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Canoro wrote:

Probably is, she can take revenge in many ways to modify your account, some of the posters here (you know who you are) have even got favors from her, like getting some superior badges without actually doing nothing, and got inflated their post counts overnight.

Oh good, if my suggestion of a Conspiracy Forum has fallen on deaf ears, at least we have a conspiracy thread!  

(Here is a resurrected Redzone conspiracy thread https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/RedZone-usage-suspected-in-a-sim-How-do-I-report-this/td-p/2846908/page/3 )


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Yawnzzzzzz..  Seriously? Get back into SL.....the virtual world.

Pu-lenty of dramas there happenin' everywheres....all da time.....no need to drag old memories from when you last visited SL.  Stuffs is happening right now.

 Go see. Go participate.   Free youselves from the shackles of being a 'forumite' where a select clique give a damm about what you say. Go DO something inworld.


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Conifer Dada wrote:

OK, the drama starts here:.....

I was up on the partially flat roof of my club building attending to one of the six flags, which had got snagged around its brass flagpole. The weather was fine and sunny and the wind had died down since the storm.  Over and above the sound of the psy-trance music stream I heard a sudden metallic crash and immediately realised that the ladder had fallen down.  I'm always careful to make sure a ladder is stable, so something must have made it fall.  Then I saw a figure running away up the road.  It was
a very well-stuffed light green teddy
bear dressed in a black top hat and a white towelling baby's nappy**.  That might be perfectly normal here, but then I moused over the teddy and managed to read its name, which I recognised as one of the most notorious griefers and extortionists on the Grid.  I clicked on its profile and there was a portrait snapshot of the same green teddy bear in a top hat, grinning maliciously and with no fewer than three big fat cigars in its mouth.  Its profile bio read: "U makes me some troubles then U byebye of SL forever"........  

continue this drama, someone.....please......

** American translation: diaper.

I will admit you had me until I read the word 'bear'.  Oh....well.  |:

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Conifer Dada wrote:

OK, the drama starts here:.....

I was up on the partially flat roof of my club building attending to one of the six flags, which had got snagged around its brass flagpole. The weather was fine and sunny and the wind had died down since the storm.  Over and above the sound of the psy-trance music stream I heard a sudden metallic crash and immediately realised that the ladder had fallen down.  I'm always careful to make sure a ladder is stable, so something must have made it fall.  Then I saw a figure running away up the road.  It was
bear dressed in a black top hat and a white towelling baby's nappy**.  That might be perfectly normal here, but then I moused over the teddy and managed to read its name, which I recognised as one of the most notorious griefers and extortionists on the Grid.  I clicked on its profile and there was a portrait snapshot of the same green teddy bear in a top hat, grinning maliciously and with no fewer than three big fat cigars in its mouth.  Its profile bio read: "U makes me some troubles then U byebye of SL forever"........  

continue this drama, someone.....please......

** American translation: diaper.

I will admit you had me until I read the word 'bear'.  Oh....well.  |:

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Hoshi Kenin wrote:

Yawnzzzzzz..  Seriously? Get back into SL.....the virtual world.

Pu-lenty of dramas there happenin' everywheres....all da time.....no need to drag old memories from when you last visited SL.  Stuffs is happening right now.

 Go see. Go participate.   Free youselves from the shackles of being a 'forumite' where a select clique give a damm about what you say. Go DO something inworld.


You know, it's really quite adorable, this thing that you do here, sounding all sort of Fierce and Stern and Righteous like an Old Testament Prophet, demanding that we denounce our False Idols (or Idles in this case?) and return to the One True Faith. You do it very well! I imagine you must practice in front of a mirror sometimes?

Of course, I'm also pretty sure that really this fiery denunciation thing is just a facade, hiding a lonely and deeply wounded soul. My pet theory -- and I like it too much to be persuaded from it -- is that you haunt this place like some ghostly revenant because your heart was broken here, and you return to the forums compulsively in search of Lost Love, and to gain Revenge upon the Place that that buried your Heart.

That's very adorable too.

You know that it helps to talk about it, right? And that we're all here to listen?

Sit down and have a nice cup of tea, do, and tell us all about it.

/me pats the chair next to her.

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Who needs fiction? Wasn't there a paranoid lunatic posting here recently, bestowing such titles upon him or herself as;

"A Second Life Living Legend"
"A Secondlife Creating Legend"
"... a legendary content Creator within the realm of SecondLife"

as well as drawing attention to sad little graphics advising of the same role-played imaginary qualifications?

I fear any Friday thread creative writing may struggle to compete in the face of such hilarious factual material currently emerging on a near-daily basis as the SL freakshow pond dries up.

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Radium Soup wrote:

Who needs fiction? Wasn't there a paranoid lunatic posting here recently, bestowing such titles upon him or herself as;

"A Second Life Living Legend"

"A Secondlife Creating Legend"

"... a legendary content Creator within the realm of SecondLife"

as well as drawing attention to sad little graphics advising of the same role-played imaginary qualifications?

I fear any Friday thread creative writing may struggle to compete in the face of such hilarious factual material currently emerging on a near-daily basis as the SL
pond dries up.



But perhaps it is you who have now made your subject "a living legend" by enshrining her here! She is now a part of the narrative of the GD forum, and a bona fide subject of a drama, generated by you!

Congratulations to . . . er, whatever her name is. We'll be in touch soon to arrange the photo session and unveiling of the sidewalk star!

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LaskyaClaren wrote:


[You're good, btw. 

[Hey hey hey hey, one moment. What do you mean with that, I´m very good. With that italic very. I see what you did there, implying I´m too good, as in I´m one of those people, using your thread to divert the attention from the truth with the truth. Don´t complain if you suddenly find your Italic-button greyed out, if you´re throwing around with italics so irresponsibly on your thread.]


Also, it´s not Friday anymore. The TOS of this thread, not the part you wrote down in your OP, but the ones implicitly fixed in the title, clearly state that this a Friday-thread. Don´t think nobody notices, that it´s still being posted on. If the thread dissappears it will probably not be because of barely whispered names, but because there still are a few upright people on this forum, who´ll flag your thread and get it suspended by the Mods until next Friday.

But while it´s still here and we´re talking about moderators. You know how generation after generation of innocent newbies get fooled into thinking the M next to our names means 'Moderator' as in appointed by the powers that be, and expect exemplary behaviour and good tips of us, and it´s understandable too, one can hardly expect people to read the next line on tthe badge too and combine the 'M' and the 'Member' into an educated guess on the meaning of said 'M', much less to search, and find, the admittedly random ranking info...where was I getting with this...ah right, it´s being rumoured that that´s on purpose, the 'M', I can´t say more obviously, but you know.


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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Which will scare off 97.328571% of the posters here.


Can you at least 
in an unmistakeable kind of way at who you specifically mean by slightly disguising their names or referencing their badge pictures? Pleeeeeeasssee?

My hyperbole was showing again.

And sometimes I am terrible with names.  

Too many extraneous data points can tire the mind.

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

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Taeem wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:


[You're good, btw. 

[Hey hey hey hey, one moment. What do you mean with that, I´m
good. With that italic
. I see what you did there, implying I´m
good, as in I´m one of
people, using your thread to divert the attention from the truth with the truth. Don´t complain if you suddenly find your
-button greyed out, if you´re throwing around with
so irresponsibly on your thread.]


Also, it´s not Friday anymore. The TOS of this thread, not the part you wrote down in your OP, but the ones implicitly fixed in the title, clearly state that this a Friday-thread. Don´t think nobody notices, that it´s still being posted on. If the thread dissappears it will probably not be because of barely whispered names, but because there still are a few upright people on this forum, who´ll flag your thread and get it suspended by the Mods until next Friday.

But while it´s still here and we´re talking about moderators. You know how generation after generation of innocent newbies get fooled into thinking the M next to our names means 'Moderator' as in appointed by the powers that be, and expect exemplary behaviour and good tips of us, and it´s understandable too, one can hardly expect people to read the next line on tthe badge too
combine the 'M' and the 'Member' into an educated guess on the meaning of said 'M', much less to search, and find, the admittedly random ranking info...where was I getting with this...ah right, it´s being rumoured that that´s on purpose, the 'M', I can´t say more obviously, but
you know


You seem to know rather a suspiciously large amount about how this forum was designed, and how it runs. It's almost as though you have inside information.

/me narrows her eyes.

I also can't help but notice that your name . . . "Taeem" . . . is a virtual anagram for, you know "Team." And what Team exactly would that be, hmmmmm?

Should this thread suddenly find itself zapped between now and next Friday, I have a pretty good idea where I'll be casting accusing glances, Mr. "Taeem."  IF THAT IS REALLY YOUR NAME.

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I don´t even have a surname. That clearly proves I´m not one of those people you´re implying I belong to. And there we have the reason as well, why you´re picking on me. Always on the people without surnames. Just because nobody trusts a person without a surname. That´s where you should be looking for the real drama. The doing away with surnames. It´s a large-scale conspiracy to never let anyone rise who doesn´t belong to that group. What do the only exceptions to new people not being able to get a surname like any dignified entity prove? Exactly. But of course everyone here doesn´t like me because I have no surname and disses my completely logical theories and elucidations, and therefore I won´t tell you about the coherences between Obama´s presidency and Sansar. Maybe I´ll even quit the forum. And SL, because everyone is so unfriendly here. And don´t think I´ll come back with an alt anyway, of course I don´t have alts. 

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Taeem wrote:

I don't even have a surname. That clearly proves I'm not one of those people you're implying I belong to. And there we have the reason as well, why you're picking on me. Always on the people without surnames. Just because nobody trusts a person without a surname. That's where you should be looking for the real drama. The doing away with surnames. It's a large-scale conspiracy to never let anyone rise who doesn't belong to
that group
. What do the only exceptions to new people not being able to get a surname like any dignified entity prove? Exactly. But of course everyone here doesn't like me because I have no surname and disses my completely logical theories and elucidations, and therefore I won't tell you about the coherence's between Obama´s presidency and Sansar. Maybe I'll even quit the forum. And SL, because everyone is so unfriendly here. And don't think I'll come back with an alt anyway, of course I don't have alts. 

...adding to my to-do list...

[  ] Abuse Taeem when I have nothing better to do!

Now about anyone using the word "coherence" & "Obama" in the same sentence, that is just tolerable. I tell ya, these surnameless people have just got to be dealt with. They think they are soooooooo Special.



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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

For god's sake... it's saturday!

Drama: Not just for Fridays anymore!

Typical response for someone without a surname, there are rules you know. Let me explain how it works... You don't have any authority over here, let the grownups determine when to post, okay? Get a new shiny colour or crank up your post count by at least 500% (preferably on fridays), maybe then we will allow you to contribute to this thread more days of the week.

You need koodoes too, lots of koodoes.

I understand this post doesn't fit the current drama format, call me a maverick. See you next week.

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

...adding to my to-do list...

[  ] Abuse Taeem when I have nothing better to do!

Now about anyone using the word "coherence" & "Obama" in the same sentence, that is just tolerable. I tell ya, these surnameless people have just got to be dealt with. They think they are soooooooo Special.



I knew it. Playing forum angel but a to-do list full of nefarious t̶o̶-̶d̶o̶s̶ tt̶o̶-̶d̶o̶'̶s̶ stuff. BDSM much? But you know what? Easy.


#1 Flag MRS. Lane´s abusive forum posts against forum-abuse = have them deleted by the powerful forum troll employees!


#2 Change in-world profile against in-world-abuse:


'Keep your dramahz away from my doorstep' - main tab

'Drama3 ZonE' - rl tab

2-3 original funneh references on how I don´t do ÐЯДMД and detest teh draamahhz, and to dama-llamas - picks


There! Everyone knows that keeps drama away like cross necklaces soaked in garlic keep away ripped vampire biting pop-ups. (Drama idea for next post in this thread! Diss bloodlines players cause they don´t have an idea of what real roleplay is! Ok...forum search comes up with 123, 456 threads, better come back to Obama-Sansar-connection or the high drama potential of that one land forum thread title...or steal ripped vampire bite drama from other forum to add new angle to vampire bite drama and get some bloodline players & haters in the thread)


(bonus idea: new pick 'MY BANLIST!!!' to tell the masses who read my profile daily that I don´t RP with MRS. Lane, cause she´s a ************ *****, so nobody will RP with her, as everyone knows they´re well advised to steer clear of someone someone who doesn´t do drama warns them about)

(bonuser idea: make hater group? Ask in forum if there´s enough demand, cause group will look silly if just me and my alts, entice people with no joining fee only this month and officer-roles)

(problem with #2: picks are full, I´d have to delete one - maybe the one that tells people I don´t RP with people whose avis don´t have mesh hands and who wear flexi-anything. No, that´s too important. The rant pic about the admins of that RP-sim that closed some years ago!!1! Oh and check profile to make sure it still shows my p̶r̶o̶f̶a̶n̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶ profundity inspite of all the drama-references and passive-agressive limits! Oh!!! And buy non-flexi hair and mesh hands for oldest account!!1!)


Muaah! I don´t even need #2, MRS. Lane, just noticed you can´t abuse me in-world anyway, your post count and rank shows that you only dwell on the forums and never are in-world. (Cool! Can keep old rant-pick!)


And to you, MRS. Galli, I only say this, the reason some of us don´t have postcounts in the hundredthousands isn´t that we have things to do like full-time jobs and being in-world every waking moment to know what we actually talk about on our infrequent forum frequencings unlike the surnamed forum fossils, but that we see how much some people crave postcounts and ranks and depend on the meager (if any) gratitude avowels of internet strangers, and leave most HELP!-posts we see untouched for you, from the goodness of our hearts, even if we know that you only spend so much time and effort for your postcounts, not to help those poor souls and the declining user-concurrency.


*edits to delete friendly smilies and irony-indicator-smilies after rereading the thread TOS*

*ignores that it´s Sunday just cuz he can and is ฿@Ð@§§!*

*is out of this thread now for paranoia of getting banned and high postcount*

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Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

For god's sake... it's saturday!

Drama: Not just for Fridays anymore!

Typical response for someone without a surname, there are rules you know. Let me explain how it works... You don't have any authority over here, let the grownups determine when to post, okay? Get a new shiny colour or crank up your post count by at least 500% (preferably on fridays), maybe then we will allow you to contribute to this thread more days of the week.

You need koodoes too, lots of koodoes.

I understand this post doesn't fit the current drama format,
call me
a maverick. See you next week.

*leaves this with just a bit of bolding and without comment, and certainly without checking the posters' previous posts in the spirit of the thread TOS, to ensure nonsensical pointlessness, just for the drama potential*

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Now about anyone using the word "coherence" & "Obama" in the same sentence, that is just tolerable
. I tell ya, these surnameless people have just got to be dealt with. They think they are soooooooo Special.


Oooh! Politics! NOW we're talking drama!


There you go, my pretties! Feast yourselves!

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Taeem wrote:

KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

...adding to my to-do list...

[  ] Abuse Taeem when I have nothing better to do!

Now about anyone using the word "coherence" & "Obama" in the same sentence, that is just tolerable. I tell ya, these surnameless people have just got to be dealt with. They think they are soooooooo Special.

I knew it. Playing forum angel but a to-do list full of nefarious
stuff. BDSM much? But you know what? Easy.

Hehe, my mistress in crime has taught me well.....

#1 Flag MRS. Lane´s abusive forum posts against forum-abuse = have them deleted by the powerful forum troll employees!

inserts evil laugh 22 here
Yes my sweet....you can try to communicate with the PFTE's but your fake Illuminaughty Membership card will get you no where. As you have no doubt discovered, the well crafted triple layered entendres are beyond the deciphering skills of most forumites yet alone the PFTEs.

Any attempt by you to try to explain the true meanings of my posts will be met with the skepticism attributed to those tin-foil hat fashionistas.
[i mean really... when was the last time you could buy a roll of tin-foil? 1922?]

Muaah! I don´t even need #2, MRS. Lane, just noticed you can´t abuse me in-world anyway, your post count and rank shows that you only dwell on the forums and never are in-world. (Cool! Can keep old rant-pick!)

Oh yes my plan is working perfectly...My army of ALTs in-world are well hidden and entrenched in all facets of SL Society.

Now wez gots some Bad Blood happening between us!!

...adding to my to-do list...

[  ] Step up my vendetta against surly surnameless peoples...

[  ] Pick up some more Blood Red lipstick.

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