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So, looking over the threads here, I see a reiteration of the now-customary complaints that the Forums are BORING, that they are just about HELPING PEOPLE now, and have nothing to hold our attention or make us want to post here.

I propose to do something about this. 

A brief and admittedly unscientific analysis of the "good old days" of the old GD forum, and later versions of the same, suggests to me that what kept us alive, excited, and on the edge of our seats was controversy, contention, and drama.  And by "controversy" and "contention," I mean drama.

So, in the spirit of a Friday on the Forumz, I invite you all to contribute your ideaz for really good dramaz. To qualify, your conception must adhere to the following:

  • It should be based almost entirely on unsubstantiated hearsay and gossip

  • It must be entirely pointless in any real, lasting, or practical sense

  • It should employ full range of nonsensical fantastic paranoia and/or conspiracy theory 

  • It should have absolutely nothing to do with "helping"' anyone, community-building, or relationship-strengthening.

  • Finally, it should NOT include names, because I love my trolls and wouldn't want to see them banned from what is SURE to be an exciting and dynamic new place to participate!

Prizes for the best ideas for new dramaz are as follows:

  • First Place: A week in the Cornfield with Pep's latest alt
  • Second Place: A week in the Cornfield without Pep's latest alt
  • Third Place: Pep.


I look forward to hearing your exciting ideas! 

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I thought Friday threads were about risque topics asked honestly by someone who was ... I don't want to say clueless but that's about the   Nieve is a better term.

"I met a guy last night that said he was part owner of Libden Labs and he said he could give me a rim job.  What kind of work is that and what should I wear?  I'm really excited to get started." 

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Rhonda Huntress wrote:

..."I met a guy last night that said he was part owner of Libden Labs and he said he could give me a rim job.  What kind of work is that and what should I wear?  I'm really excited to get started." 

Why that two timing, horses arse... He promised me a rim job and a car wash as well!  See if I ever give anyone from Libden Labs the time of day again.! [storms off in a huff giving dagger looks towards Club Naive where we met.]

Rhonda, lets go over to Club Pink Kitty and drown our sorrows...

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Rhonda Huntress wrote:

I thought Friday threads were about risque topics asked honestly by someone who was ... I don't want to say clueless but that's about the   Nieve is a better term.

"I met a guy last night that said he was part owner of Libden Labs and he said he could give me a rim job.  What kind of work is that and what should I wear?  I'm really excited to get started." 

Well, yeah,

Strictly speaking, I think, a Friday thread should feature 1) a mind-numbingly stupid subject articulated by 2) someone who is clearly out of their depth with 3) unintentionally hilarious results.

But I figure my OP qualifies on at least two out of three counts.

I'm not sure how well your example would work, really. The reference to rim jobs would likely go over the heads of those of us here who, like me, know almost nothing about cars. 

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Rhonda Huntress wrote:

..."I met a guy last night that said he was part owner of Libden Labs and he said he could give me a rim job.  What kind of work is that and what should I wear?  I'm really excited to get started." 

Why that two timing, horses arse... He promised me a rim job and a car wash as well!  See if I ever give anyone from Libden Labs the time of day again.!
[storms off in a huff giving dagger looks towards Club Naive where we met.

Rhonda, lets go over to Club Pink Kitty and drown our sorrows...

Not a bad start. But you really need to make veiled references to nasty or obscene IMs inworld.


Come on people! We can do this!!!

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

well, the prizes entice me to not participate in contributing ideas.. because if I do, a well known employee of Linden Lab, who actually have an alt here, will make sure to make some of my inventory things dissapear, and delete the last name of my account.



That's pretty good.


It's probably the same employee who turned my avatar upside down!!!!

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OK, the drama starts here:.....

I was up on the partially flat roof of my club building attending to one of the six flags, which had got snagged around its brass flagpole. The weather was fine and sunny and the wind had died down since the storm.  Over and above the sound of the psy-trance music stream I heard a sudden metallic crash and immediately realised that the ladder had fallen down.  I'm always careful to make sure a ladder is stable, so something must have made it fall.  Then I saw a figure running away up the road.  It was a very well-stuffed light green teddy bear dressed in a black top hat and a white towelling baby's nappy**.  That might be perfectly normal here, but then I moused over the teddy and managed to read its name, which I recognised as one of the most notorious griefers and extortionists on the Grid.  I clicked on its profile and there was a portrait snapshot of the same green teddy bear in a top hat, grinning maliciously and with no fewer than three big fat cigars in its mouth.  Its profile bio read: "U makes me some troubles then U byebye of SL forever"........  

continue this drama, someone.....please......

** American translation: diaper.

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I heard that the last time Pep was in-world he was captured (with much resistance, of course) by six feminazi who then brought him to the billionfalling sim on Sansara and proceeded to . . . well, you can probably figure out the rest. It could just be hearsay.

I also heard he is a changed avatar, quite surly I am to understand, but indeed a changed avatar.

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DejaHo wrote:

I heard that the last time Pep was in-world he was captured (with much resistance, of course) by six feminazi who then brought him to the billionfalling sim on Sansara and proceeded to . . . well, you can probably figure out the rest. It could just be hearsay.

Lies! LIES!


And besides, I was provoked.

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

DejaHo wrote:

I heard that the last time Pep was in-world he was captured (with much resistance, of course) by six feminazi who then brought him to the billionfalling sim on Sansara and proceeded to . . . well, you can probably figure out the rest. It could just be hearsay.

Lies! LIES!



That's not what I heard.  Perhaps it is you who tells Lies! LIES!!  Just perhaps.


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Too late. A SL friend of the RL husband of the SL cousin of a SL friend of a RL friend heard they're already selling your IP-adress and creditcard info, but on some social media site that doesn´t belong to the LL group, so it´s fine. But if you don´t click on weird looking links in your group notices and lock the doors, you can save at least your rezzed out furniture. 

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Conifer Dada wrote:

OK, the drama starts here:.....

I was up on the partially flat roof of my club building attending to one of the six flags, which had got snagged around its brass flagpole. The weather was fine and sunny and the wind had died down since the storm.  Over and above the sound of the psy-trance music stream I heard a sudden metallic crash and immediately realised that the ladder had fallen down.  I'm always careful to make sure a ladder is stable, so something must have made it fall.  Then I saw a figure running away up the road.  It was a very well-stuffed light green teddy bear dressed in a black top hat and a white towelling baby's nappy**.  That might be perfectly normal here, but then I moused over the teddy and managed to read its name, which I recognised as one of the most notorious griefers and extortionists on the Grid.  I clicked on its profile and there was a portrait snapshot of the same green teddy bear in a top hat, grinning maliciously and with no fewer than three big fat cigars in its mouth.  Its profile bio read: "U makes me some troubles then U byebye of SL forever"........  

continue this drama, someone.....please......

** American translation: diaper.

I could see what kind of a day it was going to be. A dirty, stinking, low-down day. Like most of my days. The kind of day that was only good for flinging back shooters and slapping the ugly mugs of the kinds of griefers who hung out at Lou's.

So, yeah, that's where I went. As I opened the stained and cracked frosted glass door, a lashing of heavy cigar smoke rolled out onto the street like the obscene, coated tongue of a rube who'd had 5 or 6 too many, and thought that blood thinned with rubbing alcohol qualified him as a "man."

The kind of rube who inevitably hit on me, in places like Lou's.

Kicking aside the smoke, and a half dozen drunken newbs on the floor with my studded leather thigh highs, I picked my way through the tables, chairs, and boozy wolf whistles to the bar. Lou himself was there, pretending to wipe down shot glasses that were yellowed and cracked with age.

"Hey, doll," he said, with a leer. "Ain't seen your prim hiney in here since that day Rod and you got so drunk you spiked Prok's prune juice with gin. Whatcha been doin' to keep busy? Why dontcha visit no more?"


"Yeah, I've had better things to do. Like counting sewer grates. Give me a tequila."

Lou scowled, his scruffy unshaven face looking momentarily like the business end of a toilet brush, spat on the floor, and poured me a short one.

"There was some guy in here lookin' for ya earlier," he growled. "A bear. A green bear. I didn't like his look, so I told him to scram. If I'd have known you'd be here, I'd have let him stay. He looked like trouble. Mighta been fun." Lou leaned over me, his gin-soaked breath fogging my eyeballs.

"Yeah? I live to amuse you, Lou," I replied, disdainfully removing his hand from my cleavage. Lou scowled again, and swung around, back to the shot glasses and bottles of cheap bourbon that were nearly his only friends.

I slugged back the tequila, and was about to ask for a second, when a hand suddenly descended on my shoulder.

"Lasky! How lovely to see you here! It's been a while!"

I knew that voice, and its oily tone again left me feeling like I needed a bath. I turned, already knowing who I'd find, and was unsurprised to see **** ***, a well-known forum poster, standing behind me.

"Not long enough, ***," I replied. "Can you take your hand off my shoulder? I had this mesh cleaned yesterday, and grease is so hard to get out."

"To HELL with you, Lasky!" he shouted. "You always were an unfriendly b*tch. And here I was going to warn you about a griefer who's on the look out for you. A furry . . . and he wants to burn ya. You and some others. Says he's getting together a new gang, and they're gonna rule this place. Once they've cleaned out the trash. Like you."

*** turned and strode away angrily into the smoke of the bar.

"Well, sh*t," I muttered to myself, "Just when things seemed set to be getting boring."


(TBC . . .)


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Taeem wrote:

Too late. A SL friend of the RL husband of the SL cousin of a SL friend of a RL friend heard they're already selling your IP-adress and creditcard info, but on some social media site that doesn´t belong to the LL group, so it´s fine. But if you don´t click on weird looking links in your group notices and lock the doors, you can save at least your rezzed out furniture. 

OMG. I know EXACTLY who you're talking about! He was rezzing self-replicating Donald Trump cubes at a club I was at last night!

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I´d be careful with that club, those cubes sound like the perfect hiding place for botted Redzone scripts that are said to still being used by land owners. Someone should confront the club owner about it. Not me, I´m on his mute-list already because he didn´t understand that he undermined my right of free expression when I was shifting into my dire wolf form on the dance floor, so I had to call him names in his IMs, after he banned me from his club and I couldn´t use localchat for that anymore to make his guests aware of the discrimination and racism in his club. By the way, did anyone notice the land forums seem more quiet than usual? My sister thinks the land trading folk got a headstart for Sansar alongside the handpicked creators already and that they are busy forming cartels over there already, because they are worried about the rumours of cheap land. 

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Taeem wrote:

I´d be careful with that club, those cubes sound like the perfect hiding place for botted Redzone scripts that are said to still being used by land owners. Someone should confront the club owner about it. Not me, I´m on his mute-list already because he didn´t understand that he undermined my right of free expression when I was shifting into my dire wolf form on the dance floor, so I had to call him names in his IMs, after he banned me from his club and I couldn´t use localchat for that anymore to make his guests aware of the discrimination and racism in his club. By the way, did anyone notice the land forums seem more quiet than usual? My sister thinks the land trading folk got a headstart for Sansar alongside the handpicked creators already and that they are busy forming cartels over there already, because they are worried about the rumours of cheap land. 

I heard they were all alts of the "inner circle" of Lindens, collecting information for Ebbe, while testing out a new tool that would effectively ensure that no one's inventory would be transferrable to Sansara. It's all been orchestrated, or so a blog I read says, by the biggest land barons in league with the half dozen merchants who hold the throttle on the Marketplace who have been preventing me from selling my new mesh toenails there. It's all on the creators forum if you read between the lines, but I can't say more because the last time I spoke about this here the sim I was in went down for maintenance for a whole hour, which was NOT a coincidence I think, but then I KNOW that there are sim owners who are passing around names of "troublemakers" like me who try to tell people about the way that this place really runs.

[You're good, btw. Very good.]

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