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Grief/Stalking Question - Avatar Locator

Trezz Vyper

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(report to LL has been lodged)

I'm posting this for a friend who believes she's being stalked.
She had an altercation with a guy and ended up blocking, derendering and blacklisting the avi.

A few days later he turns up at a club she frequents, she has never seen him there before. From then onwards he has shown up at other places too. Today, she was at her usual club and next thing, she's been teleported (without permission) to someone's home. TPing back to the club, this guy was there.

About 30 sec later a pop-down appears in her top right screen asking if she'd like to puchase a dress. It was a similar layout to what one gets when using an animation pose console. 

She looked in the local chat tab but there was no record of where she'd been teleported to.

  • No RLV, collar or any other script is worn which allows 3'rd party control.
  • There is no record of a TP invite.
  • At the time she was teleported, she was eating in RL (using both hands) sitting in front of screen.

Couple of questions (for my piece of mind):

  1. Are there scripts which allow; even a blocked avi, to locate another person's location in SL?
  2. Are there scripts which can teleport a person to another location withouty their permission?

She's been in SL for almost 6 years, so would like to avoid having to start again with a new avi.  If this person is stalking her & or griefing her in this manner, are there way to prevent these involentary actions?

Anyway other help would be appreciated, thank you.


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Talking for a friend is always a bit difficult, it's second hand information you share. She better do the talking herself.

Without permission it is not possible to get teleported. She must have given a confirmation in one or other way.

When she gets pop ups, she is in a group or has some kind of device attached. To know the last, check what is worn or ( more work)  do a avatar character test, and than MANUALLY add all bodyparts again. Do not... NOT use outfits that are recently created, because the device will be in that folders too.

It is always possible to meet griefers.. being here your first day or 7th year makes no difference, starting new is a bit overreacting i think.

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Trezz Vyper wrote:


  1. Are there scripts which allow; even a blocked avi, to locate another person's location in SL?
  2. Are there scripts which can teleport a person to another location withouty their permission?


No to both of these, unless the person has granted permission .

LL will probably do nothing as this type of thing is considered a person to person dispute and they will not involve themselves in it. They expect us to be adults and resolve these on our own.  If your friend feels threatened in RL, then she needs to go to her local police about it. 

Your friend has the tools to deal with it by blocking/banning/blacklisting or derendering the offending person. (Note that if he sends her anything, like a notecard, and she accepts it automatically unblocks him.)  Completely ignoring people like this will deny them the attention they seek and they soon grow bored and move on. 

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Trezz Vyper wrote:

The friend is my g/f in RL who lives with me. It's not 2'nd hand news
Besides, she's not about to post her SL name her to a post, if in case this guy frequents this forum too. FYI Google does crawl these threads...

It's still second hand unless you witnessed it your self.  We may be cantankerous about it but it is always so much easier for us to help when we can deal with the party of the first part directly.  If there is a concern that the griefer checks this Forum she could create a throw away account to post with.

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"he turns up at a club she frequents"

Go somewhere often enough and people will find you there. Especially if you join a VIP group or put it in a Pick. Even if you don't, simple deduction and persistence will pay off.

As soon as Mr Stalker knows you are online, they can search <genre you like> events/clubs and visit the busiest twenty in under half an hour. All they have to do is get on the same sim and check radar. Didn't find you? He can try again another time; it's not like it cost him travel and tickets.

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Trezz Vyper wrote:


Couple of questions (for my piece of mind):
  1. Are there scripts which allow; even a blocked avi, to locate another person's location in SL?
  2. Are there scripts which can teleport a person to another location withouty their permission?


Yes, the scripts on sale here, say they work on any avatar wearing the script. No RLV used.


 I suggest they look under Parcel info, and then click the avatar tab. They will see a list of scripted items they are wearing. It may help locate the scripted item allowing their stalker to know where they are and teleport them. They can then use edit to look for suspicious scripts in the object they are suspicious of to remove the script. Alternatively just stop wearing anything they have been given.

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It is so sad how much hysteria has formed around Experiences. The capabiliity could be a major advance in the Second Life platform, but that's sure never going to happen if the uninformed see it as a boogeyman.

In order for an Experience to teleport somebody today, that avatar must have granted permission to that specific Experience and the parcel on which the teleport initiates must also have granted permission for that same Experience to operate. Both of those any avatar can know with minimal effort.

Moreover, there are a host of things for which a script may use Experience permissions; only a small subset of Experiences will ever teleport an agent, and the function that does so must be compiled into the Experience script by a devleoper approved by the Experience owner. I mention this latter point because there's a very, very useful Experience distributed as an optional part of modern versions of AVsitter to which everybody should give permissions; it's perfectly safe because we can be sure the scripter of that system is not going to permit furniture creators to endanger the system's brand by force-teleporting people -- that's just not compiled into the scripts and nobody else can add it.

Please, for the love of god, let's nobody spout off about Experiences who don't know the details down to the code. You're scaring the horses.

Now, to the OP: your girlfriend is wearing something scripted, unbeknownst to her. Attachments are infinitely more dangerous than Experiences because you grant their scripts permissions implicitly, just by wearing them.

The other possible explanation: she could be using a non-trustworthy viewer.

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Carolyn Zapedzki wrote:

Thanks..maybe it should do then, you can't always keep track of things you have given permission to, blocking them should ideally block any form of interaction with the blocked person. 

First, please indulge a further tangent about Experiences: Unlike all other grants of permission, it is trivial to revoke Experience permissions in the viewer.

Now in this case, though, the victim is almost certainly wearing an object that's causing all her troubles, and there's no association between that object and the blocked person. Being an attachment, it's necessarily owned by the victim herself, so she's granted permissions to scripts she herself owns. The object will also have unassociated third parties (quite possibly Philip Linden) as original creator. Even the previous owner (the account who gave the object to the victim) is unlikely to be the blocked person himself.

It would be an improvement if folks could manage all the permissions they grant, as they can with Experience permissions, but as we see, it wouldn't solve every permissions-based problem. (And, incidentally, it would be a real challenge to implement efficiently, inasmuch as those permissions may be scattered all over the grid. I remember arguing for it to be possible specifically for the DEBIT permission that can syphon all L$ from an account, but it just wasn't practical even for that case.)

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