking-for-life voice or with a squeaky robot-overtoned morphed voice (like I use). Heck we can even swear (if it's an Mature or Adult sim).

There is nothing in the TOS nor the CS that prohibit the use of voice by a kid avatar.


HOWEVER. SL, being SL, the landowner can set whatever rules they well like. They might ban everyone with blonde hair, they might ban people whom they suspect are American, they might ban all females, they might ban all people over 6'5" or under 6'11".

Heck, they might say anyone who doesn't walk on the left hand side of the pavement is banned.

And that is fair enough, they pay the teir. Their money, their rules.

One always has to respect and follow the additional rules of the land owner in addition to the CS and TOS. Moreso when one is in a kid avatar, cause yeah, we always have targets painted on our backs that requires a fairly high standard of behaviour, patience and resiliance.


Simple rule: when in doubt play it safe.

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Snugs McMasters wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

Its simple: Get rid of "friends" who are stupid. :matte-motes-little-laugh:

It's not that simple. I've been trying to get rid of Maddy for more than 45 years. She won't leave.

Stuoid is as Stupid does?

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Snugs McMasters wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

Its simple: Get rid of "friends" who are stupid. :matte-motes-little-laugh:

It's not that simple. I've been trying to get rid of Maddy for more than 45 years. She won't leave.

It's alright Snugs, just try to remain Sybil with each other.


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It saddens me that there is so so much garbage and hate some people bring regarding child avatars. I've been a child avatar for a year, and have never experienced people threatening to AR me, telling me that kids are against the rules, or think that I'm some dangerous rapist. I did get kicked once from a club when I started, because I didn't realize it was an adult club and saw nothing saying no kids (I was passing though, not looking for naked people).

If people would leave their insecurities in the past when child avatars weren't really allowed, things would be a lot better.

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Role-Play check! If you pay to play or are pay to play there is no difference. The problem comes from society issues, not individual avatars and their users. 

Keep em seperate, I say! When in doubt, read TOS. Since LL is an American-Based company these results or stigmas are not often uncommon. 

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